private CharTexture RasterizeCharacter(char ch) { string text = ch.ToString(); // Causes truetype fonts to be rendered in their exact width StringFormat format = StringFormat.GenericTypographic; SizeF size = globalGraphics.MeasureString(text, font, new PointF(0, 0), format); // If the character is unprintable, measure it with the truetype padding to receive its padding width if (size.Width < 1) { format = StringFormat.GenericDefault; size = globalGraphics.MeasureString(text, font); } int width = (int)Math.Ceiling(size.Width); int height = (int)Math.Ceiling(size.Height); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; graphics.DrawString(text, font, brush, 0, 0, format); } return(new CharTexture(BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, bitmap), width, height)); }
/// <summary> /// Tooltip /// </summary> /// <param name="texturePool"></param> /// <param name="farmFrameParent"></param> /// <param name="tooltip"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static TooltipItem CreateTooltipFromProperty(TexturePool texturePool, WzSubProperty farmFrameParent, ToolTipInstance tooltip, GraphicsDevice device) { // Wz frames System.Drawing.Bitmap c = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["c"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap cover = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["cover"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap e = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["e"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap n = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["n"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap s = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["s"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap w = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["w"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap ne = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["ne"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); // top right System.Drawing.Bitmap nw = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["nw"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); // top left System.Drawing.Bitmap se = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["se"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); // bottom right System.Drawing.Bitmap sw = ((WzCanvasProperty)farmFrameParent?["sw"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); // bottom left // tooltip property string title = tooltip.Title; string desc = tooltip.Desc; string renderText = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", title, Environment.NewLine, desc); // Constants const string TOOLTIP_FONT = "Arial"; const float TOOLTIP_FONTSIZE = 9.25f; // thankie willified, ya'll be remembered forever here <3 //System.Drawing.Color color_bgFill = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(230, 17, 54, 82); // pre V patch (dark blue theme used post-bb), leave this here in case someone needs it System.Drawing.Color color_bgFill = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 17, 17, 17); // post V patch (dark black theme used), use color picker on paint via image extracted from WZ if you need to get it System.Drawing.Color color_foreGround = System.Drawing.Color.White; const int WIDTH_PADDING = 10; const int HEIGHT_PADDING = 6; // Create using (System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font(TOOLTIP_FONT, TOOLTIP_FONTSIZE)) { System.Drawing.Graphics graphics_dummy = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1)); // dummy image just to get the Graphics object for measuring string System.Drawing.SizeF tooltipSize = graphics_dummy.MeasureString(renderText, font); int effective_width = (int)tooltipSize.Width + WIDTH_PADDING; int effective_height = (int)tooltipSize.Height + HEIGHT_PADDING; System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp_tooltip = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(effective_width, effective_height); using (System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp_tooltip)) { // Frames and background UIFrameHelper.DrawUIFrame(graphics, color_bgFill, ne, nw, se, sw, e, w, n, s, c, effective_width, effective_height); // Text graphics.DrawString(renderText, font, new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(color_foreGround), WIDTH_PADDING / 2, HEIGHT_PADDING / 2); graphics.Flush(); } IDXObject dxObj = new DXObject(tooltip.X, tooltip.Y, BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, bmp_tooltip), 0); TooltipItem item = new TooltipItem(tooltip, dxObj); return(item); } }
