コード例 #1
        protected string getData()
            currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
            if (currentPage == 0)
                currentPage = 1;

            string bookIsbn   = Request["bookIsbn"];
            string bookName   = Request["bookName"];
            string supplier   = Request["supplier"];
            string time       = Request["time"];
            string userName   = Request["userName"];
            string userregion = Request["userregion"];
            string resource   = Request["resource"];

            User   user     = (User)Session["user"];
            int    regionId = user.ReginId.RegionId;
            string tjType   = Request["type"];

            string where = "";
            int type = 0;

            if (tjType == "CK")
                type = 0;
            if (tjType == "RK")
                type = 1;
            if (tjType == "TH")
                type = 2;
            if ((bookIsbn == "" || bookIsbn == null) && (bookName == "" || bookName == null) && (supplier == "" || supplier == null) && (time == "" || time == null) && (userName == "" || userName == null) && (userregion == "" || userregion == null) && (resource == "" || resource == null))
                string tjRegion   = Request["region"];
                string tjuserName = Request["userName"];
                string tjHeadId   = Request["singleHeadId"];
                string tjtime     = Request["time"];
                if (tjRegion != "null" && tjRegion != "" && tjRegion != null)
                    where += " and regionName='" + tjRegion + "'";
                if (tjuserName != "null" && tjuserName != "" && tjuserName != null)
                    where += " and userName='******'";
                if (tjHeadId != "null" && tjHeadId != "" && tjHeadId != null)
                    where += " and singleHeadId='" + tjHeadId + "'";
                if (tjtime != "null" && tjtime != "" && tjtime != null)
                    string[] sArray    = tjtime.Split('至');
                    string   startTime = sArray[0];
                    string   endTime   = sArray[1];
                    where += " and time BETWEEN '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "'";
                if (bookIsbn != null && bookIsbn != "")
                    where += " and isbn='" + bookIsbn + "'";
                if (bookName != null && bookName != "")
                    where += " and bookName like '%" + bookName + "%'";
                if (supplier != null && supplier != "")
                    where += " and supplier='" + supplier + "'";
                if (time != null && time != "")
                    string[] sArray    = time.Split('至');
                    string   startTime = sArray[0];
                    string   endTime   = sArray[1];
                    where += " and time BETWEEN '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "'";
                //if (time != null && time != "")
                //    where += " and time like '" + time + "%'";
                if (userName != null && userName != "")
                    where += " and userName='******'";
                if (userregion != null && userregion != "")
                    where += " and userRegion='" + userregion + "'";
                if (resource != null && resource != "")
                    where += " and regionName='" + resource + "'";
                currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
                if (currentPage == 0)
                    currentPage = 1;
            string       userId = user.UserId;
            TableBuilder tbd    = new TableBuilder();

            tbd.StrTable = "v_stockstatistics";
            tbd.OrderBy  = "id";
            if (isAdmin)
                tbd.StrColumnlist = "id,type,userName,bookName,ISBN,bookNum,sum(number) as number,sum(totalPrice) as totalPrice ,sum(realPrice) as realPrice,regionName,supplier,time,userRegion";
                tbd.StrWhere      = "type=" + type + where + " group by userName,bookName,ISBN,bookNum,regionName,userRegion";
                tbd.StrColumnlist = "id,type,userName,bookName,ISBN,bookNum,sum(number) as number,sum(totalPrice) as totalPrice ,sum(realPrice) as realPrice,regionName,supplier,time";
                tbd.StrWhere      = "regionId=" + regionId + where + " and type=" + type + " group by userName,bookName,ISBN,bookNum,regionName";
            tbd.IntPageSize = pageSize;
            tbd.IntPageNum  = currentPage;
            DataSet ds = bookbll.selectBypage(tbd, out totalCount, out intPageCount);
            //dsSupplier = bookbll.selectSupplier();
            //dsRegion = regionBll.select();
            //dsUser = bookbll.selectZdy();
            //dsSource = bookbll.selectSource();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int           j  = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
                DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                sb.Append("<tr><td>" + (i + 1 + ((currentPage - 1) * pageSize)) + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["bookNum"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["ISBN"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["bookName"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["supplier"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["number"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["totalPrice"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["realPrice"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["regionName"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["userName"].ToString() + "</td>");
                if (isAdmin)
                    sb.Append("<td>" + dr["userRegion"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["time"].ToString() + "</td></tr>");
            sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + intPageCount + "' id='intPageCount' />");
            string op = Request["op"];

