private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Data validation //data validation if (this.txtBookName.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Must have the BookName"); this.txtBookName.Focus(); return; } if (this.cboBookCategory.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Select the Book Category"); return; } if (this.pbCurrentImage.Image == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select an image for book"); return; } if (this.cboPublisher.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Select the Publisher for the book"); return; } if (this.txtAuthor.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please input the Author for the book"); this.txtAuthor.Focus(); return; } if (this.txtUnitPrice.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please input the Book price"); this.txtUnitPrice.Focus(); return; } if (this.txtBarCode.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please entry the number which is under the Barcode"); this.txtBarCode.Focus(); return; } #endregion //instance of object Books objBook = new Books() { BookName = this.txtBookName.Text.Trim(), BookCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(this.cboBookCategory.SelectedValue), PublisherId = Convert.ToInt32(this.cboPublisher.SelectedValue), PublisherDate = Convert.ToDateTime(this.dtpPublishDate.Text), Author = this.txtAuthor.Text.Trim(), UnitPrice = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtUnitPrice.Text.Trim()), BarCode = this.txtBarCode.Text.Trim(), BookCount = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtBookCount.Text.Trim()), Remainder = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtBookCount.Text.Trim()), BookPosition = this.txtBookPosition.Text.Trim(), BookImage = new Common.SerializeObjectToString().SerializeObject(this.pbCurrentImage.Image), PublisherName = this.cboPublisher.Text }; //call B-E try { objBookManager.AddBookk(objBook); this.booklist.Add(objBook); this.dgvBookList.DataSource = null; this.dgvBookList.DataSource = this.booklist; //clearn the book infomation foreach (Control item in this.gbBook.Controls) { if (item is TextBox) { item.Text = ""; } else if (item is ComboBox) { ((ComboBox)item).SelectedIndex = -1; } } this.pbCurrentImage.Image = null; this.txtBookName.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }