public override GraphBlueprint Process(GraphPackage input, ContentProcessorContext context) { var parser = new GraphParser(input.Content, x => input.Includes.FirstOrDefault(p => GraphBlueprint.IsIncludeMatch(p.Key, x)).Value); var gf = parser.Parse(); BlueprintPreprocessor.ProcessGraph(gf); Console.WriteLine("Parsing file with " + gf.LevelNodes.Count + " node definitions"); return(gf); }
public override LevelBlueprint Process(LevelPackage input, ContentProcessorContext context) { var parser = new LevelParser(input.Content, x => input.Includes.FirstOrDefault(p => LevelBlueprint.IsIncludeMatch(p.Key, x)).Value); var lf = parser.Parse(); BlueprintPreprocessor.ProcessLevel(lf); Console.WriteLine("Parsing file with " + lf.BlueprintCannons.Count + " cannon definitions"); Console.WriteLine("Parsing file with " + lf.BlueprintVoidWalls.Count + " voidwall definitions"); return(lf); }
public static LevelBlueprint ParseLevelFromString(string text, Func <string, string> includesFunc, bool sim) { var fp = new LevelParser(text, includesFunc); var lf = fp.Parse(); LastParsedIncludedSources = fp.IncludedSources; if (sim) { BlueprintPreprocessor.ProcessLevel(lf); } return(lf); }
public static LevelBlueprint ParseLevelFromFile(string path, bool sim) { var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path) ?? ""; var includes = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder, "*.gsheader").ToDictionary(p => Path.GetFileName(p) ?? p, p => File.ReadAllText(p, Encoding.UTF8)); Func <string, string> includesFunc = x => includes.FirstOrDefault(p => LevelBlueprint.IsIncludeMatch(p.Key, x)).Value; var fp = new LevelParser(File.ReadAllText(path), includesFunc); var lf = fp.Parse(Path.GetFileName(path)); LastParsedIncludedSources = fp.IncludedSources; if (sim) { BlueprintPreprocessor.ProcessLevel(lf); } return(lf); }
public LevelBlueprint CompileToBlueprint(GameHUD hud) { var bp = new LevelBlueprint(); bp.UniqueID = Guid.Parse($"b16b00b5-0001-4001-0000-{OnlineID:000000000000}"); bp.WrapMode = (byte)Geometry; bp.LevelWidth = Width * 64; bp.LevelHeight = Height * 64; bp.LevelViewX = CalculateViewCenter().X; bp.LevelViewY = CalculateViewCenter().Y; bp.Name = "0-" + OnlineID; bp.FullName = Name; bp.KIType = GetKIType(); bp.CustomMusic = Music; byte cannonID = 0; foreach (var e in Elements) { e.InsertIntoBlueprint(bp, ref cannonID); } try { bp.ValidOrThrow(); BlueprintPreprocessor.ProcessLevel(bp); return(bp); } catch (Exception e) { MonoSAMGame.CurrentInst.DispatchBeginInvoke(() => { hud.ShowToast("SCCMLD::CTB_1", L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_LVLED_ERR_COMPILERERR), 64, FlatColors.Flamingo, FlatColors.Foreground, 3f); SAMLog.Error("SCMMLD_CTBERR", "LevelBlueprint compiled to invalid", $"Exception: {e}\n\n\nData: {SerializeToString()}"); }); return(null); } }