コード例 #1
        public virtual async Task <UnityNetworkResponse <TResponse> > PerformRequest <TResponse>(string url, HttpMethodType method = HttpMethodType.Get, object bodyContent = null, BodyEncodingType bodyEncodingType = BodyEncodingType.Json, bool requiresAuthentication = true, bool showLoadingScreen = true)
            UnityWebRequest request         = null;
            UploadHandler   uploadHandler   = null;
            DownloadHandler downloadHandler = null;

                Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrWhiteSpace(url, nameof(url));

                if (requiresAuthentication && !AuthenticationAccessor.IsAuthenticated)
                    throw new UnityNetworkAuthorizationException();

                string methodName = method.ToString().ToUpperInvariant();
                url = url.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();

                if (typeof(TResponse) == typeof(AssetBundle))
                    //Before doing anything check if the asset bundle has already been loaded from the server.
                    AssetBundle bundle = m_CachedAssetBundleDictionary.ContainsKey(url) ? m_CachedAssetBundleDictionary[url] : null;

                    if (bundle != null)
                        return(new UnityNetworkResponse <TResponse>
                            Status = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                            Result = (TResponse)(object)bundle

                    downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerAssetBundle(url, 0);
                    downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();

                if (bodyContent != null)
                    switch (bodyEncodingType)
                    case BodyEncodingType.FormUrlEncoded:
                        uploadHandler = new UnityFormUrlEncodedUploadHandler(bodyContent);

                    case BodyEncodingType.Json:
                        uploadHandler = new UnityJsonUploadHandler <object>(bodyContent);

                request = new UnityWebRequest(url, methodName, downloadHandler, uploadHandler)
                    disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose = false,
                    disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose   = false

                var eventArgs = new UnityNetworkRequestEventArgs(url, request, requiresAuthentication, showLoadingScreen);

                OnBeginRequest?.Invoke(this, eventArgs);

                UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation op = request.SendWebRequest();

                if (Log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))

                TaskCompletionSource <object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(eventArgs);
                op.completed += asyncOp => tcs.SetResult(eventArgs);

                await tcs.Task;

                OnEndRequest?.Invoke(this, eventArgs);

                long statusCode = request.responseCode;

                UnityNetworkResponse <TResponse> response = new UnityNetworkResponse <TResponse>();

                //Check for an internet connection first
                if (request.isNetworkError)
                    response.Text = "We are having problems connecting to the server. Please check your internet connection is working and try again.";
                    response.Status = (HttpStatusCode)statusCode;

                    //Only handle 401 responses where authentication was explicitly required. Allow the caller to handle the
                    //401 code themselves if it wasn't required, e.g. for a login endpoint.
                    if (response.Status == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && requiresAuthentication)
                        throw new UnityNetworkAuthorizationException();

                    string contentType = request.GetResponseHeader("Content-Type");

                    if (response.Status != HttpStatusCode.NoContent && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contentType))
                        if (contentType.Contains("application/json"))
                            string body = downloadHandler.text;

                            response.Text = body;

                            if (Log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                                Log.LogDebug($"Response Body JSON: {body}");

                                if (statusCode == 500)
                                    //500 responses from the server are wrapped in a JSON object with a message property. This needs to be read and set as the text instead.
                                    response.Text = UmbrellaStatics.DeserializeJson <ServerErrorMessage>(body).Message;
                                    //Try and parse the text from JSON
                                    response.Result = UmbrellaStatics.DeserializeJson <TResponse>(body);

                                //If we get this far then the text is definitely valid JSON
                                response.IsJsonResult = true;
                            catch (Exception)
                                    //Try and deserialize the JSON to a string - we may have got back a simple error message
                                    string message = UmbrellaStatics.DeserializeJson <string>(body);

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                                        response.Text = message;
                                catch (Exception exc)
                                    Log.WriteError(exc, message: "The server response has content-type 'application/json' but could not be parsed to a JSON object.");

                                    throw new UnityNetworkException(exc.Message, exc);
                        else if (downloadHandler is DownloadHandlerAssetBundle)
                            var assetBundleHandler = downloadHandler as DownloadHandlerAssetBundle;

                            //Check again to ensure the bundle is not in the cache
                            AssetBundle bundle = m_CachedAssetBundleDictionary.ContainsKey(url) ? m_CachedAssetBundleDictionary[url] : null;

                            if (bundle == null)
                                bundle = assetBundleHandler.assetBundle;
                                m_CachedAssetBundleDictionary[url] = bundle;

                            response.Result = (TResponse)(object)bundle;
                            //If the response isn't JSON, just assign the raw bytes to the response to be dealt with by the caller
                            response.Bytes = downloadHandler.data;

            catch (Exception exc)
                if (exc is UnityNetworkException == false)

コード例 #2
 public virtual async Task <UnityNetworkResponse> PerformRequest(string url, HttpMethodType method = HttpMethodType.Get, object bodyContent = null, BodyEncodingType bodyEncodingType = BodyEncodingType.Json, bool requiresAuthentication = true, bool showLoadingScreen = true)
 => await PerformRequest <object>(url, method, bodyContent, bodyEncodingType, requiresAuthentication, showLoadingScreen);