コード例 #1
    /// <summary>Scales a size to fit inside the grid.</summary>
    /// <returns>The re-scaled vector.</returns>
    /// <param name="scl">The vector to scale.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">The axes to ignore.</param>
    /// Scales a size to the nearest multiple of the grid’s spacing. The
    /// parameter *ignoreAxis* makes the function not touch the corresponding
    /// coordinate.
    public override Vector3 ScaleVector3(Vector3 scl, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        //Vector3 relScale = scl.GFModulo3(spacing);
        var relScale = new Vector3(scl.x % spacing.x, scl.y % spacing.y, scl.z % spacing.z);
        var newScale = Vector3.zero;

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
            newScale[i] = scl[i];

            if (relScale[i] >= 0.5f * spacing[i])
                newScale[i] = newScale[i] - relScale[i] + spacing[i];
                newScale[i] = newScale[i] - relScale[i];
                //if we went too far default to the spacing
                if (newScale[i] < spacing[i])
                    newScale[i] = spacing[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            if (ignoreAxis[i])
                newScale[i] = scl[i];

コード例 #2
    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        BoolVector3 objectProperty = (BoolVector3)fieldInfo.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject);

        EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);

        // Inline child fields.
        var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;

        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label);

        // Create the toggles and their labels.
        int      toggleIndex = 0;
        GUIStyle style       = GUI.skin.label;

        style.alignment  = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
        objectProperty.x = EditorGUI.Toggle(GetToggleRect(position, toggleIndex), objectProperty.x);
        EditorGUI.LabelField(GetLabelRect(position, toggleIndex), "X", style);

        objectProperty.y = EditorGUI.Toggle(GetToggleRect(position, toggleIndex), objectProperty.y);
        EditorGUI.LabelField(GetLabelRect(position, toggleIndex), "Y", style);

        objectProperty.z = EditorGUI.Toggle(GetToggleRect(position, toggleIndex), objectProperty.z);
        EditorGUI.LabelField(GetLabelRect(position, toggleIndex), "Z", style);

        // Set indent back to what it was.
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;

コード例 #3
    /// <summary>Scales a size vector to fit inside a grid.</summary>
    /// <param name="scl">The vector to scale.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">The axes to ignore.</param>
    /// <returns>The re-scaled vector.</returns>
    /// Scales a given scale vector to the nearest multiple of the grid’s
    /// radius and depth, but does not change its position. The parameter
    /// <paramref name="ignoreAxis"/> makes the function not touch the
    /// corresponding coordinate.
    public override Vector3 ScaleVector3(Vector3 scl, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        Vector3 result = Vector3.Max(RoundMultiple(scl[idx[0]], radius) * locUnits[idx[0]] + scl[idx[1]] * locUnits[idx[1]] + RoundMultiple(scl[idx[2]], depth) * locUnits[idx[2]],
                                     radius * locUnits[idx[0]] + scl[idx[1]] * locUnits[idx[1]] + depth * locUnits[idx[2]]);

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
            result[i] = ignoreAxis[i] ? scl[i] : result[i];
コード例 #4
ファイル: GFGrid.cs プロジェクト: expipiplus1/arenacolles
    /// <summary>Fits a Transform inside the grid (without scaling it).</summary>
    /// <param name="theTransform">The Transform to align.</param>
    /// <param name="rotate">Whether to rotate to the grid.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">Which axes should be ignored.</param>
    /// Fits an object inside the grid by using the object’s Transform. Setting <c>doRotate</c> makes the object take on the grid’s rotation. The parameter <c>lockAxis</c>
    /// makes the function not touch the corresponding coordinate.
    /// The resulting position depends on <paramref name="AlignVector3"/>, so please look up how that method works.
    public void AlignTransform(Transform theTransform, bool rotate, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        Quaternion oldRotation = theTransform.rotation;

        theTransform.rotation = transform.rotation;

