public void Should_generate_unique_keys() { var a = BlockUtilities.GenerateKey(); var b = BlockUtilities.GenerateKey(); Assert.NotEqual(a, b); }
public override void OnInitializeEntity() { if (initialDirection != 1 && initialDirection != -1 || randomiseInitialDirection) { int r = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2); if (r == 0) { currentDirection = 1; } else { currentDirection = -1; } } else { currentDirection = initialDirection; } eTransform.parent = parentMap.transform; eTransform.localPosition = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalPosition(parentMap, x, y, z); ProcessPatrolNode(); }
void Awake() { //First we will create our map using the parameters we have set createdMap = BlockUtilities.CreateBlockMap(mapName, tileSize, chunkWidth, chunkHeight, growthAxis); //Now we will create a big old block of cubes, according to the dimensions we've set above for (int x = 0; x < levelWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < levelWidth; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < levelDepth; z++) { //We instantiate the block outside of the BlockUtilites library //I've made it this way to allow you to pool GameObjects or anything you like //So you have control over where your blocks come from Block b = GameObject.Instantiate(blockPrefab) as Block; //Now we add the block to the map at the desired coordinates //We won't randomise or refresh at this point, as we're creating a large map //We will do that as one call later BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(createdMap, b, false, 0, false, x, y, z, false, true); } } } //Now that our map has been created, we will refresh it //Refreshing your map sets your blocks to orient correctly //And gives you an opportunity to randomise your variants en'masse BlockUtilities.RefreshMap(createdMap, randomiseInitialMap); }
void RandomlyModifyMap() { //We'll retrieve the bounds of our map in order to pick a nice random block int x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, BlockUtilities.GetMapWidth(createdMap)); int y = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, BlockUtilities.GetMapHeight(createdMap)); //The depth is a little different from the width/height, as depth may be negative int z = UnityEngine.Random.Range(BlockUtilities.GetMapLowerDepth(createdMap), BlockUtilities.GetMapUpperDepth(createdMap)); //Here we'll flip a figurative coin to decide if we'll add or remove if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) == 1) { //We'll remove a block in this case BlockUtilities.RemoveBlockFromMap(createdMap, x, y, z, true, false); } else { //Again, we'll create a block Block b = GameObject.Instantiate(blockPrefab) as Block; //And then add it to the map //We'll randomise on addition //And pending our CleanMap parameter, we'll refresh the surrounding blocks BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(createdMap, b, true, 0, true, x, y, z, false, true); } }
public void HandleBlockEntry(int x, int y, int z) { Block b = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(parentMap, x, y, z); if (b != null) { b.ObjectEnteredBlock(this); } List <Entity> ce = controller.GetEntitiesAt(x, y, z); for (int i = 0; i < ce.Count; i++) { ce[i].OnEntityCollision(this); OnEntityCollision(ce[i]); } this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; if (automaticallyReservePosition) { controller.ReserveBlock(entityType, new Vector3(x, y, z)); } OnBlockEntry(x, y, z); }
/// <summary> /// Create a span model with customization options /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type of the span, default is 'span'</param> /// <param name="text">The text to set in the span model</param> public SpanModel(string type = null, string text = null) { Type = type ?? "span"; Text = text ?? string.Empty; Key = BlockUtilities.GenerateKey(); Marks = new List <string>(); }
protected override SpanModel CreateSpan(HtmlNode node) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(node.InnerText)) { return(null); } return(new SpanModel(text: BlockUtilities.HtmlDecode(node.InnerText))); }
/// <summary> /// Create a block model with customization options /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type of the block, default is 'block'</param> /// <param name="style">The style of the block, default is 'normal'</param> /// <param name="listItem">Specifies the type of a list item</param> /// <param name="level">Specifies the indentation level of a list item</param> public BlockModel(string type = null, string style = null, string listItem = null, int?level = null) { Type = type ?? "block"; Style = style ?? "normal"; ListItem = listItem; Level = level; Key = BlockUtilities.GenerateKey(); Children = new List <SpanModel>(); MarkDefs = new List <MarkDefModel>(); }
