static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); bot = new BoogieBot(); try { BoogieCore.InitCore(Log, EventHandler); Application.Run(bot); } catch (Exception ex) { //if ( //String error = String.Format("Error: {0}\n\nStackTrace:\n\n{1}", ex.InnerException.Message, ex.InnerException.StackTrace); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
public void Connect() { Log(LogType.System, "--------------------------------------------------------------"); bool connected = BoogieCore.ConnectToRealmListServer(); if (connected) { this.stopToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; this.startToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; this.connectedStatusLabel.Text = "Connected."; } else { this.startToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; this.stopToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; this.connectedStatusLabel.Text = "Disconnected."; this.locationStatusLabel.Text = "()"; } }
public void OnStopGlide() { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "Inside OnStopGlider()"); WantedState = RunState_e.Stopped; RunState = RunState_e.Stopped; SaveAllState(); if (world != null) { world.Close(); } BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "TotalMemory " + System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / (1024 * 1024) + " MB"); world = null; // release RAM BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "TotalMemory after GC " + System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / (1024 * 1024) + " MB"); }
private void Startup() { RunState = RunState_e.Paused; WantedState = RunState_e.Running; BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "TotalMemory before " + System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / (1024 * 1024) + " MB"); WasAt = null; string zone = FigureOutZone(); MPQTriangleSupplier mpq = new MPQTriangleSupplier(); CurrentContinent = mpq.SetZone(zone); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "Zone is : " + zone); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "Continent is : " + CurrentContinent); string myFaction = "Unknown"; ChunkedTriangleCollection triangleWorld = new ChunkedTriangleCollection(512); triangleWorld.SetMaxCached(9); triangleWorld.AddSupplier(mpq); world = new PathGraph(CurrentContinent, triangleWorld, null); mover = new Mover(); radar = new UnitRadar(); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "Pather loaded!"); while (ShouldRun) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public void UpdateMyPos() { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Update] 1"); //radar.Update(); if (world != null) { Coordinate loc =; Location isAt = new Location(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Update] 2"); //if(WasAt != null) Context.Log("was " + WasAt.location); //Context.Log("isAt " + isAt); if (WasAt != null) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Update] 3"); if (WasAt.GetLocation().GetDistanceTo(isAt) > 20) { WasAt = null; } } BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Update] 4"); WasAt = world.TryAddSpot(WasAt, isAt); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Update] 5"); } }
// called when we have died, return when we are alive again private void GhostRun() { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "I died. Let's resurrect"); Coordinate CorpseLocation = null; Coordinate gloc = new Coordinate(0, 0, 0); if (CorpseLocation != null) { gloc = CorpseLocation; } Location target = null; Coordinate gtarget; BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "Corpse is at " + gloc); if (gloc.Z == 0) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "hmm, corpse Z == 0"); target = new Location(gloc); for (int q = 0; q < 50; q += 5) { float stand_z = 0; int flags = 0; float x = gloc.X + random.Next(20) - 10; float y = gloc.Y + random.Next(20) - 10; bool ok = world.triangleWorld.FindStandableAt(x, y, -5000, 5000, out stand_z, out flags, 0, 0); if (ok) { target = new Location(x, y, stand_z); break; } } } else { target = new Location(gloc); } gtarget = new Coordinate(target.X, target.Y, target.Z); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "Corpse is at " + target); EasyMover em = new EasyMover(this, target, false, false); // 2. Run to corpse while (Me.IsDead && Me.DistanceTo(gloc) > 20) // fixme { EasyMover.MoveResult mr = em.move(); if (mr != EasyMover.MoveResult.Moving) { return; // buhu } UpdateMyPos(); Thread.Sleep(50); } mover.Stop(); // 3. Find a safe place to res // is within 20 yds of corpse now, dialog must be up float SafeDistance = 25.0f; while (true) { // some brute force :p BoogieBot.Common.Object[] monsters =; float best_score = 1E30f; float best_distance = 1E30f; Location best_loc = null; for (float x = -35; x <= 35; x += 5) { for (float y = -35; y <= 35; y += 5) { float rx = target.X + x; float ry = target.Y + y; Coordinate xxx = new Coordinate(rx, ry, 0); if (xxx.DistanceTo(gtarget) < 35) { float stand_z = 0; int flags = 0; bool ok = world.triangleWorld.FindStandableAt(rx, ry, target.Z - 20, target.Z + 20, out stand_z, out flags, 0, 0); if (ok) { float score = 0.0f; Coordinate l = new Coordinate(rx, ry, stand_z); foreach (BoogieBot.Common.Object monster in monsters) { if (monster != null && !monster.IsDead) { float d = l.DistanceTo(monster.GetCoordinates()); if (d < 35) { // one point per yard score += 35 - d; } } } float this_d = Me.DistanceTo(l); if (score <= best_score && this_d < best_distance) { best_score = score; best_distance = this_d; best_loc = new Location(l); } } } } } if (best_loc != null) { Coordinate best_gloc = new Coordinate(best_loc.X, best_loc.Y, best_loc.Z); // walk over there WalkTo(best_gloc, false, 10000, true); // Check if I am safe bool safe = true; BoogieBot.Common.Object unsafe_monster = null; foreach (BoogieBot.Common.Object monster in monsters) { if (!monster.IsDead && !PPather.IsStupidItem(monster)) { float d = Me.DistanceTo(monster.GetCoordinates()); if (d < SafeDistance) { if (Math.Abs(monster.GetPositionZ() - Me.Location.Z) < 15) { safe = false; unsafe_monster = monster; } } } } if (safe) { break; // yeah } } // hmm, look again Thread.Sleep(2000); SafeDistance -= 0.5f; } }
