コード例 #1
        public static void BobberBar(BobberBar __instance, ref float fishSize)
            if (fishSize >= DataLoader.ModConfig.IridiumQualityFishMinimumSize)
                if (Game1.player.CurrentTool is FishingRod fishingRod)
                    if (DataLoader.ModConfig.IridiumQualityFishOnlyWithIridiumQualityBait || DataLoader.ModConfig.IridiumQualityFishOnlyWithWildBait)
                        if (fishingRod.attachments[0] != null)
                            if (DataLoader.ModConfig.IridiumQualityFishOnlyWithIridiumQualityBait && fishingRod.attachments[0].Quality != 4)
                            if (DataLoader.ModConfig.IridiumQualityFishOnlyWithWildBait && fishingRod.attachments[0].ParentSheetIndex != 774)

                    if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < fishSize / 2.0)
                        DataLoader.Helper.Reflection.GetField <int>(__instance, "fishQuality").SetValue(4);
コード例 #2
 private void DrawFishDisplay(IList <string> positions, BobberBar bar)
     // call a function to determine the x and y coords
     DetermineCoordinates(positions, bar, out int x, out int y);
     // call a function to draw the box
     DrawAtCoordinates(x, y);
コード例 #3
 private void DrawFishDisplay(IList <string> positions, BobberBar bar)
     // call a function to determine the x and y coords
     DetermineCoordinates(positions, bar, out int x, out int y);
     // call a function to draw the box
     DrawAtCoordinates((int)(x * (Game1.options.zoomLevel / Game1.options.uiScale)), (int)(y * (Game1.options.zoomLevel / Game1.options.uiScale)));
コード例 #4
ファイル: SBobberBar.cs プロジェクト: yeungchenhe/SMAPI
        public static SBobberBar ConstructFromBaseClass(BobberBar baseClass)
            var b = new SBobberBar(0, 0, false, 0);

            b.BaseBobberBar = baseClass;
コード例 #5
        public static void AutoFishing(BobberBar bar)
            AutoFishingCounter = (AutoFishingCounter + 1) % 3;
            if (AutoFishingCounter > 0)

            IReflectedField <float> bobberSpeed = Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarSpeed");

            float barPos               = Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarPos").GetValue();
            int   barHeight            = Reflection.GetField <int>(bar, "bobberBarHeight").GetValue();
            float fishPos              = Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberPosition").GetValue();
            float treasurePos          = Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "treasurePosition").GetValue();
            float distanceFromCatching = Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "distanceFromCatching").GetValue();
            bool  treasureCaught       = Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "treasureCaught").GetValue();
            bool  treasure             = Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "treasure").GetValue();
            float treasureApeearTimer  = Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "treasureAppearTimer").GetValue();
            float bobberBarSpeed       = bobberSpeed.GetValue();

            float top = barPos;

            if (treasure && treasureApeearTimer <= 0 && !treasureCaught)
                if (!CatchingTreasure && distanceFromCatching > 0.7f)
                    CatchingTreasure = true;
                if (CatchingTreasure && distanceFromCatching < 0.3f)
                    CatchingTreasure = false;
                if (CatchingTreasure)
                    fishPos = treasurePos;

            if (fishPos > barPos + (barHeight / 2f))

            float strength = (fishPos - (barPos + barHeight / 2f)) / 18f;
            float distance = fishPos - top;

            float threshold = Util.Cap(InstanceHolder.Config.CpuThresholdFishing, 0, 0.5f);

            if (distance < threshold * barHeight || distance > (1 - threshold) * barHeight)
                bobberBarSpeed = strength;