            if (op == "paging")
                Response.Write(sb.ToString() + "|:" + sjNum + "|:" + sbNum + "|:" + total + "|:" + real);
コード例 #2
        protected string getData()
            string bookISBN    = Request["bookISBN"];
            string bookName    = Request["bookName"];
            string stockNumber = Request["stockNumber"];
            string supplier    = Request["supplier"];
            string price       = Request["price"];

            if (user.RoleId.RoleName == "超级管理员")
                string area = Request["bookArea"];
                currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
                if (currentPage == 0)
                    currentPage = 1;
                if (supplier != "" && supplier != null)
                    if (search == "" || search == null)
                        search = "supplier like '%" + supplier + "%'";
                        search += " and supplier like '%" + supplier + "%'";
                if (bookName != "" && bookName != null)
                    if (search == "" || search == null)
                        search = "bookName like '%" + bookName + "%'";
                        search += " and bookName like '%" + bookName + "%'";
                if (bookISBN != "" && bookISBN != null)
                    if (search == "" || search == null)
                        search = "ISBN like '%" + bookISBN + "%'";
                        search += " and ISBN like '%" + bookISBN + "%'";
                if (area != "" && area != null)
                    if (search == "" || search == null)
                        search = "regionName like '%" + area + "%'";
                        search += " and regionName like '%" + area + "%'";
                if (stockNumber != "" && stockNumber != null)
                    string[] sArray = stockNumber.Split('于');
                    string   type   = sArray[0];
                    string   number = sArray[1];
                    if (search == "" || search == null)
                        if (type == "小")
                            search = "stockNum < '" + number + "'";
                        else if (type == "等")
                            search = "stockNum = '" + number + "'";
                            search = "stockNum > '" + number + "'";
                        if (type == "小")
                            search += " and stockNum < '" + number + "'";
                        else if (type == "等")
                            search += " and stockNum = '" + number + "'";
                            search += " and stockNum > '" + number + "'";
                if (price != "" && price != null)
                    string[] sArray = price.Split('于');
                    string   type   = sArray[0];
                    string   number = sArray[1];
                    if (search == "" || search == null)
                        if (type == "小")
                            search = "price < '" + number + "'";
                        else if (type == "等")
                            search = "price = '" + number + "'";
                            search = "price > '" + number + "'";
                        if (type == "小")
                            search += " and price < '" + number + "'";
                        else if (type == "等")
                            search += " and price = '" + number + "'";
                            search += " and price > '" + number + "'";
                string region = "regionId=" + user.ReginId.RegionId;
                if (search == "" || search == null)
                    search += region;
                currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
                if (currentPage == 0)
                    currentPage = 1;
                string area = Request["bookArea"];
                currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
                if (currentPage == 0)
                    currentPage = 1;
                if (supplier != "" && supplier != null)
                    search += " and supplier like '%" + supplier + "%'";
                if (bookName != "" && bookName != null)
                    search += " and bookName like '%" + bookName + "%'";
                if (bookISBN != "" && bookISBN != null)
                    search += " and ISBN = '" + bookISBN + "'";
                if (stockNumber != "" && stockNumber != null)
                    string[] sArray = stockNumber.Split('于');
                    string   type   = sArray[0];
                    string   number = sArray[1];
                    if (type == "小")
                        search += " and stockNum < '" + number + "'";
                    else if (type == "等")
                        search += " and stockNum = '" + number + "'";
                        search += " and stockNum > '" + number + "'";
                if (price != "" && price != null)
                    string[] sArray = price.Split('于');
                    string   type   = sArray[0];
                    string   number = sArray[1];
                    if (type == "小")
                        search += " and price < '" + number + "'";
                    else if (type == "等")
                        search += " and price = '" + number + "'";
                        search += " and price > '" + number + "'";
            TableBuilder tbd = new TableBuilder();

