コード例 #1
        private void ClearList(BookRecord rt)
		BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();
		if (m_pRoot != null)//makes sure the list isn't empty
			temp = m_pRoot;
			while (m_pRoot != null)//Goes through the list until the end
				temp = m_pRoot;
				m_pRoot = m_pRoot.getLeft();//Sets the head to the next Node
				temp = new BookRecord();//removes the node
				m_pRoot = m_pRoot.getRight();
		temp = null;
コード例 #2
 //The function PrintAll() recursively prints
 //all book records stored in the binary tree
 //Only the system directly interacts with this function
 private void PrintAll(BookRecord rt)
     if (rt != null)
コード例 #3
 //The function searchByCost recursively searches
 //for each book that falls within the given
 //price range.
 //If found, it prints out the book information
 //Only the system directly interacts with this function
 private void searchByCost(double min, double max, BookRecord rt)
     if (rt != null)
         //Checks to see if the cost of the book falls within $10 of the range (min & max).
         if ((rt.getCost() >= (min - 5)) && (rt.getCost() <= (max + 5)))
             rt.printRecord();//If it does, the information is printed
         searchByCost(min, max, rt.getLeft());
         searchByCost(min, max, rt.getRight());
コード例 #4
 private void searchByClassification(int cl, BookRecord rt)
     int tempCL;//Since BookRecord::getClassification() is a
     //pass by reference function, tempCL is used to
     //obtain the classification number of the book.
     if (rt != null)
         tempCL = rt.getClassification();
         if (cl == tempCL)
         searchByClassification(cl, rt.getLeft());
         searchByClassification(cl, rt.getRight());
コード例 #5
 //The function searchByStockNumber searches the list for books
 //with the given stock number and prints their information.
 public BookRecord searchByStockNumber(long stockNum)
     if (m_pRoot == null) //Checks if there is anything in the tree, prints message if the tree is empty
         Console.Error.WriteLine("There are no contents in this tree!");
     BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();
     temp = m_pRoot;
     //The function searches the tree until it reaches the end
     while ((temp != null) && temp.getStockNum() != stockNum)
         if (stockNum < temp.getStockNum())
             //Search key comes before this node, send temp to left child
             temp = temp.getLeft();
             //Search key comes after this node, send temp to right child
             temp = temp.getRight();
     if (temp == null) //If the target is not found, return null
         return null;
     else //Target found!
         temp.setLeft(null); //Safety purposes, prevents m_pLeft from being exposed to end user
         temp.setRight(null); //Safety purposes, prevents m_pRight from being exposed to end user
         return temp;
     //Function won't ever get here, this is to stop the warning that "not all control paths return a value"
     //return null;
コード例 #6
        //The function removeBook searches for the stock number
        //of a Book Record and removes that book from the list.
        public Boolean removeBook(long stockNum)
		BookRecord back = new BookRecord();
		BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();
		BookRecord delParent = new BookRecord(); //delParent = parent of node to remove, delNode = node to remove
		BookRecord delNode = new BookRecord(); 
		String tempName = "";
		temp = m_pRoot;
		back = null;
		if (temp == null)//Case 1: Checks to see there is anything in the tree
			return false;
		//Finding the node to delete.
		while ((temp != null) && (stockNum != temp.getStockNum()))
			back = temp; //makes back the parent of temp
			if (stockNum < temp.getStockNum())
				temp = temp.getLeft(); //send temp to the next node to the left
				temp = temp.getRight(); //send temp to the next node to the right
		//If tree has reached the end and no book is found, a message is printed
		if (temp == null) //System didnt find anything to remove
			Console.WriteLine("Book Not Found. Nothing was removed.\n");
			return false;
		else //Prepare for deletion
			if (temp == m_pRoot)//If the book is at the root, set delNode to root and delParent to null
				delNode = m_pRoot;
				delParent = null;
			else //Node to remove comes after the root node
				delNode = temp;
				delParent = back;
		//Case 2: Removing node with zero or one child on the left
		if (delNode.getRight() == null) //The delNode has no right child
			if (delParent == null) //Removing the root
				m_pRoot = delNode.getLeft(); //make the left child the new root
				delNode = null;
				return true;
			else //Not at root, decide which side of delParent, delNode is on
				if (delParent.getLeft() == delNode) //Node to delete is a left child
				else //Node to delete is a right child
				delNode = null;
				return true;
		else //Case 3: Deleting node has at least one child on the right
			if (delNode.getLeft() == null) //The delNode has no left child
				if (delParent == null)//Deleting the root
					m_pRoot = delNode.getRight(); //make the right child the new root
					delNode = null;
					return true;
				else //Not at root, decide which side of delParent, delNode is on
					if (delParent.getLeft() == delNode) //Node to remove is a left child
					else //Node to remove is a right child
					delNode = null;
					return true;
			else //Case 4: Removing node with two children.
				//Find the replacement value. Locate the node containing the largest value smaller
				//than the key of the node being deleted
				temp = delNode.getLeft();
				back = delNode;
				while (temp.getRight() != null)
					back = temp;
					temp = temp.getRight();
				//Copy the replacement values into the
				//node to be "removed"
				tempName = temp.getName();

				//delNode = temp;
				//Remove the replacement node from the tree.
				if (back == delNode)
				temp = null;
				return true;