        theTransform.position = AlignVector3(theTransform.position, theTransform.lossyScale, ignoreAxis);
        if (!rotate)
            theTransform.rotation = oldRotation;
コード例 #5
    /// <summary>Fits a position vector into the grid.</summary>
    /// <param name="pos">The position to align.</param>
    /// <param name="scale">A simulated scale to decide how exactly to fit the poistion into the grid.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">Which axes should be ignored.</param>
    /// <returns>Aligned position vector.</returns>
    /// Fits a position inside the grid by using the object’s transform.
    /// Currently the object will snap either on edges or between, depending on
    /// which is closer, ignoring the <paramref name="scale"/> passed, but I
    /// might add an option for this in the future.
    public override Vector3 AlignVector3(Vector3 pos, Vector3 scale, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        float fracAngle = World2Angle(pos) / angle - Mathf.Floor(World2Angle(pos) / angle);
        float fracRad   = World2Radius(pos) / radius - Mathf.Floor(World2Radius(pos) / radius);

        Vector3 vertex = NearestVertexP(pos);
        Vector3 box    = NearestBoxP(pos);
        Vector3 final  = Vector3.zero;

        final += (0.25f < fracRad && fracRad < 0.75f ? box[idx[0]] : vertex[idx[0]]) * Units[idx[0]];
        final += (0.25f < fracAngle && fracAngle < 0.75f ? box[idx[1]] : vertex[idx[1]]) * Units[idx[1]];
        final += (scale[idx[2]] % 2.0f >= 0.5f || scale[idx[0]] < 1.0f ? box[idx[2]] : vertex[idx[2]]) * Units[idx[2]];

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
            final[i] = ignoreAxis[i] ? pos[i] : final[i];
コード例 #6
    /// <summary>
    ///   Fits a position vector into the grid.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    ///   Aligned position vector.
    /// </returns>
    /// <param name="pos">
    ///   The position to align.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="scale">
    ///   A simulated scale to decide how exactly to fit the poistion into the
    ///   grid.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">
    ///   Which axes should be ignored.
    /// </param>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   This method aligns a point to the grid. The *scale* parameter is
    ///   needed for legacy API compliance and is ignored. The <c>lockAxis</c>
    ///   parameter lets you ignore individual axes.
    /// </remarks>
    public override Vector3 AlignVector3(Vector3 pos, Vector3 scale, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        var vertex = NearestVertexG(pos);
        var box    = NearestBoxG(pos);
        var grid   = WorldToGrid(pos);
        var final  = vertex;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            if (Mathf.Abs(grid[i] - box[i]) < Mathf.Abs(grid[i] - vertex[i]))
                final[i] = box[i];

        final = GridToWorld(final);
        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
            final[i] = ignoreAxis[i] ? pos[i] : final[i];

コード例 #7
    /// <summary>Fits a position vector into the grid.</summary>
    /// <returns>Aligned position vector.</returns>
    /// <param name="pos">The position to align.</param>
    /// <param name="scale">A simulated scale to decide how exactly to fit the poistion into the grid.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">Which axes should be ignored.</param>
    /// This method aligns a point to the grid. The *scale* parameter is needed
    /// to simulate the “size” of point, which influences the resulting
    /// position like the scale of a Transform would do above. By default it’s
    /// set to one on all axes, placing the point at the centre of a box. If a
    /// component of @c scale is odd that component of the vector will be
    /// placed between edges, otherwise it will be placed on the nearest edge.
    /// The <c>lockAxis</c> parameter lets you ignore individual axes.
    public override Vector3 AlignVector3(Vector3 pos, Vector3 scale, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        var currentPosition = WorldToGrid(pos);
        var newPositionB    = WorldToGrid(NearestBoxW(pos));
        var newPositionV    = WorldToGrid(NearestVertexW(pos));
        var newPosition     = new Vector3();

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
            // vertex or box, depends on whether scale is a multiple of spacing
            newPosition[i] = (scale[i] / spacing[i]) % 2f <= 0.5f ? newPositionV[i] : newPositionB[i];

        // don't apply aligning if the axis has been locked+
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            if (ignoreAxis[i])
                newPosition[i] = currentPosition[i];

