コード例 #1
        public PartialViewResult LoadBookingList(string commonAreaId, string requestDate, string adminStatus, string pageNo, string pageSize = "10")
            BookingRequestHelper helper = new BookingRequestHelper();
            BookingRequestModel  model  = new BookingRequestModel();

            model.StratasBoardId = ClientSessionData.ClientStrataBoardId;
            var bookingList = helper.GetBookingListing(model);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commonAreaId))
                bookingList = bookingList.Where(x => x.CommonAreaId == int.Parse(commonAreaId)).ToList();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestDate))
                bookingList = bookingList.Where(x => x.CreatedOn.ToShortDateString() == DateTime.Parse(requestDate).ToShortDateString()).ToList();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminStatus))
                bookingList = bookingList.Where(x => x.AdminStatus == int.Parse(adminStatus)).ToList();

            int totalRecords = bookingList.Count;

            BookingRequestModelView bookingRequestModel = new BookingRequestModelView();

            bookingRequestModel.TotalPages = totalRecords / Convert.ToInt32(pageSize);
            if (totalRecords % Convert.ToInt32(pageSize) > 0)

            var skip = Convert.ToInt32(pageSize) * (Convert.ToInt32(pageNo) - 1);

            bookingRequestModel.ListBooking = bookingList.Skip(skip).Take(Convert.ToInt32(pageSize)).ToList();

            return(PartialView("_AdminBookingListPartial", bookingRequestModel));
コード例 #2
        public JsonResult UpdateStatus(string bookingRequestId, string reason, string adminStatus)
            string msg  = "ok";
            int    data = -1;

                BookingRequestModel model = new BookingRequestModel();
                model.BookingRequestId = Convert.ToInt64(bookingRequestId);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(adminStatus) == 2)
                    model.AdminRemark = reason;
                model.AdminStatus = Convert.ToInt32(adminStatus);  // 1= Approved, 2= Rejected

                if (Convert.ToInt64(bookingRequestId) > 0 && (Convert.ToInt32(adminStatus) == 1 || Convert.ToInt32(adminStatus) == 2))
                    BookingRequestHelper helper = new BookingRequestHelper();
                    int result = helper.UpdateAdminBookingStatus(model);
                    if (result == 1)
                        data = 0;

                        if (Convert.ToInt32(adminStatus) == 1)
                            msg = "You have approved request successfully.";
                            msg = "You have rejected request successfully.";

                        //"Send email to owner for the status updated by stratasboard admin"
                        string emailStatus = EmailSender.BookingRequestUpdateMail(Convert.ToInt64(bookingRequestId), ClientSessionData.ClientStrataBoardId);
                        if (emailStatus == "success")
                            // Mail sent successfullly
                            // Mail is not delievered
                        data = -4;
                        msg  = "Error! try again later.";
                    data = -3;
                    msg  = "Error! try again later.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                data = -2;
                msg  = ex.Message;
            return(Json(new { Msg = msg, Counter = data }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));