コード例 #1
        private static BoolExpression TileToBoolExpr(Tile <FragmentQuery> tile)
            switch (tile.OpKind)
            case TileOpKind.Union:
                return(BoolExpression.CreateOr(QueryRewriter.TileToBoolExpr(tile.Arg1), QueryRewriter.TileToBoolExpr(tile.Arg2)));

            case TileOpKind.Join:
                return(BoolExpression.CreateAnd(QueryRewriter.TileToBoolExpr(tile.Arg1), QueryRewriter.TileToBoolExpr(tile.Arg2)));

            case TileOpKind.AntiSemiJoin:
                return(BoolExpression.CreateAnd(QueryRewriter.TileToBoolExpr(tile.Arg1), BoolExpression.CreateNot(QueryRewriter.TileToBoolExpr(tile.Arg2))));

            case TileOpKind.Named:
                FragmentQuery namedQuery = ((TileNamed <FragmentQuery>)tile).NamedQuery;
                if (namedQuery.Condition.IsAlwaysTrue())

コード例 #2
        // <summary>
        // Takes in a JoinTreeNode and a Contition Property Map and creates an BoolExpression
        // for the Condition Map.
        // </summary>
        private static BoolExpression GetConditionExpression(MemberPath member, ConditionPropertyMapping conditionMap)
            //Get the member for which the condition is being specified
            EdmMember conditionMember = (conditionMap.Column != null) ? conditionMap.Column : conditionMap.Property;

            var conditionMemberNode = new MemberPath(member, conditionMember);
            //Check if this is a IsNull condition
            MemberRestriction conditionExpression = null;

            if (conditionMap.IsNull.HasValue)
                // for conditions on scalars, create NodeValue nodes, otherwise NodeType
                var conditionConstant = conditionMap.IsNull.Value ? Constant.Null : Constant.NotNull;
                if (MetadataHelper.IsNonRefSimpleMember(conditionMember))
                    conditionExpression = new ScalarRestriction(conditionMemberNode, conditionConstant);
                    conditionExpression = new TypeRestriction(conditionMemberNode, conditionConstant);
                conditionExpression = new ScalarRestriction(conditionMemberNode, new ScalarConstant(conditionMap.Value));

            Debug.Assert(conditionExpression != null);

            return(BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(conditionExpression, null));
コード例 #3
        internal FragmentQuery GetDomainQuery(
            IEnumerable <FragmentQuery> fragmentQueries,
            EdmType generatedType)
            if (this._context.ViewTarget != ViewTarget.QueryView)
                return(FragmentQuery.Create((IEnumerable <MemberPath>) this._keyAttributes, BoolExpression.CreateOr(fragmentQueries.Select <FragmentQuery, BoolExpression>((Func <FragmentQuery, BoolExpression>)(fragmentQuery => fragmentQuery.Condition)).ToArray <BoolExpression>())));
            BoolExpression literal;

            if (generatedType == null)
                literal = BoolExpression.True;
                IEnumerable <EdmType> types;
                if (this._typesGenerationMode == ViewGenMode.OfTypeOnlyViews)
                    types = (IEnumerable <EdmType>) new HashSet <EdmType>()
                    types = MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(generatedType, (ItemCollection)this._context.EdmItemCollection, false);
                literal = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral((BoolLiteral) new TypeRestriction(new MemberProjectedSlot(this._extentPath), new Domain(QueryRewriter.GetTypeConstants(types), this._domainMap.GetDomain(this._extentPath))), this._domainMap);
            return(FragmentQuery.Create((IEnumerable <MemberPath>) this._keyAttributes, literal));
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a <see cref="CqlBlock"/> with the SELECT (<paramref name="slotInfos"/>), FROM (<paramref name="children"/>),
 /// WHERE (<paramref name="whereClause"/>), AS (<paramref name="blockAliasNum"/>).
 /// </summary>
 protected CqlBlock(SlotInfo[] slotInfos, List <CqlBlock> children, BoolExpression whereClause, CqlIdentifiers identifiers, int blockAliasNum)
     m_slots       = new ReadOnlyCollection <SlotInfo>(slotInfos);
     m_children    = new ReadOnlyCollection <CqlBlock>(children);
     m_whereClause = whereClause;
     m_blockAlias  = identifiers.GetBlockAlias(blockAliasNum);
コード例 #5
        // effects: Given the cells for the extent (extentCells) along with
        // the signatures (multiconstants + needed attributes) for this extent, generates
        // the left cell wrappers for it extent (viewTarget indicates whether
        // the view is for querying or update purposes
        // Modifies m_cellWrappers to contain this list
        private bool CreateLeftCellWrappers(IList <Cell> extentCells, ViewTarget viewTarget)
            var alignedCells = AlignFields(extentCells, m_memberMaps.ProjectedSlotMap, viewTarget);

            Debug.Assert(alignedCells.Count == extentCells.Count, "Cell counts disagree");

            // Go through all the cells and create cell wrappers that can be used for generating the view
            m_cellWrappers = new List <LeftCellWrapper>();

            for (var i = 0; i < alignedCells.Count; i++)
                var alignedCell = alignedCells[i];
                var left        = alignedCell.GetLeftQuery(viewTarget);
                var right       = alignedCell.GetRightQuery(viewTarget);

                // Obtain the non-null projected slots into attributes
                var attributes = left.GetNonNullSlots();

                var fromVariable = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(
                    new CellIdBoolean(m_identifiers, extentCells[i].CellNumber), m_memberMaps.LeftDomainMap);
                var leftFragmentQuery = FragmentQuery.Create(fromVariable, left);

                if (viewTarget == ViewTarget.UpdateView)
                    leftFragmentQuery = m_leftFragmentQP.CreateDerivedViewBySelectingConstantAttributes(leftFragmentQuery)
                                        ?? leftFragmentQuery;

