コード例 #1
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: heyx3/SimpleBoardGames
        public Piece GetPiece(BoardGames.Players player)
            switch (player)
            case BoardGames.Players.One: return(piece1);

            case BoardGames.Players.Two: return(piece2);

            default: throw new NotImplementedException(player.ToString());
コード例 #2
ファイル: Players.cs プロジェクト: heyx3/SimpleBoardGames
    public static BoardGames.Players Switched(this BoardGames.Players p)
        switch (p)
        case BoardGames.Players.One: return(BoardGames.Players.Two);

        case BoardGames.Players.Two: return(BoardGames.Players.One);

        default: throw new System.NotImplementedException(p.ToString());
コード例 #3
		public override System.Collections.IEnumerator RunLogicCoroutine()
			//Keep executing turns until the game ends.
			while (true)
				//Update the UI based on whose turn it is.
				for (int i = 0; i < Consts.TextsForPlayers.Length; ++i)
					foreach (SpriteRenderer sr in Consts.TextsForPlayers[i].Texts)
						if ((int)CurrentPlayer == i)
							sr.color = Consts.TextsForPlayers[i].NormalColor;
						else sr.color = Consts.TextsForPlayers[i].NotMyTurnColor;

				//If there is no move for this player, he lost.
				List<Movement> moves =
					new List<Movement>(Board.Instance.GetMoves(Brd.GetPiece(CurrentPlayer)));
				if (moves.Count == 0)
					StateMachine.Instance.CurrentState = new State_EndGame(NextPlayer);
					yield break;

				//Wait until a move is queued up.
				Brd.GetPiece(NextPlayer).MyCollider.enabled = false;
				Brd.GetPiece(CurrentPlayer).MyCollider.enabled = true;
				while (toExecute == null)
					yield return null;

				//Execute the movement and switch turns.
				CurrentPlayer = NextPlayer;
				toExecute = null;
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(Consts.MovePieceTime);
コード例 #4
		public State_PlayTurns(BoardGames.Players currentPlayer)
			CurrentPlayer = currentPlayer;
コード例 #5
		public State_EndGame(BoardGames.Players winner)
			Winner = winner;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Piece.cs プロジェクト: heyx3/SimpleBoardGames
 public Piece(bool isKing, Vector2i pos, BoardGames.Players owner, Board theBoard)
     : base(pos, owner, theBoard)
     IsKing = isKing;
コード例 #7
 public Piece(Vector2i pos, BoardGames.Players owner, Board theBoard)
     : base(pos, owner, theBoard)
コード例 #8
		public override System.Collections.IEnumerator RunLogicCoroutine()
			//Keep executing turns until the game ends.
			while (true)
				//Update the UI based on whose turn it is.
				foreach (SpriteRenderer sr in Consts.AttackerTexts)
					sr.color = Consts.InitialAttackerTextColor;
				foreach (SpriteRenderer sr in Consts.DefenderTexts)
					sr.color = Consts.InitialDefenderTextColor;
				if (CurrentPlayer == Piece.Attackers)
					foreach (SpriteRenderer sr in Consts.DefenderTexts)
						sr.color *= Consts.TurnColorMultiplier;
					foreach (SpriteRenderer sr in Consts.AttackerTexts)
						sr.color *= Consts.TurnColorMultiplier;

				//Wait until a move is queued up.
				while (moveToExecute == null)
					yield return null;

				//See if this move will end the game.

				bool endsGame = false;

				if (CurrentPlayer == Piece.Attackers)
					//The attackers win if the king is captured.
					for (int i = 0; i < moveToExecute.Captures.Count; ++i)
						if (moveToExecute.Captures[i].IsKing)
							endsGame = true;
					//The defenders win if the king escapes, or if not enough attackers will be left.
					if (moveToExecute.IsMoving.IsKing &&
						(moveToExecute.Pos.x == 0 || moveToExecute.Pos.x == Board.BoardSize - 1 ||
						 moveToExecute.Pos.y == 0 || moveToExecute.Pos.y == Board.BoardSize - 1))
						endsGame = true;
					else if (Brd.NAttackerPieces  - moveToExecute.Captures.Count < 3)
						endsGame = true;

				//Execute the movement and switch turns.
				CurrentPlayer = (CurrentPlayer == Piece.Attackers ?
									Piece.Defenders :
				moveToExecute = null;
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(Consts.MovePieceTime);

				//If that move won the game, then end the game.
				if (endsGame)
					StateMachine.Instance.CurrentState = new State_EndGame(CurrentPlayer == Piece.Attackers ?
																			   Piece.Defenders :
					yield break;