コード例 #1
        public void CanRaiseABlocksFoundEventWhenMulitpleBlocksAreFound()
            var boardChangedEventHandler = default(BoardChangedEventHandler);
            var result = default(IGameEvent);

            "Given I have a board with multiple blocks".Context(() =>
                var fakeBlockFinder = A.Fake<IBlockFinder>();
                A.CallTo(() => fakeBlockFinder.Find(A<IBoard>.Ignored))
                 .Returns(new[] {new Block(new BoardCoordinate[] {}), new Block(new BoardCoordinate[] {})});

                boardChangedEventHandler = new BoardChangedEventHandler(A.Fake<IBoard>(), fakeBlockFinder);

                GameEvents.Dispatcher = new ActionEventDispatcher(g => result = g);

            "When I handle a board changed event"
                .Do(() => boardChangedEventHandler.Handle(new BoardChangedEvent()));

            "Then a BlocksFoundEvent should be raised"
                .Observation(() => result.ShouldBeOfType<BlocksFoundEvent>());

            "Then there should be 2 found blocks on the event"
                .Observation(() => ((BlocksFoundEvent)result).Blocks.Count().ShouldEqual(2));
コード例 #2
        public void WontRaiseBlockFoundEventIfNoBlocksAreFound()
            var boardChangedEventHandler = default(BoardChangedEventHandler);
            var result = default(IGameEvent);

            "Given I have a board with no blocks".Context(() =>
                var fakeBlockFinder = A.Fake<IBlockFinder>();
                A.CallTo(() => fakeBlockFinder.Find(A<IBoard>.Ignored)).Returns(new Block[] { });

                boardChangedEventHandler = new BoardChangedEventHandler(A.Fake<IBoard>(), fakeBlockFinder);

                GameEvents.Dispatcher = new ActionEventDispatcher(g => result = g);


            "When I handle a board changed event"
                .Do(() => boardChangedEventHandler.Handle(new BoardChangedEvent()));

            "Then no event should have been raised"
                .Observation(() => result.ShouldBeNull());