public static bool CheckBpForGasGiants(PlayerController __instance, BlueprintData blueprint) { if (GameMain.history.blueprintLimit == 0) { return(false); } if (blueprint == null) { blueprint = __instance.actionBuild.blueprintClipboard; } if (BlueprintData.IsNullOrEmpty(blueprint)) { return(false); } if (__instance.gameData.localPlanet?.gasItems == null || __instance.gameData.localPlanet.gasItems.Length == 0) { return(true); } foreach (BlueprintBuilding building in blueprint.buildings) { ItemProto item = LDB.items.Select(building.itemId); if (!item.BuildInGas) { UIRealtimeTip.Popup("CantPasteThisInGasGiantWarn".Translate()); return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void OnPasteButtonClicked() { if (lastClickedFile == null) { return; } if (lastClickedFile.isDirectory) { if (!Directory.Exists(lastClickedFile.fullPath)) { return; } lastClickedFile.browser.SetCurrentDirectory(lastClickedFile.fullPath); return; } if (!VFInput.readyToBuild) { return; } BlueprintData blueprint = BlueprintData.CreateFromFile(lastClickedFile.fullPath); if (BlueprintData.IsNullOrEmpty(blueprint)) { return; } GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.OpenBlueprintPasteMode(blueprint, lastClickedFile.fullPath); lastClickedFile.browser._Close(); }
public static void Export(BlueprintData __instance, BinaryWriter w) { bool hasData = __instance.reforms != null && __instance.reforms.Length > 0; if (hasData) { w.Write((byte)2); w.Write(__instance.reforms.Length); foreach (ReformData data in __instance.reforms) { data.Export(w); } bool hasColors = __instance.customColors != null && __instance.customColors.Length > 0; w.Write(hasColors); if (!hasColors) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { w.Write(__instance.customColors[i].r); w.Write(__instance.customColors[i].g); w.Write(__instance.customColors[i].b); w.Write(__instance.customColors[i].a); } return; } w.Write((byte)0); }
public static void InitPreviews(BlueprintData _blueprintData, int _dotsCursor) { int num = _blueprintData.reforms.Length; int num2 = (_blueprintData.areas.Length > 1) ? num : (num * _dotsCursor); if (reformPreviews.Capacity < num2) { reformPreviews.Capacity = num2; } for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { if (i >= reformPreviews.Count) { reformPreviews.Add(new ReformData()); } int num4 = i % num; reformPreviews[i].areaIndex = _blueprintData.reforms[num4].areaIndex; reformPreviews[i].localLatitude = _blueprintData.reforms[num4].localLatitude; reformPreviews[i].localLongitude = _blueprintData.reforms[num4].localLongitude; reformPreviews[i].type = _blueprintData.reforms[num4].type; reformPreviews[i].color = _blueprintData.reforms[num4].color; } for (int i = reformPreviews.Count - 1; i >= num2; i--) { reformPreviews.RemoveAt(i); } }
public static void OnDismantle(BuildTool_Dismantle __instance) { if (UndoManager.IgnoreAllEvents.Value) { return; } if (NebulaModAPI.IsMultiplayerActive) { if (NebulaModAPI.MultiplayerSession.LocalPlayer.IsClient) { return; } } List <int> objectIds = __instance.DetermineDismantle().ToList(); if (objectIds.Count <= 0) { return; } BlueprintData blueprint = UndoUtils.GenerateBlueprint(objectIds, out Vector3 position); if (blueprint.buildings.Length > 0 && !position.Equals( { PlayerUndo data = UndoManager.GetCurrentPlayerData(); data.AddUndoItem(new UndoDismantle(data, objectIds, blueprint, new[] { position }, 0)); } }
public static void Import(BlueprintData __instance, BinaryReader r) { if (r.BaseStream.Position != r.BaseStream.Length) { byte version = r.ReadByte(); if (version >= 1) { int len = r.ReadInt32(); __instance.reforms = new ReformData[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { __instance.reforms[i] = new ReformData(); ReformData data = __instance.reforms[i]; data.Import(r); } } if (version >= 2 && r.ReadBoolean()) { __instance.customColors = new Color[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { __instance.customColors[i] = new Color( r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle()); } } } }
public static void Repair(BlueprintData __instance) { if (__instance.reforms == null) { __instance.reforms = new ReformData[0]; } }
/// <summary> /// This method allows to load a blueprint data in runtimes. /// </summary> public void LoadInRuntime(BlueprintData blueprint) { BuildManager Manager = FindObjectOfType <BuildManager>(); if (Manager == null) { Debug.Log("<b><color=red>[Easy Build System]</color></b> : The build manager does not exists."); return; } List <PartModel.SerializedPart> Parts = blueprint.Model.DecodeToStr(blueprint.Data); GroupBehaviour Group = new GameObject("(Runtime) Blueprint").AddComponent <GroupBehaviour>(); for (int i = 0; i < Parts.Count; i++) { PartBehaviour Part = Manager.GetPart(Parts[i].Id); PartBehaviour PlacedPart = Manager.PlacePrefab(Part, PartModel.ParseToVector3(Parts[i].Position), PartModel.ParseToVector3(Parts[i].Rotation), PartModel.ParseToVector3(Parts[i].Scale), Group); PlacedPart.ChangeAppearance(Parts[i].AppearanceIndex); } }