public void CreateTexture(GraphicsDevice device) { if (image != null && image.Width == 1 && image.Height == 1) { texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, global::HaCreator.Properties.Resources.placeholder); } else { texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, image); } }
public static BackgroundItem CreateBackgroundFromProperty(WzImageProperty source, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int cx, int cy, int a, BackgroundType type, bool front, int mapCenterX, int mapCenterY, GraphicsDevice device, ref List <WzObject> usedProps, bool flip) { source = WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source); if (source is WzSubProperty && ((WzSubProperty)source).WzProperties.Count == 1) { source = ((WzSubProperty)source).WzProperties[0]; } if (source is WzCanvasProperty) //one-frame { WzVectorProperty origin = (WzVectorProperty)source["origin"]; if (source.MSTag == null) { source.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, ((WzCanvasProperty)source).PngProperty.GetPNG(false)); usedProps.Add(source); } return(new BackgroundItem(cx, cy, rx, ry, type, a, front, new DXObject(x - origin.X.Value /* - mapCenterX*/, y - origin.Y.Value /* - mapCenterY*/, (Texture2D)source.MSTag), flip)); } else if (source is WzSubProperty) //animooted { WzCanvasProperty frameProp; int i = 0; List <DXObject> frames = new List <DXObject>(); while ((frameProp = (WzCanvasProperty)WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source[(i++).ToString()])) != null) { int?delay = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(frameProp["delay"]); if (delay == null) { delay = 100; } if (frameProp.MSTag == null) { frameProp.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, frameProp.PngProperty.GetPNG(false)); usedProps.Add(frameProp); } WzVectorProperty origin = (WzVectorProperty)frameProp["origin"]; frames.Add(new DXObject(x - origin.X.Value /* - mapCenterX*/, y - origin.Y.Value /* - mapCenterY*/, (int)delay, (Texture2D)frameProp.MSTag)); } return(new BackgroundItem(cx, cy, rx, ry, type, a, front, frames, flip)); } else { throw new Exception("unsupported property type in map simulator"); } }
public virtual Texture2D GetTexture(SpriteBatch sprite) { if (texture == null) { if (image != null && image.Width == 1 && image.Height == 1) { texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(sprite.GraphicsDevice, global::HaCreator.Properties.Resources.placeholder); } else { texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(sprite.GraphicsDevice, image); } } return(texture); }
public MapSimulator(Board mapBoard) { if (Program.InfoManager.BGMs.ContainsKey(mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm)) { audio = new WzMp3Streamer(Program.InfoManager.BGMs[mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm], true); } mapCenter = mapBoard.CenterPoint; minimapPos = new Point((int)Math.Round((mapBoard.MinimapPosition.X + mapCenter.X) / (double)mapBoard.mag), (int)Math.Round((mapBoard.MinimapPosition.Y + mapCenter.Y) / (double)mapBoard.mag)); if (mapBoard.VRRectangle == null) { vr = new Rectangle(0, 0, mapBoard.MapSize.X, mapBoard.MapSize.Y); } else { vr = new Rectangle(mapBoard.VRRectangle.X + mapCenter.X, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Y + mapCenter.Y, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Width, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Height); } SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.Opaque, true); InitializeComponent(); width = UserSettings.XGAResolution ? 1024 : 800; height = UserSettings.XGAResolution ? 768 : 600; this.Width = width; this.Height = height; #if FULLSCREEN pParams.BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(Width, 1); pParams.BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(Height, 1); pParams.BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; pParams.IsFullScreen = false; pParams.DepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.Depth24; #else pParams.BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(width, 1); pParams.BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(height, 1); pParams.BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; pParams.DepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.Depth24; pParams.DeviceWindowHandle = Handle; pParams.IsFullScreen = false; #endif DxDevice = MultiBoard.CreateGraphicsDevice(pParams); this.minimap = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(DxDevice, mapBoard.MiniMap ?? new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1)); System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1); bmp.SetPixel(0, 0, System.Drawing.Color.White); pixel = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(DxDevice, bmp); sprite = new SpriteBatch(DxDevice); }
