public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { bool enable = BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal; EntityTag entity = EntityTag.For(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0)); if (entity == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid entity!"); return; } ZombieTag zombie; if (entity.TryGetZombie(out zombie)) { zombie.Internal.UFM_AIDisabled = !enable; if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "AI for a zombie " + (enable ? "enabled!" : "disabled!")); } return; } AnimalTag animal; if (entity.TryGetAnimal(out animal)) { animal.Internal.UFM_AIDisabled = !enable; if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "AI for an animal " + (enable ? "enabled!" : "disabled!")); } return; } queue.HandleError(entry, "That entity doesn't have AI!"); }
/// <summary>Executes an undefine.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> public static void Undefine(CommandEntry entry, CommandQueue queue) { string name = entry.GetArgument(queue, 1).ToLowerFast(); if (!queue.Engine.Functions.Remove(name)) { if (BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetNamedArgumentObject(queue, "quiet_fail"))?.Internal ?? false) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Function '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "' doesn't exist!"); } } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Function '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "' doesn't exist!"); } } else { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Function '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "' undefined."); } } }
/// <summary>Executes a define.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> public static void Define(CommandEntry entry, CommandQueue queue) { string name = entry.GetArgument(queue, 1).ToLowerFast(); if (queue.Engine.Functions.ContainsKey(name)) { if (BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetNamedArgumentObject(queue, "quiet_fail"))?.Internal ?? false) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Function '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "' already exists!"); } } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Function '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "' already exists!"); } } else { queue.Engine.Functions.Add(name, new CommandScript(name, CommandScript.TYPE_NAME_FUNCTION, entry.InnerCommandBlock, entry.System, entry.BlockStart, entry.DBMode)); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Function '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "' defined."); } } }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { bool enable = BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal; EntityTag entity = EntityTag.For(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0)); if (entity == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid entity!"); return; } BarricadeTag barricadeTag; byte x; byte y; ushort plant; ushort index; if (entity.TryGetBarricade(out barricadeTag, out x, out y, out plant, out index)) { UnityEngine.GameObject obj = barricadeTag.Internal.gameObject; InteractableDoor door = obj.GetComponent <InteractableDoor>(); if (door != null) { SendMessage("tellToggleDoor", x, y, plant, index, !door.isOpen); barricadeTag.InternalData.barricade.state[16] = (byte)(!door.isOpen ? 0 : 1); return; } InteractableFire fire = obj.GetComponent <InteractableFire>(); if (fire != null) { SendMessage("tellToggleFire", x, y, plant, index, !fire.isLit); barricadeTag.InternalData.barricade.state[0] = (byte)(!fire.isLit ? 0 : 1); return; } InteractableGenerator generator = obj.GetComponent <InteractableGenerator>(); if (generator != null) { SendMessage("tellToggleGenerator", x, y, plant, index, !generator.isPowered); barricadeTag.InternalData.barricade.state[0] = (byte)(!generator.isPowered ? 0 : 1); EffectManager.sendEffect(8, EffectManager.SMALL, barricadeTag.Internal.position); return; } InteractableSafezone safezone = obj.GetComponent <InteractableSafezone>(); if (generator != null) { SendMessage("tellToggleSafezone", x, y, plant, index, !safezone.isPowered); barricadeTag.InternalData.barricade.state[0] = (byte)(!safezone.isPowered ? 0 : 1); EffectManager.sendEffect(8, EffectManager.SMALL, barricadeTag.Internal.position); return; } InteractableSpot spot = obj.GetComponent <InteractableSpot>(); if (spot != null) { SendMessage("tellToggleSpot", x, y, plant, index, !spot.isPowered); barricadeTag.InternalData.barricade.state[0] = (byte)(!spot.isPowered ? 0 : 1); EffectManager.sendEffect(8, EffectManager.SMALL, barricadeTag.Internal.position); return; } } queue.HandleError(entry, "That entity isn't powerable!"); }
// TODO: Special compiler to handle type continuation (the "or_else[]" should be treated as returning the type input to both "pass[]" and "or_else[]") /// <summary>Handles the 'ternary[]' tag.</summary> /// <param name="data">The data to be handled.</param> public static TernaryPassTag HandleOne(TagData data) { bool basevalue = (BooleanTag.TryFor(data.GetModifierObjectCurrent()) ?? BooleanTag.FALSE).Internal; return(new TernaryPassTag() { Passed = basevalue }); }