public static BlueprintData GenerateBlueprint(List <int> objectIds, out Vector3 position) { position =; if (GameMain.mainPlayer?.controller == null) { return(BlueprintData.CreateNew()); } if (GameMain.localPlanet == null) { return(BlueprintData.CreateNew()); } BuildTool_BlueprintCopy copy = GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild.blueprintCopyTool; using (UndoManager.IgnoreAllEvents.On()) { copy.InitTool(); copy.selectedObjIds.Clear(); foreach (int objectId in objectIds) { copy.selectedObjIds.Add(objectId); } copy.blueprint = BlueprintData.CreateNew(); copy.RefreshBlueprintData(); Vector2 minPos = GetMinLongLat(objectIds, copy); float radius = GameMain.localPlanet.realRadius; position = BlueprintUtils.GetDir(minPos.x, minPos.y) * radius; position = copy.actionBuild.planetAux.Snap(position, true); } return(copy.blueprint); }
public void SetUpItemData(BlueprintData bp_Data) { btn = GetComponent <Button>(); btn.onClick.AddListener(delegate { UIManager.Instance.crafting.OnCraftBtn(bp_Data); }); nameText.text = bp_Data.gearData.m_name; previewImg.sprite = bp_Data.gearData.inventorySprite; for (int i = 0; i < bp_Data.resourcePrices.Length; i++) { switch (bp_Data.resourcePrices[i].resourceData.m_name) { case "Wood": WoodText.text = bp_Data.resourcePrices[i].price.ToString(); break; case "Stone": StoneText.text = bp_Data.resourcePrices[i].price.ToString(); break; case "Iron": IronText.text = bp_Data.resourcePrices[i].price.ToString(); break; case "Gold": GoldText.text = bp_Data.resourcePrices[i].price.ToString(); break; } } }
void Craft(BlueprintData bp_Data) { SpendResources(bp_Data.resourcePrices); DeleteUIItem(bp_Data); InventoryEventSystem.AddGearToInventory(bp_Data.gearData); InventoryEventSystem.ReplaceGear(); }
public void OnCraftBtn(BlueprintData bp_Data) { // If enough resources => add to inventory if (IsEnoughResources(bp_Data.resourcePrices)) { Craft(bp_Data); } }
void CreateUIItem(BlueprintData bp_Data) { GameObject uiItem = Instantiate(uiItemPrefab,, Quaternion.identity, itemsRect.transform); uiItem.GetComponent <CraftingUIItem>().SetUpItemData(bp_Data); blueprints.Add(bp_Data, uiItem); }
public static bool CheckValid(BlueprintData __instance, ref bool __result) { if (__instance.reforms != null) { return(true); } __result = false; return(false); }
public CodeGeneratorData[] GetData() { return(_blueprintNames .Select(blueprintName => { var data = new BlueprintData(); data.SetBlueprintName(blueprintName); return data; }).ToArray()); }
public static IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> DontClearOpenPath(IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> instructions) { CodeMatcher matcher = new CodeMatcher(instructions) .MatchForward(false, new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Ldstr)) .SetInstruction(Transpilers.EmitDelegate <Func <string> >(() => { string currentPath = UIRoot.instance.uiGame.blueprintBrowser.openPath; return(BlueprintData.GenerateNewFileName(currentPath)); })); return(matcher.InstructionEnumeration()); }
public IActionResult CreateBlueprint([FromBody] BlueprintData bdata) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Blueprint b = bdata.Blueprint; context.Add(b); context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(b.BlueprintId)); } else { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } }
public IActionResult ReplaceBlueprint(long id, [FromBody] BlueprintData bdata) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Blueprint b = bdata.Blueprint; b.BlueprintId = id; context.Update(b); context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); } else { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } }
private static void GenerateUndoData(PlanetFactory factory, List <int> targetIds) { if (NebulaModAPI.IsMultiplayerActive) { if (NebulaModAPI.MultiplayerSession.LocalPlayer.IsClient) { return; } } try { List <int> filteredIds = targetIds.Where(objId => { if (objId < 0) { int modelIndex = factory.prebuildPool[-objId].modelIndex; ModelProto modelProto = LDB.models.Select(modelIndex); return(modelProto != null); } if (objId > 0) { int modelIndex = factory.entityPool[objId].modelIndex; ModelProto modelProto = LDB.models.Select(modelIndex); return(modelProto != null); } return(false); }).ToList(); BlueprintData blueprint = UndoUtils.GenerateBlueprint(filteredIds, out Vector3 position); if (blueprint.buildings.Length > 0 && !position.Equals( { PlayerUndo data = UndoManager.GetCurrentPlayerData(); data.AddUndoItem(new UndoDismantle(data, filteredIds, blueprint, new[] { position }, 0)); } } catch (Exception e) { BlueprintTweaksPlugin.logger.LogWarning($"Failed to generate undo for drag dismantle: {e.Message}, stacktrace:\n{e.StackTrace}"); } }