            tbd.StrTable      = "V_Stock";
            tbd.OrderBy       = "ISBN";
            tbd.StrColumnlist = "ISBN,bookName,supplier,price,regionName,stockNum,shelvesName";
            tbd.IntPageSize   = pageSize;
            tbd.StrWhere      = search;
            tbd.IntPageNum    = currentPage;
            ds = bookbll.selectBypage(tbd, out totalCount, out intPageCount);
            //dsSupplier = bookbll.selectSupplier();
            int j = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            if (ds == null)
                j = 0;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            j = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
                DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                sb.Append("<tr><td>" + dr["ISBN"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["bookName"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["supplier"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["price"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["regionName"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["shelvesName"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["stockNum"].ToString() + "</td></tr>");
            sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + intPageCount + "' id='intPageCount' />");
            string op = Request["op"];

            if (op == "paging")
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取数据
        /// </summary>
        protected string getData()
            currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
            if (currentPage == 0)
                currentPage = 1;
            string bookName  = Request["bookName"];
            string bookNum   = Request["bookNum"];
            string bookISBN  = Request["bookISBN"];
            string discount  = Request["discount"];
            string discount2 = Request["discount2"];
            string bookGys   = Request["bookGys"];

            if (bookName != "" && bookName != null)
                if (search == "" || search == null)
                    search += "bookName like '%" + bookName + "%'";
                    search += " and bookName like '%" + bookName + "%'";
            if (bookNum != "" && bookNum != null)
                if (search == "" || search == null)
                    search += "bookNum like '%" + bookNum + "%'";
                    search += " and bookNum like '%" + bookNum + "%'";
            if (bookISBN != "" && bookISBN != null)
                if (search == "" || search == null)
                    search += "isbn like '%" + bookISBN + "%'";
                    search += " and isbn like '%" + bookISBN + "%'";
            if (discount != "" && discount != null)
                string[] sArray = discount.Split('于');
                string   type   = sArray[0];
                string   number = sArray[1];
                    if (search == "" || search == null)
                        if (type == "小")
                            search = "remarks < '" + number + "'";
                        else if (type == "等")
                            search = "remarks = '" + number + "'";
                            search = "remarks > '" + number + "'";
                        if (type == "小")
                            search += " and remarks < '" + number + "'";
                        else if (type == "等")
                            search += " and remarks = '" + number + "'";
                            search += " and remarks > '" + number + "'";
            if (discount2 != "" && discount2 != null)
                string[] sArray = discount2.Split('于');
                string   type   = sArray[0];
                string   number = sArray[1];
                    if (search == "" || search == null)
                        if (type == "小")
                            search = "author < '" + number + "'";
                        else if (type == "等")
                            search = "author = '" + number + "'";
                            search = "author > '" + number + "'";
                        if (type == "小")
                            search += " and author < '" + number + "'";
                        else if (type == "等")
                            search += " and author = '" + number + "'";
                            search += " and author > '" + number + "'";
            if (bookGys != "" && bookGys != null)
                if (search == "" || search == null)
                    search += "supplier like '%" + bookGys + "%'";
                    search += " and supplier like '%" + bookGys + "%'";
            //if ((bookName == "" || bookName == null) && (bookNum == null || bookNum == "") && (bookISBN == null || bookISBN == ""))
            //    search = "";
            //else if ((bookName != "" && bookName != null) && (bookNum == null || bookNum == "") && (bookISBN == null || bookISBN == ""))
            //    search = String.Format(" bookName like '%{0}%'", bookName);
            //else if ((bookName == "" || bookName == null) && (bookNum != "" && bookNum != null) && (bookISBN == null || bookISBN == ""))
            //    search = "bookNum like '%" + bookNum + "%'";
            //else if ((bookName == "" || bookName == null) && (bookISBN != "" && bookISBN != null) && (bookNum == null || bookNum == ""))
            //    search = "ISBN like '%" + bookISBN + "%'";
            //else if ((bookName == "" || bookName == null) && (bookISBN != "" && bookISBN != null) && (bookNum != null && bookNum != ""))
            //    search = "bookNum like '%" + bookNum + "%' and ISBN like '%" + bookISBN + "%'";
            //else if ((bookName != "" && bookName != null) && (bookNum != null && bookNum != "") && (bookISBN == null || bookISBN == ""))
            //    search = String.Format(" bookName like '%{0}%' and bookNum like '{1}'", bookName, bookNum);
            //else if ((bookName != "" && bookName != null) && (bookNum == null || bookNum == "") && (bookISBN != null && bookISBN != ""))
            //    search = String.Format(" bookName like '%{0}%' and ISBN like '%{1}%'", bookName, bookISBN);
            //    search = String.Format(" bookName like '%{0}%' and bookNum like '%{1}%' and ISBN like '%{2}%'", bookName, bookNum, bookISBN);
            TableBuilder tbd = new TableBuilder();

