コード例 #1
ファイル: Model.cs プロジェクト: rakisaionji/MikuMikuLibrary
        public void Save(string filePath, ObjectDatabase objectDatabase, TextureDatabase textureDatabase,
                         BoneDatabase boneDatabase)
            // Assume it's being exported for F2nd PS3
            if (BinaryFormatUtilities.IsClassic(Format) &&
                filePath.EndsWith(".osd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Format     = BinaryFormat.F2nd;
                Endianness = Endianness.BigEndian;

            // Or reverse
            else if (BinaryFormatUtilities.IsModern(Format) &&
                     filePath.EndsWith(".bin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Format     = BinaryFormat.DT;
                Endianness = Endianness.LittleEndian;

            string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);

            bool exported = false;

            if (objectDatabase != null && TextureSet != null)
                var objectEntry = objectDatabase.GetObjectByFileName(fileName);
                if (objectEntry != null)
                    string textureOutputPath =
                        Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), objectEntry.TextureFileName);

                    exported = true;

            if (!exported && TextureSet != null)
                string textureOutputPath = string.Empty;

                // Try to assume a texture output name
                if (filePath.EndsWith("_obj.bin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    textureOutputPath = $"{filePath.Substring( 0, filePath.Length - 8 )}_tex.bin";

                else if (filePath.EndsWith(".osd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    textureOutputPath = Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, "txd");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textureOutputPath))

            using (var destination = File.Create(filePath))
                Save(destination, objectDatabase, textureDatabase, boneDatabase);
コード例 #2
        public static Motion CombineBone(string path, string filePath, string outputFilePath)
            string       baseFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, null);
            BoneDatabase bonedb       = new BoneDatabase();

            bonedb.Load(path + "bone_data.bon");
            var rootMotion = new Motion();

            var skeletonEntry = bonedb.Skeletons[0];

            rootMotion.Load(filePath, skeletonEntry);

            var rootController = rootMotion.GetController();

            for (int i = 1; ; i++)
                string divFilePath = $"{baseFilePath}_div_{i}.mot";
                if (!File.Exists(divFilePath))

                var divMotion = new Motion();
                    divMotion.Load(divFilePath, skeletonEntry);

                var divController = divMotion.GetController();

コード例 #3
ファイル: Model.cs プロジェクト: rakisaionji/MikuMikuLibrary
        public void Save(Stream destination, ObjectDatabase objectDatabase, TextureDatabase textureDatabase,
                         BoneDatabase boneDatabase, bool leaveOpen = false)
            if (objectDatabase != null)
                foreach (var mesh in Meshes)
                    mesh.Id = objectDatabase.GetMesh(mesh.Name)?.Id ?? mesh.Id;

            if (boneDatabase != null)
                string fileName = destination is FileStream fileStream
                    ? Path.GetFileName(fileStream.Name)
                    : string.Empty;

                var skeletonEntry =
                    boneDatabase.Skeletons.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                          fileName.StartsWith(x.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ??
                    boneDatabase.Skeletons.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                          x.Name.Equals("CMN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ??

                if (skeletonEntry != null)
                    foreach (var skin in Meshes.Where(x => x.Skin != null).Select(x => x.Skin))
                        foreach (var bone in skin.Bones)
                            int index = skin.ExData?.BoneNames?.FindIndex(x =>
                                                                          x.Equals(bone.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? -1;

                            if (index == -1)
                                index = skeletonEntry.BoneNames1.FindIndex(x =>
                                                                           x.Equals(bone.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                                index = 0x8000 | index;

                            if (index == -1)

                            foreach (var childBone in skin.Bones.Where(x => x.ParentId == bone.Id))
                                childBone.ParentId = index;