//We wish to set the coordinates without triggering any Entry/Exit events protected void InitializeMapPosition() { Vector3 pos = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalCoordinates(parentMap, eTransform.position); this.x = (int)pos.x; this.y = (int)pos.y; this.z = (int)pos.z; controller.ReserveBlock(entityType, new Vector3(x, y, z)); }
public void SetMap(BlockMap map) { this.blockMap = map; InitializeStreamingMap( BlockUtilities.GetMapWidth(map), BlockUtilities.GetMapHeight(map), BlockUtilities.GetMapUpperDepth(map) - BlockUtilities.GetMapLowerDepth(map) + 1 ); }
private void ShowPreview(BlockPosition position, byte rotation) { Destroy(_previewObject); _previousPreviewPosition = position; BlockInfo info = BlockFactory.GetInfo(BlockFactory.GetType(_blockType)); Color color; if (_structure.CanAddBlock(position, info, rotation)) { color = Color.white; } else { if (_structure.IsPositionOccupied(position)) { return; } else { color =; } } RealPlacedBlock block; if (info is SingleBlockInfo single) { block = BlockFactory.MakeSinglePlaced(_structure.transform, single, rotation, position); } else { // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable block = BlockFactory.MakeMultiPlaced(_structure.transform, (MultiBlockInfo)info, rotation, position, out PlacedMultiBlockPart[] parts); if (block == null) { return; } } _previewObject = block.gameObject; = "PreviewBlock"; BlockUtilities.RemoveCollider(_previewObject, true); color.a = 0.5f; BlockUtilities.SetColor(_previewObject, color, true); }
//Trigger-styled events that will send Block exit / Block entry messages public void HandleBlockExit(int x, int y, int z) { Block b = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(parentMap, x, y, z); if (b != null) { b.ObjectExitedBlock(this); } if (automaticallyReservePosition) { controller.UnreserveBlock(entityType, new Vector3(x, y, z)); } OnBlockExit(x, y, z); }
protected bool BlockIsEmpty(int x, int y, int z) { if (!BlockUtilities.IsWithinMapBounds(parentMap, x, y, z)) { return(false); } Block b = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(parentMap, x, y, z); if (b == null || (b.isNullBlock || b.actAsEmptyBlock)) { return(true); } return(false); }
//We need to check if we have changed position public void UpdateMapPosition() { Vector3 pos = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalCoordinates(parentMap, eTransform.position); //We temporarily store these values and will check against changes int t_x = (int)pos.x; int t_y = (int)pos.y; int t_z = (int)pos.z; //If our position has changed at all if (t_x != x || t_y != y || t_z != z) { HandleBlockExit(x, y, z); HandleBlockEntry(t_x, t_y, t_z); } }
//Generate our map public void GenerateMap(int width, int height, int depth, string mapName, Vector3 tileScale, int chunkWidth, int chunkHeight, BlockMap.GrowthAxis growthAxis, float deleteUpdateRate, float createUpdateRate, int actionsPerPass) { this.deleteRate = deleteUpdateRate; this.createRate = createUpdateRate; this.actionsPerPass = actionsPerPass; if (this.blockMap == null) { InitializeStreamingMap(width, height, depth); this.blockMap = BlockUtilities.CreateBlockMap(mapName, tileScale, chunkWidth, chunkHeight, growthAxis); } }
public void PathTo(int x, int y, int z) { currentPath.Clear(); currentPath = BlockUtilities.GetPath(parentMap, this.x, this.y, (int)x, (int)y, z, false); if (currentPath == null || currentPath.Count <= 0) { currentPath = new List <Vector3>(); } else { currentPath.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z)); } SetIsIdle(true); }
void OnDrawGizmos() { BlockMap map = parentMap; List <Vector3> v = currentPath; Gizmos.color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < v.Count; i++) { Vector3 pos = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalPosition(map, (int)v[i].x, (int)v[i].y, (int)v[i].z); pos = map.transform.TransformPoint(pos); Gizmos.DrawSphere(pos, 0.5f); } }
void Start() { blocks = new List <GameObject>(); userId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); blocksService = new BlocksService(userId); blocksService.BlockAdded += new BlockAddEventHandler(handleBlockAdded); blocksService.BlockRemoved += new BlockRemoveEventHandler(handleBlockRemoved); blocksService.Start(); blockTypeToGameObject = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(); blockTypeToGameObject[0] = Block0; blockTypeToGameObject[1] = Block1; blockTypeToGameObject[2] = Block2; blockTypeToGameObject[3] = Block3; blockTypeToGameObject[4] = Block4; blockUtilities = new BlockUtilities(); }