/// <summary>Converts a script object type to a specific raw type (if possible) for the ConfigSet command.</summary> public static object ConvertForType(Type fieldType, TemplateObject input, CommandQueue queue) { if (fieldType == typeof(string)) { return(input.ToString()); } else if (fieldType == typeof(bool)) { return(BooleanTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(long)) { return(IntegerTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(int)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((int)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(short)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((short)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(byte)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((byte)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(double)) { return(NumberTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(float)) { NumberTag number = NumberTag.TryFor(input); if (number is not null) { return((float)number.Internal); } } else { queue.HandleError($"Cannot convert script objects to config type {TextStyle.SeparateVal(fieldType.Name)}"); } return(null); }
/// <summary>Executes the command.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { if (entry.Arguments.Length > 1 && BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal) { throw new Exception("FreneticScript induced exception: '" + entry.GetArgument(queue, 0) + "'"); } else { queue.HandleError(entry, entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)); } }
/// <summary>Executes the command.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { TemplateObject arg1 = entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0); BooleanTag bt = BooleanTag.TryFor(arg1); if (bt == null || !bt.Internal) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Assertion failed: " + entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); return; } entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Assert command passed, assertion valid!"); }
public override void PrepItem(Entity entity, ItemStack item) { bool has = item.SharedAttributes.ContainsKey("charge"); BooleanTag bt = has ? BooleanTag.TryFor(item.SharedAttributes["charge"]): null; if (!has || bt == null || !bt.Internal) { item.SharedAttributes.Add("charge", new BooleanTag(true)); item.SharedAttributes.Add("drawrate", new NumberTag(DrawRate)); item.SharedAttributes.Add("drawmin", new NumberTag(DrawMinimum)); item.SharedAttributes.Add("cspeedm", new NumberTag(0.5f)); } }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { try { BooleanTag boolean = BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)); if (boolean == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid boolean!"); return; } PlayerTag player = PlayerTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)); if (player == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid player!"); return; } bool value = boolean.Internal; PlayerLife life =; if (life.isBroken != value) { if (value) { life.breakLegs(); } else { life._isBroken = false;"tellBroken", ESteamCall.OWNER, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { life._isBroken }); } entry.Good(queue, "Successfully adjusted the broken legs of player " + TagParser.Escape(player.ToString()) + " to " + TagParser.Escape(boolean.ToString()) + "!"); } else { entry.Good(queue, "Player " + TagParser.Escape(player.ToString()) + " already has their broken legs set to " + TagParser.Escape(boolean.ToString()) + "!"); } } catch (Exception ex) // TODO: Necessity? { queue.HandleError(entry, "Failed to adjust player's broken legs: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { PlayerTag player = PlayerTag.For(entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)); bool primary = entry.GetArgument(queue, 1) == "primary"; bool start = BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 2)).Internal; if ( == null) { entry.Bad(queue, "Failed to use item, holding nothing."); return; } if (primary) { if (start) {; } else {; } } else { if (start) {; } else {; } };; if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Player is " + (start ? "now" : "no longer") + " using the " + (primary ? "primary" : "secondary") + " mode on their held item!"); } }
public static TemplateObject TOFor(Server tserver, string type, string content) { switch (type) { case "text": return(new TextTag(content)); //case "item": // return ItemTag.For(tserver, content); case "numb": return(NumberTag.TryFor(content)); case "inte": return(IntegerTag.TryFor(content)); case "bool": return(BooleanTag.TryFor(content)); default: return(new TextTag(content)); // Disregard errors and just make it text anyway. Probably just bad user input. } }