                            bone.Id = index;

            if (textureDatabase != null && TextureSet != null)
                int id           = textureDatabase.Textures.Max(x => x.Id) + 1;
                var idDictionary = new Dictionary <int, int>(TextureSet.Textures.Count);

                foreach (var texture in TextureSet.Textures)
                    var textureEntry = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(texture.Name)
                        ? textureDatabase.GetTexture(texture.Name)
                        : textureDatabase.GetTexture(texture.Id);

                    if (textureEntry == null)
                            textureEntry = new TextureEntry
                            Name = texture.Name,
                            Id   = id++

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textureEntry.Name))
                            textureEntry.Name = $"Unnamed {textureEntry.Id}";
                    idDictionary[texture.Id] = textureEntry.Id;

                    texture.Name = textureEntry.Name;
                    texture.Id   = textureEntry.Id;

                foreach (var materialTexture in Meshes.SelectMany(x => x.Materials)
                         .SelectMany(x => x.MaterialTextures))
                    if (idDictionary.TryGetValue(materialTexture.TextureId, out id))
                        materialTexture.TextureId = id;

                TextureIds.AddRange(TextureSet.Textures.Select(x => x.Id));

            Save(destination, leaveOpen);
コード例 #4
        private void doRobConvert()
            string ac_path   = "";
            string ft_path   = "";
            string fs_path   = "";
            string ct_path   = "";
            bool   ask_user  = false;
            bool   skip_robs = false;

            if (File.Exists("config.txt"))
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("config.txt");
                while (sr.Peek() > -1)
                    var line  = sr.ReadLine();
                    var lines = line.Split('=');
                    if (lines[0] == "AC")
                        ac_path = lines[1];
                    if (lines[0] == "FT")
                        ft_path = lines[1];
                    if (lines[0] == "FS")
                        fs_path = lines[1];
                    if (lines[0] == "CT")
                        ct_path = lines[1];
                    if (lines[0] == "I_HAVE_CHANGED_THIS")
                        if (lines[1] == "TRUE")
                            ask_user = true;
                    if (lines[0] == "SKIP_ROBS")
                        if (lines[1] == "TRUE")
                            skip_robs = true;
            if ((ask_user) && (!skip_robs))
                Logs.WriteLine("Rob Retarget Start");
                string[] filespl = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(ft_path + @"\rob\", "*.farc", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                string[] filesfs = { };
                string[] filesct = { };
                if (fs_path != "")
                    filesfs = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(fs_path + @"\rob\", "*.farc", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                if (ct_path != "")
                    filesct = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(ct_path + @"\rob\", "*.farc", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                string[] files = filespl.Concat(filesfs).ToArray().Concat(filesct).ToArray();

                var BoneDatabaseFT   = new BoneDatabase();
                var BoneDatabaseAC   = new BoneDatabase();
                var MotionDatabaseFT = new MotionDatabase();
                var MotionDatabaseAC = new MotionDatabase();

                BoneDatabaseFT.Load(ft_path + "\\bone_data.bin");
                BoneDatabaseAC.Load(ac_path + "\\bone_data.bin");

                using (var farcArchive = BinaryFile.Load <FarcArchive>(ac_path + "\\rob\\mot_db.farc"))
                    using (var entryStream = farcArchive.Open(farcArchive.Entries.First(), EntryStreamMode.MemoryStream))

                using (var farcArchive = BinaryFile.Load <FarcArchive>(ft_path + "\\rob\\mot_db.farc"))
                    using (var entryStream = farcArchive.Open(farcArchive.Entries.First(), EntryStreamMode.MemoryStream))

                var SkeletonEntryAC = BoneDatabaseAC.Skeletons[0];
                var SkeletonEntryFT = BoneDatabaseFT.Skeletons[0];

                foreach (var filePath in files)
                    var motionset = new MotionSet();
                    if (!File.Exists(ac_path + "\\rob\\" + Path.GetFileName(filePath)))
                        if (!filePath.Contains("db"))
                            Logs.WriteLine("Processing " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath));

                            string farcpath = filePath;