/// <summary> /// Load frames from WzSubProperty or WzCanvasProperty /// </summary> /// <param name="texturePool"></param> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="usedProps"></param> /// <param name="spineAni">Spine animation path</param> /// <returns></returns> private static List <IDXObject> LoadFrames(TexturePool texturePool, WzImageProperty source, int x, int y, GraphicsDevice device, ref List <WzObject> usedProps, string spineAni = null) { List <IDXObject> frames = new List <IDXObject>(); source = WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source); if (source is WzSubProperty property1 && property1.WzProperties.Count == 1) { source = property1.WzProperties[0]; } if (source is WzCanvasProperty property) //one-frame { bool bLoadedSpine = LoadSpineMapObjectItem(source, source, device, spineAni); if (!bLoadedSpine) { string canvasBitmapPath = property.FullPath; Texture2D textureFromCache = texturePool.GetTexture(canvasBitmapPath); if (textureFromCache != null) { source.MSTag = textureFromCache; } else { source.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, property.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap()); // add to cache texturePool.AddTextureToPool(canvasBitmapPath, (Texture2D)source.MSTag); } } usedProps.Add(source); if (source.MSTagSpine != null) { WzSpineObject spineObject = (WzSpineObject)source.MSTagSpine; System.Drawing.PointF origin = property.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXSpineObject(spineObject, x, y, origin)); } else if (source.MSTag != null) { Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)source.MSTag; System.Drawing.PointF origin = property.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X, y - (int)origin.Y, texture)); } else // fallback { Texture2D texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, Properties.Resources.placeholder); System.Drawing.PointF origin = property.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X, y - (int)origin.Y, texture)); } } else if (source is WzSubProperty) // animated { WzCanvasProperty frameProp; int i = 0; while ((frameProp = (WzCanvasProperty)WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source[(i++).ToString()])) != null) { int delay = (int)InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(frameProp["delay"], 100); bool bLoadedSpine = LoadSpineMapObjectItem((WzImageProperty)frameProp.Parent, frameProp, device, spineAni); if (!bLoadedSpine) { if (frameProp.MSTag == null) { string canvasBitmapPath = frameProp.FullPath; Texture2D textureFromCache = texturePool.GetTexture(canvasBitmapPath); if (textureFromCache != null) { frameProp.MSTag = textureFromCache; } else { frameProp.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, frameProp.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap()); // add to cache texturePool.AddTextureToPool(canvasBitmapPath, (Texture2D)frameProp.MSTag); } } } usedProps.Add(frameProp); if (frameProp.MSTagSpine != null) { WzSpineObject spineObject = (WzSpineObject)frameProp.MSTagSpine; System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXSpineObject(spineObject, x, y, origin, delay)); } else if (frameProp.MSTag != null) { Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)frameProp.MSTag; System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X, y - (int)origin.Y, texture, delay)); } else { Texture2D texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, Properties.Resources.placeholder); System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X, y - (int)origin.Y, texture, delay)); } } } return(frames); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="minimapFrameProperty">UI.wz/UIWindow2.img/MiniMap</param> /// <param name="mapBoard"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="MapName">The map name. i.e The Hill North</param> /// <param name="StreetName">The street name. i.e Hidden street</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MinimapItem CreateMinimapFromProperty(WzSubProperty minimapFrameProperty, Board mapBoard, GraphicsDevice device, string MapName, string StreetName) { WzSubProperty maxMapProperty = (WzSubProperty)minimapFrameProperty["MaxMap"]; WzSubProperty miniMapProperty = (WzSubProperty)minimapFrameProperty["MinMap"]; WzSubProperty maxMapMirrorProperty = (WzSubProperty)minimapFrameProperty["MaxMapMirror"]; // for Zero maps WzSubProperty miniMapMirrorProperty = (WzSubProperty)minimapFrameProperty["MinMapMirror"]; // for Zero maps WzSubProperty useFrame; if (mapBoard.MapInfo.zeroSideOnly || MapConstants.IsZerosTemple( // zero's temple { useFrame = maxMapMirrorProperty; } else { useFrame = maxMapProperty; } // Wz frames System.Drawing.Bitmap c = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["c"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap e = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["e"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap n = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["n"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap s = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["s"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap w = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["w"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); System.Drawing.Bitmap ne = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["ne"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); // top right System.Drawing.Bitmap nw = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["nw"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); // top left System.Drawing.Bitmap se = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["se"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); // bottom right System.Drawing.Bitmap sw = ((WzCanvasProperty)useFrame?["sw"])?.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap(); // bottom left // Constants const string TOOLTIP_FONT = "Arial"; const float TOOLTIP_FONTSIZE = 10f; System.Drawing.Color color_bgFill = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; System.Drawing.Color color_foreGround = System.Drawing.Color.White; // Dots pixel System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp_DotPixel = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(2, 4); using (System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp_DotPixel)) { graphics.FillRectangle(new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow), new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, bmp_DotPixel.Width, bmp_DotPixel.Height)); graphics.Flush(); } IDXObject dxObj_miniMapPixel = new DXObject(0, n.Height, BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, bmp_DotPixel), 0); BaseItem item_pixelDot = new BaseItem(dxObj_miniMapPixel, false); // Map background image System.Drawing.Bitmap miniMapImage = mapBoard.MiniMap; // the original minimap image without UI frame overlay int effective_width = miniMapImage.Width + e.Width + w.Width; int effective_height = miniMapImage.Height + n.Height + s.Height; using (System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font(TOOLTIP_FONT, TOOLTIP_FONTSIZE)) { System.Drawing.Bitmap miniMapUIImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(effective_width, effective_height); using (System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(miniMapUIImage)) { // Frames and background UIFrameHelper.DrawUIFrame(graphics, color_bgFill, ne, nw, se, sw, e, w, n, s, null, effective_width, effective_height); graphics.DrawString( string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", StreetName, Environment.NewLine, MapName), font, new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(color_foreGround), 50, 20); // Map mark if (Program.InfoManager.MapMarks.ContainsKey(mapBoard.MapInfo.mapMark)) { System.Drawing.Bitmap mapMark = Program.InfoManager.MapMarks[mapBoard.MapInfo.mapMark]; graphics.DrawImage(mapMark.ToImage(), 7, 17); } // Map image graphics.DrawImage(miniMapImage, 10, n.Height); graphics.Flush(); } Texture2D texturer_miniMap = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, miniMapUIImage); IDXObject dxObj = new DXObject(0, 0, texturer_miniMap, 0); MinimapItem item = new MinimapItem(dxObj, item_pixelDot); return(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Load game assets /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // BGM if (Program.InfoManager.BGMs.ContainsKey(mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm)) { audio = new WzMp3Streamer(Program.InfoManager.BGMs[mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm], true); if (audio != null) { audio.Volume = 0.3f; audio.Play(); } } if (mapBoard.VRRectangle == null) { vr = new Rectangle(0, 0, mapBoard.MapSize.X, mapBoard.MapSize.Y); } else { vr = new Rectangle(mapBoard.VRRectangle.X + mapBoard.CenterPoint.X, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Y + mapBoard.CenterPoint.Y, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Width, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Height); } //SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.Opaque, true); // Background and objects List <WzObject> usedProps = new List <WzObject>(); //WzDirectory MapFile = Program.WzManager["map"]; // Map.wz //WzDirectory tileDir = (WzDirectory)MapFile["Tile"]; foreach (LayeredItem tileObj in mapBoard.BoardItems.TileObjs) { WzImageProperty tileParent = (WzImageProperty)tileObj.BaseInfo.ParentObject; mapObjects[tileObj.LayerNumber].Add( MapSimulatorLoader.CreateMapItemFromProperty(tileParent, tileObj.X, tileObj.Y, mapBoard.CenterPoint, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps, tileObj is IFlippable ? ((IFlippable)tileObj).Flip : false)); } foreach (BackgroundInstance background in mapBoard.BoardItems.BackBackgrounds) { WzImageProperty bgParent = (WzImageProperty)background.BaseInfo.ParentObject; backgrounds_back.Add( MapSimulatorLoader.CreateBackgroundFromProperty(bgParent, background, mapBoard.CenterPoint.X, mapBoard.CenterPoint.Y, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps, background.Flip)); } foreach (BackgroundInstance background in mapBoard.BoardItems.FrontBackgrounds) { WzImageProperty bgParent = (WzImageProperty)background.BaseInfo.ParentObject; backgrounds_front.Add( MapSimulatorLoader.CreateBackgroundFromProperty(bgParent, background, mapBoard.CenterPoint.X, mapBoard.CenterPoint.Y, _DxDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, ref usedProps, background.Flip)); } foreach (WzObject obj in usedProps) { obj.MSTag = null; obj.MSTagSpine = null; // cleanup } usedProps.Clear(); // Spine object skeletonMeshRenderer = new SkeletonMeshRenderer(GraphicsDevice); skeletonMeshRenderer.PremultipliedAlpha = false; // Minimap minimapPos = new Point((int)Math.Round((mapBoard.MinimapPosition.X + mapBoard.CenterPoint.X) / (double)mapBoard.mag), (int)Math.Round((mapBoard.MinimapPosition.Y + mapBoard.CenterPoint.Y) / (double)mapBoard.mag)); this.minimap = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(GraphicsDevice, mapBoard.MiniMap); // System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1); bmp.SetPixel(0, 0, System.Drawing.Color.White); pixel = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(GraphicsDevice, bmp); sprite = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); }
public void CreateTexture(GraphicsDevice device) { texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, image); }
/// <summary> /// Map item /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> /// <param name="mapCenterX"></param> /// <param name="mapCenterY"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="usedProps"></param> /// <param name="flip"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static MapItem CreateMapItemFromProperty(WzImageProperty source, int x, int y, Point mapCenter, GraphicsDevice device, ref List <WzObject> usedProps, bool flip) { source = WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source); if (source is WzSubProperty && ((WzSubProperty)source).WzProperties.Count == 1) { source = ((WzSubProperty)source).WzProperties[0]; } if (source is WzCanvasProperty) //one-frame { bool bLoadedSpine = LoadSpineMapObjectItem(source, source, device, null); if (!bLoadedSpine) { if (source.MSTag == null) { source.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap()); } } usedProps.Add(source); if (source.MSTagSpine != null) { WzSpineObject spineObject = (WzSpineObject)source.MSTagSpine; System.Drawing.PointF origin = ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetCanvasOriginPosition(); return(new MapItem(new DXSpineObject(spineObject, x + mapCenter.X, y + mapCenter.Y, origin), flip)); } else if (source.MSTag != null) { Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)source.MSTag; System.Drawing.PointF origin = ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetCanvasOriginPosition(); return(new MapItem(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X + mapCenter.X, y - (int)origin.Y + mapCenter.Y, texture), flip)); } else // fallback { Texture2D texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, Properties.Resources.placeholder); System.Drawing.PointF origin = ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetCanvasOriginPosition(); return(new MapItem(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X + mapCenter.X, y - (int)origin.Y + mapCenter.Y, texture), flip)); } } else if (source is WzSubProperty) // animated { WzCanvasProperty frameProp; int i = 0; List <IDXObject> frames = new List <IDXObject>(); while ((frameProp = (WzCanvasProperty)WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source[(i++).ToString()])) != null) { int delay = (int)InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(frameProp["delay"], 100); bool bLoadedSpine = LoadSpineMapObjectItem((WzImageProperty)frameProp.Parent, frameProp, device, null); if (!bLoadedSpine) { if (frameProp.MSTag == null) { frameProp.