                var leftWrapper = new LeftCellWrapper(
                    m_viewTarget, attributes, leftFragmentQuery, left, right, m_memberMaps,
コード例 #6
ファイル: CqlBlock.cs プロジェクト: uQr/referencesource
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a <see cref="CqlBlock"/> with the SELECT (<paramref name="slotInfos"/>), FROM (<paramref name="children"/>), 
 /// WHERE (<paramref name="whereClause"/>), AS (<paramref name="blockAliasNum"/>).
 /// </summary>
 protected CqlBlock(SlotInfo[] slotInfos, List<CqlBlock> children, BoolExpression whereClause, CqlIdentifiers identifiers, int blockAliasNum)
     m_slots = new ReadOnlyCollection<SlotInfo>(slotInfos);
     m_children = new ReadOnlyCollection<CqlBlock>(children);
     m_whereClause = whereClause;
     m_blockAlias = identifiers.GetBlockAlias(blockAliasNum);
コード例 #7
ファイル: If.cs プロジェクト: brandongrossutti/DotCopter
 public Then(BoolExpression condition, Action thenAction, Action elseAction, object cookie)
コード例 #8
        // Checks equivalence of two C-side queries
        // inExtentConstraint holds a role variable that effectively denotes that some extent is non-empty
        private bool CheckEquivalence(
            FragmentQuery cQuery, FragmentQuery sQuery, BoolExpression inExtentCondition,
            out BoolExpression unsatisfiedConstraint)
            var cMinusSx = _viewgenContext.RightFragmentQP.Difference(cQuery, sQuery);
            var sMinusCx = _viewgenContext.RightFragmentQP.Difference(sQuery, cQuery);

            // add in-extent condition
            var cMinusS = FragmentQuery.Create(BoolExpression.CreateAnd(cMinusSx.Condition, inExtentCondition));
            var sMinusC = FragmentQuery.Create(BoolExpression.CreateAnd(sMinusCx.Condition, inExtentCondition));

            unsatisfiedConstraint = null;
            var forwardInclusion  = true;
            var backwardInclusion = true;

            if (_viewgenContext.RightFragmentQP.IsSatisfiable(cMinusS))
                unsatisfiedConstraint = cMinusS.Condition;
                forwardInclusion      = false;
            if (_viewgenContext.RightFragmentQP.IsSatisfiable(sMinusC))
                unsatisfiedConstraint = sMinusC.Condition;
                backwardInclusion     = false;
            if (forwardInclusion && backwardInclusion)
コード例 #9
        private static BoolExpression CreateIsOfTypeCondition(MemberPath currentPath, IEnumerable <EdmType> derivedTypes, MemberDomainMap domainMap)
            Domain         typeDomain    = new Domain(derivedTypes.Select(derivedType => (Constant) new TypeConstant(derivedType)), domainMap.GetDomain(currentPath));
            BoolExpression typeCondition = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(new TypeRestriction(new MemberProjectedSlot(currentPath), typeDomain), domainMap);

コード例 #10
        internal void CreateEquivalenceConstraintForOneToOneForeignKeyAssociation(AssociationSet assocSet, MemberDomainMap domainMap,
                                                                                  EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
            AssociationType assocType = assocSet.ElementType;

            foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in assocType.ReferentialConstraints)
                AssociationEndMember toEndMember   = (AssociationEndMember)constraint.ToRole;
                AssociationEndMember fromEndMember = (AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole;
                EntitySet            toEntitySet   = MetadataHelper.GetEntitySetAtEnd(assocSet, toEndMember);
                EntitySet            fromEntitySet = MetadataHelper.GetEntitySetAtEnd(assocSet, fromEndMember);

                // Check if the keys of the entitySet's are equal to what is specified in the constraint
                IEnumerable <EdmMember> toProperties = Helpers.AsSuperTypeList <EdmProperty, EdmMember>(constraint.ToProperties);
                if (Helpers.IsSetEqual(toProperties, toEntitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers, EqualityComparer <EdmMember> .Default))
                    //make sure that the method called with a 1:1 association
                    // Create an Equivalence between the two Sets participating in this AssociationSet
                    BoolExpression fromSetExpression = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(new RoleBoolean(fromEntitySet), domainMap);
                    BoolExpression toSetExpression   = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(new RoleBoolean(toEntitySet), domainMap);
                    AddEquivalence(fromSetExpression.Tree, toSetExpression.Tree);
コード例 #11
        public Soway.Query.BoolExp.BoolExpression GetQueryExp(Soway.Service.Report.BoolExp exp, QueryModel model, Model.SqlCon con, Soway.Query.QueryInstance ins)
            Soway.Query.BoolExp.BoolExpresstionFacotry fac = new Query.BoolExp.BoolExpresstionFacotry(ins);
            var result = new BoolExpression();

            if (exp.Col != null)
                var col = model.Columns.First(p => p.ID == exp.Col.ID);

                result.Exp = fac.CreateBoolExpression(new Query.CompareCol()
                    Col = col,
                    SelectedTableName = model.Table.ShowName
                }, QueryCache.GetCompareType(con, col.DataType).First(p => p.ID.ToString() == exp.CompareOp.ID), exp.ValueExp,
                                                      exp.ValueFmt, exp.ParamName);
            else if (exp.FirstExp != null)

                result =
                    GetQueryExp(exp.FirstExp, model, con, ins);
                foreach (var sequence in exp.Sequences)
                        GetQueryExp(sequence.AddedExp, model, con, ins));

コード例 #12
 internal FragmentQuery(string label, BoolExpression fromVariable, IEnumerable <MemberPath> attrs, BoolExpression condition)
     m_label        = label;
     m_fromVariable = fromVariable;
     m_condition    = condition;
     m_attributes   = new HashSet <MemberPath>(attrs);
コード例 #13
 internal static void EntityConfigurationToUserString(
     BoolExpression condition,
     StringBuilder builder,
     bool writeRoundTrippingMessage)
     condition.AsUserString(builder, "PK", writeRoundTrippingMessage);
コード例 #14
        private bool CheckEquivalence(
            FragmentQuery cQuery,
            FragmentQuery sQuery,
            BoolExpression inExtentCondition,
            out BoolExpression unsatisfiedConstraint)
            FragmentQuery fragmentQuery1 = this._viewgenContext.RightFragmentQP.Difference(cQuery, sQuery);
            FragmentQuery fragmentQuery2 = this._viewgenContext.RightFragmentQP.Difference(sQuery, cQuery);
            FragmentQuery query1         = FragmentQuery.Create(BoolExpression.CreateAnd(fragmentQuery1.Condition, inExtentCondition));
            FragmentQuery query2         = FragmentQuery.Create(BoolExpression.CreateAnd(fragmentQuery2.Condition, inExtentCondition));

            unsatisfiedConstraint = (BoolExpression)null;
            bool flag1 = true;
            bool flag2 = true;

