public bool isInpolyline(Polyline pline) { Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { DBObject obj = tr.GetObject(this.BaseObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); BlockReference block = (BlockReference)obj; Extents3d bd = block.GeometryExtentsBestFit(); Point3d p1 = bd.MinPoint; Point3d p2 = bd.MaxPoint; if (Utils.Utility.PointInPolygon(p1, pline)) { if (Utils.Utility.PointInPolygon(p2, pline)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public List <PipeLine> SearchConnected(BaseModel model) { List <PipeLine> pipes = new List <PipeLine>(); if (!model.BaseObjectId.IsNull) { try { Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { DBObject obj = tr.GetObject(model.BaseObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); BlockReference block = (BlockReference)obj; Extents3d bd = block.GeometryExtentsBestFit(); foreach (var item in PipeLines) { Point3d p1 = item.Value.Point(0); Point3d p2 = item.Value.Point(1); if (p1.X >= bd.MinPoint.X - 0.001 && p1.Y >= bd.MinPoint.Y - 0.001 && p1.X <= bd.MaxPoint.X + 0.001 && p1.Y <= bd.MaxPoint.Y + 0.001) { pipes.Add(item.Value); continue; } if (p2.X >= bd.MinPoint.X - 0.001 && p2.Y >= bd.MinPoint.Y - 0.001 && p2.X <= bd.MaxPoint.X + 0.001 && p2.Y <= bd.MaxPoint.Y + 0.001) { pipes.Add(item.Value); continue; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.WriteMessage(e.Message); } } return(pipes); }
// This code based on Kean Walmsley's article: // public static void PlotOnePaper(Database db, Document doc, BlockReference br, String pcsFileName, String mediaName, String outputFileName) { ; if (pcsFileName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pcsFileName"); } if (pcsFileName.Trim() == String.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException("pcsFileName.Trim() == String.Empty"); } if (mediaName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaName"); } if (mediaName.Trim() == String.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException("mediaName.Trim() == String.Empty"); } if (outputFileName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("outputFileName"); } if (outputFileName.Trim() == String.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException("outputFileName.Trim() == String.Empty"); } Ed.Editor ed = doc.Editor; try { using (doc.LockDocument()) { using (Db.Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { Db.Extents3d extends = br.GeometryExtentsBestFit(); Point3d pmin = extends.MinPoint; Point3d pmax = extends.MaxPoint; Db.ObjectId modelId = Us.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db); Db.BlockTableRecord model = tr.GetObject(modelId, Db.OpenMode.ForRead) as Db.BlockTableRecord; Db.Layout layout = tr.GetObject(model.LayoutId, Db.OpenMode.ForRead) as Db.Layout; using (Pt.PlotInfo PltInfo = new Pt.PlotInfo()) { PltInfo.Layout = model.LayoutId; using (Db.PlotSettings PltSet = new Db.PlotSettings(layout.ModelType) ) { PltSet.CopyFrom(layout); Db.PlotSettingsValidator PltSetVald = Db.PlotSettingsValidator .Current; Db.Extents2d extents = new Db.Extents2d( pmin.X * (1 - 0.0001), pmin.Y * (1 + 0.001), pmax.X, pmax.Y ); Log4NetHelper.WriteInfoLog("左上角坐标:" + pmin.X + "," + pmin.Y + "\n"); Log4NetHelper.WriteInfoLog("右下角角坐标:" + pmax.X + "," + pmax.Y + "\n"); PltSetVald.SetZoomToPaperOnUpdate(PltSet, true); PltSetVald.SetPlotWindowArea(PltSet, extents); PltSetVald.SetPlotType(PltSet, Db.PlotType.Window); PltSetVald.SetUseStandardScale(PltSet, true); PltSetVald.SetStdScaleType(PltSet, Db.StdScaleType.ScaleToFit); PltSetVald.SetPlotCentered(PltSet, true); PltSetVald.SetPlotRotation(PltSet, Db.PlotRotation.Degrees000); // We'll use the standard DWF PC3, as // for today we're just plotting to file PltSetVald.SetPlotConfigurationName(PltSet, pcsFileName, mediaName); // We need to link the PlotInfo to the // PlotSettings and then validate it PltInfo.OverrideSettings = PltSet; Pt.PlotInfoValidator PltInfoVald = new Pt.PlotInfoValidator(); PltInfoVald.MediaMatchingPolicy = Pt.MatchingPolicy.MatchEnabled; PltInfoVald.Validate(PltInfo); // A PlotEngine does the actual plotting // (can also create one for Preview) if (Pt.PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState == Pt.ProcessPlotState .NotPlotting) { using (Pt.PlotEngine pe = Pt.PlotFactory.CreatePublishEngine() ) { // Create a Progress Dialog to provide info // and allow thej user to cancel using (Pt.PlotProgressDialog ppd = new Pt.PlotProgressDialog(false, 1, true)) { ppd.set_PlotMsgString( Pt.PlotMessageIndex.DialogTitle, "Custom Plot Progress"); ppd.set_PlotMsgString( Pt.PlotMessageIndex.CancelJobButtonMessage, "Cancel Job"); ppd.set_PlotMsgString( Pt.PlotMessageIndex.CancelSheetButtonMessage, "Cancel Sheet"); ppd.set_PlotMsgString( Pt.PlotMessageIndex.SheetSetProgressCaption, "Sheet Set Progress"); ppd.set_PlotMsgString( Pt.PlotMessageIndex.SheetProgressCaption, "Sheet Progress"); ppd.LowerPlotProgressRange = 0; ppd.UpperPlotProgressRange = 100; ppd.PlotProgressPos = 0; // Let's start the plot, at last ppd.OnBeginPlot(); ppd.IsVisible = true; pe.BeginPlot(ppd, null); // We'll be plotting a single document pe.BeginDocument(PltInfo, doc.Name, null, 1, true, // Let's plot to file outputFileName); // Which contains a single sheet ppd.OnBeginSheet(); ppd.LowerSheetProgressRange = 0; ppd.UpperSheetProgressRange = 100; ppd.SheetProgressPos = 0; Pt.PlotPageInfo ppi = new Pt.PlotPageInfo(); pe.BeginPage(ppi, PltInfo, true, null); pe.BeginGenerateGraphics(null); pe.EndGenerateGraphics(null); // Finish the sheet pe.EndPage(null); ppd.SheetProgressPos = 100; ppd.OnEndSheet(); // Finish the document pe.EndDocument(null); // And finish the plot ppd.PlotProgressPos = 100; ppd.OnEndPlot(); pe.EndPlot(null); } } } else { ed.WriteMessage("\nAnother plot is in progress."); } } } tr.Commit(); } } } finally { // Hs.WorkingDatabase = previewDb; } }