コード例 #1
ファイル: register_user.aspx.cs プロジェクト: vizualz/BH3
        protected void btnFinish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!(Page.IsValid))

            if (hdnMeVal.Value != "1")

            lblStatus.Text   = string.Empty;
            pnlError.Visible = false;

            //if (!chkCOPPA.Checked)
            //    lblStatus.Text = "You must be 13 yrs of age to register on this web site.";
            //    return;

            string   txtFN, txtEmailId, txtPassword, txtPhoneNumber;
            string   txtUserName;
            int      iAcctType;
            int      showPhone;
            DateTime dCreateDate;

            byte[] hBytes;      //hash bytes
            byte[] saltBytes;   //salt bytes
            string saltString;  //salt string
            int    iBoarderType;
            int    iMerchantVal;

            //Validate form and get values
            txtFN = " ";

            txtEmailId  = txtEmail.Text;
            txtPassword = txtPassword1.Text;
            txtUserName = Global.ParseEmail(txtEmail.Text);

            BoardHunt.classes.hasher pHash = new BoardHunt.classes.hasher();

            //Get SALT and encode to string
            saltBytes  = pHash.GenerateSALT();
            saltString = Convert.ToBase64String(saltBytes);

            //get hash and encode to string with SALT
            hBytes      = pHash.getHash(saltString, txtPassword);
            txtPassword = Convert.ToBase64String(hBytes);   //hashed password

            //Free = 1; Commercial = 2
            iAcctType = Convert.ToInt16(radioAcctType.SelectedValue);

            txtPhoneNumber = string.Empty;
            if (txtPhoneNum.Text != "optional")
                txtPhoneNumber = txtPhoneNum.Text;

            showPhone = (int)0;

            //if no phone num is entered then showPhonenum flag must be set to zero
            //if (txtAreaCode.Text != "" && txtPhoneNum.Text != "")
            //    if (chkShowPhone.Checked == true)
            //    {
            //        showPhone = (int)1;
            //    }
            //    showPhone = (int)0;

            iBoarderType = 1; // cboBoarderType.SelectedIndex;

            //log date acct created
            dCreateDate = DateTime.Now;

            //Connect to DB
            String strSQL;
            String myConnectString;

            //Formulate connect string to DB
            myConnectString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;;

            //Verify unique e-mail id.  This is how we try to prevent users
            if (verify_User(myConnectString, txtEmailId))
                pnlError.Visible = true;
                lblStatus.Text   = "That e-mail is already registered.  Please try another one.";
                //lblStatus.CssClass = "errorLabel";
                lblStatus.Visible = true;

            iMerchantVal = (int)0;
            if (iAcctType == (int)2)
                iMerchantVal = Convert.ToInt16(cboMerchantType.SelectedValue);
                if (iMerchantVal == (int)0)
                    pnlError.Visible = true;
                    lblStatus.Text   = "Select your type of business.";
                    //lblStatus.CssClass = "errorLabel";
                    cboMerchantType.BorderColor = Color.Red;
                    lblStatus.Visible           = true;

            //Build SQL
            strSQL  = "INSERT INTO tblUser (txtFullName, txtPassword, txtPhoneNum, iShowPhoneNum, txtEmail, dCreateDate, iEntryCount, iAcctType, sashimi, salt, boarderType, iMerchantType, txtUserName)";
            strSQL += "VALUES ('" + txtFN + "', '" + txtPassword + "', '" + txtPhoneNumber + "', '" + showPhone + "','" + txtEmailId + "' , '" + dCreateDate + "','" + (int)0 + "','" + iAcctType + "','" + (int)1 + "','" + saltString + "','" + iBoarderType + "','" + iMerchantVal + "','" + txtUserName + "')";

            SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectString);


                SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection);

                Session["LoggedIn"] = "Yes";
                Session["EmailId"]  = txtEmailId;
                Session["acctType"] = Convert.ToInt16(radioAcctType.SelectedValue);
                Session["pw"]       = txtPassword1.Text;

                // Successful login, save iD for user events while logged in
                if (chkUpgrade.Checked)
                    Session["ServiceId"] = 7;
                else if (chkUpgrade2.Checked)
                    Session["ServiceId"] = 6;
                    Session["ServiceId"] = null;

                Response.Redirect("register_finish.aspx", false);

            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "Signup failed!  Message: " + ex.Message);
                pnlError.Visible = true;
                lblStatus.Text   = "Signup Failed.";
                //lblStatus.CssClass = "errorLabel";
                lblStatus.Visible = true;

コード例 #2
 * Increment the PageViewCount for the entry.  The value returned will be the display value
        //public string incPageViewCount(string cnt)