            if (this._viewgenContext.RightFragmentQP.IsSatisfiable(query1))
                unsatisfiedConstraint = query1.Condition;
                flag1 = false;
            if (this._viewgenContext.RightFragmentQP.IsSatisfiable(query2))
                unsatisfiedConstraint = query2.Condition;
                flag2 = false;
            if (flag1 && flag2)
コード例 #15
        internal static BoolExpression PropagateCellConstantsToWhereClause(
            LeftCellWrapper wrapper,
            BoolExpression expression,
            Constant constant,
            MemberPath member,
            MemberMaps memberMaps)
            MemberProjectedSlot mappedSlotForSmember = wrapper.GetCSideMappedSlotForSMember(member);

            if (mappedSlotForSmember == null)
            NegatedConstant        negatedConstant = constant as NegatedConstant;
            IEnumerable <Constant> domain          = memberMaps.QueryDomainMap.GetDomain(mappedSlotForSmember.MemberPath);
            Set <Constant>         set             = new Set <Constant>(Constant.EqualityComparer);

            if (negatedConstant != null)
            MemberRestriction memberRestriction = (MemberRestriction) new ScalarRestriction(mappedSlotForSmember.MemberPath, (IEnumerable <Constant>)set, domain);

            return(BoolExpression.CreateAnd(expression, BoolExpression.CreateLiteral((BoolLiteral)memberRestriction, memberMaps.QueryDomainMap)));
コード例 #16
ファイル: If.cs プロジェクト: meikeric/DotCopter
 public Then(BoolExpression condition, Action thenAction, Action elseAction, object cookie)
     this.condition  = condition;
     this.thenAction = thenAction;
     this.elseAction = elseAction;
     this.cookie     = cookie;
コード例 #17
 private void ExtractProperties(
     IEnumerable <PropertyMapping> properties,
     MemberPath cNode,
     List <ProjectedSlot> cSlots,
     ref BoolExpression cQueryWhereClause,
     MemberPath sRootExtent,
     List <ProjectedSlot> sSlots,
     ref BoolExpression sQueryWhereClause)
     foreach (PropertyMapping property in properties)
         ScalarPropertyMapping    scalarPropertyMapping  = property as ScalarPropertyMapping;
         ComplexPropertyMapping   complexPropertyMapping = property as ComplexPropertyMapping;
         EndPropertyMapping       endPropertyMapping     = property as EndPropertyMapping;
         ConditionPropertyMapping conditionMap           = property as ConditionPropertyMapping;
         if (scalarPropertyMapping != null)
             MemberPath node1 = new MemberPath(cNode, (EdmMember)scalarPropertyMapping.Property);
             MemberPath node2 = new MemberPath(sRootExtent, (EdmMember)scalarPropertyMapping.Column);
             cSlots.Add((ProjectedSlot) new MemberProjectedSlot(node1));
             sSlots.Add((ProjectedSlot) new MemberProjectedSlot(node2));
         if (complexPropertyMapping != null)
             foreach (ComplexTypeMapping typeMapping in complexPropertyMapping.TypeMappings)
                 MemberPath            memberPath = new MemberPath(cNode, (EdmMember)complexPropertyMapping.Property);
                 Set <EdmType>         set        = new Set <EdmType>();
                 IEnumerable <EdmType> elements   = Helpers.AsSuperTypeList <ComplexType, EdmType>((IEnumerable <ComplexType>)typeMapping.Types);
                 foreach (EdmType isOfType in typeMapping.IsOfTypes)
                     set.AddRange(MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(isOfType, (ItemCollection)this.m_containerMapping.StorageMappingItemCollection.EdmItemCollection, false));
                 BoolExpression literal = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral((BoolLiteral) new TypeRestriction(memberPath, (IEnumerable <EdmType>)set), (MemberDomainMap)null);
                 cQueryWhereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(cQueryWhereClause, literal);
                 this.ExtractProperties((IEnumerable <PropertyMapping>)typeMapping.AllProperties, memberPath, cSlots, ref cQueryWhereClause, sRootExtent, sSlots, ref sQueryWhereClause);
         if (endPropertyMapping != null)
             MemberPath cNode1 = new MemberPath(cNode, (EdmMember)endPropertyMapping.AssociationEnd);
             this.ExtractProperties((IEnumerable <PropertyMapping>)endPropertyMapping.PropertyMappings, cNode1, cSlots, ref cQueryWhereClause, sRootExtent, sSlots, ref sQueryWhereClause);
         if (conditionMap != null)
             if (conditionMap.Column != null)
                 BoolExpression conditionExpression = CellCreator.GetConditionExpression(sRootExtent, conditionMap);
                 sQueryWhereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(sQueryWhereClause, conditionExpression);
                 BoolExpression conditionExpression = CellCreator.GetConditionExpression(cNode, conditionMap);
                 cQueryWhereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(cQueryWhereClause, conditionExpression);
コード例 #18
 private static IEnumerable <IInstruction> GetBoolExpressionInstructions(this BoolExpression boolExpression)
     if (boolExpression.Value)
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a boolean slot for expression that comes from originalCellNum, i.e., 
        /// the value of the slot is <paramref name="expr"/> and the name is "_from{<paramref name="originalCellNum"/>}", e.g., _from2
        /// </summary>
        internal BooleanProjectedSlot(BoolExpression expr, CqlIdentifiers identifiers, int originalCellNum)
            m_expr = expr;
            m_originalCell = new CellIdBoolean(identifiers, originalCellNum);

            Debug.Assert(!(expr.AsLiteral is CellIdBoolean) ||
                         BoolLiteral.EqualityComparer.Equals((CellIdBoolean)expr.AsLiteral, m_originalCell), "Cellid boolean for the slot and cell number disagree");
コード例 #20
 internal BooleanProjectedSlot(
     BoolExpression expr,
     CqlIdentifiers identifiers,
     int originalCellNum)
     this.m_expr         = expr;
     this.m_originalCell = new CellIdBoolean(identifiers, originalCellNum);
コード例 #21
        public static FragmentQuery Create(BoolExpression fromVariable, CellQuery cellQuery)
            BoolExpression whereClause = cellQuery.WhereClause;

            whereClause = whereClause.MakeCopy();
            return(new FragmentQuery(null /*label*/, fromVariable, new HashSet <MemberPath>(cellQuery.GetProjectedMembers()), whereClause));
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a boolean slot for expression that comes from originalCellNum, i.e.,
        /// the value of the slot is <paramref name="expr"/> and the name is "_from{<paramref name="originalCellNum"/>}", e.g., _from2
        /// </summary>
        internal BooleanProjectedSlot(BoolExpression expr, CqlIdentifiers identifiers, int originalCellNum)
            m_expr         = expr;
            m_originalCell = new CellIdBoolean(identifiers, originalCellNum);

