static void Crack(string cipherText, int keylength, byte[] currentKey) { if (keylength == currentKey.Length) { BlowFish b = new BlowFish(currentKey); string plainText = b.Decrypt_ECB(cipherText); if (plainText.StartsWith("Hello")) { Console.WriteLine("plaintext:" + plainText + ", key:" + BitConverter.ToString(currentKey)); } keyCount++; if (keyCount % 10240 == 0) { TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start); long keyrate = 0; if (elapsed.Seconds > 0) { keyrate = (keyCount / elapsed.Seconds); } Console.WriteLine((keyCount / 1099511627776).ToString() + "%, seconds:" + elapsed.Seconds.ToString() + ", " + keyrate.ToString() + "keys/s ->" + BitConverter.ToString(currentKey)); } } else { byte[] key = new byte[currentKey.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(currentKey, key, currentKey.Length); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { key[key.Length - 1] = (byte)i; Crack(cipherText, keylength, key); } } }
public void MineKey() { string appAsarContent = CleanString(File.ReadAllText(Paths.AppAsarFilePath)); string pattern = "pass:\"(.*?)\"}"; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(appAsarContent, pattern); List <string> l = new List <string>(); foreach (Match match in matches) { Trace.TraceInformation(match.Groups[1].Value); l.Add(match.Groups[1].Value); } if (l.Count > 0) { _EncryptionPassPhrase = l[0]; } else { throw new DataException("Passphrase not found"); } BlowFish blowFish = new BlowFish(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_EncryptionPassPhrase)); byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(Paths.Rb6Options.options.Dp); //string base64Decoded = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(data); byte[] out1 = blowFish.Decrypt_ECB(data); EncryptionKey = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(out1); }
public void InitRfpToOmmIv(ReadOnlySpan <byte> iv) { var rfpIv = InitivRfp.AsSpan().ToArray(); BlowFish.XorBlock(rfpIv, iv); RfpToOmmIv = rfpIv; }
public void InitOmmToRfpIv(ReadOnlySpan <byte> iv) { var ommIv = InitivOmm.AsSpan().ToArray(); BlowFish.XorBlock(ommIv, iv); OmmToRfpIv = ommIv; }
public EncryptionRoundWindow(string _plainText, bool _isEncrypt) { InitializeComponent(); j = 0; step = 1; isEncrypt = _isEncrypt; plainText = _plainText; plainTextLabel.Content += _plainText; if (_isEncrypt == false) { i = 17; fullPlaintextHex = plainText; } else { i = 0; var plainTextBinary = BlowFish.ConvertStringToBinary(plainText); var newPlainTextBinary = BlowFish.PadPlainText(plainTextBinary); if (newPlainTextBinary != plainTextBinary) { plainTextLabel.Content = "Padded Plaintext: " + BlowFish.ConvertBinaryToString(newPlainTextBinary); } plainTextBinaryLabel.Content += newPlainTextBinary; fullPlaintextHex = BlowFish.ConvertBinaryStringToHexString(newPlainTextBinary); plainTextHexLabel.Content += fullPlaintextHex; } nextHexSection(); }
private string encrypt(string part) { string hexKey = "04B915BA43FEB5B6"; BlowFish b = new BlowFish(hexKey); string encryptedData = b.Encrypt_CBC(part); return encryptedData; }
protected static void MineKey() { // Load App.asar and clean/stripe it to better find what we're looking for string appAsarContent = Regex.Replace(File.ReadAllText(Rekordbox6Paths.AppAsarFilePath), @"[^\u0000-\u007F]+", string.Empty) .Replace(" ", string.Empty) .Replace("\n", string.Empty) .Replace("\r", string.Empty);; string pattern = "pass:\"(.*?)\",?}"; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(appAsarContent, pattern); List <string> l = new List <string>(); foreach (Match match in matches) { l.Add(match.Groups[1].Value); } if (l.Count > 0) { _EncryptionPassPhrase = l[0]; } else { throw new System.Data.DataException("Passphrase not found"); } BlowFish blowFish = new BlowFish(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_EncryptionPassPhrase)); byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(Rekordbox6Paths.Rb6Options.options.Dp); //string base64Decoded = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(data); byte[] out1 = blowFish.Decrypt_ECB(data); EncryptionKey = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(out1); }
public string Encrypt(string data, string IV) { BlowFish fish = new BlowFish(IV); string result = fish.Encrypt_CBC(data); return(result); }
