コード例 #1
        static void createDivineBond()
            var loh_resource = library.Get <BlueprintAbilityResource>("9dedf41d995ff4446a181f143c3db98c");
            var resource     = Helpers.CreateAbilityResource("SacredServantDivineBondResource", "", "", "", null);

            resource.SetIncreasedByLevelStartPlusDivStep(1, 9, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0.0f, new BlueprintCharacterClass[] { archetype.GetParentClass() });
            divine_bond_buff = Helpers.CreateBuff("SacredServantDivineBondBuff",
                                                  "Divine Bond",
                                                  "At 5th level, instead of forming a divine bond with her weapon or a mount, a sacred servant forms a bond with her holy symbol.\n"
                                                  + "At 5th level, the spirit grants one bonus. For every three levels beyond 5th, the spirit grants one additional bonus. These bonuses can be spent in a number of ways to grant the paladin enhanced abilities to channel positive energy and to cast spells.\n"
                                                  + "Each bonus can be used to grant one of the following enhancements:\n"
                                                  + "+1 caster level to any paladin spell cast,\n"
                                                  + "+1 to the DC to halve the damage of channel positive energy when used to harm undead,\n"
                                                  + "+1d6 to channel positive energy,\n"
                                                  + "restore one use/day of lay on hands.\n"
                                                  + "These enhancements stack and can be selected multiple times. The enhancements granted by the spirit are determined when the spirit is called and cannot be changed until the spirit is called again. If the sacred servant increases her number of uses of lay on hands per day in this way, that choice is set for the rest of the day, and once used, these additional uses are not restored (even if the spirit is called again that day). The celestial spirit imparts no enhancements if the holy symbol is held by anyone other than the sacred servant, but resumes giving enhancements if returned to the sacred servant. A sacred servant can use this ability once per day at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 5th, to a total of four times per day at 17th level.",

            divine_bond_ability = library.CopyAndAdd <BlueprintAbility>("7ff088ab58c69854b82ea95c2b0e35b4", "SacredServantDivineBondAbility", "");
            var apply_buff = Common.createContextActionApplyBuff(divine_bond_buff, Helpers.CreateContextDuration(Helpers.CreateContextValue(AbilityRankType.Default), DurationRate.Minutes), dispellable: false);

            divine_bond_ability.ReplaceComponent <AbilityResourceLogic>(a => a.RequiredResource = resource);
            divine_bond_ability.ReplaceComponent <AbilityEffectRunAction>(a => a.Actions        = Helpers.CreateActionList(apply_buff,
                                                                                                                           Helpers.Create <ResourceMechanics.RestoreResourceAmountEqualToRemainingGroupSize>(r => { r.resource = loh_resource; r.group = ActivatableAbilityGroup.DivineWeaponProperty; }))

            var cl_icon           = Helpers.GetIcon("1bc83efec9f8c4b42a46162d72cbf494"); //burst of glory
            var channel_dice_icon = Helpers.GetIcon("0d657aa811b310e4bbd8586e60156a2d"); //cure critical wounds
            var channel_dc_icon   = Helpers.GetIcon("a9a52760290591844a96d0109e30e04d"); //undeath to death

            var cl_bonuses           = new BlueprintActivatableAbility[6];
            var channel_dc_bonuses   = new BlueprintActivatableAbility[6];
            var channel_dice_bonuses = new BlueprintActivatableAbility[6];

            cl_bonuses = createSacredBondAbility("SacredServantDivineBondCLBonus",
                                                 "Caster Level Bonus",
                                                 Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.IncreaseAllSpellsCLForSpecificSpellbook>(cl => { cl.spellbook = archetype.GetParentClass().Spellbook; cl.Value = 1; }),
                                                 Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.IncreaseAllSpellsCLForSpecificSpellbook>(cl => { cl.spellbook = archetype.GetParentClass().Spellbook; cl.Value = 2; }),
                                                 Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.IncreaseAllSpellsCLForSpecificSpellbook>(cl => { cl.spellbook = archetype.GetParentClass().Spellbook; cl.Value = 3; }),
                                                 Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.IncreaseAllSpellsCLForSpecificSpellbook>(cl => { cl.spellbook = archetype.GetParentClass().Spellbook; cl.Value = 4; }),
                                                 Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.IncreaseAllSpellsCLForSpecificSpellbook>(cl => { cl.spellbook = archetype.GetParentClass().Spellbook; cl.Value = 5; }),
                                                 Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.IncreaseAllSpellsCLForSpecificSpellbook>(cl => { cl.spellbook = archetype.GetParentClass().Spellbook; cl.Value = 6; })

            var channels = ChannelEnergyEngine.getChannelAbilities(e => e.scalesWithClass(archetype.GetParentClass())).ToArray();

            channel_dc_bonuses = createSacredBondAbility("SacredServantDivineBondChannelDCBonus",
                                                         "Channel Energy DC Bonus",
                                                         Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseAbilitiesDC>(c => { c.abilities = channels; c.Value = 1; }),
                                                         Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseAbilitiesDC>(c => { c.abilities = channels; c.Value = 2; }),
                                                         Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseAbilitiesDC>(c => { c.abilities = channels; c.Value = 3; }),
                                                         Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseAbilitiesDC>(c => { c.abilities = channels; c.Value = 4; }),
                                                         Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseAbilitiesDC>(c => { c.abilities = channels; c.Value = 5; }),
                                                         Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseAbilitiesDC>(c => { c.abilities = channels; c.Value = 6; })

            channel_dice_bonuses = createSacredBondAbility("SacredServantDivineBondChannelDiceBonus",
                                                           "Channel Energy Dice Bonus",
                                                           Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseCasterLevelForSelectedSpells>(c => { c.spells = channels; c.value = 2; }),
                                                           Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseCasterLevelForSelectedSpells>(c => { c.spells = channels; c.value = 4; }),
                                                           Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseCasterLevelForSelectedSpells>(c => { c.spells = channels; c.value = 6; }),
                                                           Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseCasterLevelForSelectedSpells>(c => { c.spells = channels; c.value = 8; }),
                                                           Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseCasterLevelForSelectedSpells>(c => { c.spells = channels; c.value = 10; }),
                                                           Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ContextIncreaseCasterLevelForSelectedSpells>(c => { c.spells = channels; c.value = 12; })

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                divine_bond[i] = Helpers.CreateFeature($"SacredServantDivineBond{i+1}Feature",
                if (i == 0)
                divine_bond[i].AddComponent(Helpers.CreateAddFacts(cl_bonuses[i], channel_dc_bonuses[i], channel_dice_bonuses[i]));