コード例 #1
        void Solve1(BoneChain fk1, Vec2D worldTargetTranslation)
            Mat2D iworld = fk1.m_ParentWorldInverse;
            var   pA     = new Vec2D();

            var pBT = new Vec2D(worldTargetTranslation);

            // To target in worldspace
            Vec2D toTarget = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pBT, pA);
            // Note this is directional, hence not transformMat2d
            Vec2D toTargetLocal = Vec2D.TransformMat2(new Vec2D(), toTarget, iworld);
            float r             = (float)Math.Atan2(toTargetLocal[1], toTargetLocal[0]);

            ConstrainRotation(fk1, r);
            fk1.m_Angle = r;
コード例 #2
        void ConstrainRotation(BoneChain fk, float rotation)
            ActorBone           bone        = fk.m_Bone;
            Mat2D               parentWorld = bone.Parent.WorldTransform;
            Mat2D               transform   = bone.Transform;
            TransformComponents c           = fk.m_TransformComponents;

            if (rotation == 0.0f)
                Mat2D.FromRotation(transform, rotation);
            // Translate
            transform[4] = c.X;
            transform[5] = c.Y;
            // Scale
            float scaleX = c.ScaleX;
            float scaleY = c.ScaleY;

            transform[0] *= scaleX;
            transform[1] *= scaleX;
            transform[2] *= scaleY;
            transform[3] *= scaleY;
            // Skew
            float skew = c.Skew;

            if (skew != 0.0)
                transform[2] = transform[0] * skew + transform[2];
                transform[3] = transform[1] * skew + transform[3];

            Mat2D.Multiply(bone.WorldTransform, parentWorld, transform);
コード例 #3
        public override void CompleteResolve()
            if (m_InfluencedBones == null || m_InfluencedBones.Length == 0)

            // Initialize solver.
            ActorBone start = m_InfluencedBones[0].m_Bone;
            ActorBone end   = m_InfluencedBones[m_InfluencedBones.Length - 1].m_Bone;
            int       count = 0;

            while (end != null && end != start.Parent)
                end = end.Parent as ActorBone;

            bool allIn = count < 3;

            end       = m_InfluencedBones[m_InfluencedBones.Length - 1].m_Bone;
            m_FKChain = new BoneChain[count];
            int idx = count - 1;

            while (end != null && end != start.Parent)
                BoneChain bc = new BoneChain();
                bc.m_Bone                = end;
                bc.m_Angle               = 0.0f;
                bc.m_Included            = allIn;
                bc.m_TransformComponents = new TransformComponents();
                bc.m_ParentWorldInverse  = new Mat2D();
                bc.m_Index               = idx;
                m_FKChain[idx--]         = bc;
                end = end.Parent as ActorBone;

            // Make sure bones are good.
            m_BoneData = new List <BoneChain>();
            foreach (InfluencedBone bone in m_InfluencedBones)
                BoneChain item = Array.Find(m_FKChain, chainItem => chainItem.m_Bone == bone.m_Bone);
                if (item == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Bone not in chain: " + bone.m_Bone.Name);
            if (!allIn)
                // Influenced bones are in the IK chain.
                for (int i = 0; i < m_BoneData.Count - 1; i++)
                    BoneChain item = m_BoneData[i];
                    item.m_Included = true;
                    m_FKChain[item.m_Index + 1].m_Included = true;

            // Finally mark dependencies.
            foreach (InfluencedBone bone in m_InfluencedBones)
                // Don't mark dependency on parent as ActorComponent already does this.
                if (bone.m_Bone == m_Parent)

                m_Actor.AddDependency(this, bone.m_Bone);

            if (m_Target != null)
                m_Actor.AddDependency(this, m_Target);

            // All the first level children of the influenced bones should depend on the final bone.
            BoneChain tip = m_FKChain[m_FKChain.Length - 1];

            foreach (BoneChain fk in m_FKChain)
                if (fk == tip)

                ActorBone bone = fk.m_Bone;
                foreach (ActorNode node in bone.Children)
                    BoneChain item = Array.Find(m_FKChain, chainItem => chainItem.m_Bone == node);
                    if (item != null)
                        // node is in the FK chain.
                    m_Actor.AddDependency(node, tip.m_Bone);
コード例 #4
        void Solve2(BoneChain fk1, BoneChain fk2, Vec2D worldTargetTranslation)
            ActorBone b1         = fk1.m_Bone;
            ActorBone b2         = fk2.m_Bone;
            BoneChain firstChild = m_FKChain[fk1.m_Index + 1];

            Mat2D iworld = fk1.m_ParentWorldInverse;