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Assign the objects that will pull non-public Stardew data.  The docs say this is an expensive operation
        /// and so should be cached and then the same objects are used to call GetValue and SetValue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bar">A reference to the Fishing window</param>
        private void LoadSVReflectionObjects(BobberBar bar)
            log.Silly("Assigning reflected fields to class members.");

            svBobberBarHeight = helper.Reflection.GetField <int>(bar, "bobberBarHeight");

            svBobberBarPos         = helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarPos");
            svBobberBarSpeed       = helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarSpeed");
            svDistanceFromCatching = helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "distanceFromCatching");
            svBobberPosition       = helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberPosition");
            svTreasurePosition     = helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "treasurePosition");

            svPerfect        = helper.Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "perfect");
            svTreasure       = helper.Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "treasure");
            svTreasureCaught = helper.Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "treasureCaught");

            log.Silly("Finished processing reflected values");
コード例 #7
        private void OnFishingMiniGameStart(BobberBar bar)
            bobberBar         = bar;
            inFishingMiniGame = true;
            isCatching        = true;
            fishPreviewFishId = 0;

            //Overide fish difficulty

            //Make treasure appear every time

            //Instantly catch fish when minigame start

            //Instantly catch treasure when treasure appear
コード例 #8
ファイル: Mod.cs プロジェクト: KamtarGaming/smapi-mod-dump
        private void fishingExp(object sender, EventArgs args)
            var ev = args as EventArgsClickableMenuClosed;

            if (!(ev.PriorMenu is BobberBar))

            BobberBar fishing  = ev.PriorMenu as BobberBar;
            float     diff     = ( float )Util.GetInstanceField(typeof(BobberBar), fishing, "difficulty");
            bool      perfect  = ( bool )Util.GetInstanceField(typeof(BobberBar), fishing, "perfect");
            bool      treasure = ( bool )Util.GetInstanceField(typeof(BobberBar), fishing, "treasureCaught");

            if (perfect)
                //gainLuckExp((int)(diff / 7) + 1);
            if (treasure)
コード例 #9
ファイル: Cheats.cs プロジェクト: xCarloC/SDV-Mods
        /// <summary>Raised after the game state is updated (≈60 times per second).</summary>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="reflection">Simplifies access to private game code.</param>
        /// <param name="input">An API for checking input state.</param>
        public void OnUpdateTicked(UpdateTickedEventArgs e, IReflectionHelper reflection, IInputHelper input)
            if (Game1.player?.currentLocation != null)
                Farmer player = Game1.player;

                // movement speed

                // infinite health/stamina
                if (this.Config.InfiniteHealth)
                    player.health = player.maxHealth;
                if (this.Config.InfiniteStamina)
                    player.stamina = player.MaxStamina;

                // fishing cheats
                if (player.CurrentTool is FishingRod rod)
                    BobberBar bobberMenu = Game1.activeClickableMenu as BobberBar;

                    // max cast power
                    if (this.Config.ThrowBobberMax && rod.isTimingCast)
                        rod.castingPower = 1.01f;

                    // durable tackles
                    if (this.Config.DurableTackles && rod.attachments[1] != null)
                        rod.attachments[1].uses.Value = 0;

                    // instant bite
                    if (this.Config.InstantBite && rod.isFishing && !rod.hit && rod.timeUntilFishingBite > 0)
                        rod.timeUntilFishingBite = 0;

                    // always treasure
                    if (this.Config.AlwaysTreasure && bobberMenu != null)
                        reflection.GetField <bool>(bobberMenu, "treasure").SetValue(true);

                    // instant catch
                    if (this.Config.InstantCatch && bobberMenu != null)
                        reflection.GetField <float>(bobberMenu, "distanceFromCatching").SetValue(1);
                        if (reflection.GetField <bool>(bobberMenu, "treasure").GetValue())
                            reflection.GetField <bool>(bobberMenu, "treasureCaught").SetValue(true);

