コード例 #1
        public string GetEditorTemplateHtml(BlogEditingTemplateType templateType, bool forceRTL)
            SettingsPersisterHelper templates = _editorTemplateSettings.GetSubSettings(EDITOR_TEMPLATES_KEY);
            string templateHtmlFile           = templates.GetString(templateType.ToString(), null);

            // Sometimes templateHtmlFile is relative, sometimes it is already absolute (from older builds).
            templateHtmlFile = MakeAbsolute(templateHtmlFile);

            if (templateHtmlFile != null && File.Exists(templateHtmlFile))
                string templateHtml;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(templateHtmlFile, Encoding.UTF8))
                    templateHtml = reader.ReadToEnd();

                if (File.Exists(templateHtmlFile + ".path"))
                    string origPath = File.ReadAllText(templateHtmlFile + ".path");
                    string newPath  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(templateHtmlFile), Path.GetFileName(origPath));
                    string newUri   = UrlHelper.SafeToAbsoluteUri(new Uri(newPath));
                    templateHtml = templateHtml.Replace(origPath, newUri);

                return(BlogEditingTemplate.GetDefaultTemplateHtml(forceRTL, templateType != BlogEditingTemplateType.Normal));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the blog editing template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blogId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string LoadBlogTemplate(string blogId, BlogEditingTemplateType templateType, bool forceRTL)
            using (PostHtmlEditingSettings templateSettings = new PostHtmlEditingSettings(blogId))
                string html = templateSettings.GetEditorTemplateHtml(templateType, forceRTL);
                if (html == null || html == String.Empty ||
                    html.IndexOf(BlogEditingTemplate.POST_TITLE_MARKER) == -1 ||
                    html.IndexOf(BlogEditingTemplate.POST_BODY_MARKER) == -1)
                    html = BlogEditingTemplate.GetDefaultTemplateHtml(forceRTL, true);

コード例 #3
        public string GetEditorTemplateHtml(BlogEditingTemplateType templateType, bool forceRTL)
            SettingsPersisterHelper templates = _editorTemplateSettings.GetSubSettings(EDITOR_TEMPLATES_KEY);
            string templateHtmlFile           = templates.GetString(templateType.ToString(), null);

            // Sometimes templateHtmlFile is relative, sometimes it is already absolute (from older builds).
            templateHtmlFile = MakeAbsolute(templateHtmlFile);

            if (templateHtmlFile != null && File.Exists(templateHtmlFile))
                string templateHtml;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(templateHtmlFile, Encoding.UTF8))
                    templateHtml = reader.ReadToEnd();

                if (File.Exists(templateHtmlFile + ".path"))
                    string origPath = File.ReadAllText(templateHtmlFile + ".path");
                    string newPath  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(templateHtmlFile), Path.GetFileName(origPath));
                    string newUri   = UrlHelper.SafeToAbsoluteUri(new Uri(newPath));
                    templateHtml = templateHtml.Replace(origPath, newUri);

                /*Parse meta tags in order to set CSS3 compatibility*/
                Regex metatag = new Regex(@"<(?i:meta)(\s)+(?i:http-equiv)(\s)*=""(?:X-UA-Compatible)""(\s)+(?i:content)(\s)*=""(?i:IE=edge)""(\s)*/>");
                Match match   = metatag.Match(templateHtml);

                if (!match.Success)
                    // prepend the metatag to make css3 compatible at least on edge (Windows 8+)
                    int i = templateHtml.IndexOf("<HEAD>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (i > 0)
                        templateHtml = (templateHtml.Substring(0, i + 6)
                                        + "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />"
                                        + templateHtml.Substring(i + 6));

                return(BlogEditingTemplate.GetDefaultTemplateHtml(forceRTL, templateType != BlogEditingTemplateType.Normal));
コード例 #4
        public string GetEditorTemplateHtml(BlogEditingTemplateType templateType, bool forceRTL)
            SettingsPersisterHelper templates = _editorTemplateSettings.GetSubSettings(EDITOR_TEMPLATES_KEY);
            string templateHtmlFile           = templates.GetString(templateType.ToString(), null);

            // Sometimes templateHtmlFile is relative, sometimes it is already absolute (from older builds).
            templateHtmlFile = MakeAbsolute(templateHtmlFile);

            if (templateHtmlFile != null && File.Exists(templateHtmlFile))
                string templateHtml;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(templateHtmlFile, Encoding.UTF8))
                    templateHtml = reader.ReadToEnd();

                if (File.Exists(templateHtmlFile + ".path"))
                    string origPath = File.ReadAllText(templateHtmlFile + ".path");
                    string newPath  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(templateHtmlFile), Path.GetFileName(origPath));
                    string newUri   = UrlHelper.SafeToAbsoluteUri(new Uri(newPath));
                    templateHtml = templateHtml.Replace(origPath, newUri);

                /* Parse meta tags in order to set MSHTML emulation for IE9
                 * As of Internet Explorer 10, support for element behaviors have been removed.
                 * Core OLW functionality, such as table management, currently rely on these mechanisms.
                 * An alternative to Element Behaviors must be found before we can push the IE version forward to allow for newer web standards. */

                // Search for an existing X-UA-Compatible tag in the template
                Regex metatag = new Regex(@"<(?i:meta)(?:\s)+(?i:http-equiv)(?:\s)*=""(?:X-UA-Compatible)""(?:\s)+(?i:content)(?:\s)*=""(\S*)""(?:\s)*/>");
                Match match   = metatag.Match(templateHtml);

                if (match.Success && match.Groups.Count > 1)
                    // There already exists a 'X-UA-Compatible' meta tag in the template, modify it
                    // Grab info on the existing 'content' value
                    var contentVal = match.Groups[1];
                    // Remove the content value from the template
                    var templateContentRemoved = templateHtml.Remove(contentVal.Index, contentVal.Length);
                    // Add the IE9 emulation string into the HTML template
                    templateHtml = templateContentRemoved.Insert(contentVal.Index, UA_COMPATIBLE_STRING);
                    // Prepend meta tag for IE9 emulation
                    int i = templateHtml.IndexOf("<HEAD>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (i > 0)
                        templateHtml = (templateHtml.Substring(0, i + 6)
                                        + $"<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"{UA_COMPATIBLE_STRING}\" />"
                                        + templateHtml.Substring(i + 6));

                return(BlogEditingTemplate.GetDefaultTemplateHtml(forceRTL, templateType != BlogEditingTemplateType.Normal));