        //    string tmpURL = Request.Url.ToString();

        //    if (Session[tmpURL] != null)
        //    {
        //        return cnt;
        //    }

        //    string connStr, strSQL;
        //    int retval;

        //    retval = 0;

        //    //get conn string
        //    connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;;

        //    //cnt and iPageViewCount should be equal - do we need to check?
        //    if (Convert.ToInt32(cnt) < (int)1)
        //    {
        //        strSQL = "UPDATE tblEntry SET iPageViewCount = 1 WHERE iD = '" + Request.QueryString["iD"] + "'";
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        strSQL = "UPDATE tblEntry SET iPageViewCount = iPageViewCount + 1 WHERE iD = '" + Request.QueryString["iD"] + "'";
        //    }

        //    SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr);

        //    try
        //    {
        //        myConnection.Open();

        //        SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection);
        //        objCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();

        //        Session.Add(Request.Url.ToString(), Request.Url.ToString());
        //        retval = Convert.ToInt32(cnt) + 1;
        //    }

        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "Error in PageViewCount processing: " + ex.Message );
        //        lblStatus.Text = "Error!";
        //    }
        //    finally
        //    {
        //        //close
        //        myConnection.Close();
        //    }
        //    return (retval.ToString());

        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Connect to DB
            String strSQL;
            String myConnectString;

            //Formulate connect string to DB
            myConnectString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;;

            //3. Formulate SQL
            strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE txtEmail='" + txtUsername.Text + "'";

            SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectString);

                SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection);

                SqlDataReader objReader = null;
                objReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader();

                if (objReader.Read() == true)
                    string txtPass       = objReader["txtPassword"].ToString();
                    bool   bLoginSuccess = false;

                    if (objReader["sashimi"].ToString() == "1")
                        //get hasher pointer
                        BoardHunt.classes.hasher pHash = new BoardHunt.classes.hasher();
                        //get salt from db
                        string saltVal = objReader["salt"].ToString();

                        //compute hash from user input
                        byte[] tmpByte;
                        tmpByte = pHash.getHash(saltVal, txtPassword.Text);
                        string pwdToMatch = Convert.ToBase64String(tmpByte);

                        //check for match
                        if (pwdToMatch == txtPass)
                            bLoginSuccess = true;

                    //old algorithm
                        if (objReader["txtPassword"].ToString() == txtPassword.Text)
                            bLoginSuccess = true;

                    //check password match
                    if (bLoginSuccess)
                        // Successful login, save iD for user events while logged in
                        Session["LoggedIn"] = "Yes";
                        Session["userId"]   = objReader["iD"].ToString();
                        Session["EmailId"]  = objReader["txtEmail"].ToString();
                        Session["acctType"] = objReader["iAcctType"].ToString();
                        pnlLoginMsg.Visible = false;
                        pnlLogin.Visible    = false;


                        dlCommentList.Visible = true;
                        pnlCommentBox.Visible = true;

                        //Get text for login links
                        lnkSignIn.Text = Global.SetLnkSignIn();
                        lnkSignUp.Text = Global.SetLnkSignUp();
                    //login failed

                    //lblStatus.Text = "Incorrect Username";


            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "Failed Log-in from pnlLogin: " + ex.Message);
コード例 #3
        public bool DoLogin(string username, string password, bool hashit, bool overRide)
            string strSQL;

            IDBManager dbManager = new DBManager(DataProvider.SqlServer);

            //dbManager.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;;
            dbManager.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;

//            strSQL = @"SELECT u.sashimi, u.txtUserName, u.salt, u.txtPassword, u.iD, u.txtEmail, u.iAcctType, u.iMerchantType, u.blog_flg, u.userDir
//                        FROM tblUser u WHERE txtEmail='" + username + "'";

            strSQL = @"SELECT u.sashimi, u.txtUserName, u.salt, u.txtPassword, u.iD, u.txtEmail, u.iAcctType, u.iMerchantType, u.blog_flg, u.userDir, 
            (Select count(*) from tblServices s where (s.iServiceVal = 6 or s.iServiceVal = 7) and iuserId = u.id and iStatus = 1 ) as isPro
                        FROM tblUser u WHERE txtEmail='" + username + "'";
                dbManager.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSQL);

                if (dbManager.DataReader.Read() == true)
                    string pwdToMatch;
                    string txtPass       = dbManager.DataReader["txtPassword"].ToString();
                    bool   bLoginSuccess = false;

                    if (dbManager.DataReader["sashimi"].ToString() == "1" && overRide == false)
                        if (hashit)
                            //get hasher pointer
                            BoardHunt.classes.hasher pHash = new BoardHunt.classes.hasher();
                            //get salt from db
                            string saltVal = dbManager.DataReader["salt"].ToString();

                            //compute hash from user input
                            byte[] tmpByte;
                            tmpByte    = pHash.getHash(saltVal, password);
                            pwdToMatch = Convert.ToBase64String(tmpByte);
                            //ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "NotHashing");
                            pwdToMatch = password;

                        //check for match
                        if (pwdToMatch == txtPass)
                            bLoginSuccess = true;
                    //old algorithm; match with no hash
                        if (dbManager.DataReader["txtPassword"].ToString() == password)
                            bLoginSuccess = true;

                    //check password match
                    if (bLoginSuccess || overRide)
                        // Successful login, save iD for user events while logged in
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedIn"]     = "Yes";
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["userId"]       = dbManager.DataReader["iD"].ToString();
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["EmailId"]      = dbManager.DataReader["txtEmail"].ToString();
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["acctType"]     = dbManager.DataReader["iAcctType"].ToString();
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["MerchantType"] = dbManager.DataReader["iMerchantType"].ToString();
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["BlogFlg"]      = dbManager.DataReader["blog_flg"].ToString();
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["userDir"]      = dbManager.DataReader["userDir"].ToString();
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["userName"]     = dbManager.DataReader["txtUserName"].ToString();
                        if (dbManager.DataReader["txtUserName"].ToString() == string.Empty)
                            HttpContext.Current.Session["userName"] = Global.ParseEmail(dbManager.DataReader["txtEmail"]);

                        //check for pro
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(dbManager.DataReader["isPro"].ToString()) > 0)
                            HttpContext.Current.Session["isPro"] = 1;
                            HttpContext.Current.Session["isPro"] = 0;

                    //login failed
                else//couldn't read - bad username
                    ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "No record of user name");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "ClsLogin:DoLogin:Error " + ex.Message);
                //send error email
コード例 #4
ファイル: edit_profile.aspx.cs プロジェクト: vizualz/BH3
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //kick out if validation failed
            if (!(Page.IsValid))
                //Do over; Reset anything here that needs a reset

            //tally up ShaperCodeValue
            if (hdnIsShaper.Value == "1")

            string strSQL = string.Empty;
            string txtPhoneNumber;
            string emailNotify;
            string blogNotify;
            string profPic;
            int    showPhoneNum;
            int    iAcctType;

            IDBManager dbManager = new DBManager(DataProvider.SqlServer);

            dbManager.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;;

            //Verify unique e-mail id.
            if (Session["EmailId"].ToString() != txtEmail.Text)
                if (verify_User(dbManager.ConnectionString, txtEmail.Text))
                    lblStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    lblStatus.Text      = "That e-mail is already registered.  Please try again.";

            //show phone flag
            showPhoneNum = (int)0;

            //Free acct=1; Commercial = 2
            iAcctType   = Convert.ToInt16(radioAcctType.SelectedValue);
            emailNotify = rdoEmailNotify.SelectedValue;
            blogNotify  = rdoBlogNotify.SelectedValue;

            txtPhoneNumber = txtAreaCode.Text + "-" + txtPhoneNum.Text;

            //if no phone num is entered then showPhonenum flag must be set to zero
            if (txtAreaCode.Text != "" && txtPhoneNum.Text != "")
                if (chkShowPhone.Checked == true)
                    showPhoneNum = (int)1;

            //Get user's id
            string uId = Session["userId"].ToString();

            strSQL  = "UPDATE tblUser SET txtFullName = '" + txtFullName.Text;
            strSQL += "' ,txtEmail = '" + txtEmail.Text;
            strSQL += "',txtPhoneNum = '" + txtPhoneNumber;
            strSQL += "',iShowPhoneNum = '" + showPhoneNum;
            strSQL += "',iAcctType = '" + iAcctType;
            strSQL += "',notify_comment_flg = '" + emailNotify;
            strSQL += "',notify_blog_flg = '" + blogNotify;
            strSQL += "',txtUserName = '******',txtHomeTown = '" + Global.CheckString(txtHomeTown.Text);
                strSQL += "',txtWebSite = '" + Global.CheckString(txtWebsite.Text);
                strSQL += "',txtUserDetails = '" + Global.CheckString(txtDetails.Text);
                strSQL += "',iWisdom = '" + Global.CheckString(txtShapingYrs.Text);
                strSQL += "',txtBrandName = '" + Global.CheckString(txtBrandName.Text);
                strSQL += "',iRegion = '" + cboRegion.SelectedValue;

                if (hdnShaperCode.Value.Length > 0)
                    strSQL += "',iShaperCode = '" + Global.CheckString(hdnShaperCode.Value);