            Vec2D pA  = b1.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
            Vec2D pC  = firstChild.m_Bone.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
            Vec2D pB  = b2.GetTipWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());;
            Vec2D pBT = new Vec2D(worldTargetTranslation);

            pA  = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(pA, pA, iworld);
            pC  = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(pC, pC, iworld);
            pB  = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(pB, pB, iworld);
            pBT = Vec2D.TransformMat2D(pBT, pBT, iworld);

            // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LawofCosines.html
            Vec2D av = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pB, pC);
            float a  = Vec2D.Length(av);

            Vec2D bv = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pC, pA);
            float b  = Vec2D.Length(bv);

            Vec2D cv = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pBT, pA);
            float c  = Vec2D.Length(cv);

            float A = (float)Math.Acos(Math.Max(-1, Math.Min(1, (-a * a + b * b + c * c) / (2 * b * c))));
            float C = (float)Math.Acos(Math.Max(-1, Math.Min(1, (a * a + b * b - c * c) / (2 * a * b))));

            float r1, r2;

            if (b2.Parent != b1)
                BoneChain secondChild = m_FKChain[fk1.m_Index + 2];

                Mat2D secondChildWorldInverse = secondChild.m_ParentWorldInverse;

                pC = firstChild.m_Bone.GetWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());
                pB = b2.GetTipWorldTranslation(new Vec2D());

                Vec2D avec            = Vec2D.Subtract(new Vec2D(), pB, pC);
                Vec2D avLocal         = Vec2D.TransformMat2(new Vec2D(), avec, secondChildWorldInverse);
                float angleCorrection = (float)-Math.Atan2(avLocal[1], avLocal[0]);

                if (m_InvertDirection)
                    r1 = (float)Math.Atan2(cv[1], cv[0]) - A;
                    r2 = -C + PI + angleCorrection;
                    r1 = A + (float)Math.Atan2(cv[1], cv[0]);
                    r2 = C - PI + angleCorrection;
            else if (m_InvertDirection)
                r1 = (float)Math.Atan2(cv[1], cv[0]) - A;
                r2 = -C + PI;
                r1 = A + (float)Math.Atan2(cv[1], cv[0]);
                r2 = C - PI;

            ConstrainRotation(fk1, r1);
            ConstrainRotation(firstChild, r2);
            if (firstChild != fk2)
                ActorBone bone = fk2.m_Bone;
                Mat2D.Multiply(bone.WorldTransform, bone.Parent.WorldTransform, bone.Transform);

            // Simple storage, need this for interpolation.
            fk1.m_Angle        = r1;
            firstChild.m_Angle = r2;
コード例 #5
        public override void Constrain(ActorNode node)
            ActorNode target = m_Target as ActorNode;

            if (target == null)
            Vec2D worldTargetTranslation = new Vec2D();


            if (m_InfluencedBones.Length == 0)

            // Decompose the chain.
            foreach (BoneChain item in m_FKChain)
                ActorBone bone        = item.m_Bone;
                Mat2D     parentWorld = bone.Parent.WorldTransform;
                Mat2D.Invert(item.m_ParentWorldInverse, parentWorld);
                Mat2D.Multiply(bone.Transform, item.m_ParentWorldInverse, bone.WorldTransform);
                Mat2D.Decompose(bone.Transform, item.m_TransformComponents);

            int count = m_BoneData.Count;

            if (count == 1)
                Solve1(m_BoneData[0], worldTargetTranslation);
            else if (count == 2)
                Solve2(m_BoneData[0], m_BoneData[1], worldTargetTranslation);
                BoneChain tip = m_BoneData[count - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
                    BoneChain item = m_BoneData[i];
                    Solve2(item, tip, worldTargetTranslation);
                    for (int j = item.m_Index + 1; j < m_FKChain.Length - 1; j++)
                        BoneChain fk = m_FKChain[j];
                        Mat2D.Invert(fk.m_ParentWorldInverse, fk.m_Bone.Parent.WorldTransform);

            // At the end, mix the FK angle with the IK angle by strength
            if (m_Strength != 1.0)
                foreach (BoneChain fk in m_FKChain)
                    if (!fk.m_Included)
                        ActorBone bone = fk.m_Bone;
                        Mat2D.Multiply(bone.WorldTransform, bone.Parent.WorldTransform, bone.Transform);
                    float fromAngle = fk.m_TransformComponents.Rotation % PI2;
                    float toAngle   = fk.m_Angle % PI2;
                    float diff      = toAngle - fromAngle;
                    if (diff > PI)
                        diff -= PI2;
                    else if (diff < -PI)
                        diff += PI2;
                    float angle = fromAngle + diff * m_Strength;
                    ConstrainRotation(fk, angle);