                // one-hit break
                if (this.Config.OneHitBreak && player.UsingTool && (player.CurrentTool is Axe || player.CurrentTool is Pickaxe))
                    Vector2 tile = new Vector2((int)player.GetToolLocation().X / Game1.tileSize, (int)player.GetToolLocation().Y / Game1.tileSize);

                    if (player.CurrentTool is Pickaxe && player.currentLocation.objects.ContainsKey(tile))
                        SObject obj = player.currentLocation.Objects[tile];
                        if (obj != null && obj.name == "Stone")
                            obj.MinutesUntilReady = 0;

                    if (player.CurrentTool is Axe && player.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.ContainsKey(tile))
                        TerrainFeature obj = player.currentLocation.terrainFeatures[tile];
                        if (obj is Tree tree && tree.health.Value > 1)
                            tree.health.Value = 1;
                        else if (obj is FruitTree fruitTree && fruitTree.health.Value > 1)
                            fruitTree.health.Value = 1;

                    List <ResourceClump> resourceClumps = new List <ResourceClump>();
                    if (player.currentLocation is MineShaft mineShaft)

                    if (player.currentLocation is Farm farm)

                    if (player.currentLocation is Forest forest)

                    if (player.currentLocation is Woods woods)

                    foreach (ResourceClump r in resourceClumps)
                        if (r == null)
                        if (r.getBoundingBox(r.tile.Value).Contains((int)player.GetToolLocation().X, (int)player.GetToolLocation().Y) && r.health.Value > 0)
                            r.health.Value = 0;

                // infinite watering can
                if (this.Config.InfiniteWateringCan && player.CurrentTool is WateringCan can)
                    can.WaterLeft = can.waterCanMax;

                // unlimited gifts
                if (this.Config.AlwaysGiveGift)
                    foreach (Friendship friendship in player.friendshipData.Values)
                        friendship.GiftsThisWeek = 0;
                        friendship.GiftsToday    = 0;

                // one-hit kill
                if (this.Config.OneHitKill)
                    foreach (Monster monster in player.currentLocation.characters.OfType <Monster>())
                        if (monster.Health > 1)
                            monster.Health = 1;

                // grow crops/trees
                if (this.ShouldGrowCrops || this.ShouldGrowTrees)
                    Vector2 playerTile = Game1.player.getTileLocation();
                    if (playerTile != this.LastGrowOrigin || e.IsMultipleOf(30))
                        this.Grow(playerTile, growCrops: this.ShouldGrowCrops, growTrees: this.ShouldGrowTrees, radius: this.Config.GrowRadius);
                        this.LastGrowOrigin = playerTile;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the Fishing menu is up and the game is ready to play.
        /// Do all the steps (that are configured) to catched the fish.
        /// </summary>
        private void PlayFishMinigame()
            log.Silly("Algorithm to play the fishing game started");
            BobberBar fishGame = Game1.activeClickableMenu as BobberBar;

            // Check if this is the first tick we've been in the BobberBar menu
            if (!inFishingMenu)
                log.Trace("Fishing started, setting up environment");
                inFishingMenu = true;

            // Does the user even want the mod to fish?
            if (!config.catchFish)
                log.Silly("Player does not want this to fish for them. =-(");

            // Just set perfect first so it gets caught by boring fishing.
            if (config.alwaysPerfect)
                log.Trace("Setting perfect flag to true");

            // Are we being boring?
            if (config.boringFishing)
                log.Silly("Boring fishing turned on, just catch the fish");

            // Here, fBar is the green fishing bar, fish is the 'bobber' or eemmm.. fish.  Top of the window
            // is 0 and y+ as you go down, so a negative velocity means bar is going up.  Cache the values
            // so they're not constantly queried from the Reflected fields.
            log.Silly("Acquiring values from reflected fields");
            int   fBarHeight          = svBobberBarHeight.GetValue();
            float maxFBarPos          = BobberBar.bobberBarTrackHeight - fBarHeight;
            float currentFBarPos      = svBobberBarPos.GetValue();
            float currentFbarHalfPos  = currentFBarPos + (fBarHeight / 2);
            float currentFBarVelocity = svBobberBarSpeed.GetValue();

            float fishPos = svBobberPosition.GetValue();
            float distanceFromCatching = svDistanceFromCatching.GetValue();
            float desiredPos           = fishPos;

            bool  treasureSpawn  = svTreasure.GetValue();
            bool  caughtTreasure = svTreasureCaught.GetValue();
            float treasurePos    = svTreasurePosition.GetValue();