public void SetMoveSpeed(CharacterController cc, UserInputSet uis) { float speedmod = (float)new Vector2(uis.XMove, uis.YMove).Length() * 2; speedmod *= (1f + uis.SprintOrWalk * 0.5f); if (Click) { ItemStack item = TheClient.GetItemForSlot(TheClient.QuickBarPos); bool has = item.SharedAttributes.ContainsKey("charge"); BooleanTag bt = has ? BooleanTag.TryFor(item.SharedAttributes["charge"]) : null; if (bt != null && bt.Internal && item.SharedAttributes.ContainsKey("cspeedm")) { NumberTag nt = NumberTag.TryFor(item.SharedAttributes["cspeedm"]); if (nt != null) { speedmod *= (float)nt.Internal; } } } RigidTransform transf = new RigidTransform(Vector3.Zero, Body.Orientation); BoundingBox box; cc.Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.GetBoundingBox(ref transf, out box); Location pos = new Location(cc.Body.Position) + new Location(0, 0, box.Min.Z); Material mat = TheRegion.GetBlockMaterial(pos + new Location(0, 0, -0.05f)); speedmod *= (float)mat.GetSpeedMod(); cc.StandingSpeed = CBStandSpeed * speedmod; cc.CrouchingSpeed = CBCrouchSpeed * speedmod; float frictionmod = 1f; frictionmod *= (float)mat.GetFrictionMod(); cc.SlidingForce = CBSlideForce * frictionmod * Mass; cc.AirForce = CBAirForce * frictionmod * Mass; cc.TractionForce = CBTractionForce * frictionmod * Mass; cc.VerticalMotionConstraint.MaximumGlueForce = CBGlueForce * Mass; }
/// <summary>Executes the command.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { if (entry.IsCallback) { return; } string type = entry.GetArgument(queue, 0).ToLowerFast(); string eventname = entry.GetArgument(queue, 1).ToLowerFast(); if (type == "clear" && eventname == "all") { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ScriptEvent> evt in queue.Engine.Events) { evt.Value.Clear(); } if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Cleared all events."); } return; } if (!queue.Engine.Events.TryGetValue(eventname, out ScriptEvent theEvent)) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Unknown event '" + TextStyle.Separate + eventname + TextStyle.Base + "'."); return; } if (type == "clear") { theEvent.Clear(); if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Cleared event '" + TextStyle.Separate + eventname + TextStyle.Base + "' of all handlers."); } } else if (type == "remove") { if (entry.Arguments.Length < 3) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); return; } string name = entry.GetArgument(queue, 2).ToLowerFast(); bool success = theEvent.RemoveEventHandler(name); if (success) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Removed event handler '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "'."); } } else { if (BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetNamedArgumentObject(queue, "quiet_fail"))?.Internal ?? false) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Unknown event handler '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "'."); } } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Unknown event handler '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "'."); } } } else if (type == "add") { if (entry.Arguments.Length < 3) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); return; } string name = entry.GetArgument(queue, 2).ToLowerFast(); if (entry.InnerCommandBlock == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Event command invalid: No block follows!"); return; } if (theEvent.HasHandler(name)) { if (BooleanTag.TryFor(entry.GetNamedArgumentObject(queue, "quiet_fail"))?.Internal ?? false) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Handler '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "' already exists!"); } } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Handler '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + TextStyle.Base + "' already exists!"); } } double priority = 0; if (entry.Arguments.Length > 3) { priority = NumberTag.For(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 3), queue.Error).Internal; } List <CommandEntry> entries = new(entry.InnerCommandBlock.Length + 2); MapTag expectedContext = new(); expectedContext.Internal.Add("context", entry.System.TagTypes.Type_Map.TagForm); entries.Add(entry.System.TheRequireCommand.GenerateEntry(expectedContext, entry.ScriptName, entry.ScriptLine)); entries.AddRange(entry.InnerCommandBlock); CommandScript script = new(theEvent.Name + "__handler__" + name, CommandScript.TYPE_NAME_EVENT, entries.ToArray(), entry.System, entry.BlockStart, DebugMode.MINIMAL); theEvent.RegisterEventHandler(priority, script, name); entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Handler '" + TextStyle.Separate + name + "" + TextStyle.Base + "' defined for event '" + TextStyle.Separate + theEvent.Name + TextStyle.Base + "'."); } else { ShowUsage(queue, entry); } }
public override void UpdateVariables(Dictionary <string, TemplateObject> vars) { Amount = NumberTag.TryFor(vars["amount"]); Repairable = BooleanTag.TryFor(vars["repairable"]); base.UpdateVariables(vars); }