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, frameProp.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap()); } } usedProps.Add(frameProp); if (frameProp.MSTagSpine != null) { WzSpineObject spineObject = (WzSpineObject)frameProp.MSTagSpine; System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXSpineObject(spineObject, x + mapCenter.X, y + mapCenter.Y, origin, delay)); } else if (frameProp.MSTag != null) { Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)frameProp.MSTag; System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X + mapCenter.X, y - (int)origin.Y + mapCenter.Y, texture, delay)); } else { Texture2D texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, Properties.Resources.placeholder); System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X + mapCenter.X, y - (int)origin.Y + mapCenter.Y, texture, delay)); } } return(new MapItem(frames, flip)); } else { throw new Exception("unsupported property type in map simulator"); } }
/// <summary> /// Background /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="bgInstance"></param> /// <param name="mapCenterX"></param> /// <param name="mapCenterY"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="usedProps"></param> /// <param name="flip"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static BackgroundItem CreateBackgroundFromProperty(WzImageProperty source, BackgroundInstance bgInstance, int mapCenterX, int mapCenterY, GraphicsDevice device, ref List <WzObject> usedProps, bool flip) { source = WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source); if (source is WzSubProperty && ((WzSubProperty)source).WzProperties.Count == 1) { source = ((WzSubProperty)source).WzProperties[0]; } if (source is WzCanvasProperty) //one-frame { bool bLoadedSpine = LoadSpineMapObjectItem(source, source, device, bgInstance.SpineAni); if (!bLoadedSpine) { if (source.MSTag == null) { source.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap()); } } usedProps.Add(source); if (source.MSTagSpine != null) { WzSpineObject spineObject = (WzSpineObject)source.MSTagSpine; System.Drawing.PointF origin = ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetCanvasOriginPosition(); DXSpineObject dxobj = new DXSpineObject(spineObject, bgInstance.BaseX - (int)origin.X /* - mapCenterX*/, bgInstance.BaseY - (int)origin.Y /* - mapCenterY*/, origin); return(new BackgroundItem(,, bgInstance.rx, bgInstance.ry, bgInstance.type, bgInstance.a, bgInstance.front, dxobj, flip, bgInstance.screenMode)); } else if (source.MSTag != null) { Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)source.MSTag; System.Drawing.PointF origin = ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetCanvasOriginPosition(); DXObject dxobj = new DXObject(bgInstance.BaseX - (int)origin.X /* - mapCenterX*/, bgInstance.BaseY - (int)origin.Y /* - mapCenterY*/, texture); return(new BackgroundItem(,, bgInstance.rx, bgInstance.ry, bgInstance.type, bgInstance.a, bgInstance.front, dxobj, flip, bgInstance.screenMode)); } else // default fallback if all things fail { Texture2D texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, Properties.Resources.placeholder); System.Drawing.PointF origin = ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetCanvasOriginPosition(); DXObject dxobj = new DXObject(bgInstance.BaseX - (int)origin.X /* - mapCenterX*/, bgInstance.BaseY - (int)origin.Y /* - mapCenterY*/, texture); return(new BackgroundItem(,, bgInstance.rx, bgInstance.ry, bgInstance.type, bgInstance.a, bgInstance.front, dxobj, flip, bgInstance.screenMode)); } } else if (source is WzSubProperty) // animated { WzCanvasProperty frameProp; int i = 0; List <IDXObject> frames = new List <IDXObject>(); while ((frameProp = (WzCanvasProperty)WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source[(i++).ToString()])) != null) { int delay = (int)InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(frameProp["delay"], 100); bool bLoadedSpine = LoadSpineMapObjectItem((WzImageProperty)frameProp.Parent, frameProp, device, bgInstance.SpineAni); if (!bLoadedSpine) { if (frameProp.MSTag == null) { frameProp.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, frameProp.