public static void RefreshReformPreviews(BlueprintData _blueprintData, PlanetData _planet, int _dotsCursor, IntVector4[] _tropicGratBoxConditionInfo, float _yaw, int _segmentCnt, Vector4[] array) { if (!BlueprintCopyExtension.isEnabled) { return; } if (UndoManager.IgnoreAllEvents.Value) { return; } int yawCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(_yaw / 90f); float yawX = yawCount == 1 || yawCount == 2 ? -1f : 1f; float yawY = yawCount == 2 || yawCount == 3 ? -1f : 1f; float latitudeRadPerGrid = BlueprintUtils.GetLatitudeRadPerGrid(_segmentCnt); List <ReformData> reforms = BlueprintPasteExtension.reformPreviews; int reformsLength = _blueprintData.reforms.Length; for (int i = 0; i < reformsLength; i++) { ReformData reformData = _blueprintData.reforms[i]; for (int j = 0; j < _dotsCursor; j++) { ReformData reformPreview = reforms[reformsLength * j + i]; Vector4 areaData = array[j + reformData.areaIndex]; BlueprintUtilsPatch2.MirrorArea(ref areaData, yawX, yawY); float radPerGrid = BlueprintUtils.GetLongitudeRadPerGrid(areaData.y, _segmentCnt); Vector2 vector4 = BlueprintUtils.TransitionWidthAndHeight(_yaw, reformData.localLongitude - 0.5f, reformData.localLatitude - 0.5f); float longitudeRad = areaData.x + vector4.x * radPerGrid * yawX; float finalLatitude = areaData.y + vector4.y * latitudeRadPerGrid * yawY; finalLatitude = Math.Abs(finalLatitude) > 1.5707964f ? 1.5707964f * Math.Sign(finalLatitude) : finalLatitude; reformPreview.latitude = finalLatitude; reformPreview.longitude = longitudeRad; } } }
public static void SetNull(BlueprintData __instance) { __instance.reforms = null; }
public static void Reset(BlueprintData __instance) { __instance.reforms = new ReformData[0]; }
public static bool CheckEmpty(BlueprintData __instance, ref bool __result) { __result = (__instance.buildings == null || __instance.buildings.Length == 0) && (__instance.reforms == null || __instance.reforms.Length == 0); return(false); }
public static bool CheckNull(BlueprintData blueprint, ref bool __result) { __result = blueprint == null || !blueprint.isValid || blueprint.buildings.Length == 0 && blueprint.reforms.Length == 0; return(false); }
public UndoBlueprint(PlayerUndo undoData, IEnumerable <int> objectIds, BlueprintData blueprint, Vector3[] dotsSnapped, float yaw) : base(undoData, objectIds) { this.blueprint = blueprint; this.dotsSnapped = dotsSnapped; this.yaw = yaw; }
void DeleteUIItem(BlueprintData bp_Data) { Destroy(blueprints[bp_Data]); blueprints.Remove(bp_Data); }
private static void Hover <G, C, D>(C currentChild, C whatToBuild, InteriorFields <G, C> fields, Dictionary <C, D> buildData, Action <C> assignCurrentChild) where C : IConvertible where D : BlueprintData { //avoid filling every frame that we're hovered if (Convert.ToInt32(whatToBuild) != Convert.ToInt32(currentChild)) { if (buildData.ContainsKey(whatToBuild)) { assignCurrentChild(whatToBuild); BlueprintData data = buildData[whatToBuild]; fields.DetailHeader.text = whatToBuild.ToString(); fields.DetailDescription.text = data.Description; int i = 0; foreach (RectTransform text in fields.DetailMaterialsParent) { if (i == 0) { //noop; } else { int actualIndex = i - 1; bool active = actualIndex < data.Requirements.Count; text.gameObject.SetActive(active); if (active) { text.GetComponent <Text>().text = data.Requirements[actualIndex].ToString(); text.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = data.Requirements[actualIndex].Type.Sprite(); } } i++; } fields.DetailPower.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(data.PowerSteady.HasValue || data.PowerMin.HasValue); if (data.PowerSteady.HasValue) { fields.DetailPower.text = data.PowerSteady.Value > 0 ? "+" + data.PowerSteady.Value : data.PowerSteady.Value.ToString(); } else if (data.PowerMin.HasValue && data.PowerMin.Value >= 0) { fields.DetailPower.text = String.Format("+[{0}-{1}]", data.PowerMin.Value, data.PowerMax.Value); } fields.DetailPowerStorage.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(data.EnergyStorage.HasValue); if (data.EnergyStorage.HasValue) { fields.DetailPower.text = data.EnergyStorage.ToString(); } fields.DetailTypedStorage.