            tbd.StrTable      = "T_BookBasicData";
            tbd.OrderBy       = "bookNum";
            tbd.StrColumnlist = "bookNum,ISBN,bookName,publishTime,price,supplier,catalog,author,remarks,dentification";
            tbd.IntPageSize   = pageSize;
            tbd.StrWhere      = search;
            tbd.IntPageNum    = currentPage;
            ds = bookbll.selectBypage(tbd, out totalCount, out intPageCount);

            //dsSupplier = bookbll.selectSupplier();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int           j  = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
                DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                sb.Append("<tr><td>" + (i + 1 + ((currentPage - 1) * pageSize)) + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["bookNum"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["bookName"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["price"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["publishTime"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["supplier"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["ISBN"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["catalog"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["author"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["remarks"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["dentification"].ToString() + "</td>");
                if (funcBook)
                    sb.Append("<td>" + "<button class='btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-delete'><i class='fa fa-trash-o fa-lg'></i></button></td></tr>");
            sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + intPageCount + "' id='intPageCount' />");
            string op = Request["op"];

            if (op == "paging")
コード例 #4
        //public String Summary()
        //    Customer custom = (Customer)Session["custom"];
        //    userName = custom.CustomerName;
        //    int cusId = custom.CustomerId;
        //    //string search = "";
        //    string search = "(state=1 or state=2) and deleteState=0 and customerID=" + cusId;
        //    string bookName = Request["bookName"];
        //    string source = Request["source"];
        //    string isbn = Request["isbn"];
        //    string time = Request["time"];
        //    if (bookName != "" && bookName != null)
        //    {
        //        search = search + " and bookName like '%" + bookName + "%'";
        //    }
        //    if (source != "" && source != null)
        //    {
        //        search = search + " and regionName like '%" + source + "%'";
        //    }
        //    if (isbn != "" && isbn != null)
        //    {
        //        search = search + " and ISBN like '%" + isbn + "%'";
        //    }
        //    if (time != null && time != "")
        //    {
        //        string[] sArray = time.Split('至');
        //        string startTime = sArray[0];
        //        string endTime = sArray[1];
        //        if (search != null && search != "")
        //        {
        //            search += " and dateTime BETWEEN'" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "'";
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            search += "dateTime BETWEEN'" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "'";
        //        }
        //    }
        //    //获取汇总数据
        //    customerPurchaseBll cpBll = new customerPurchaseBll();
        //    DataSet sumDs = cpBll.getSummary(cusId, search);
        //    kindsNum = int.Parse(sumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["kindsNum"].ToString());
        //    if (kindsNum > 0)
        //    {
        //        allNum = int.Parse(sumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["alln"].ToString());
        //        allRealPrice = sumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["arp"].ToString();
        //        allTotalPrice = sumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["atp"].ToString();
        //    }
        //    StringBuilder srb = new StringBuilder();
        //    srb.Append("<table class='table table_stock text-center' id='sumTable' style='display:none'>");
        //    srb.Append("<tr class='text-nowrap'>");
        //    srb.Append("<td><span>书籍种数:</span></td>");
        //    srb.Append("<td><input type='text' value='" + kindsNum + "' class='form-control' disabled id='kinds'></td>");
        //    srb.Append("<td><span>书本总数:</span></td>");
        //    srb.Append("<td><input type='text' value='" + allNum + "' class='form-control' disabled id='alln'></td>");
        //    srb.Append("<td><span>总码洋:</span></td>");
        //    srb.Append("<td><input type='text' value='" + Convert.ToDouble(allTotalPrice).ToString("F2") + "' class='form-control' disabled id='allt'></td>");
        //    srb.Append("<td><span>总实洋:</span></td>");
        //    srb.Append("<td><input type='text' value='" + Convert.ToDouble(allRealPrice).ToString("F2") + "' class='form-control' disabled id='allr'></td></tr>");
        //    srb.Append("</table>");
        //    string op = Request["op"];
        //    if (op == "paging")
        //    {
        //        Response.Write(srb.ToString());
        //        //Response.End();
        //    }
        //    return srb.ToString();
        protected string getData()
            Customer custom = (Customer)Session["custom"];