public bool Approach(BoogieBot.Common.Object monster, bool AbortIfUnsafe, int timeout) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 1"); Coordinate loc = monster.GetCoordinates(); float DistTo = loc.DistanceTo(; BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] Distance to object: {0}", DistTo); if (DistTo < 4.5f && Math.Abs(loc.O) < PI / 8) { mover.Stop(); return(true); } GSpellTimer approachTimeout = new GSpellTimer(timeout, false); StuckDetecter sd = new StuckDetecter(this, 1, 2); GSpellTimer t = new GSpellTimer(0); bool doJump = random.Next(4) == 0; EasyMover em = null; GSpellTimer NewTargetUpdate = new GSpellTimer(1000); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 2"); do { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 3"); UpdateMyPos(); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 4"); // Check for stuck if (sd.checkStuck()) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 5"); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "Major stuck on approach. Giving up"); mover.Stop(); return(false); } double distance = monster.GetCoordinates().DistanceTo(; BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 6 - Dist = {0}", distance); bool moved; if (distance < 8) { loc = monster.GetCoordinates(); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 7"); moved = mover.moveTowardsFacing(loc, 4.5f, loc); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 8 {0}", moved); } else { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 9"); if (em == null) { loc = monster.GetCoordinates(); em = new EasyMover(this, new Location(loc), false, AbortIfUnsafe); } BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 10"); EasyMover.MoveResult mr = em.move(); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 11 {0}", mr); moved = true; if (mr != EasyMover.MoveResult.Moving) { moved = false; } BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 12"); } BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Approach] 13"); if (!moved) { mover.Stop(); return(true); } } while (!approachTimeout.IsReadySlow); mover.Stop(); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "Approach timed out"); return(false); }
private void playerClassDump_MenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "{0}", BoogieCore.Player); }
private void playerObjectDump_MenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Common.Object mObj =; BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "{0}", mObj); }
private void objectNames_MenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String names =; BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "World: Listing names:\n{0}", names); }
private void objectCount_MenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int count =; BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "World: {0} objects stored in the world.", count); }
public bool moveTowardsFacing(Coordinate to, double distance, Coordinate facing) { bool moving = false; Coordinate myLoc =; double d = to.DistanceTo(myLoc); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Move] D = {0}", d); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Move] myLoc = {0}", myLoc); BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Move] To = {0}", to); if (d > distance) { int dir = GetLocationDirection(to); if (dir != 0) { moving |= true; } if (dir == 1 || dir == 3 || dir == 0) { StrafeLeft(false); StrafeRight(false); } ; if (dir == 2 || dir == 4 || dir == 0) { Forwards(false); Backwards(false); } ; if (dir == 1) { Forwards(true); } if (dir == 2) { StrafeRight(true); } if (dir == 3) { Backwards(true); } if (dir == 4) { StrafeLeft(true); } BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Move] Get Direction: {0}", dir); //Context.Log("Move dir: " + dir); } else { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Move] Is close {0}", d); StrafeLeft(false); StrafeRight(false); Forwards(false); Backwards(false); return(false); } BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Move] 1"); double bearing = BoogieCore.World.getPlayerObject().CalculateAngle(facing.X, facing.Y); if (bearing < -PI / 8) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Move] 2"); moving |= true; } else if (bearing > PI / 8) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.System, "[Move] 3"); moving |= true; } return(moving); }
private void Input_KeyDown(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Return) { defaultLanguage = (Languages)BoogieCore.configFile.ReadInteger("Connection", "DefaultLanguage"); e.Handled = true; if (input.Text != "") { string cmd = "", arguments = ""; string regx = @"^\/(\w+)\s*(.*)\s*$"; Match match = Regex.Match(input.Text, regx); if (match.Success) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.SystemDebug, "RegExp match! Count: {0} Matches: ", match.Captures.Count + 1); for (int i = 1; i <= match.Captures.Count + 1; i++) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.SystemDebug, "Match #{0} = \"{1}\" ", i, match.Groups[i].Value); } cmd = match.Groups[1].Value; arguments = match.Groups[2].Value; } if (cmd == "update") { UpdateList(); input.Text = ""; return; } if (cmd == "join") { BoogieCore.WorldServerClient.JoinChannel(arguments, null); input.Text = ""; return; } if (cmd == "part" || cmd == "leave") { BoogieCore.WorldServerClient.PartChannel(arguments); input.Text = ""; return; } if (cmd == "whisper" || cmd == "w") { string regx2 = @"(\w+)\s*(.*)\s*$"; Match match2 = Regex.Match(arguments, regx2); string user = null, msg = null; if (match2.Success) { user = match2.Groups[1].Value; msg = match2.Groups[2].Value; if (user.Length > 2 && msg.Length >= 1) { BoogieCore.WorldServerClient.SendChatMsg(ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER, defaultLanguage, msg, user); } } return; } if (type.SelectedItem.ToString() != "") { if (type.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower() == "say") { BoogieCore.WorldServerClient.SendChatMsg(ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_SAY, defaultLanguage, input.Text); input.Text = ""; return; } if (type.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower() == "act") { BoogieCore.WorldServerClient.SendChatMsg(ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_EMOTE, defaultLanguage, input.Text); input.Text = ""; return; } if (type.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower() == "yell") { BoogieCore.WorldServerClient.SendChatMsg(ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_YELL, defaultLanguage, input.Text); input.Text = ""; return; } BoogieCore.WorldServerClient.SendChatMsg(ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL, defaultLanguage, input.Text, type.SelectedItem.ToString()); input.Text = ""; return; } } } }
private void listView1_DoubleClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { BoogieCore.Log(LogType.SystemDebug, "Attempting to login character {0}", listView1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text); BoogieCore.WorldServerClient.LoginChar(UInt64.Parse(listView1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text)); this.Hide(); }