public async Task <BooruSharp.Search.Post.SearchResult> DanbooruDonmai(IUser usr, IGuild guild, ICommandContext context, string tag = "thighhighs") { var Booru = new BooruSharp.Booru.DanbooruDonmai(); BooruSharp.Search.Post.SearchResult result = new BooruSharp.Search.Post.SearchResult(); try { result = await Booru.GetRandomPostAsync(tag.Split(',')); return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); await SearchTag(context, tag); } return(result); }
/* * Not supported by this service but supported by the library: * Atfbooru * E621 * E926 * Furry Booru * Lolibooru */ // NOTE: Safebooru and Sakugabooru seem to be safe, add check to validate public SearchResult getRandomDanbooruDonmai(string[] tags) { var booru = new BooruSharp.Booru.DanbooruDonmai(); return(booru.GetRandomPostAsync(tags).Result); }