            Debug.Assert(!(expr.AsLiteral is CellIdBoolean) ||
                         BoolLiteral.EqualityComparer.Equals((CellIdBoolean)expr.AsLiteral, m_originalCell), "Cellid boolean for the slot and cell number disagree");
コード例 #23
        public static FragmentQuery Create(
            BoolExpression fromVariable,
            CellQuery cellQuery)
            BoolExpression condition = cellQuery.WhereClause.MakeCopy();

            return(new FragmentQuery((string)null, fromVariable, (IEnumerable <MemberPath>) new HashSet <MemberPath>(cellQuery.GetProjectedMembers()), condition));
コード例 #24
        internal override FragmentQuery Intersect(FragmentQuery q1, FragmentQuery q2)
            HashSet <MemberPath> memberPathSet = new HashSet <MemberPath>((IEnumerable <MemberPath>)q1.Attributes);

            memberPathSet.IntersectWith((IEnumerable <MemberPath>)q2.Attributes);
            BoolExpression and = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(q1.Condition, q2.Condition);

            return(FragmentQuery.Create((IEnumerable <MemberPath>)memberPathSet, and));
コード例 #25
        internal override FragmentQuery Intersect(FragmentQuery q1, FragmentQuery q2)
            var attributes = new HashSet <MemberPath>(q1.Attributes);


            var condition = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(q1.Condition, q2.Condition);

            return(FragmentQuery.Create(attributes, condition));
コード例 #26
        private bool FindRewritingAndUsedViews(
            IEnumerable <MemberPath> attributes,
            BoolExpression whereClause,
            HashSet <FragmentQuery> outputUsedViews,
            out Tile <FragmentQuery> rewriting)
            IEnumerable <MemberPath> notCoveredAttributes;

            return(this.FindRewritingAndUsedViews(attributes, whereClause, outputUsedViews, out rewriting, out notCoveredAttributes));
コード例 #27
        public static FragmentQuery Create(
            string label,
            RoleBoolean roleBoolean,
            CellQuery cellQuery)
            BoolExpression condition = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(cellQuery.WhereClause.Create((BoolLiteral)roleBoolean), cellQuery.WhereClause).MakeCopy();

            return(new FragmentQuery(label, (BoolExpression)null, (IEnumerable <MemberPath>) new HashSet <MemberPath>(), condition));
コード例 #28
        private void CreateVariableConstraintsRecursion(EdmType edmType, MemberPath currentPath, MemberDomainMap domainMap, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection)
            // Add the types can member have, i.e., its type and its subtypes
            HashSet <EdmType> possibleTypes = new HashSet <EdmType>();

            possibleTypes.UnionWith(MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(edmType, edmItemCollection, true));

            foreach (EdmType possibleType in possibleTypes)
                // determine type domain

                HashSet <EdmType> derivedTypes = new HashSet <EdmType>();
                derivedTypes.UnionWith(MetadataHelper.GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(possibleType, edmItemCollection, false));
                if (derivedTypes.Count != 0)
                    BoolExpression typeCondition           = CreateIsOfTypeCondition(currentPath, derivedTypes, domainMap);
                    BoolExpression typeConditionComplement = BoolExpression.CreateNot(typeCondition);
                    if (false == typeConditionComplement.IsSatisfiable())

                    StructuralType structuralType = (StructuralType)possibleType;
                    foreach (EdmProperty childProperty in structuralType.GetDeclaredOnlyMembers <EdmProperty>())
                        MemberPath childPath = new MemberPath(currentPath, childProperty);
                        bool       isScalar  = MetadataHelper.IsNonRefSimpleMember(childProperty);

                        if (domainMap.IsConditionMember(childPath) || domainMap.IsProjectedConditionMember(childPath))
                            BoolExpression  nullCondition;
                            List <Constant> childDomain = new List <Constant>(domainMap.GetDomain(childPath));
                            if (isScalar)
                                nullCondition = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(new ScalarRestriction(new MemberProjectedSlot(childPath),
                                                                                                   new Domain(ScalarConstant.Undefined, childDomain)), domainMap);
                                nullCondition = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(new TypeRestriction(new MemberProjectedSlot(childPath),
                                                                                                 new Domain(TypeConstant.Undefined, childDomain)), domainMap);
                            // Properties not occuring in type are UNDEFINED
                            AddEquivalence(typeConditionComplement.Tree, nullCondition.Tree);

                        // recurse into complex types
                        if (false == isScalar)
                            CreateVariableConstraintsRecursion(childPath.EdmType, childPath, domainMap, edmItemCollection);
コード例 #29
        public static FragmentQuery Create(string label, RoleBoolean roleBoolean, CellQuery cellQuery)
            BoolExpression whereClause = cellQuery.WhereClause.Create(roleBoolean);

            whereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(whereClause, cellQuery.WhereClause);
            //return new FragmentQuery(label, null /* fromVariable */, new HashSet<MemberPath>(cellQuery.GetProjectedMembers()), whereClause);
            // don't need any attributes
            whereClause = whereClause.MakeCopy();
            return(new FragmentQuery(label, null /* fromVariable */, new HashSet <MemberPath>(), whereClause));
コード例 #30
 internal static BoolExpression CreateMemberCondition(
     MemberPath path,
     Constant domainValue,
     MemberDomainMap domainMap)
     if (domainValue is TypeConstant)
         return(BoolExpression.CreateLiteral((BoolLiteral) new TypeRestriction(new MemberProjectedSlot(path), new Domain(domainValue, domainMap.GetDomain(path))), domainMap));
     return(BoolExpression.CreateLiteral((BoolLiteral) new ScalarRestriction(new MemberProjectedSlot(path), new Domain(domainValue, domainMap.GetDomain(path))), domainMap));
コード例 #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an cql block representing the <paramref name="extent"/> (the FROM part).
 /// SELECT is given by <paramref name="slots"/>, WHERE by <paramref name="whereClause"/> and AS by <paramref name="blockAliasNum"/>.
 /// </summary>
 internal ExtentCqlBlock(EntitySetBase extent,
                         CellQuery.SelectDistinct selectDistinct,
                         SlotInfo[] slots,
                         BoolExpression whereClause,
                         CqlIdentifiers identifiers,
                         int blockAliasNum)
     : base(slots, EmptyChildren, whereClause, identifiers, blockAliasNum)
     m_extent         = extent;
     m_nodeTableAlias = identifiers.GetBlockAlias();
     m_selectDistinct = selectDistinct;
コード例 #32
ファイル: ExtentCqlBlock.cs プロジェクト: uQr/referencesource
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an cql block representing the <paramref name="extent"/> (the FROM part).
 /// SELECT is given by <paramref name="slots"/>, WHERE by <paramref name="whereClause"/> and AS by <paramref name="blockAliasNum"/>.
 /// </summary>
 internal ExtentCqlBlock(EntitySetBase extent,
                         CellQuery.SelectDistinct selectDistinct,
                         SlotInfo[] slots,
                         BoolExpression whereClause,
                         CqlIdentifiers identifiers,
                         int blockAliasNum)
     : base(slots, EmptyChildren, whereClause, identifiers, blockAliasNum)
     m_extent = extent;
     m_nodeTableAlias = identifiers.GetBlockAlias();
     m_selectDistinct = selectDistinct;
コード例 #33
        private static List <BoolExpression> MergeBoolExpressions(
            CellQuery query1,
            CellQuery query2,
            BoolExpression conjunct1,
            BoolExpression conjunct2,
            CellTreeOpType opType)
            List <BoolExpression> bools1 = query1.BoolVars;
            List <BoolExpression> bools2 = query2.BoolVars;