            // Go for the treasure?
            if (treasureSpawn && treasurePos > 0 && !caughtTreasure)
                if (distanceFromCatching > switchToTreasureThreshold && catchingFishState)
                    catchingFishState = false;
                else if (distanceFromCatching < switchtoFishThreshold && !catchingFishState)
                    catchingFishState = true;
                // If we not catching treasure at all, always make sure we're going for the fish.
                catchingFishState = true;
            log.Silly($"Going for the fish? {catchingFishState}");
            desiredPos = catchingFishState ? fishPos : treasurePos;

            // Check velocity limits first
            if ((Math.Abs(currentFBarVelocity) > fBarTerminalVelocity) ||
                (IsFishInsideBar(fBarHeight, currentFBarPos, desiredPos) &&
                 Math.Abs(currentFBarVelocity) >
                 FBarTargetVelocity(Math.Abs(currentFbarHalfPos - desiredPos), fBarMaxVelocity, fBarTerminalVelocity, 0.01F, (fBarHeight / 2))))
                log.Silly("Fishing bar is travelling too fast; limiting rate");
                if (currentFBarVelocity > 0.0)
                    IsButtonDownHack.simulateDown = true;
                    IsButtonDownHack.simulateDown = false;
            else if ((currentFBarPos > maxFBarPos - lowerLimitBrakePoint) &&
                     currentFBarVelocity > lowerLimitMaxVelocity)
                // The bar can bounce on the bottom, but don't stop it too early in case it's trying to
                // catch the fish.  But try to minimize the speed before the bounce.
                log.Silly("Fishing bar is about to bounce on the bottom; limiting rate");
                IsButtonDownHack.simulateDown = true;
            else if (desiredPos >= currentFbarHalfPos)
                log.Silly($"Pos >= half, turning off.  Des: {desiredPos} half: {currentFbarHalfPos}");
                IsButtonDownHack.simulateDown = false;
                log.Silly($"Pos < half, turning on.  Des: {desiredPos} half: {currentFbarHalfPos}");
                IsButtonDownHack.simulateDown = true;
コード例 #11
        private void DetermineCoordinates(IList <string> positions, BobberBar bar, out int x, out int y)
            // define offset values
            int xLeftOffset = -32; int xCenterOffset = 32; int xRightOffset = 80;
            int yTopOffset = -32; int yUpperOffset = 0; int yLowerOffset = -40; int yBottomOffset = -12;

            // determine x and y positions
            foreach (string position in positions)
                // set the correct display coordinates from position values in order of priority
                switch (position)
                case "Top":
                    x = bar.xPositionOnScreen + (bar.width / 2) - (boxwidth / 2) + xCenterOffset;
                    y = bar.yPositionOnScreen - boxheight + yTopOffset;

                case "UpperRight":
                    x = bar.xPositionOnScreen + bar.width + xRightOffset;
                    y = bar.yPositionOnScreen + yUpperOffset;

                case "UpperLeft":
                    x = bar.xPositionOnScreen - boxwidth + xLeftOffset;
                    y = bar.yPositionOnScreen + yUpperOffset;

                case "Bottom":
                    x = bar.xPositionOnScreen + (bar.width / 2) - (boxwidth / 2) + xCenterOffset;
                    y = bar.yPositionOnScreen + bar.height + yBottomOffset;

                case "LowerRight":
                    x = bar.xPositionOnScreen + bar.width + xRightOffset;
                    y = bar.yPositionOnScreen + bar.height - boxheight + yLowerOffset;

                case "LowerLeft":
                    x = bar.xPositionOnScreen - boxwidth + xLeftOffset;
                    y = bar.yPositionOnScreen + bar.height - boxheight + yLowerOffset;