public bool Initialize(Address address, string baseKey) { _logger.LogCoreInfo("Loading Config."); Config = new Config("Settings/GameInfo.json"); _server = new Host(); _server.Create(address, 32, 32, 0, 0); var key = System.Convert.FromBase64String(baseKey); if (key.Length <= 0) { return(false); } Blowfish = new BlowFish(key); PacketHandlerManager = new PacketHandlerManager(_logger, Blowfish, _server, _playerManager); Map = new SummonersRift(this); PacketNotifier = new PacketNotifier(this, _playerManager, _networkIdManager); ApiFunctionManager.SetGame(this); IsRunning = false; foreach (var p in Config.Players) { _playerManager.AddPlayer(p); } return(true); }
public static void Initialize() { m_clients = new Dictionary <uint, LoLClient>(); if (enet_initialize() < 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to initialize ENet..."); } var address = new ENetAddress(); = SERVER_HOST; address.port = ConfigurationProvider.Instance.Configuration.ServerPort; _server = enet_host_create(&address, new IntPtr(32), new IntPtr(32), 0, 0); if (_server == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to start ENet server..."); } var key = Convert.FromBase64String(SERVER_KEY); if (key.Length <= 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to convert SERVER_KEY..."); } BlowFish = new BlowFish(key); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); me = this; areKeysSetup = false; blowFish = new BlowFish(); }
public void Initialize(Address address, string blowfishKey, Config config) { _logger.LogCoreInfo("Loading Config."); Config = config; _chatCommandManager.LoadCommands(); _server = new Host(); _server.Create(address, 32, 32, 0, 0); var key = Convert.FromBase64String(blowfishKey); if (key.Length <= 0) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Invalid blowfish key supplied"); } Blowfish = new BlowFish(key); PacketHandlerManager = new PacketHandlerManager(_logger, Blowfish, _server, _playerManager); RegisterMap((byte)Config.GameConfig.Map); PacketNotifier = new PacketNotifier(this, _playerManager, _networkIdManager); ApiFunctionManager.SetGame(this); IsRunning = false; foreach (var p in Config.Players) { _playerManager.AddPlayer(p); } _logger.LogCoreInfo("Game is ready."); }
private static SymmetricAlgorithm CreateCipher(CipherAlgorithm ca, string encryptionKey) { SymmetricAlgorithm sa = null; Rfc2898DeriveBytes pdb = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(encryptionKey, new byte[] { 21, 221, 125, 99, 18, 200, 181, 116, 158, 30, 180, 73, 108 }); switch (ca) { case CipherAlgorithm.AES128: sa = Aes.Create(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.AES256: sa = Aes.Create(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.TwoFish128: sa = new Twofish(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.BlowFish256: sa = new BlowFish(); break; case CipherAlgorithm.Serpent128: sa = new SerpentEngine(); break; } sa.Key = pdb.GetBytes(sa.KeySize / 8); sa.IV = pdb.GetBytes(sa.BlockSize / 8); return(sa); }
public async Task CanDecryptAxiPassword() { using (var reader = new OmmConfReader("omm_conf.txt")) { var user = await reader.GetValueAsync("XAC", "name", "axi", CancellationToken.None); var passwd = user["passwd"]; var bf_key = new byte[] { 0x09, 0x6B, 0xA9, 0x87, 0x98, 0x90, 0xB6, 0x7A, 0x18, 0x93, 0xE3, 0x97, 0xB9, 0x77, 0xF3, }; var bf = new BlowFish(bf_key); var crypted = HexEncoding.HexToByte(passwd); HexEncoding.SwapEndianess(crypted); var plain = bf.Decrypt_ECB(crypted); HexEncoding.SwapEndianess(plain.Span); var eos = plain.Span.IndexOf((byte)0); if (eos >= 0) { passwd = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plain.Slice(0, eos).Span); } _output.WriteLine(plain.ToHex()); Assert.Equal("axi", passwd); } }
public void BlowfishDTest() { string result = ""; BlowFish blowFish = new BlowFish(key); result = blowFish.Decrypt(d); Debug.Log(result); }
internal BlowFish MakeBlowFish() { if (_fish == null) { _fish = new BlowFish(_key); } return(_fish); }
/** * ENS ENCRIPTA LA CONTRASSENYA BÀSICA D'UN ADMINISTRADOR **/ public static String encriptarContrassenyaAdmins() { BlowFish b = new BlowFish("04B915BA43FEB5B6"); String c = b.Encrypt_CBC("administrador"); return(c); }
public BlowFish GetCrypt(string key) { if (crypts.TryGetValue(key, out BlowFish fish) == false) { fish = new BlowFish(key); crypts.Add(key, fish); } return(fish); }