            if (!conjunct1.IsTrue)
                bools1 = BoolExpression.AddConjunctionToBools(bools1, conjunct1);
            if (!conjunct2.IsTrue)
                bools2 = BoolExpression.AddConjunctionToBools(bools2, conjunct2);
            List <BoolExpression> boolExpressionList = new List <BoolExpression>();

            for (int index = 0; index < bools1.Count; ++index)
                BoolExpression boolExpression = (BoolExpression)null;
                if (bools1[index] == null)
                    boolExpression = bools2[index];
                else if (bools2[index] == null)
                    boolExpression = bools1[index];
                    switch (opType)
                    case CellTreeOpType.Union:
                        boolExpression = BoolExpression.CreateOr(bools1[index], bools2[index]);

                    case CellTreeOpType.IJ:
                        boolExpression = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(bools1[index], bools2[index]);

                    case CellTreeOpType.LASJ:
                        boolExpression = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(bools1[index], BoolExpression.CreateNot(bools2[index]));
コード例 #34
        private bool IsSatisfiable(BoolExpression condition)
            // instantiate conversion context for each check - gives better performance
            BoolExpression conditionUnderKB = condition.Create(
                new AndExpr <BoolDomainConstraint>(_kb.KbExpression, condition.Tree));
            var context = IdentifierService <BoolDomainConstraint> .Instance.CreateConversionContext();

            var  converter     = new Converter <BoolDomainConstraint>(conditionUnderKB.Tree, context);
            bool isSatisfiable = converter.Vertex.IsZero() == false;

コード例 #35
ファイル: CellQuery.cs プロジェクト: jesusico83/Telerik
 // effects: Given all the fields, just sets them. 
 internal CellQuery(
     ProjectedSlot[] projectedSlots,
     BoolExpression whereClause,
     List<BoolExpression> boolExprs,
     SelectDistinct elimDupl, MemberPath rootMember)
     m_boolExprs = boolExprs;
     m_projectedSlots = projectedSlots;
     m_whereClause = whereClause;
     m_originalWhereClause = whereClause;
     m_selectDistinct = elimDupl;
     m_extentMemberPath = rootMember;
コード例 #36
ファイル: CqlGenerator.cs プロジェクト: uQr/referencesource
 /// <summary>
 /// Given the generated <paramref name="view"/>, the <paramref name="caseStatements"/> for the multiconstant fields,
 /// the <paramref name="projectedSlotMap"/> that maps different paths of the entityset (for which the view is being generated) to slot indexes in the view,
 /// creates an object that is capable of generating the Cql for <paramref name="view"/>.
 /// </summary>
 internal CqlGenerator(CellTreeNode view,
                       CaseStatement> caseStatements,
                       CqlIdentifiers identifiers,
                       MemberProjectionIndex projectedSlotMap,
                       int numCellsInView,
                       BoolExpression topLevelWhereClause,
                       StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection)
     m_view = view;
     m_caseStatements = caseStatements;
     m_projectedSlotMap = projectedSlotMap;
     m_numBools = numCellsInView; // We have that many booleans
     m_topLevelWhereClause = topLevelWhereClause;
     m_identifiers = identifiers;
     m_mappingItemCollection = mappingItemCollection;
コード例 #37
ファイル: CellQuery.cs プロジェクト: jesusico83/Telerik
        // requires: The CellConstantDomains in the OneOfConsts of the where
        // clause are partially done
        // effects: Given the domains of different variables in domainMap,
        // fixes the whereClause of this such that all the
        // CellConstantDomains in OneOfConsts are complete
        internal void UpdateWhereClause(MemberDomainMap domainMap)
            var atoms = new List<BoolExpression>();
            foreach (var atom in WhereClause.Atoms)
                var literal = atom.AsLiteral;
                var restriction = literal as MemberRestriction;
                Debug.Assert(restriction != null, "All bool literals must be OneOfConst at this point");
                // The oneOfConst needs to be fixed with the new possible values from the domainMap.
                var possibleValues = domainMap.GetDomain(restriction.RestrictedMemberSlot.MemberPath);
                var newOneOf = restriction.CreateCompleteMemberRestriction(possibleValues);

                // Prevent optimization of single constraint e.g: "300 in (300)"
                // But we want to optimize type constants e.g: "category in (Category)"
                // To prevent optimization of bool expressions we add a Sentinel OneOF

                var scalarConst = restriction as ScalarRestriction;
                var addSentinel =
                    scalarConst != null &&
                    !scalarConst.Domain.Contains(Constant.Null) &&
                    !scalarConst.Domain.Contains(Constant.NotNull) &&

                if (addSentinel)

                atoms.Add(BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(newOneOf, domainMap));