                    // default to UpperRight position
                    x = bar.xPositionOnScreen + bar.width + xRightOffset;
                    y = bar.yPositionOnScreen + yUpperOffset;
                    //this.Monitor.Log($"Invalid position {position} listed in displayOrder.", LogLevel.Debug);

                // if the box display is in bounds, break the loop. Otherwise proceed to alternative display position(s).
                if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x + boxwidth <= Game1.viewport.Width && y + boxheight <= Game1.viewport.Height)
            // if no suitable location found in foreach, default to UpperRight position
            x = bar.xPositionOnScreen + bar.width + xRightOffset;
            y = bar.yPositionOnScreen + yUpperOffset;
            //this.Monitor.Log($"No suitable coordinate position found in displayOrder.", LogLevel.Debug);
コード例 #12
        private void Display_MenuChanged(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.MenuChangedEventArgs e)
            BobberBar  fishBarMenu = e.NewMenu as BobberBar;
            FishingRod fishTool    = Game1.player.CurrentTool as FishingRod;

            if (fishBarMenu == null || fishTool == null || Settings.Active.DisableMod)

            _fishMenu = fishBarMenu;

            int  attachmentValue = fishTool.attachments[0] == null ? -1 : fishTool.attachments[0].parentSheetIndex;
            bool caughtDouble    = Settings.Active.AlwaysCatchDoubleFish || (bossFish && attachmentValue == 774 && Game1.random.NextDouble() < 0.25 + Game1.player.DailyLuck / 2.0);

            if (Settings.Active.OverrideFishType >= 0)
                whichFish = Settings.Active.OverrideFishType;
            if (Settings.Active.OverrideFishQuality >= 0)
                fishQuality = Settings.Active.OverrideFishQuality;
            if (Settings.Active.AlwaysPerfectCatch)
                perfect = true;
            if (Settings.Active.AlwaysCatchTreasure)
                treasure       = true;
                treasureCaught = true;
            if (Settings.Active.DistanceFromCatchingOverride >= 0)
                distanceFromCatching = Settings.Active.DistanceFromCatchingOverride;
            if (Settings.Active.OverrideBarHeight >= 0)
                bobberBarHeight = Settings.Active.OverrideBarHeight;
            if (Settings.Active.ReelFishCycling)
                if (_circularFishList == null)
                whichFish = _circularFishList.ElementAt(0);

            if (Settings.Active.AutoReelFish)
                // Emulate BobberBar.update() when fadeOut = true
                if (EnableDebugOutput)
                    Monitor.Log(string.Format("Auto-reeling fish with id: {0}. : {1},", whichFish, GetFishNameFromId(whichFish)));
                fadeOut              = true;
                handledFishResult    = true;
                distanceFromCatching = 1;
                fishTool.pullFishFromWater(whichFish, fishSize, fishQuality, (int)difficulty, treasure, perfect, fromFishPond, caughtDouble);

            Game1.setRichPresence("location", (object)Game1.currentLocation.Name);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Menus.cs プロジェクト: Pathoschild/smapi-mod-dump
 public static void Serialize_BobberBar(dynamic menu, BobberBar bb, Point cursorPosition)
     menu.menuType = "fishingMenu";
コード例 #14
        public static void DrawFishingInfoBox(SpriteBatch batch, BobberBar bar, SpriteFont font)
            int width = 0, height = 120;

            float scale = 1.0f;

            int   whichFish           = Reflection.GetField <int>(bar, "whichFish").GetValue();
            int   fishSize            = Reflection.GetField <int>(bar, "fishSize").GetValue();
            int   fishQuality         = Reflection.GetField <int>(bar, "fishQuality").GetValue();
            bool  treasure            = Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "treasure").GetValue();
            bool  treasureCaught      = Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "treasureCaught").GetValue();
            float treasureAppearTimer = Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "treasureAppearTimer").GetValue() / 1000;