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(data.StorageType != Matter.Unspecified); if (data.StorageType != Matter.Unspecified) { fields.DetailStorage.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); fields.DetailTypedStorage.text = data.Storage.Value.ToString(); if (data.StorageType == Matter.Methane) { fields.DetailTypedStorageSprite.sprite = GuiBridge.Instance.Icons.MiscIcons[(int)MiscIcon.Molecule]; } else { fields.DetailTypedStorageSprite.sprite = data.StorageType.Sprite(); } } else { fields.DetailStorage.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(data.Storage.HasValue); if (data.Storage.HasValue) { fields.DetailStorage.text = data.Storage.Value.ToString(); } } if (data.IO == null) { foreach (Text io in fields.DetailIO) { io.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else { i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <Matter, float> entry in data.IO) { fields.DetailIO[i].transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); fields.DetailIO[i].text = entry.Value > 0 ? "+" + entry.Value : entry.Value.ToString(); fields.DetailIO[i].transform.parent.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = entry.Key.Sprite(); i++; } for (int j = i; j < fields.DetailIO.Length; j++) { fields.DetailIO[i].transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); GUILayout.Space(10); #region Inspector GUILayout.BeginVertical("Easy Build System - Group Behaviour", "window", GUILayout.Height(10)); GUILayout.BeginVertical("box"); GUI.color = MainEditor.GetEditorColor; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Group Behaviour Settings", EditorStyles.largeLabel); #region Group Behaviour Settings GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(DefaultInspector ? "Advanced Inspector" : "Default Inspector", GUILayout.Width(130))) { DefaultInspector = !DefaultInspector; } if (GUILayout.Button(AllIsOpen ? "Fold In" : "Fold Out", GUILayout.Width(80))) { AddonsFoldout = !AddonsFoldout; AllIsOpen = !AllIsOpen; } if (GUILayout.Button(Help ? "Hide Help" : "Show Help", GUILayout.Width(100))) { Help = !Help; } GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (Help) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This component allows to save and load of Group Behaviour which contains of Parts Behaviour during the edit/runtime.\n" + "The data below can be shared and loaded if the Build Manager use the same Id's in the Parts Collection.", MessageType.Info); GUI.color = MainEditor.GetEditorColor; if (GUILayout.Button("Open Documentation Link")) { Application.OpenURL(Constants.DOCS_LINK); } GUI.color = Color.white; } if (DefaultInspector) { DrawDefaultInspector(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); GUILayout.Space(10); return; } GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Script", target, typeof(AreaBehaviour), true); GUI.enabled = true; GUI.color = Color.white; if (Application.isPlaying) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUI.color = MainEditor.GetEditorColor; if (GUILayout.Button("Save As Blueprint...")) { BlueprintData Data = ScriptableObjectExtension.CreateAsset <BlueprintData>("New Empty Blueprint"); =; Data.Model = Target.GetModel(); Data.Data = Target.GetModel().EncodeToStr(); Debug.Log("<b><color=cyan>[Easy Build System]</color></b> : The blueprint model has been saved."); } if (GUILayout.Button("Destroy Group")) { Destroy(Target.gameObject); Debug.Log("<b><color=cyan>[Easy Build System]</color></b> : The group has been destroyed."); } GUI.enabled = true; GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } #endregion Group Behaviour Settings GUI.color = MainEditor.GetEditorColor; GUILayout.Label("Group Add-On(s) Settings", EditorStyles.largeLabel); #region Group Add-Ons Settings GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(13); AddonsFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(AddonsFoldout, "Add-Ons Section Settings"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(13); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); if (AddonsFoldout) { MainEditor.DrawAddons(Target, AddOnTarget.GroupBehaviour); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion Group Add-Ons Settings GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); #endregion Inspector serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); GUILayout.Space(10); }
public static string GetBlueprintName(this BlueprintData data) { return((string)data[BLUEPRINT_NAME]); }
public static void SetBlueprintName(this BlueprintData data, string blueprintName) { data[BLUEPRINT_NAME] = blueprintName; }