                if (addSentinel)
            // We create a new whereClause that has the memberDomainMap set
            if (atoms.Count > 0)
                m_whereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(atoms.ToArray());
コード例 #38
ファイル: CellQuery.cs プロジェクト: jesusico83/Telerik
 // effects: Creates a cell query with the given projection (slots),
 // from part (joinTreeRoot) and the predicate (whereClause)
 // Used for cell creation
 internal CellQuery(List<ProjectedSlot> slots, BoolExpression whereClause, MemberPath rootMember, SelectDistinct eliminateDuplicates)
     : this(slots.ToArray(), whereClause, new List<BoolExpression>(), eliminateDuplicates, rootMember)
コード例 #39
 private void AddUnrecoverableAttributesError(
     IEnumerable<MemberPath> attributes, BoolExpression domainAddedWhereClause, ErrorLog errorLog)
     var builder = new StringBuilder();
     var extentName = StringUtil.FormatInvariant("{0}", _extentPath);
     var tableString = Strings.ViewGen_Extent;
     var attributesString = StringUtil.ToCommaSeparatedString(GetTypeBasedMemberPathList(attributes));
     builder.AppendLine(Strings.ViewGen_Cannot_Recover_Attributes(attributesString, tableString, extentName));
     RewritingValidator.EntityConfigurationToUserString(domainAddedWhereClause, builder);
     var record = new ErrorLog.Record(
         ViewGenErrorCode.AttributesUnrecoverable, builder.ToString(), _context.AllWrappersForExtent, String.Empty);
コード例 #40
        MergeBoolExpressions(CellQuery query1, CellQuery query2,
                             BoolExpression conjunct1, BoolExpression conjunct2, CellTreeOpType opType)

            List<BoolExpression> bools1 = query1.BoolVars;
            List<BoolExpression> bools2 = query2.BoolVars;

            // Add conjuncts to both sets if needed
            if (false == conjunct1.IsTrue)
                bools1 = BoolExpression.AddConjunctionToBools(bools1, conjunct1);

            if (false == conjunct2.IsTrue)
                bools2 = BoolExpression.AddConjunctionToBools(bools2, conjunct2);

            // Perform merge
            Debug.Assert(bools1.Count == bools2.Count);
            List<BoolExpression> bools = new List<BoolExpression>();
            // Both bools1[i] and bools2[i] be null for some of the i's. When
            // we merge two (leaf) cells (say), only one boolean each is set
            // in it; the rest are all nulls. If the SP/TM rules have been
            // applied, more than one boolean may be non-null in a cell query
            for (int i = 0; i < bools1.Count; i++)
                BoolExpression merged = null;
                if (bools1[i] == null)
                    merged = bools2[i];
                else if (bools2[i] == null)
                    merged = bools1[i];
                    if (opType == CellTreeOpType.IJ)
                        merged = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(bools1[i], bools2[i]);
                    else if (opType == CellTreeOpType.Union)
                        merged = BoolExpression.CreateOr(bools1[i], bools2[i]);
                    else if (opType == CellTreeOpType.LASJ)
                        merged = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(bools1[i],
                        Debug.Fail("No other operation expected for boolean merge");
                if (merged != null)
            return bools;
コード例 #41
        // requires: "properties" corresponds to all the properties that are
        // inside cNode.Value, e.g., cNode corresponds to an extent Person,
        // properties contains all the properties inside Person (recursively)
        // effects: Given C-side and S-side Cell Query for a cell, generates
        // the projected slots on both sides corresponding to
        // properties. Also updates the C-side whereclause corresponding to
        // discriminator properties on the C-side, e.g, isHighPriority
        private void ExtractProperties(
            IEnumerable<StoragePropertyMapping> properties,
            MemberPath cNode, List<ProjectedSlot> cSlots,
            ref BoolExpression cQueryWhereClause,
            MemberPath sRootExtent,
            List<ProjectedSlot> sSlots,
            ref BoolExpression sQueryWhereClause)
            // For each property mapping, we add an entry to the C and S cell queries
            foreach (var propMap in properties)
                var scalarPropMap = propMap as StorageScalarPropertyMapping;
                var complexPropMap = propMap as StorageComplexPropertyMapping;
                var associationEndPropertypMap = propMap as StorageEndPropertyMapping;
                var conditionMap = propMap as StorageConditionPropertyMapping;

                    scalarPropMap != null ||
                    complexPropMap != null ||
                    associationEndPropertypMap != null ||
                    conditionMap != null, "Unimplemented property mapping");

                if (scalarPropMap != null)
                    Debug.Assert(scalarPropMap.ColumnProperty != null, "ColumnMember for a Scalar Property can not be null");
                    // Add an attribute node to node

                    var cAttributeNode = new MemberPath(cNode, scalarPropMap.EdmProperty);
                    // Add a column (attribute) node the sQuery
                    // unlike the C side, there is no nesting. Hence we
                    // did not need an internal node
                    var sAttributeNode = new MemberPath(sRootExtent, scalarPropMap.ColumnProperty);
                    cSlots.Add(new MemberProjectedSlot(cAttributeNode));
                    sSlots.Add(new MemberProjectedSlot(sAttributeNode));

                // Note: S-side constants are not allowed since they can cause
                // problems -- for example, if such a cell says 5 for the
                // third field, we cannot guarantee the fact that an
                // application may not set that field to 7 in the C-space

                // Check if the property mapping is for a complex types
                if (complexPropMap != null)
                    foreach (var complexTypeMap in complexPropMap.TypeMappings)
                        // Create a node for the complex type property and call recursively
                        var complexMemberNode = new MemberPath(cNode, complexPropMap.EdmProperty);
                        //Get the list of types that this type map represents
                        var allTypes = new Set<EdmType>();
                        // Gather a set of all explicit types for an entity
                        // type mapping in allTypes.
                        var exactTypes = Helpers.AsSuperTypeList<ComplexType, EdmType>(complexTypeMap.Types);
                        foreach (EdmType type in complexTypeMap.IsOfTypes)
                                    type, m_containerMapping.StorageMappingItemCollection.EdmItemCollection, false /*includeAbstractTypes*/));
                        var complexInTypes = BoolExpression.CreateLiteral(new TypeRestriction(complexMemberNode, allTypes), null);
                        cQueryWhereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(cQueryWhereClause, complexInTypes);
                        // Now extract the properties of the complex type
                        // (which could have other complex types)
                            complexTypeMap.AllProperties, complexMemberNode, cSlots,
                            ref cQueryWhereClause, sRootExtent, sSlots, ref sQueryWhereClause);

                // Check if the property mapping is for an associaion
                if (associationEndPropertypMap != null)
                    // create join tree node representing this relation end
                    var associationEndNode = new MemberPath(cNode, associationEndPropertypMap.EndMember);
                    // call recursively
                        associationEndPropertypMap.Properties, associationEndNode, cSlots,
                        ref cQueryWhereClause, sRootExtent, sSlots, ref sQueryWhereClause);