            bool perfect = Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "perfect").GetValue();

            if (perfect)
                if (fishQuality >= 2)
                    fishQuality = 4;
                else if (fishQuality >= 1)
                    fishQuality = 3;
            Object fish      = new Object(whichFish, 1, quality: fishQuality);
            int    salePrice = fish.sellToStorePrice();

            if (LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en)
                scale = 0.7f;

            string speciesText  = Util.TryFormat(Translation.Get("fishinfo.species").ToString(), fish.DisplayName);
            string sizeText     = Util.TryFormat(Translation.Get("fishinfo.size").ToString(), GetFinalSize(fishSize));
            string qualityText1 = Translation.Get("fishinfo.quality").ToString();
            string qualityText2 = Translation.Get(GetKeyForQuality(fishQuality)).ToString();
            string incomingText = Util.TryFormat(Translation.Get("fishinfo.treasure.incoming").ToString(), treasureAppearTimer);
            string appearedText = Translation.Get("fishinfo.treasure.appear").ToString();
            string caughtText   = Translation.Get("fishinfo.treasure.caught").ToString();
            string priceText    = Util.TryFormat(Translation.Get("fishinfo.price"), salePrice);

                Vector2 size = font.MeasureString(speciesText) * scale;
                if (size.X > width)
                    width = (int)size.X;
                height += (int)size.Y;

                size = font.MeasureString(sizeText) * scale;
                if (size.X > width)
                    width = (int)size.X;
                height += (int)size.Y;

                Vector2 temp  = font.MeasureString(qualityText1);
                Vector2 temp2 = font.MeasureString(qualityText2);
                size = new Vector2(temp.X + temp2.X, Math.Max(temp.Y, temp2.Y));
                if (size.X > width)
                    width = (int)size.X;
                height += (int)size.Y;

                size = font.MeasureString(priceText) * scale;
                if (size.X > width)
                    width = (int)size.X;
                height += (int)size.Y;

            if (treasure)
                if (treasureAppearTimer > 0)
                    Vector2 size = font.MeasureString(incomingText) * scale;
                    if (size.X > width)
                        width = (int)size.X;
                    height += (int)size.Y;
                    if (!treasureCaught)
                        Vector2 size = font.MeasureString(appearedText) * scale;
                        if (size.X > width)
                            width = (int)size.X;
                        height += (int)size.Y;
                        Vector2 size = font.MeasureString(caughtText) * scale;
                        if (size.X > width)
                            width = (int)size.X;
                        height += (int)size.Y;

            width += 64;

            int x = bar.xPositionOnScreen + bar.width + 96;

            if (x + width > Game1.viewport.Width)
                x = bar.xPositionOnScreen - width - 96;
            int y = (int)Util.Cap(bar.yPositionOnScreen, 0, Game1.viewport.Height - height);

            Util.DrawWindow(x, y, width, height);
            fish.drawInMenu(batch, new Vector2(x + width / 2 - 32, y + 16), 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.9f, StackDrawType.Hide);

            Vector2 vec2 = new Vector2(x + 32, y + 96);

            Util.DrawString(batch, font, ref vec2, speciesText, Color.Black, scale);
            Util.DrawString(batch, font, ref vec2, sizeText, Color.Black, scale);

            Util.DrawString(batch, font, ref vec2, qualityText1, Color.Black, scale, true);
            Util.DrawString(batch, font, ref vec2, qualityText2, GetColorForQuality(fishQuality), scale);

            vec2.X = x + 32;
            Util.DrawString(batch, font, ref vec2, priceText, Color.Black, scale);

            if (treasure)
                if (!treasureCaught)
                    if (treasureAppearTimer > 0f)
                        Util.DrawString(batch, font, ref vec2, incomingText, Color.Red, scale);
                        Util.DrawString(batch, font, ref vec2, appearedText, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, scale);
                    Util.DrawString(batch, font, ref vec2, caughtText, Color.ForestGreen, scale);
コード例 #15
        private void UpdateTick(object sender, UpdateTickedEventArgs e)
            if (Game1.player == null)