private byte[] Decrypt(byte[] data) { string kh = "0000011100fa00010034ba2145000032"; BlowFish bfd = new BlowFish(kh); bfd.IV = this.IV; return(bfd.DecryptCBC(data)); }
public DummyGame() { _blowfish = new BlowFish(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("UnitTests stinks")); _packetHandlerManager = new PacketHandlerManager(this); _map = new Map(this, 1, 1, 1, true, 1); _packetNotifier = new PacketNotifier(this); _server = new Host(); _server.Create(12345, 123); }
void openProject_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(openProject.FileName); BlowFish bf = new BlowFish("C3Y14AD5955928NC"); data = bf.Decrypt_ECB(data); MessageBox.Show(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(data)); }
public static void Encrypt(object sender, EventArgs e) { var tsi = sender as ToolStripMenuItem; if (!Shared.PrepareFiles("Open a decrypted " + tsi?.Tag + " file...", "Save your encrypted file...", ".dec", out var openFile, out var saveFile, true)) { return; } try { using (var openFs = new BinaryReaderX(openFile)) using (var outFs = new BinaryWriterX(saveFile)) switch (tsi?.Tag) { case Types.BlowFishCBC: var key = InputBox.Show("Input encryption key:", "Encrypt Blowfish"); if (key == String.Empty) { throw new Exception("Key can't be empty!"); } var bf = new BlowFish(key); outFs.Write(bf.Encrypt_CBC(openFs.ReadAllBytes())); break; case Types.BlowFishECB: key = InputBox.Show("Input encryption key:", "Encrypt Blowfish"); if (key == String.Empty) { throw new Exception("Key can't be empty!"); } bf = new BlowFish(key); outFs.Write(bf.Encrypt_ECB(openFs.ReadAllBytes())); break; case Types.MTMobile: var key1 = InputBox.Show("Input 1st encryption key:", "Encrypt MTMobile"); var key2 = InputBox.Show("Input 2nd encryption key:", "Encrypt MTMobile"); if (key1 == String.Empty || key2 == String.Empty) { throw new Exception("Keys can't be empty!"); } outFs.Write(MTFramework.Encrypt(openFs.BaseStream, key1, key2)); break; } MessageBox.Show($"Successfully encrypted {Path.GetFileName(openFile.Name)}.", tsi.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), tsi?.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); File.Delete(saveFile.Name); } }
private byte[] Encrypt(byte[] data) { string kh = "0000011100fa00010034ba2145000032"; BlowFish bfc = new BlowFish(kh); this.IV = bfc.SetRandomIV(); return(bfc.EncryptCBC(data)); }
public PacketHandlerManager(Logger logger, BlowFish blowfish, Host server, PlayerManager playerManager) { _logger = logger; _blowfish = blowfish; _server = server; _playerManager = playerManager; _teamsEnumerator = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TeamId)).Cast <TeamId>().ToList(); InitHandlers(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { BlowFish b = new BlowFish("12345678abcdefgmypassword"); string plainText = "ABCDEFG12345678"; string cipherText = b.Encrypt_CBC(plainText); MessageBox.Show(cipherText); plainText = b.Decrypt_CBC(cipherText); byte[] myByteArray = HexToByte(cipherText); MessageBox.Show(plainText); }
public static string Decrypt() { Console.WriteLine("Input key (up to 28 char):"); string key = KeyParse(); Console.WriteLine("Input string to decrypt:"); string chipherText = Console.ReadLine(); BlowFishCS.BlowFish b = new BlowFish(key); return(b.Decrypt_CBC(chipherText)); }
public void Initialize(Address address, string blowfishKey, Config config) { _logger.LogCoreInfo("Loading Config."); Config = config; _gameScriptTimers = new List <GameScriptTimer>(); _chatCommandManager.LoadCommands(); _server = new Host(); _server.Create(address, 32, 32, 0, 0); var key = Convert.FromBase64String(blowfishKey); if (key.Length <= 0) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Invalid blowfish key supplied"); } Blowfish = new BlowFish(key); PacketHandlerManager = new PacketHandlerManager(_logger, Blowfish, _server, _playerManager, _packetHandlerProvider); ObjectManager = new ObjectManager(this); Map = new Map(this); PacketNotifier = new PacketNotifier(this, _playerManager, _networkIdManager); ApiFunctionManager.SetGame(this); ApiEventManager.SetGame(this); IsRunning = false; disconnectedPlayers = 0; _logger.LogCoreInfo("Loading C# Scripts"); LoadScripts(); Map.Init(); foreach (var p in Config.Players) { _playerManager.AddPlayer(p); } _pauseTimer = new Timer { AutoReset = true, Enabled = false, Interval = 1000 }; _pauseTimer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => PauseTimeLeft--; PauseTimeLeft = 30 * 60; // 30 minutes _logger.LogCoreInfo("Game is ready."); }