                //Check if the this is a condition and add it to the Where clause
                if (conditionMap != null)
                    if (conditionMap.ColumnProperty != null)
                        //Produce a Condition Expression for the Condition Map.
                        var conditionExpression = GetConditionExpression(sRootExtent, conditionMap);
                        //Add the condition expression to the exisiting S side Where clause using an "And"
                        sQueryWhereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(sQueryWhereClause, conditionExpression);
                        Debug.Assert(conditionMap.EdmProperty != null);
                        //Produce a Condition Expression for the Condition Map.
                        var conditionExpression = GetConditionExpression(cNode, conditionMap);
                        //Add the condition expression to the exisiting C side Where clause using an "And"
                        cQueryWhereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(cQueryWhereClause, conditionExpression);
コード例 #42
 protected BinaryBoolExpression(BoolExpression lhs, BoolExpression rhs)
コード例 #43
        /// <summary>
        ///     Adds an expression of the form "WHEN <paramref name="condition" /> THEN <paramref name="value" />".
        ///     This operation is not allowed after the <see cref="Simplify" /> call.
        /// </summary>
        internal void AddWhenThen(BoolExpression condition, ProjectedSlot value)
            Debug.Assert(!m_simplified, "Attempt to modify a simplified case statement");

            m_clauses.Add(new WhenThen(condition, value));
コード例 #44
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates WHEN condition THEN value.
 /// </summary>
 internal WhenThen(BoolExpression condition, ProjectedSlot value)
     m_condition = condition;
     m_value = value;
コード例 #45
        // make sure that we can find a rewriting for each possible entity shape appearing in an extent
        // Possible optimization for OfType view generation:
        // Cache "used views" for each (currentPath, domainValue) combination
        private void EnsureConfigurationIsFullyMapped(
            MemberPath currentPath,
            BoolExpression currentWhereClause,
            HashSet<FragmentQuery> outputUsedViews,
            ErrorLog errorLog)
            foreach (var domainValue in GetDomain(currentPath))
                if (domainValue == Constant.Undefined)
                    continue; // no point in trying to recover a situation that can never happen
                TraceVerbose("REWRITING FOR {0}={1}", currentPath, domainValue);

                // construct WHERE clause for this value
                var domainAddedWhereClause = CreateMemberCondition(currentPath, domainValue);
                // AND the current where clause to it
                var domainWhereClause = BoolExpression.CreateAnd(currentWhereClause, domainAddedWhereClause);

                // first check whether we can recover instances of this type - don't care about the attributes - to produce a helpful error message
                Tile<FragmentQuery> rewriting;
                if (false == FindRewritingAndUsedViews(_keyAttributes, domainWhereClause, outputUsedViews, out rewriting))
                    if (!ErrorPatternMatcher.FindMappingErrors(_context, _domainMap, _errorLog))
                        var builder = new StringBuilder();
                        var extentName = StringUtil.FormatInvariant("{0}", _extentPath);
                        var whereClause = rewriting.Query.Condition;
                        if (whereClause.RepresentsAllTypeConditions)
                            var tableString = Strings.ViewGen_Extent;
                            builder.AppendLine(Strings.ViewGen_Cannot_Recover_Types(tableString, extentName));
                            var entitiesString = Strings.ViewGen_Entities;
                            builder.AppendLine(Strings.ViewGen_Cannot_Disambiguate_MultiConstant(entitiesString, extentName));
                        RewritingValidator.EntityConfigurationToUserString(whereClause, builder);
                        var record = new ErrorLog.Record(
                            ViewGenErrorCode.AmbiguousMultiConstants, builder.ToString(), _context.AllWrappersForExtent, String.Empty);
                    var typeConstant = domainValue as TypeConstant;
                    if (typeConstant != null)
                        // we are enumerating types
                        var edmType = typeConstant.EdmType;
                        // If can recover the type, make sure can get all the necessary attributes (key is included for EntityTypes)

                        var nonConditionalAttributes =
                            GetNonConditionalScalarMembers(edmType, currentPath, _domainMap).Union(
                                GetNonConditionalComplexMembers(edmType, currentPath, _domainMap)).ToList();
                        IEnumerable<MemberPath> notCoverdAttributes;
                        if (nonConditionalAttributes.Count > 0
                                nonConditionalAttributes, domainWhereClause, outputUsedViews, out rewriting, out notCoverdAttributes))
                            //Error: No mapping specified for some attributes
                            // remove keys
                            nonConditionalAttributes = new List<MemberPath>(nonConditionalAttributes.Where(a => !a.IsPartOfKey));
                            Debug.Assert(nonConditionalAttributes.Count > 0, "Must have caught key-only case earlier");

                            AddUnrecoverableAttributesError(notCoverdAttributes, domainAddedWhereClause, errorLog);
                            // recurse into complex members
                            foreach (var complexMember in GetConditionalComplexMembers(edmType, currentPath, _domainMap))
                                EnsureConfigurationIsFullyMapped(complexMember, domainWhereClause, outputUsedViews, errorLog);
                            // recurse into scalar members
                            foreach (var scalarMember in GetConditionalScalarMembers(edmType, currentPath, _domainMap))
                                EnsureConfigurationIsFullyMapped(scalarMember, domainWhereClause, outputUsedViews, errorLog);
コード例 #46
ファイル: If.cs プロジェクト: brandongrossutti/DotCopter
 public If(BoolExpression condition)
       this.cookie=FuncBuilder.Instance.StartInflightUtterance("If requires an Endif");
コード例 #47
ファイル: If.cs プロジェクト: brandongrossutti/DotCopter
 public WithOptionalElse(BoolExpression condition, Action thenAction, Action elseAction, object cookie)
     : base(condition, thenAction, elseAction, cookie)
コード例 #48
ファイル: CellQuery.cs プロジェクト: jesusico83/Telerik
 private IEnumerable<MemberRestriction> GetConjunctsFromWhereClause(BoolExpression whereClause)
     foreach (var boolExpr in whereClause.Atoms)
         if (boolExpr.IsTrue)
         var result = boolExpr.AsLiteral as MemberRestriction;
         Debug.Assert(result != null, "Atom must be restriction");
         yield return result;
コード例 #49
ファイル: CellQuery.cs プロジェクト: jesusico83/Telerik
 // <summary>
 // Copy Constructor
 // </summary>
 internal CellQuery(CellQuery source)
     m_basicCellRelation = source.m_basicCellRelation;
     m_boolExprs = source.m_boolExprs;
     m_selectDistinct = source.m_selectDistinct;
     m_extentMemberPath = source.m_extentMemberPath;
     m_originalWhereClause = source.m_originalWhereClause;
     m_projectedSlots = source.m_projectedSlots;
     m_whereClause = source.m_whereClause;
コード例 #50
        // Find rewriting for query SELECT <attributes> WHERE <whereClause> FROM _extentPath
        private bool FindRewriting(
            IEnumerable<MemberPath> attributes, BoolExpression whereClause,
            out Tile<FragmentQuery> rewriting, out IEnumerable<MemberPath> notCoveredAttributes)
            Tile<FragmentQuery> toFill = CreateTile(FragmentQuery.Create(attributes, whereClause));
            Debug.Assert(toFill.Query.Attributes.Count > 0, "Query has no attributes?");
            Tile<FragmentQuery> toAvoid = CreateTile(FragmentQuery.Create(_keyAttributes, BoolExpression.CreateNot(whereClause)));

