コード例 #1
ファイル: BodyGenome.cs プロジェクト: eaclou/Evolution
    public static float GetBodySizeScore01(BodyGenome genome)
        // Refactor: 25f is hardcoded approximate! // * WPP: approximate of what? (use a constant or exposed value)
        float normalizedSizeScore = Mathf.Clamp01(((genome.GetFullsizeBoundingBox().x + genome.GetFullsizeBoundingBox().z) / genome.GetFullsizeBoundingBox().y) / 25f);

コード例 #2
    public CritterInitData(BodyGenome bodyGenome)
        boundingBoxSize     = bodyGenome.GetFullsizeBoundingBox();
        spawnSizePercentage = 0.1f;
        maxEnergy           = Mathf.Min(boundingBoxSize.x * boundingBoxSize.y, 0.5f);
        maxStomachCapacity  = 1f;
        primaryHue          = bodyGenome.appearanceGenome.huePrimary;
        secondaryHue        = bodyGenome.appearanceGenome.hueSecondary;
        biteConsumeRadius   = 1f;
        biteTriggerRadius   = 1f;
        biteTriggerLength   = 1f;
        eatEfficiencyPlant  = 1f;
        eatEfficiencyDecay  = 1f;
        eatEfficiencyMeat   = 1f;

        // 0 = longest, 1 = shortest
        float swimLerp = Mathf.Clamp01((bodyGenome.coreGenome.creatureAspectRatio - 0.175f) / 0.35f);

        // Mag range: 2 --> 0.5
        // freq range: 1 --> 2
        swimMagnitude = Mathf.Lerp(0.225f, 1.1f, swimLerp);
        swimFrequency = Mathf.Lerp(1.5f, 0.6f, swimLerp);
        swimAnimSpeed = 6f;

        bodyCoord  = bodyGenome.coreGenome.bodyCoord;
        headCoord  = bodyGenome.coreGenome.headCoord;
        mouthCoord = bodyGenome.coreGenome.mouthCoord;
        bendiness  = 1f;
        speciesID  = 0;

        // what grid cell of texture sheet to use
        bodyPatternX = bodyGenome.appearanceGenome.bodyStrokeBrushTypeX;
        bodyPatternY = bodyGenome.appearanceGenome.bodyStrokeBrushTypeY;