コード例 #8
ファイル: GFGrid.cs プロジェクト: expipiplus1/arenacolles
 /// <summary>Scales a size vector to fit inside a grid.</summary>
 /// <returns>The re-scaled vector.</returns>
 /// <param name="scl">The vector to scale.</param>
 /// <param name="ignoreAxis">The axes to ignore.</param>
 /// This method takes in a vector representing a size and fits it inside the grid. The *ignoreAxis* parameter lets you ignore individual axes.
 public abstract Vector3 ScaleVector3(Vector3 scl, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis);
コード例 #9
ファイル: GFRectGrid.cs プロジェクト: eiseneker/color-puzzler
    /// <summary>Fits a position vector into the grid.</summary>
    /// <returns>Aligned position vector.</returns>
    /// <param name="pos">The position to align.</param>
    /// <param name="scale">A simulated scale to decide how exactly to fit the poistion into the grid.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">Which axes should be ignored.</param>
    /// This method aligns a point to the grid. The *scale* parameter is needed
    /// to simulate the “size” of point, which influences the resulting
    /// position like the scale of a Transform would do above. By default it’s
    /// set to one on all axes, placing the point at the centre of a box. If a
    /// component of @c scale is odd that component of the vector will be
    /// placed between edges, otherwise it will be placed on the nearest edge.
    /// The <c>lockAxis</c> parameter lets you ignore individual axes.
    public override Vector3 AlignVector3(Vector3 pos, Vector3 scale, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        var currentPosition = WorldToGrid(pos);
        var newPositionB = WorldToGrid(NearestBoxW(pos));
        var newPositionV = WorldToGrid(NearestVertexW(pos));
        var newPosition = new Vector3();

        for (int i = 0; i <=2; i++) {
            // vertex or box, depends on whether scale is a multiple of spacing
            newPosition[i] = (scale[i] / spacing[i]) % 2f <= 0.5f ? newPositionV[i] : newPositionB[i];

        // don't apply aligning if the axis has been locked+
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            if (ignoreAxis[i]) {
                newPosition[i] = currentPosition[i];

        return GridToWorld(newPosition);
コード例 #10
ファイル: GFRectGrid.cs プロジェクト: eiseneker/color-puzzler
    /// <summary>Scales a size to fit inside the grid.</summary>
    /// <returns>The re-scaled vector.</returns>
    /// <param name="scl">The vector to scale.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">The axes to ignore.</param>
    /// Scales a size to the nearest multiple of the grid’s spacing. The
    /// parameter *ignoreAxis* makes the function not touch the corresponding
    /// coordinate.
    public override Vector3 ScaleVector3(Vector3 scl, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        //Vector3 relScale = scl.GFModulo3(spacing);
        var relScale = new Vector3(scl.x % spacing.x, scl.y % spacing.y, scl.z % spacing.z);
        var newScale = Vector3.zero;

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
            newScale[i] = scl[i];

            if (relScale[i] >= 0.5f * spacing[i]) {
                newScale[i] = newScale[i] - relScale[i] + spacing[i];
            } else {
                newScale[i] = newScale[i] - relScale[i];
                //if we went too far default to the spacing
                if (newScale[i] < spacing[i]) {
                    newScale[i] = spacing[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            if (ignoreAxis[i]) {
                newScale[i] = scl[i];

        return  newScale;
コード例 #11
    /// <summary>Fits a position vector into the grid.</summary>
    /// <param name="pos">The position to align.</param>
    /// <param name="scale">A simulated scale to decide how exactly to fit the poistion into the grid.</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreAxis">Which axes should be ignored.</param>
    /// <returns>Aligned position vector.</returns>
    /// Fits a position inside the grid by using the object’s transform.
    /// Currently the object will snap either on edges or between, depending on
    /// which is closer, ignoring the <paramref name="scale"/> passed, but I
    /// might add an option for this in the future.
    public override Vector3 AlignVector3(Vector3 pos, Vector3 scale, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
        float fracAngle = World2Angle(pos) / angle - Mathf.Floor(World2Angle(pos) / angle);
        float fracRad = World2Radius(pos) / radius - Mathf.Floor(World2Radius(pos) / radius);