            userName = custom.CustomerName;
            int cusId = custom.CustomerId;
            //string search = "";
            string search   = "(state=1 or state=2) and deleteState=0 and customerID=" + cusId;
            string bookName = Request["bookName"];
            string source   = Request["source"];
            string isbn     = Request["isbn"];
            string time     = Request["time"];

            if (bookName != "" && bookName != null)
                search = search + " and bookName like '%" + bookName + "%'";
            if (source != "" && source != null)
                search = search + " and regionName like '%" + source + "%'";
            if (isbn != "" && isbn != null)
                search = search + " and ISBN like '%" + isbn + "%'";
            if (time != null && time != "")
                string[] sArray    = time.Split('至');
                string   startTime = sArray[0];
                string   endTime   = sArray[1];
                if (search != null && search != "")
                    search += " and dateTime BETWEEN'" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "'";
                    search += "dateTime BETWEEN'" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "'";
            //    search = "deleteState=0 and bookName like '%" + bookName + "%' and regionName='"+ source + "' and customerID=" + cusId;

            customerPurchaseBll cpBll = new customerPurchaseBll();
            DataSet             sumDs = cpBll.getSummary(cusId, search);

            kindsNum = int.Parse(sumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["kindsNum"].ToString());
            if (kindsNum > 0)
                allNum        = int.Parse(sumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["alln"].ToString());
                allRealPrice  = sumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["arp"].ToString();
                allTotalPrice = sumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["atp"].ToString();

            currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request["page"]);
            if (currentPage == 0)
                currentPage = 1;
            DataSet ds;
            TableBuilder tbd = new TableBuilder();

            tbd.StrTable      = "V_SaleMonomer";
            tbd.OrderBy       = "saleIdMonomerId";
            tbd.StrColumnlist = "bookName,ISBN,saleHeadId,saleHeadId,saleIdMonomerId,unitPrice,number,totalPrice,realPrice,realDiscount,dateTime,regionName";
            tbd.IntPageSize   = pageSize;
            tbd.StrWhere      = search;
            tbd.IntPageNum    = currentPage;
            ds = bookbll.selectBypage(tbd, out totalCount, out intPageCount);
            customerPurchaseBll customerPurchaseBll = new customerPurchaseBll();

            dtRegion = customerPurchaseBll.getRegionSaleMonomer();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int           j  = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
                DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                sb.Append("<tr><td>" + dr["saleHeadId"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["ISBN"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["bookName"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["unitPrice"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["number"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["totalPrice"].ToString() + "</td >");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["realPrice"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["realDiscount"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["regionName"].ToString() + "</td>");
                sb.Append("<td>" + dr["dateTime"].ToString() + "</td></tr>");
            //sb.Append("<tr class='text-nowrap' style='display:none'>");
            //sb.Append("<td><input type='hidden' value='" + kindsNum + "' class='form-control' disabled id='kinds'></td>");
            //sb.Append("<td><input type='text' value='" + allNum + "' class='form-control' disabled id='alln'></td>");
            //sb.Append("<td><input type='text' value='" + Convert.ToDouble(allTotalPrice).ToString("F2") + "' class='form-control' disabled id='allt'></td>");
            //sb.Append("<td><input type='text' value='" + Convert.ToDouble(allRealPrice).ToString("F2") + "' class='form-control' disabled id='allr'></td></tr>");
            sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + intPageCount + "' id='intPageCount' />");
            sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + kindsNum + "' id='kinds' />");
            sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + allNum + "' id='alln' />");
            if (kindsNum > 0)
                sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + Convert.ToDouble(allTotalPrice).ToString("F2") + "' id='allt' />");
                sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + Convert.ToDouble(allRealPrice).ToString("F2") + "' id='allr' />");
                sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + allTotalPrice + "' id='allt' />");
                sb.Append("<input type='hidden' value='" + allRealPrice + "' id='allr' />");
            string op = Request["op"];

            if (op == "paging")