            if (Game1.player.CurrentTool is FishingRod)
                FishingRod currentTool = Game1.player.CurrentTool as FishingRod;
                if (Config.fastBite && currentTool.timeUntilFishingBite > 0)
                    currentTool.timeUntilFishingBite /= 2; // 快速咬钩
                if (Config.autoHit && currentTool.isNibbling && !currentTool.isReeling && !currentTool.hit && !currentTool.pullingOutOfWater && !currentTool.fishCaught)
                    currentTool.DoFunction(Game1.player.currentLocation, 1, 1, 1, Game1.player); // 自动咬钩
                if (Config.maxCastPower)
                    currentTool.castingPower = 1;

            if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is BobberBar) // 自动小游戏
                BobberBar bar                  = Game1.activeClickableMenu as BobberBar;
                float     barPos               = Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarPos").GetValue();
                float     barHeight            = Helper.Reflection.GetField <int>(bar, "bobberBarHeight").GetValue();
                float     fishPos              = Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberPosition").GetValue();
                float     treasurePos          = Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "treasurePosition").GetValue();
                float     distanceFromCatching = Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "distanceFromCatching").GetValue();

                bool  treasureCaught = Helper.Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "treasureCaught").GetValue();
                bool  hasTreasure    = Helper.Reflection.GetField <bool>(bar, "treasure").GetValue();
                float treasureScale  = Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "treasureScale").GetValue();
                float bobberBarSpeed = Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarSpeed").GetValue();
                float barPosMax      = 568 - barHeight;

                float min = barPos + barHeight / 4,
                      max = barPos + barHeight / 1.5f;

                if (Config.catchTreasure && hasTreasure && !treasureCaught && (distanceFromCatching > 0.75 || catching))
                    catching = true;
                    fishPos  = treasurePos;
                if (catching && distanceFromCatching < 0.15)
                    catching = false;
                    fishPos  = Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberPosition").GetValue();

                if (fishPos < min)
                    bobberBarSpeed -= 0.35f + (min - fishPos) / 20;
                    Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarSpeed").SetValue(bobberBarSpeed);
                else if (fishPos > max)
                    bobberBarSpeed += 0.35f + (fishPos - max) / 20;
                    Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarSpeed").SetValue(bobberBarSpeed);
                    float target = 0.1f;
                    if (bobberBarSpeed > target)
                        bobberBarSpeed -= 0.1f + (bobberBarSpeed - target) / 25;
                        if (barPos + bobberBarSpeed > barPosMax)
                            bobberBarSpeed /= 2; // 减小触底反弹
                        if (bobberBarSpeed < target)
                            bobberBarSpeed = target;
                        bobberBarSpeed += 0.1f + (target - bobberBarSpeed) / 25;
                        if (barPos + bobberBarSpeed < 0)
                            bobberBarSpeed /= 2; // 减小触顶反弹
                        if (bobberBarSpeed > target)
                            bobberBarSpeed = target;
                    Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(bar, "bobberBarSpeed").SetValue(bobberBarSpeed);
                catching = false;
コード例 #16
 public BobberBarUpdateEvent(BobberBar bobberBar, GameTime time)
     BobberBar = bobberBar;
     Time      = time;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Cheats.cs プロジェクト: levi-middleton/SDV-Mods
        public static void onUpdate()
            if (Game1.player != null)
                Farmer plr = Game1.player;