        Vector3 vertex = NearestVertexP(pos);
        Vector3 box = NearestBoxP(pos);
        Vector3 final = Vector3.zero;

        final += (0.25f < fracRad && fracRad < 0.75f ? box[idx[0]] : vertex[idx[0]]) * Units[idx[0]];
        final += (0.25f < fracAngle && fracAngle < 0.75f ? box[idx[1]] : vertex[idx[1]]) * Units[idx[1]];
        final += (scale[idx[2]] % 2.0f >= 0.5f || scale[idx[0]] < 1.0f ? box[idx[2]] : vertex[idx[2]]) * Units[idx[2]];

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
            final[i] = ignoreAxis[i] ? pos[i] : final[i];
        return PolarToWorld(final);
コード例 #12
 /// <summary>Scales a size vector to fit inside a grid.</summary>
 /// <param name="scl">The vector to scale.</param>
 /// <param name="ignoreAxis">The axes to ignore.</param>
 /// <returns>The re-scaled vector.</returns>
 /// Scales a given scale vector to the nearest multiple of the grid’s
 /// radius and depth, but does not change its position. The parameter
 /// <paramref name="ignoreAxis"/> makes the function not touch the
 /// corresponding coordinate.
 public override Vector3 ScaleVector3(Vector3 scl, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
     Vector3 result = Vector3.Max(RoundMultiple(scl[idx[0]], radius) * locUnits[idx[0]] + scl[idx[1]] * locUnits[idx[1]] + RoundMultiple(scl[idx[2]], depth) * locUnits[idx[2]],
         radius * locUnits[idx[0]] + scl[idx[1]] * locUnits[idx[1]] + depth * locUnits[idx[2]]);
     for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
         result[i] = ignoreAxis[i] ? scl[i] : result[i];
     return result;
コード例 #13
ファイル: GFHexGrid.cs プロジェクト: eiseneker/color-puzzler
    /// <summary>Scales a size vector to fit inside a grid.</summary>
    /// <returns>The re-scaled vector.</returns>
    /// <param name="scale">The vector to scale.</param>
    /// <param name="lockAxis">The axes to ignore.</param>
    /// This method takes in a vector representing a size and scales it to the
    /// nearest multiple of the grid’s radius and depth.  The <c>lockAxis</c>
    /// parameter lets you ignore individual axes.
    public override Vector3 ScaleVector3(Vector3 scale, BoolVector3 lockAxis)
        var spacing = new Vector3();
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            spacing[idxS[i]] = height;
        spacing[idxS[2]] = depth;
        var relScale = new Vector3(scale.x % spacing.x, scale.y % spacing.y, scale.z % spacing.z);
        var newScale = new Vector3();

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
            newScale[i] = scale[i];
            if (relScale[i] >= 0.5f * spacing[i]) {
                //Debug.Log ("Grow by " + (spacing.x - relScale.x));
                newScale[i] = newScale[i] - relScale[i] + spacing[i];
            } else {
                //Debug.Log ("Shrink by " + relativeScale.x);
                newScale[i] = newScale[i] - relScale[i];
                //if we went too far default to the spacing
                if (newScale[i] < spacing[i]) {
                    newScale[i] = spacing[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            if (lockAxis[i]) {
                newScale[i] = scale[i];