void AddPlayerToMap() { player_x = start_player_x; player_y = start_player_y; streamingMap.DrawMap(player_x, player_y, 1, drawRadius, true); //We want to draw the map before we add the player player = GameObject.Instantiate(playerPrefab) as PlatformerPlayer; Vector3 coords = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalPosition(streamingMap.blockMap, player_x, player_y, 0); player.transform.parent = streamingMap.blockMap.transform; player.transform.localPosition = coords; player.InitializeEntity(streamingMap.blockMap); }
public void PathTo(int x, int y, int z) { currentPath.Clear(); currentPath = BlockUtilities.GetPath(parentMap, this.x, this.y, (int)x, (int)y, z, false); if (currentPath == null || currentPath.Count <= 0) { currentPath = new List <Vector3>(); //Debug.Log ("empty path"); } else { //Debug.Log ("adding path: " + x + " " + y + " " + z); currentPath.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z)); } SetIsIdle(true); }
void OnDrawGizmos() { BlockMap map = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(BlockMap)) as BlockMap; foreach (string s in reservationRegister.Keys) { List <Vector3> v = new List <Vector3>(reservationRegister[s]); Gizmos.color = new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < v.Count; i++) { Vector3 pos = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalPosition(map, (int)v[i].x, (int)v[i].y, (int)v[i].z); pos = map.transform.TransformPoint(pos); Gizmos.DrawSphere(pos, 0.5f); } } }
void DestroyBlock(Vector3 coords) { int x = (int)coords.x; int y = (int)coords.y; int z = (int)coords.z; Block b = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(blockMap, x, y, z); OrientedBlock ob = null; if (b != null) { ob = b as OrientedBlock; } if (ob != null) { StreamingMapNode n = GetNodeAt(x, y, z); if (n != null) { n.variantIndex = ob.GetCurrentVariant(); } GameObject cio = ob.GetCurrentInstantiatedObject(); if (cio != null) { TidyMapBoundObject mbo = cio.GetComponentInChildren <TidyMapBoundObject>(); if (mbo != null) { if (!mbo.DestroyWhenStreaming()) { return; } } } } BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(blockMap, null, false, 0, true, x, y, z, false, false); }
private void ColorNotConnectedBlocks() { foreach (RealPlacedBlock block in _previousNotConnected) { BlockUtilities.SetColor(block.gameObject, Color.white, false); } _previousNotConnected.Clear(); IDictionary <BlockPosition, IPlacedBlock> notConnected = _structure.GetNotConnectedBlocks(); if (notConnected == null) { return; } foreach (RealPlacedBlock real in notConnected.Values.OfType <RealPlacedBlock>()) { BlockUtilities.SetColor(real.gameObject,, false); _previousNotConnected.Add(real); } }
protected bool CanMoveTo(int x, int y, int z) { if (!BlockUtilities.IsWithinMapBounds(parentMap, x, y, z)) { return(false); } if (!controller.CanMoveTo(x, y, z)) { return(false); } Block b = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(parentMap, x, y, z); if (b == null || b.isNullBlock || b.actAsEmptyBlock) { return(true); } return(false); }
//We'll construct the map here void ConstructLevel() { bool[,] map = GetLevelMap(levelWidth, levelHeight); //We'll go ahead and create our map now createdMap = BlockUtilities.CreateBlockMap(mapName, tileSize, chunkWidth, chunkHeight, growthAxis); //We're just going to iterate through the level we got back from the //function (trusting that it's correctly sized) for (int x = 0; x < levelWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < levelHeight; y++) { if (map[x, y]) { Block b = GameObject.Instantiate(blockPrefab) as Block; //We'll add our instantiated block here //And we will not refresh just yet - //it's better to refresh and clean at the end BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(createdMap, b, false, 0, false, x, y, 0, false, false); } else { if (useEmptyBlocks) { BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(createdMap, null, false, 0, false, x, y, 0, false, true); } } } } //And now we refresh our map BlockUtilities.RefreshMap(createdMap, randomiseInitialMap); //Done! //Enjoy! }
public bool CanWalkTo(int x, int y, int z) { if (!BlockUtilities.IsWithinMapBounds(parentMap, x, y, z)) { //Debug.Log("Cannot walk to "+ x + "," + y + "," + z+": bounds"); return(false); } if (!controller.CanMoveTo(x, y, z)) { //Debug.Log("Cannot walk to "+ x + "," + y + "," + z+": controller"); return(false); } Block b = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(parentMap, x, y, z); if (b == null || b.isNullBlock || b.actAsEmptyBlock) { //Debug.Log("Can walk to "+ x + "," + y + "," + z+": not null"); return(true); } return(false); }