                            using (var farcArchive = BinaryFile.Load <FarcArchive>(farcpath))
                                using (var entryStream = farcArchive.Open(farcArchive.Entries.First(), EntryStreamMode.MemoryStream))
                                    motionset.Load(entryStream, SkeletonEntryFT, MotionDatabaseFT);
                                motionset.Save("temp", SkeletonEntryAC, MotionDatabaseAC);

                                FarcArchive newfarc = new FarcArchive();
                                newfarc.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) + ".bin", "temp");
                                newfarc.Save(ac_path + "\\rob\\" + Path.GetFileName(filePath));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Model.cs プロジェクト: ctrget/MikuMikuLibrary
        public void Save(Stream destination, ObjectDatabase objectDatabase, TextureDatabase textureDatabase, BoneDatabase boneDatabase, bool leaveOpen = false)
            if (objectDatabase != null)
                foreach (var mesh in Meshes)
                    mesh.ID = objectDatabase.GetMesh(mesh.Name)?.ID ?? mesh.ID;

            if (boneDatabase != null)
                string fileName = (destination is FileStream fileStream) ? Path.GetFileName(fileStream.Name) : string.Empty;

                // Assume we are exporting in game's style
                var skeleton = boneDatabase.Skeletons.FirstOrDefault(x => fileName.StartsWith(x.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // If we couldn't find it, default to CMN skeleton
                if (skeleton == null)
                    skeleton = boneDatabase.Skeletons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("CMN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                // Still?? Then default to the first skeleton (this is unlikely to happen though)
                if (skeleton == null)
                    skeleton = boneDatabase.Skeletons[0];

                // Pretty much impossible to miss
                if (skeleton != null)
                    foreach (var skin in Meshes.Where(x => x.Skin != null).Select(x => x.Skin))
                        foreach (var bone in skin.Bones)
                            int index = skin.ExData?.BoneNames?.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(bone.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? -1;
                            if (index == -1)
                                index = skeleton.BoneNames1.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(bone.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                                index = 0x8000 | index;

                            if (index != -1)
                                // Before we do this, fix the child bones
                                foreach (var childBone in skin.Bones.Where(x => x.ParentID.Equals(bone.ID)))
                                    childBone.ParentID = index;

                                // Now replace the ID
                                bone.ID = index;
                                Debug.WriteLine($"Model.Save: Bone wasn't found in bone database or ex-data: {bone.Name}");

            if (textureDatabase != null && TextureSet != null)
                var newIDs    = new List <int>(TextureSet.Textures.Count);
                int currentID = textureDatabase.Textures.Max(x => x.ID) + 1;
                foreach (var texture in TextureSet.Textures)
                    var textureEntry = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(texture.Name) ?
                                       textureDatabase.GetTexture(texture.Name) : textureDatabase.GetTexture(texture.ID);

                    if (textureEntry == null)
                        textureDatabase.Textures.Add(textureEntry = new TextureEntry
                            ID   = currentID++,
                            Name = texture.Name ?? $"Texture{currentID}",


                if (!newIDs.SequenceEqual(TextureIDs))
                    TextureUtilities.ReAssignTextureIDs(this, newIDs);

            Save(destination, leaveOpen);
コード例 #6
        public static void Convert(string path, string acpath, string mot_db, divamodgen divamods)
            if (Directory.Exists(path + "temp"))
                Directory.Delete(path + "temp", true);
            if (Directory.Exists(path + "temp2"))
                Directory.Delete(path + "temp2", true);
            if (Directory.Exists(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp"))
                Directory.Delete(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp", true);

            Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "temp");
            Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "temp2");
            Directory.CreateDirectory(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp");

            MotionDatabase acmot  = new MotionDatabase();
            BoneDatabase   acbone = new BoneDatabase();

            acbone.Load(acpath + "\\rom\\bone_data.bin");
            var skeletonEntry = acbone.Skeletons[0];

            using (var farcArchive = BinaryFile.Load <FarcArchive>(mot_db))
                using (var entryStream = farcArchive.Open(farcArchive.Entries.First(), EntryStreamMode.MemoryStream))

