コード例 #1
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     InputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "datain", "din")
コード例 #2
ファイル: PythonCodeBlock.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "out")
コード例 #3
ファイル: SpectrumViewer.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     N          = "512"; Scale = Scales.Linear_Scale;
     InputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "inputVector", "xt")
コード例 #4
ファイル: MUX21.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.Interpolate = true;
     InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input1", "in1"));
     InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input2", "in2"));
     InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "select", "sel"));
     OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "out"));
コード例 #5
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     InputNodes = new List<Blocks.BlockInputNode>() { new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input","in")};
     OutputNodes = new List<Blocks.BlockOutputNode>(){
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "out")
コード例 #6
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     InputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>();
     foreach (var item in _inputs)
         InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, item, item));
     OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "out"));
コード例 #7
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.FilePath   = "./data/eeg_sig.txt";
     this.SampleRate = 44100;
     OutputNodes     = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "sig")
コード例 #8
ファイル: Plotter.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     InputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>();
     for (int i = 0; i < input_count; i++)
         string id = (i + 1).ToString();
         InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input" + id, "in" + id));
コード例 #9
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     SamplingRate = "22100";
     NoiseType    = NoiseTypes.White;
     OutputNodes  = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "out")
コード例 #10
 public override void Init()
     DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Inlcude input terminal?", "Input?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
     if (d == DialogResult.Yes)
         _inlcludeInput = true;
     Blocks.BlockBase root = this;
     CreateNodes(ref root);
コード例 #11
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     InputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "inputVector", "xt")
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "outputVector", "Xf")
コード例 #12
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     InputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input_signal", "sigin", "Input signal")
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new     Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "avg_power", "avgP", "Average power of the input signal")
コード例 #13
ファイル: ChirpSource.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.f0     = 1; this.f1 = 100; Phase = 0;
     this.Length = this.SamplingRate = 22100;
     this.t1     = 1;
     InputNodes  = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>();
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "chirp", "Signal object which represents the chirp signal")
コード例 #14
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     InputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input1", "in1"),
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input2", "in2")
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "out")
コード例 #15
ファイル: IIRFilter.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.Picture = Properties.Resources.IIRFilter;
     InputNodes   = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input", "sig")
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "filt")
コード例 #16
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.Picture = Properties.Resources.FunctionBlock;
     InputNodes   = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input", "x", "x in f(x) as in log(x). \n" +
                                   " `x` can be array of numbers, a signal or a scalar value")
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "y", "y = f(x)")
コード例 #17
ファイル: Cloner.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.Picture = Properties.Resources.Cloner;
     InputNodes   = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "input", "in")
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>();
     for (int i = 0; i < outputs; i++)
         OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output" + i.ToString(), "out" + i.ToString()));
コード例 #18
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.Frequency = 10; this.SampleRate = -1;
     this.Phase     = 0;  this.Type = OpenSignalLib.Sources.SignalType.Sine;
     this.Amplitude = 1;
     InputNodes     = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>();
     OutputNodes    = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>();
     for (int i = 0; i < output_nos; i++)
         string id = (i + 1).ToString();
         OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output" + id, "out" + id));
コード例 #19
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     Operation    = Operations.Modulate;
     Scheme       = OpenSignalLib.Types.ModulationScheme.QPSK;
     OutputFormat = OutFormat.BinaryStream;
     InputNodes   = new List <Blocks.BlockInputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "data", "din", "Integer symbols in range (0-(M-1)) (int[])")
     OutputNodes = new List <Blocks.BlockOutputNode>()
         new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "mod_out", "mod", "modulated (Complex[]) /demodulated(int[]) output")
コード例 #20
ファイル: Threshold.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #21
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     SampleRate = 22100; DataStream = "0101";
     OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "bin_output", "bin"));
コード例 #22
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.Frequencies = new string[] { "10", "20" };
     this.Length      = this.SampleRate = 22100;
     OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "output", "out"));
コード例 #23
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     this.BitsPerSymbol = 1;
     InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "instream", "bin"));
     OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "outstream", "syms"));
コード例 #24
ファイル: BERCalculator.cs プロジェクト: sheyfzh/envision
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "actual", "tx", "transmitted bitstream"));
     InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "actual", "rx", "received bitstream"));
     OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "ber", "ber", "scalar value representing ber"));
コード例 #25
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     Operation = LineCodingOps.Encode; LineCoding = LineCodings.None;
     InputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockInputNode(ref root, "instream", "in"));
     OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "outstream", "out"));
コード例 #26
 protected override void CreateNodes(ref Blocks.BlockBase root)
     SampleRate = 22100; LineCoding = LineCodings.None; OneTimeGeneration = false;
     Length     = 10;
     OutputNodes.Add(new Blocks.BlockOutputNode(ref root, "bin_output", "bin"));