コード例 #1
        public IEnumerable <Article> ListArticles(string ArticleSearchKey)  //Article is a class from models.article.cs
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = Blog.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the conn or connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command(query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL Query
            string query = "select * from articles where articletitle like  @searchkey or articlebody like @searchkey";

            cmd.CommandText = query;
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SearchKey", "%" + ArticleSearchKey + "%"); // partial query: "%"+ C# parameter +"%"

            //accesses info from articles table

            //Gather REsult Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //cmd.executereader is a result set

            //Create an empty list of Articles List
            List <Article> Articles = new List <Article>();

            //Loop through each row the result set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column informaiton by the DB column name as an index
                //create new article
                // Object of type article,  variable name = class of the article
                Article NewArticle = new Article();

                //new articles has properties associated to it from database
                string ArticleTitle = ResultSet["articletitle"].ToString();
                //Access Column info by the DB column name as an index
                //DateTime ArticleDate = ResultSet["articledate"];

                string ArticleBody = ResultSet["articlebody"].ToString();

                int ArticleID = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["articleid"]);

                NewArticle.ArticleTitle = ArticleTitle;
                NewArticle.ArticleDate  = ArticleDate;
                NewArticle.ArticleBody  = ArticleBody;
                NewArticle.ArticleId    = ArticleID;

                //article objects added to NewArticle

            //Close the connetion between MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return final list of article titles
            return(Articles); //variable name
コード例 #2
        public IEnumerable <Author> ListAuthors(string SearchKey = null)
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = Blog.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Authors where lower(authorfname) like lower(@key) or lower(authorlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(authorfname, ' ', authorlname)) like lower(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Authors
            List <Author> Authors = new List <Author> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int    AuthorId    = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["authorid"]);
                string AuthorFname = ResultSet["authorfname"].ToString();
                string AuthorLname = ResultSet["authorlname"].ToString();
                string AuthorBio   = ResultSet["authorbio"].ToString();;

                // This technique will work,
                //DateTime AuthorJoinDate = (DateTime)ResultSet["authorjoindate"];

                // This technique is safer!
                DateTime AuthorJoinDate;
                DateTime.TryParse(ResultSet["authorjoindate"].ToString(), out AuthorJoinDate);

                Author NewAuthor = new Author();
                NewAuthor.AuthorId    = AuthorId;
                NewAuthor.AuthorFname = AuthorFname;
                NewAuthor.AuthorLname = AuthorLname;
                NewAuthor.AuthorBio   = AuthorBio;

                //Add the Author Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of author names
コード例 #3
        public IEnumerable <Author> ListAuthors()
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = Blog.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Authors";

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Authors
            List <Author> Authors = new List <Author> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int    AuthorId    = (int)ResultSet["authorid"];
                string AuthorFname = ResultSet["authorfname"].ToString();
                string AuthorLname = ResultSet["authorlname"].ToString();
                string AuthorBio   = ResultSet["authorbio"].ToString();

                Author NewAuthor = new Author();
                NewAuthor.AuthorId    = AuthorId;
                NewAuthor.AuthorFname = AuthorFname;
                NewAuthor.AuthorLname = AuthorLname;
                NewAuthor.AuthorBio   = AuthorBio;

                //Add the Author Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of author names
コード例 #4
        public IEnumerable <string> ListTags()
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = Blog.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from tags";

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Tag names
            List <String> Tags = new List <string> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                string tagname = ResultSet["tagname"] as string;
                //Add the Author Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of tags
コード例 #5
        public IEnumerable <Author> ListAuthors(string SearchKey = null) //2. method = ListAuthors as a string
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = Blog.AccessDatabase();

            //OPen the conn or connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY = parameterized query
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Authors where lower(authorfname) like lower(@key) or lower(authorlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(authorfname, ' ', authorlname)) like lower(@key)";
            //lower: means lowercase
            //commandtext is public This is s command object. represents a string

            //security: anything that is included - the @key is the search key, don't have to
            //worry about tampering. It is a find and replace. Any strange characters
            //get stripped out with following:
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");
            //preparing the SQL query with cmd.Prepare();

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //cmd.executereader is a result set

            //Create an empty list of Authors
            //what it does:  finds the author names and adds them to a new list
            List <Author> Authors = new List <Author> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            //read method will proceed through list via rows. result set will return a dual data type
            // 1 loop will result in one result set. ex. if 300 authors - will loop 300 times
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int    AuthorId    = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["authorid"]);
                string AuthorFname = ResultSet["Authorfname"].ToString();
                string AuthorLname = ResultSet["authorlname"].ToString();
                string AuthorBio   = ResultSet["authorbio"].ToString();

                //Access the Author Join Date - safer way by parsing the result into a string
                DateTime AuthorJoinDate;
                DateTime.TryParse(ResultSet["authorjoindate"].ToString(), out AuthorJoinDate);

                //Create a new author object
                Author NewAuthor = new Author();
                NewAuthor.AuthorId    = AuthorId; //AuthorId on left refers to author.cs class
                NewAuthor.AuthorFname = AuthorFname;
                NewAuthor.AuthorLname = AuthorLname;
                NewAuthor.AuthorBio   = AuthorBio;

                //Add the Author  to the List of Authors

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of authors