private void buttonSearchBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int choice = comboBoxBook.SelectedIndex; switch (choice) { case -1: MessageBox.Show("Please select the search option"); break; case 0: Books book = BooksDA.Search(Convert.ToInt32(textBoxEnterInformation.Text)); if (book != null) { textBoxISBN.Text = book.ISBN.ToString(); textBoxTitle.Text = book.Title; textBoxAuthor.Text = book.BookAuthor; textBoxYearPublished.Text = (book.BookYearPublished).ToString(); textBoxQOH.Text = (book.BookQOH).ToString(); textBoxUnitPrice.Text = (book.BookUnitePrice).ToString(); textBoxISBN.Enabled = false; } else { MessageBox.Show("ISBN not Found!"); textBoxEnterInformation.Clear(); textBoxEnterInformation.Focus(); } break; case 1: Books boo = BooksDA.SearchTitle(textBoxEnterInformation.Text); if (boo != null) { textBoxISBN.Text = (boo.ISBN).ToString(); textBoxTitle.Text = boo.Title; textBoxAuthor.Text = boo.BookAuthor; textBoxYearPublished.Text = (boo.BookYearPublished).ToString(); textBoxQOH.Text = (boo.BookQOH).ToString(); textBoxUnitPrice.Text = (boo.BookUnitePrice).ToString(); textBoxISBN.Enabled = false; } else { MessageBox.Show("Title not Found!"); textBoxEnterInformation.Clear(); textBoxEnterInformation.Focus(); } break; default: break; } }
private void buttonSaveEmployee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((textBoxclientname.Text == "") || (textBoxbooktitle.Text == "") || (textBoxOrderQuantity.Text == "") || (textBoxUnitPrice.Text == "") || (textBoxSubtotal.Text == "") || (textBoxGST.Text == "") || (textBoxPST.Text == "") || (textBoxtotal.Text == "")) { MessageBox.Show("Please full fill all the fields", "Missing Data"); ClearAll(); return; } else { Client client = ClientsDA.SearchNM(textBoxclientname.Text); Books book = BooksDA.SearchTitle(textBoxbooktitle.Text); string qtfh = textBoxclientname.Text; string asda = textBoxbooktitle.Text; int lalala = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxOrderQuantity.Text); if (book == null) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Information book, try again", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else if (client == null) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Information client, try again", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else if (book.BookQOH < Convert.ToInt32(textBoxOrderQuantity.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("The inventory does not have that quantity of products", "Missing Product"); ClearAll(); return; } else { Order Or = new Order(); if ((client.Name == textBoxclientname.Text) && (book.Title.ToString() == textBoxbooktitle.Text) && (book.BookQOH < Convert.ToInt32(textBoxOrderQuantity.Text))) { Or.OrdernUmber = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxOrderNumber.Text); Or.OrderDate = dateTimePickerOrder.Text; Or.ShippingDate = dateTimePickerShipping.Text; Or.ClientNumber = textBoxclientname.Text; Or.BookName = textBoxbooktitle.Text; Or.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxOrderQuantity.Text); Or.unit = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxUnitPrice.Text); Or.Subtotal = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxSubtotal.Text); Or.Gst = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxGST.Text); Or.Pst = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxPST.Text); = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxtotal.Text); OrdersDA.Save(Or); ClearAll(); } } } }