            //skip pwd processing if the change pwd panel is not visible
            if (pnlChangePwd.Visible && txtPassword1.Text.Length > 1)
                BoardHunt.classes.hasher pHash = new BoardHunt.classes.hasher();

                //Get SALT and encode to string
                byte[] saltBytes  = pHash.GenerateSALT();
                string saltString = Convert.ToBase64String(saltBytes);

                //get hash and encode to string with SALT
                byte[] hBytes = pHash.getHash(saltString, txtPassword1.Text);
                string hPass  = Convert.ToBase64String(hBytes);  //hashed textual password

                //build SQL
                strSQL += "' ,txtPassword = '******',salt = '" + saltString + "',sashimi = '" + (int)1;

            //get profile pic if loaded and control set
            if (rdoImgMgr1.SelectedValue == "Change" || rdoImgMgr1.SelectedValue == "Add")
                if (!CheckFileType())

                //TODO: check for file before attempting to upload
                profPic = UpLoadAllImages();
                strSQL += "' ,profilePic = '" + profPic;
                //delete old profile pic
                if (!(hdnProfilePic.Value.IndexOf("nopic64.jpg") > 0))
                    //ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "Deleting old pic: " + Server.MapPath(hdnProfilePic.Value));
                if (rdoImgMgr1.SelectedValue == "Delete")
                    //set to empty string
                    strSQL += "' ,profilePic = '";
                //else KEEP: do nothing

            strSQL += "' WHERE id = '" + uId + "'";
            ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "strSQL-> " + strSQL);

                dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, strSQL);

                //Set new EmailId
                Session["EmailId"] = txtEmail.Text;
                //classes.Email.SendEmail("BH Profile Change", "*****@*****.**", "For User: "******"EmailId"].ToString() + " iD: " + uId);
                Response.Redirect("UserMenu.aspx", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "edit_profile:error" + ex.Message);
                lblStatus.Text = "Error: Connection Bad.<br>";
                classes.Email.SendErrorEmail("edit_profile:error" + ex.Message);
コード例 #5
ファイル: forget_pass.aspx.cs プロジェクト: vizualz/BH3
        private void imgContact_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsValid)

            //Connect to DB
            String strSQL;
            String myConnectString;

            //Formulate connect string to DB
            myConnectString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;;

            //Build SQL
            strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE txtEmail='" + txtEmail.Text + "'";

            SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectString);

                SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection);

                SqlDataReader objReader = null;
                objReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader();

                if (objReader.Read() == true)
                    BoardHunt.classes.hasher pHash = new BoardHunt.classes.hasher();
                    byte[] saltBytes  = pHash.GenerateSALT();
                    string saltString = Convert.ToBase64String(saltBytes);

                    BoardHunt.classes.RandomPassword pwdGen = new BoardHunt.classes.RandomPassword();
                    string newPwd = pwdGen.Generate();

                    byte[] hBytes = pHash.getHash(saltString, newPwd);
                    string hPass  = Convert.ToBase64String(hBytes);

                    if (UpdateUserPwd(hPass, saltString))
                        //check password match
                        if (newPwd != null && newPwd != "" && newPwd.Length > 0)
                            string emailMsg = "Your new password is: " + newPwd + "<br><br>You can change it again in the edit profile settings.";
                            classes.Email.SendEmail("Login info", txtEmail.Text, "*****@*****.**", emailMsg, false);

                            ////Mail the password
                            ////Create an instance of the MailMessage class
                            //MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();

                            ////mail.To = "*****@*****.**";
                            //mail.To = txtEmail.Text;
                            //mail.From = "*****@*****.**";

                            ////'If you want to CC this email to someone else
                            ////'objMM.Cc = "*****@*****.**"

                            ////email format. Can be Text or Html
                            //mail.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text;

                            ////Set the priority - options are High, Low, and Normal
                            //mail.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;

                            ////Set the subject
                            //mail.Subject = "Login info";

                            ////Set the body
                            //mail.Body = "Your new password is: " + newPwd;

                            ////Smtp Server
                            //SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "mrelay.perfora.net";

                            ////Send the message

                            panelSendEmail.Visible = false;
                            panelMailSent.Visible  = true;
                    //TODO: add code for no record for e-mail
                    lblStatus.Text        = "&nbsp;We can't find that e-mail.  Check it again or sign up.&nbsp;";
                    lblStatus.BorderWidth = 1;

                lblStatus.Text = "Error!";