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap()); } } usedProps.Add(source); if (frameProp.MSTagSpine != null) { WzSpineObject spineObject = (WzSpineObject)frameProp.MSTagSpine; System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); DXSpineObject dxobj = new DXSpineObject(spineObject, bgInstance.BaseX - (int)origin.X /* - mapCenterX*/, bgInstance.BaseY - (int)origin.Y /* - mapCenterY*/, origin, delay); frames.Add(dxobj); } else if (frameProp.MSTag != null) { Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)frameProp.MSTag; System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); DXObject dxObj = new DXObject(bgInstance.BaseX - (int)origin.X /* - mapCenterX*/, bgInstance.BaseY - (int)origin.Y /* - mapCenterY*/, texture, delay); frames.Add(dxObj); } else // default fallback if all things fail { Texture2D texture = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, Properties.Resources.placeholder); System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); DXObject dxObj = new DXObject(bgInstance.BaseX - (int)origin.X /* - mapCenterX*/, bgInstance.BaseY - (int)origin.Y /* - mapCenterY*/, texture, delay); frames.Add(dxObj); } } return(new BackgroundItem(,, bgInstance.rx, bgInstance.ry, bgInstance.type, bgInstance.a, bgInstance.front, frames, flip, bgInstance.screenMode)); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported property type in map simulator"); } }
public MapSimulator(Board mapBoard) { WzSoundProperty bgm = Program.InfoManager.BGMs[mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm]; if (bgm != null) { audio = new WzMp3Streamer(bgm, true); } MapSimulator.mapCenter = mapBoard.CenterPoint; if (mapBoard.MapInfo.VR == null) { vr = new Rectangle(0, 0, mapBoard.MapSize.X, mapBoard.MapSize.Y); } else { vr = new Rectangle(mapBoard.MapInfo.VR.Value.X + mapCenter.X, mapBoard.MapInfo.VR.Value.Y + mapCenter.Y, mapBoard.MapInfo.VR.Value.Width, mapBoard.MapInfo.VR.Value.Height); } SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.Opaque, true); InitializeComponent(); this.Width = width; this.Height = height; #if FULLSCREEN pParams.BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(width, 1); pParams.BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(height, 1); pParams.BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; pParams.IsFullScreen = false; pParams.DepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.Depth24; #else pParams.BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(width, 1); pParams.BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(height, 1); pParams.BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; pParams.DepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.Depth24; pParams.DeviceWindowHandle = Handle; pParams.IsFullScreen = false; #endif /* try * { * DxDevice = new GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter, DeviceType.Hardware, Handle, pParams); * } * catch * { * DxDevice = new GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter, DeviceType.NullReference, Handle, pParams); * }*/ try { GraphicsProfile profile = GraphicsProfile.Reach; if (GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.IsProfileSupported(GraphicsProfile.HiDef)) { profile = GraphicsProfile.HiDef; } else if (!GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.IsProfileSupported(GraphicsProfile.Reach)) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } DxDevice = new GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter, profile, pParams); } catch { HaRepackerLib.Warning.Error("Graphics adapter is not supported"); Application.Exit(); } graphicsDeviceService = new GraphicsDeviceService(DxDevice); this.minimap = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(DxDevice, mapBoard.MiniMap); System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1); bmp.SetPixel(0, 0, System.Drawing.Color.White); pixel = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(DxDevice, bmp); //pixel = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(DxDevice, new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1)); contentMan = new ContentManager(this); defaultFont = contentMan.Load <SpriteFont>("Arial"); sprite = new SpriteBatch(DxDevice); //character = new Character(400 + mapCenter.X, 300 + mapCenter.Y); //character.DoFly(); }
public MapSimulator(Board mapBoard) { InitializeComponent(); if (Program.InfoManager.BGMs.ContainsKey(mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm)) { audio = new WzMp3Streamer(Program.InfoManager.BGMs[mapBoard.MapInfo.bgm], true); } mapCenter = mapBoard.CenterPoint; minimapPos = new Point((int)Math.Round((mapBoard.MinimapPosition.X + mapCenter.X) / (double)mapBoard.mag), (int)Math.Round((mapBoard.MinimapPosition.Y + mapCenter.Y) / (double)mapBoard.mag)); if (mapBoard.VRRectangle == null) { vr = new Rectangle(0, 0, mapBoard.MapSize.X, mapBoard.MapSize.Y); } else { vr = new Rectangle(mapBoard.VRRectangle.X + mapCenter.X, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Y + mapCenter.Y, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Width, mapBoard.VRRectangle.Height); } SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.Opaque, true); switch (UserSettings.SimulateResolution) { case MapRenderResolution.Res_1024x768: // 1024x768 RenderHeight = 768; RenderWidth = 1024; break; case MapRenderResolution.Res_1280x720: // 1280x720 RenderHeight = 720; RenderWidth = 1280; break; case MapRenderResolution.Res_1366x768: // 1366x768 RenderHeight = 768; RenderWidth = 1366; break; case MapRenderResolution.Res_1920x1080: RenderHeight = 1080; RenderWidth = 1920; break; case MapRenderResolution.Res_800x600: // 800x600 default: RenderHeight = 600; RenderWidth = 800; break; } double dpi = ScreenDPIUtil.GetScreenScaleFactor(); // set Form window height & width this.Width = (int)(RenderWidth * dpi); this.Height = (int)(RenderHeight * dpi); #if FULLSCREEN pParams.BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(Width, 1); pParams.BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(Height, 1); pParams.BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; pParams.IsFullScreen = false; pParams.DepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.Depth24; #else pParams.BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(RenderWidth, 1); pParams.BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(RenderHeight, 1); pParams.BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; pParams.DepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8; pParams.DeviceWindowHandle = Handle; pParams.IsFullScreen = false; #endif // default center mapShiftX = vr.Left; mapShiftY = vr.Top; DxDevice = MultiBoard.CreateGraphicsDevice(pParams); this.minimap = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(DxDevice, mapBoard.MiniMap); System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1); bmp.SetPixel(0, 0, System.Drawing.Color.White); pixel = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(DxDevice, bmp); sprite = new SpriteBatch(DxDevice); }
/// <summary> /// Background /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> /// <param name="rx"></param> /// <param name="ry"></param> /// <param name="cx"></param> /// <param name="cy"></param> /// <param name="a"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="front"></param> /// <param name="mapCenterX"></param> /// <param name="mapCenterY"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="usedProps"></param> /// <param name="flip"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static BackgroundItem CreateBackgroundFromProperty(WzImageProperty source, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int cx, int cy, int a, BackgroundType type, bool front, int mapCenterX, int mapCenterY, GraphicsDevice device, ref List <WzObject> usedProps, bool flip) { source = WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source); if (source is WzSubProperty && ((WzSubProperty)source).WzProperties.Count == 1) { source = ((WzSubProperty)source).WzProperties[0]; } if (source is WzCanvasProperty) //one-frame { if (source.MSTag == null) { source.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap()); usedProps.Add(source); } Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)source.MSTag; if (texture != null) { System.Drawing.PointF origin = ((WzCanvasProperty)source).GetCanvasOriginPosition(); DXObject dxobj = new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X /* - mapCenterX*/, y - (int)origin.Y /* - mapCenterY*/, texture); return(new BackgroundItem(cx, cy, rx, ry, type, a, front, dxobj, flip)); } else { throw new Exception("Texture is null for the background property."); } } else if (source is WzSubProperty) //animooted { WzCanvasProperty frameProp; int i = 0; List <DXObject> frames = new List <DXObject>(); while ((frameProp = (WzCanvasProperty)WzInfoTools.GetRealProperty(source[(i++).ToString()])) != null) { int?delay = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(frameProp["delay"]); if (delay == null) { delay = 100; } if (frameProp.MSTag == null) { frameProp.MSTag = BoardItem.TextureFromBitmap(device, frameProp.GetLinkedWzCanvasBitmap()); usedProps.Add(frameProp); } Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)frameProp.MSTag; if (texture != null) { System.Drawing.PointF origin = frameProp.GetCanvasOriginPosition(); frames.Add(new DXObject(x - (int)origin.X /* - mapCenterX*/, y - (int)origin.Y /* - mapCenterY*/, texture, (int)delay)); } else { throw new Exception("Texture is null for the animation"); } } return(new BackgroundItem(cx, cy, rx, ry, type, a, front, frames, flip)); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported property type in map simulator"); } }