        return newScale;
コード例 #14
 /// <summary>
 ///   Stub, doesn't do anything.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 ///   The same vector.
 /// </returns>
 /// <param name="scl">
 ///   The vector to scale.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="ignoreAxis">
 ///   The axes to ignore.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   This function *would* return the scales vector, but in a spheric grid
 ///   were nothing is constant this idea does not make sense. It's a
 ///   leftover from earlier versions of Grid Framework and is only included
 ///   for API compliance.
 /// </remarks>
 public override Vector3 ScaleVector3(Vector3 scl, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
コード例 #15
ファイル: GFGrid.cs プロジェクト: expipiplus1/arenacolles
 /// <summary>Fits a position vector into the grid.</summary>
 /// <returns>Aligned position vector.</returns>
 /// <param name="pos">The position to align.</param>
 /// <param name="scale">A simulated scale to decide how exactly to fit the poistion into the grid.</param>
 /// <param name="ignoreAxis">Which axes should be ignored.</param>
 /// Fits a position inside the grid by using the object’s transform. The exact position depends on whether the components of <paramref name="scale"/> are even or odd
 /// and the exact implementation can be found in the subclasses. The parameter <paramref name="ignoreAxis"/> makes the function not touch the corresponding coordinate.
 public abstract Vector3 AlignVector3(Vector3 pos, Vector3 scale, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis);
コード例 #16
ファイル: GFGrid.cs プロジェクト: expipiplus1/arenacolles
 /// @overload
 /// It aligns the position and uses a default size of 1 x 1 x 1 while leaving the axes to the user, it is equal to
 /// <code>AlignVector3(pos, Vector3.one, lockAxis);</code>
 public Vector3 AlignVector3(Vector3 pos, BoolVector3 lockAxis)
     return(AlignVector3(pos, Vector3.one, lockAxis));
コード例 #17
ファイル: GFGrid.cs プロジェクト: expipiplus1/arenacolles
 /// @overload
 /// It aligns and rotates the Transform but leaves the axes to the user, it is equal to
 /// <code>AlignTransform(theTransform, true, lockAxis);</code>
 public void AlignTransform(Transform theTransform, BoolVector3 lockAxis)
     AlignTransform(theTransform, true, lockAxis);
コード例 #18
 public static Vector3 nonZeroToOneNegOne(this Vector3 v, float epsilon = 0.001f)
     return(Vector3.Scale(v.sign(), BoolVector3.AGreaterThanB(v.abs(), new Vector3(epsilon, epsilon, epsilon))));
コード例 #19
ファイル: GFGrid.cs プロジェクト: expipiplus1/arenacolles
 /// <summary>Scales a Transform to fit the grid (without moving it).</summary>
 /// <param name="theTransform">The Transform to scale.</param>
 /// <param name="ignoreAxis">The axes to ignore.</param>
 /// Scales a Transform to fit inside a grid. The parameter *ignoreAxis* makes the function not touch the corresponding coordinate.
 /// The resulting position depends on <see cref="ScaleVector3"/>, so please look up how that method works.
 public void ScaleTransform(Transform theTransform, BoolVector3 ignoreAxis)
     theTransform.localScale = ScaleVector3(theTransform.localScale, ignoreAxis);
コード例 #20
 /// <summary>Aligns and rotates a Transform.</summary>
 /// <param name="transform">The Transform to align.</param>
 /// <param name="lockAxis">Axis to ignore.</param>
 /// Aligns a Transform and the rotates it depending on its position inside
 /// the grid. This method combines two steps in one call for convenience.
 public void AlignRotateTransform(Transform transform, BoolVector3 lockAxis)
     AlignTransform(transform, true, lockAxis);
     transform.rotation = World2Rotation(transform.position);
コード例 #21
 public static string GetJson(BoolVector3 v)
     return("[" + BoolStringNumber(v.x) + "," + BoolStringNumber(v.y) + "," + BoolStringNumber(v.z) + "]");
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>Aligns and rotates a Transform.</summary>
 /// <param name="transform">The Transform to align.</param>
 /// <param name="lockAxis">Axis to ignore.</param>
 /// Aligns a Transform and the rotates it depending on its position inside
 /// the grid. This method combines two steps in one call for convenience.
 public void AlignRotateTransform(Transform transform, BoolVector3 lockAxis)
     AlignTransform(transform, true, lockAxis);
     transform.rotation = World2Rotation(transform.position);
コード例 #23
ファイル: GFHexGrid.cs プロジェクト: eiseneker/color-puzzler
 /// <summary>Fits a position vector into the grid.</summary>
 /// <param name="pos">The position to align.</param>
 /// <param name="scale">A simulated scale to decide how exactly to fit the position into the grid.</param>
 /// <param name="lockAxis">Which axes should be ignored.</param>
 /// <returns>The <c>Vector3</c>.</returns>
 /// Aligns a position vector to the grid by positioning it on the centre of
 /// the nearest face. Please refer to the user manual for more information.
 /// The parameter <c>lockAxis</c> makes the function not touch the corresponding
 /// coordinate.
 public override Vector3 AlignVector3(Vector3 pos, Vector3 scale, BoolVector3 lockAxis)
     var newPos = NearestFaceW(pos);
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
         if (lockAxis[i]) {
             newPos[i] = pos[i];
     return newPos;