public void ProcessPatrolNode() { sourcePosition = eTransform.localPosition; if (IsStuck()) { OnCannotMove(x, y, z); return; } if (patrolAxis == PatrolAxis.Horizontal) { targetCoords = new Vector3(x + currentDirection, y, z); targetPosition = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalPosition(parentMap, x + currentDirection, y, z); } else if (patrolAxis == PatrolAxis.Vertical) { targetCoords = new Vector3(x, y + currentDirection, z); targetPosition = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalPosition(parentMap, x, y + currentDirection, z); } if (!CanMoveTo((int)targetCoords.x, (int)targetCoords.y, (int)targetCoords.z)) { ReachEndOfPatrol(x, y, z); return; } controller.ReserveBlock(entityType, targetCoords); //Now decide where we're facing int x_dir = x - (int)targetCoords.x; int y_dir = (int)targetCoords.y - y; if (x_dir > 0) { eTransform.up = upDirection; eTransform.forward = rightDirection; } else if (x_dir < 0) { eTransform.up = upDirection; eTransform.forward = leftDirection; } else if (y_dir > 0) { if (parentMap.growthAxis == BlockMap.GrowthAxis.Forward) { eTransform.forward = frontDirection; } else { eTransform.forward = downDirection; Vector3 rot = eTransform.localRotation.eulerAngles; rot.y = 0.0f; eTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot); } } else if (y_dir < 0) { if (parentMap.growthAxis == BlockMap.GrowthAxis.Forward) { eTransform.forward = backDirection; } else { eTransform.forward = upDirection; } } SetIsMoving(true); }
void InitializePosition() { eTransform.localPosition = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalPosition(parentMap, x, y, z); }
//Instantiate our block! Wrap the AssetPool functions nicely void InstantiateBlock(Vector3 coords) { int x = (int)coords.x; int y = (int)coords.y; int z = (int)coords.z; StreamingMapNode n = GetNodeAt(x, y, z); Block b = null; int bv = 0; if (n != null) { b = n.blockPrefab; bv = n.variantIndex; } Block toAdd = null; if (b != null) { GameObject o = AssetPool.Instantiate(b.gameObject) as GameObject; #if UNITY_4_0 o.SetActive(true); #else // o.SetActiveRecursively (true); #endif toAdd = o.GetComponent <Block>(); OrientedBlock ob = toAdd as OrientedBlock; if (ob != null) { ob.PreRandomiseBlockOrientations(); } } if (n != null && n.HasVariant()) { BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(blockMap, toAdd, false, bv, true, x, y, z, false, false); } else { BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(blockMap, toAdd, true, bv, true, x, y, z, false, false); } if (n != null) { if (!n.HasVariant()) { Vector3 focus = new Vector3(focus_x, focus_y, focus_z); if (!IsOnOuterRim(focus, coords)) { //Let's save the variant so that we always get a consistent map //It saves the programmer having to randomise this themselves OrientedBlock ob = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(blockMap, x, y, z) as OrientedBlock; if (ob != null) { n.variantIndex = ob.GetCurrentVariant(); } } } } }
public void ProcessPathing() { //Debug.Log(name + " Processing pathing at: " + x + "," + y + "," + z); if (currentPath.Count <= 0) { //Debug.Log ("End path"); OnReachPathEnd(x, y, z); return; } if (currentPath.Count > 0) { Vector3 targetNode = currentPath[0]; currentPath.RemoveAt(0); if (!CanWalkTo((int)targetNode.x, (int)targetNode.y, z)) { currentPath.Clear(); Idle(); return; } targetCoords = new Vector3(targetNode.x, targetNode.y, z); targetPosition = BlockUtilities.GetMathematicalPosition(parentMap, (int)targetNode.x, (int)targetNode.y, z); controller.ReserveBlock(entityType, targetCoords); startPosition = eTransform.localPosition; //Debug.Log(name + " Moving to: " + targetCoords.ToString()); currentLerpAmount = 0.0f; isMoving = true; //Now decide where we're facing int x_dir = x - (int)targetCoords.x; int y_dir = (int)targetCoords.y - y; if (x_dir > 0) { eTransform.up = upDirection; eTransform.forward = rightDirection; } else if (x_dir < 0) { eTransform.up = upDirection; eTransform.forward = leftDirection; } else if (y_dir > 0) { if (parentMap.growthAxis == BlockMap.GrowthAxis.Forward) { eTransform.forward = frontDirection; } else { eTransform.forward = downDirection; Vector3 rot = eTransform.localRotation.eulerAngles; rot.y = 0.0f; eTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot); } } else if (y_dir < 0) { if (parentMap.growthAxis == BlockMap.GrowthAxis.Forward) { eTransform.forward = backDirection; } else { eTransform.forward = upDirection; } } } else { Idle(); } }