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "mot_pv*.farc", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                Tools.Extract(file, path + "temp\\");
                //Console.WriteLine("Extracted " + Path.GetFileName(file));

            var maxid  = acmot.MotionSets.Max(c => c.Id);
            var maxid2 = -1;

            foreach (var i in acmot.MotionSets)
                if (i.Id > maxid2)
                    maxid2 = i.Id;

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path + "temp", "*p1_00.mot", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "temp2\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3));
                var       moti   = CombineBone(path, file, path + "temp2\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "_p1.mot");
                MotionSet motion = new MotionSet();
                if (File.Exists(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin"))
                    motion.Load(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin");
                if (!Directory.Exists(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3));
                motion.Save(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin", skeletonEntry, acmot);


                var check = acmot.MotionSets.Where(c => c.Name == "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (check == null)
                    var motset = new MotionSetEntry();
                    motset.Name = "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3);
                    motset.Id   = maxid + 1;
                    check = acmot.MotionSets.Where(c => c.Name == "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)).First();

                var motentry = new MotionEntry();
                motentry.Id   = maxid2 + 1;
                motentry.Name = "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "_P1";

                int pvid = int.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3));

                var check2 = divamods.Divamods.Where(c => c.pvid == pvid).FirstOrDefault();
                if (check2 == null)
                    divamods.Divamods.Add(new pdaconversion.divamods(pvid));
                    Logs.WriteLine("Motion: Created new PV at id " + (pvid));
                    check2 = divamods.Divamods.Where(c => c.pvid == pvid).First();

                Console.WriteLine("Converted " + Path.GetFileName(file));

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path + "temp", "*p2_00.mot", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "temp2\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3));
                var       moti   = CombineBone(path, file, path + "temp2\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "_p2.mot");
                MotionSet motion = new MotionSet();
                if (File.Exists(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin"))
                    motion.Load(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin");
                if (!Directory.Exists(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3));
                motion.Save(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin", skeletonEntry, acmot);
                Console.WriteLine("Converted " + Path.GetFileName(file));


                var check = acmot.MotionSets.Where(c => c.Name == "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (check == null)
                    var motset = new MotionSetEntry();
                    motset.Name = "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3);
                    motset.Id   = maxid;
                    check = acmot.MotionSets.Where(c => c.Name == "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)).First();

                var motentry = new MotionEntry();
                motentry.Id   = maxid2;
                motentry.Name = "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "_P2";

                int pvid = int.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3));

                var check2 = divamods.Divamods.Where(c => c.pvid == pvid).FirstOrDefault();
                if (check2 == null)
                    divamods.Divamods.Add(new pdaconversion.divamods(pvid));
                    Logs.WriteLine("Motion: Created new PV at id " + (pvid));
                    check2 = divamods.Divamods.Where(c => c.pvid == pvid).First();
                    //check2.duet = true;

                check2.duet = true;

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path + "temp", "*p3_00.mot", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "temp2\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3));
                var       moti   = CombineBone(path, file, path + "temp2\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "_p3.mot");
                MotionSet motion = new MotionSet();
                if (File.Exists(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin"))
                    motion.Load(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin");
                if (!Directory.Exists(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3));
                motion.Save(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "\\mot_PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + ".bin", skeletonEntry, acmot);
                Console.WriteLine("Converted " + Path.GetFileName(file));


                var check = acmot.MotionSets.Where(c => c.Name == "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (check == null)
                    var motset = new MotionSetEntry();
                    motset.Name = "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3);
                    motset.Id   = maxid;
                    check = acmot.MotionSets.Where(c => c.Name == "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3)).First();

                var motentry = new MotionEntry();
                motentry.Id   = maxid2;
                motentry.Name = "PV" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Substring(2, 3) + "_P3";

            Directory.CreateDirectory(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_db");
            acmot.Save(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp\\mot_db\\mot_db.bin");

            Console.WriteLine("Packing farcs...");
            Tools.MassPackFolders(acpath + "\\rom\\rob_temp", acpath + "\\rom\\rob\\");