public static string Encrypt() { Console.WriteLine("Input key (up to 28 char):"); string key = KeyParse(); Console.WriteLine("Input string to encrypt:"); string plainText = Console.ReadLine(); BlowFish b = new BlowFish(key); return(b.Encrypt_CBC(plainText)); }
public IActionResult Get() { BlowFish blowFish = new BlowFish("@dm1n1z7r@t0r!!!"); EncryptResult encryptResult = new EncryptResult(); encryptResult.serverName = blowFish.Encrypt_CBC("localhost"); encryptResult.dbName = blowFish.Encrypt_CBC("DatingApp"); encryptResult.userName = blowFish.Encrypt_CBC("sa"); encryptResult.password = blowFish.Encrypt_CBC("password1"); return(Ok(encryptResult)); }
public bool Initialize(Address address, string baseKey) { Logger.LogCoreInfo("Loading Config."); Config = new Config("Settings/GameInfo.json"); ItemManager = ItemManager.LoadItems(this); ChatboxManager = new ChatboxManager(this); _server = new Host(); _server.Create(address, 32, 32, 0, 0); var key = System.Convert.FromBase64String(baseKey); if (key.Length <= 0) { return(false); } Blowfish = new BlowFish(key); PacketHandlerManager = new PacketHandlerManager(this); _map = new SummonersRift(this); PacketNotifier = new PacketNotifier(this); ApiFunctionManager.SetGame(this); var id = 1; foreach (var p in Config.Players) { var player = new ClientInfo(p.Value.Rank, ((p.Value.Team.ToLower() == "blue") ? TeamId.TEAM_BLUE : TeamId.TEAM_PURPLE), p.Value.Ribbon, p.Value.Icon); player.SetName(p.Value.Name); player.SetSkinNo(p.Value.Skin); player.UserId = id; // same as StartClient.bat id++; player.SetSummoners(StrToId(p.Value.Summoner1), StrToId(p.Value.Summoner2)); var c = new Champion(this, p.Value.Champion, GetNewNetID(), (uint)player.UserId); var pos = c.getRespawnPosition(); c.setPosition(pos.Item1, pos.Item2); c.setTeam((p.Value.Team.ToLower() == "blue") ? TeamId.TEAM_BLUE : TeamId.TEAM_PURPLE); c.LevelUp(); player.SetChampion(c); var pair = new Pair <uint, ClientInfo>(); pair.Item2 = player; _players.Add(pair); } return(true); }
public static Boolean desencriptarContrassenya(String contrassenya, String contrassenyaComparar) { Boolean verdader = false; BlowFish b = new BlowFish("04B915BA43FEB5B6"); String c = b.Decrypt_CBC(contrassenya); if (c.Equals(contrassenyaComparar)) { verdader = true; } return(verdader); }
/// <summary> /// Prepares the server to start /// </summary> /// <param name="ipEndPoint">Server ip and port</param> /// <param name="serverKey">The server key to join</param> /// <param name="teamBluePlayers">The players on the blue team</param> /// <param name="teamRedPlayers">The players on the red team</param> public GameInitializer(IPEndPoint ipEndPoint, string serverKey, List<PlayerInitJson> teamBluePlayers, List<PlayerInitJson> teamRedPlayers) { //Load team players in _bluePlayers = teamBluePlayers; _redPlayers = teamRedPlayers; //Stop the program from closing Console.CancelKeyPress += ConsoleOnCancelKeyPress; //Add the users to the database foreach (var basicPlayer in teamBluePlayers) { GlobalData.TeamOnePlayers.Add(new Player { //Load champion id ChampId = basicPlayer.ChampId, //Load champion data PlayerChamp = new PlayerChamp { BaseChamp = BaseChamp.GetFromId(basicPlayer.ChampId) }, //Load player username Username = basicPlayer.Username, //Load player user id UserId = basicPlayer.UserId }); } //Add the users to the database foreach (var basicPlayer in teamRedPlayers) { GlobalData.TeamOnePlayers.Add(new Player { //Load champion id ChampId = basicPlayer.ChampId, //Load champion data PlayerChamp = new PlayerChamp { BaseChamp = BaseChamp.GetFromId(basicPlayer.ChampId) }, //Load player username Username = basicPlayer.Username, //Load player user id UserId = basicPlayer.UserId }); } //Create the server Server = new UdpClient(ipEndPoint); //Create the key var key = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(serverKey)); if (key.Length <= 0){ //Tells that server is not accepting connections Initialized = false; //Close the server Server.Close(); return; } //Server can be allowed to accept connections Initialized = true; //Because why not Server.EnableBroadcast = true; //Load encryption BlowFish = new BlowFish(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(key)); }