                //Log.Info(Game1.currentLocation.name + ": " + plr.getTileLocation().X + ", " + plr.getTileLocation().Y);

                if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.increasedMovement && plr.running)
                    plr.addedSpeed = CJBCheatsMenu.config.moveSpeed;
                else if (!CJBCheatsMenu.config.increasedMovement && plr.addedSpeed == CJBCheatsMenu.config.moveSpeed)
                    plr.addedSpeed = 0;

                if (plr.controller != null)
                    plr.addedSpeed = 0;

                if (Game1.CurrentEvent == null)

                if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.infiniteHealth)
                    plr.health = plr.maxHealth;

                if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.infiniteStamina)
                    plr.stamina = plr.maxStamina;

                if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null && plr.CurrentTool is FishingRod)
                    FishingRod tool = (FishingRod)plr.CurrentTool;

                    if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.throwBobberMax)
                        tool.castingPower = 1.01F;
                    if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.instantBite && tool.isFishing)
                        if (tool.timeUntilFishingBite > 0)
                            tool.timeUntilFishingBite = 0;
                    if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.durableTackles && tool.attachments[1] != null)
                        tool.attachments[1].scale.Y = 1;

                if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.oneHitBreak && plr.usingTool && (plr.CurrentTool is Axe || plr.CurrentTool is Pickaxe))
                    int x = (int)plr.GetToolLocation().X / Game1.tileSize;
                    int y = (int)plr.GetToolLocation().Y / Game1.tileSize;

                    Vector2 index = new Vector2(x, y);

                    if (plr.CurrentTool is Pickaxe && plr.currentLocation.objects.ContainsKey(index))
                        StardewValley.Object o = plr.currentLocation.Objects[index];
                        if (o != null && o.name.Equals("Stone"))
                            o.minutesUntilReady = 0;

                    if (plr.CurrentTool is Axe && plr.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.ContainsKey(index))
                        TerrainFeature o = plr.currentLocation.terrainFeatures[index];
                        if (o != null && o is Tree)
                            Tree t = (Tree)o;
                            if (t.health > 1)
                                t.health = 1;

                    List <ResourceClump> rl = new List <ResourceClump>();
                    if (plr.currentLocation is MineShaft)

                    if (plr.currentLocation is Farm)

                    if (plr.currentLocation is Forest)

                    if (plr.currentLocation is Woods)

                    foreach (ResourceClump r in rl)
                        if (r == null)
                        if (r.getBoundingBox(r.tile).Contains((int)plr.GetToolLocation().X, (int)plr.GetToolLocation().Y) && r.health > 0)
                            r.health = 0;

                if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.infiniteWateringCan && plr.CurrentTool is WateringCan)
                    WateringCan tool = (WateringCan)plr.CurrentTool;
                    typeof(WateringCan).GetField("waterLeft", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(tool, tool.waterCanMax);

                if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.alwaysGiveGift)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int[]> fr in plr.friendships)
                        if (fr.Value != null)
                            fr.Value[1] = 0;
                            fr.Value[3] = 0;

                            /*if (fr.Value[0] < 500)
                             *  fr.Value[0] = 500;*/

            if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.maxDailyLuck)
                Game1.dailyLuck = 0.115d;

            if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.oneHitKill && Game1.currentLocation != null)
                if (Game1.currentLocation.characters != null)
                    foreach (NPC npc in Game1.currentLocation.characters)
                        if (npc is Monster)
                            ((Monster)npc).health = 1;

            if ((CJBCheatsMenu.config.instantCatch || CJBCheatsMenu.config.alwaysTreasure) && Game1.activeClickableMenu is BobberBar)
                BobberBar menu = (BobberBar)Game1.activeClickableMenu;

                if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.alwaysTreasure)
                    typeof(BobberBar).GetField("treasure", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(menu, true);

                if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.instantCatch)
                    typeof(BobberBar).GetField("distanceFromCatching", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(menu, 1F);

                if ((bool)typeof(BobberBar).GetField("treasure", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(menu))
                    typeof(BobberBar).GetField("treasureCaught", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(menu, true);

            if (CJBCheatsMenu.config.infiniteHay)
                Farm farm = (Farm)Game1.getLocationFromName("Farm");
                if (farm != null)
                    farm.piecesOfHay = Utility.numSilos() * 240;