            var isRelaxed = (_context.ViewTarget == ViewTarget.UpdateView);
            var found = RewriteQuery(toFill, toAvoid, out rewriting, out notCoveredAttributes, isRelaxed);
                !found || rewriting.GetNamedQueries().All(q => q != _trueViewSurrogate.Query),
                "TrueViewSurrogate should have been substituted");
            return found;
コード例 #51
ファイル: While.cs プロジェクト: brandongrossutti/DotCopter
 public While(BoolExpression condition)
       this.cookie=FuncBuilder.Instance.StartInflightUtterance("While requires a Do");
コード例 #52
        // Generates the components used to assemble and validate the view:
        // (1) case statements
        // (2) top-level where clause
        // (3) used cells
        // (4) basic view CellTreeNode
        // (5) dictionary<MemberValue, CellTreeNode> for validation
        internal void GenerateViewComponents()
            // make sure everything is mapped (for query views only)

            // (1) case statements
            GenerateCaseStatements(_domainMap.ConditionMembers(_extentPath.Extent), _usedViews);


            if (_usedViews.Count == 0
                || _errorLog.Count > 0)
                // can't continue: no view will be generated, further validation doesn't make sense
                Debug.Assert(_errorLog.Count > 0);
                ExceptionHelpers.ThrowMappingException(_errorLog, _config);

            // (2) top-level where clause
            _topLevelWhereClause = GetTopLevelWhereClause(_usedViews);

            // some tracing
            if (_context.ViewTarget
                == ViewTarget.QueryView)
                TraceVerbose("Used {0} views of {1} total for rewriting", _usedViews.Count, _views.Count);

            // (3) construct the final _from variables
            _usedCells = RemapFromVariables();

            // (4) construct basic view
            var basicViewGenerator = new BasicViewGenerator(
                _context.MemberMaps.ProjectedSlotMap, _usedCells,
                _domainQuery, _context, _domainMap, _errorLog, _config);

            _basicView = basicViewGenerator.CreateViewExpression();

            // a top-level WHERE clause is needed only if the simplifiedView still contains extra tuples
            var noWhereClauseNeeded = _context.LeftFragmentQP.IsContainedIn(_basicView.LeftFragmentQuery, _domainQuery);
            if (noWhereClauseNeeded)
                _topLevelWhereClause = BoolExpression.True;

            if (_errorLog.Count > 0)
                ExceptionHelpers.ThrowMappingException(_errorLog, _config);
コード例 #53
 internal CaseCqlBlock(
     SlotInfo[] slots, int caseSlot, CqlBlock child, BoolExpression whereClause, CqlIdentifiers identifiers, int blockAliasNum)
     : base(slots, new List<CqlBlock>(new[] { child }), whereClause, identifiers, blockAliasNum)
     m_caseSlotInfo = slots[caseSlot];
コード例 #54
 // Find rewriting for query SELECT <attributes> WHERE <whereClause> FROM _extentPath
 // and add view appearing in rewriting to outputUsedViews
 private bool FindRewritingAndUsedViews(
     IEnumerable<MemberPath> attributes, BoolExpression whereClause,
     HashSet<FragmentQuery> outputUsedViews, out Tile<FragmentQuery> rewriting,
     out IEnumerable<MemberPath> notCoveredAttributes)
     if (FindRewriting(attributes, whereClause, out rewriting, out notCoveredAttributes))
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #55
        // Modifies _caseStatements and _topLevelWhereClause
        private List<LeftCellWrapper> RemapFromVariables()
            var usedCells = new List<LeftCellWrapper>();
            // remap CellIdBooleans appearing in WHEN clauses and in topLevelWhereClause so the first used cell = 0, second = 1, etc.
            // This ordering is exploited in CQL generation
            var newNumber = 0;
            var literalRemap = new Dictionary<BoolLiteral, BoolLiteral>(BoolLiteral.EqualityIdentifierComparer);
            foreach (var leftCellWrapper in _context.AllWrappersForExtent)
                if (_usedViews.Contains(leftCellWrapper.FragmentQuery))
                    var oldNumber = leftCellWrapper.OnlyInputCell.CellNumber;
                    if (newNumber != oldNumber)
                        literalRemap[new CellIdBoolean(_identifiers, oldNumber)] = new CellIdBoolean(_identifiers, newNumber);

            if (literalRemap.Count > 0)
                // Remap _from literals in WHERE clause
                _topLevelWhereClause = _topLevelWhereClause.RemapLiterals(literalRemap);

                // Remap _from literals in case statements
                var newCaseStatements = new Dictionary<MemberPath, CaseStatement>();
                foreach (var entry in _caseStatements)
                    var newCaseStatement = new CaseStatement(entry.Key);
                    Debug.Assert(entry.Value.ElseValue == null);
                    foreach (var clause in entry.Value.Clauses)
                        newCaseStatement.AddWhenThen(clause.Condition.RemapLiterals(literalRemap), clause.Value);
                    newCaseStatements[entry.Key] = newCaseStatement;
                _caseStatements = newCaseStatements;
            return usedCells;
コード例 #56
 // Find rewriting for query SELECT <attributes> WHERE <whereClause> FROM _extentPath
 // and add view appearing in rewriting to outputUsedViews
 private bool FindRewritingAndUsedViews(
     IEnumerable<MemberPath> attributes, BoolExpression whereClause,
     HashSet<FragmentQuery> outputUsedViews, out Tile<FragmentQuery> rewriting)
     IEnumerable<MemberPath> notCoveredAttributes;
     return FindRewritingAndUsedViews(
         attributes, whereClause, outputUsedViews, out rewriting,
         out notCoveredAttributes);