public bool OpenDoor() { if (nextCheck < Time.time) { nextCheck = Time.time + CheckDelay; Vector3i blockPosition = GetBlockPosition(); Vector3i TargetBlockPosition = new Vector3i(); int MaxDistance = 2; for (var x = blockPosition.x - MaxDistance; x <= blockPosition.x + MaxDistance; x++) { for (var z = blockPosition.z - MaxDistance; z <= blockPosition.z + MaxDistance; z++) { TargetBlockPosition.x = x; TargetBlockPosition.y = Utils.Fastfloor(position.y); TargetBlockPosition.z = z; // DisplayLog(" Target Block: " + TargetBlockPosition + " Block: " + + " My Position: " + this.GetBlockPosition()); BlockValue blockValue = world.GetBlock(TargetBlockPosition); if (Block.list[blockValue.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Door) && !Block.list[blockValue.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Window)) { DisplayLog(" I found a door."); lastDoorOpen = TargetBlockPosition; BlockDoor targetDoor = (Block.list[blockValue.type] as BlockDoor); bool isDoorOpen = BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(blockValue.meta); if (isDoorOpen) { lastDoorOpen =; } else { lastDoorOpen = TargetBlockPosition; } emodel.avatarController.SetTrigger("OpenDoor"); DisplayLog(" Is Door Open? " + BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(blockValue.meta)); Chunk chunk = (Chunk)world.GetChunkFromWorldPos(TargetBlockPosition); TileEntitySecureDoor tileEntitySecureDoor = (TileEntitySecureDoor)world.GetTileEntity(0, TargetBlockPosition); if (tileEntitySecureDoor == null) { DisplayLog(" Not a door."); return(false); } if (tileEntitySecureDoor.IsLocked()) { DisplayLog(" The Door is locked."); return(false); } targetDoor.OnBlockActivated(world, 0, TargetBlockPosition, blockValue, null); return(true); } } } } return(false); }
private void Start() { rg2d = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); anim = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); enemyBoss = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <EnemyBoss>(); door = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BlockDoor").GetComponent <BlockDoor>(); }
public static void CloseDoor(int EntityID, Vector3i blockPos) { EntityAlive myEntity = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntity(EntityID) as EntityAlive; if (myEntity) { BlockValue block =; if (Block.list[block.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Door) && BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(block.meta)) { Chunk chunk = as Chunk; block.Block.OnBlockActivated(, chunk.ClrIdx, blockPos, block, myEntity); } } }
public override void OnUpdateLive() { // Wake them up if they are sleeping, since the trigger sleeper makes them go idle again. if (!this.sleepingOrWakingUp && isAlwaysAwake) { this.IsSleeping = true; ConditionalTriggerSleeperWakeUp(); } emodel.avatarController.SetBool("IsBusy", false); Buffs.RemoveBuff("buffnewbiecoat", false); Stats.Health.MaxModifier = Stats.Health.Max; // Set CanFall and IsOnGround if (this.emodel != null && this.emodel.avatarController != null) { this.emodel.avatarController.SetBool("CanFall", !this.emodel.IsRagdollActive && this.bodyDamage.CurrentStun == EnumEntityStunType.None && !this.isSwimming); this.emodel.avatarController.SetBool("IsOnGround", this.onGround || this.isSwimming); } if (SingletonMonoBehaviour <ConnectionManager> .Instance.IsServer) { //If blocked, check to see if its a door. if (moveHelper.IsBlocked) { Vector3i blockPos = moveHelper.HitInfo.hit.blockPos; BlockValue block = world.GetBlock(blockPos); if (Block.list[block.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Door) && !BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(block.meta)) { bool canOpenDoor = true; TileEntitySecureDoor tileEntitySecureDoor = GameManager.Instance.World.GetTileEntity(0, blockPos) as TileEntitySecureDoor; if (tileEntitySecureDoor != null) { if (tileEntitySecureDoor.IsLocked() && tileEntitySecureDoor.GetOwner() == "") { canOpenDoor = false; } } //TileEntityPowered poweredDoor = GameManager.Instance.World.GetTileEntity(0, blockPos) as TileEntityPowered; //if (poweredDoor != null) //{ // if (poweredDoor.IsLocked() && poweredDoor.GetOwner() == "") // canOpenDoor = false; //} if (canOpenDoor) { DisplayLog("I am blocked by a door. Trying to open..."); SphereCache.AddDoor(entityId, blockPos); EntityUtilities.OpenDoor(entityId, blockPos); // We were blocked, so let's clear it. moveHelper.ClearBlocked(); } } } } // Check to see if we've opened a door, and close it behind you. Vector3i doorPos = SphereCache.GetDoor(entityId); if (doorPos != { DisplayLog("I've opened a door recently. I'll see if I can close it."); BlockValue block = world.GetBlock(doorPos); if (Block.list[block.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Door) && BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(block.meta)) { float CloseDistance = 3; // If it's a multidim, increase tha radius a bit if (Block.list[block.type].isMultiBlock) { Vector3i vector3i = StringParsers.ParseVector3i(Block.list[block.type].Properties.Values["MultiBlockDim"], 0, -1, false); if (CloseDistance > vector3i.x) { CloseDistance = vector3i.x + 1; } } if ((GetDistanceSq(doorPos.ToVector3()) > CloseDistance)) { DisplayLog("I am going to close the door now."); EntityUtilities.CloseDoor(entityId, doorPos); SphereCache.RemoveDoor(entityId, doorPos); } } } // Makes the NPC always face its attack or revent target. EntityAlive target = EntityUtilities.GetAttackOrReventTarget(entityId) as EntityAlive; if (target != null) { // makes the npc look at its attack target if (this.emodel != null && this.emodel.avatarController != null) { this.emodel.SetLookAt(target.getHeadPosition()); } SetLookPosition(target.getHeadPosition()); RotateTo(target, 45, 45); if (EntityUtilities.HasTask(this.entityId, "Ranged")) { if (EntityUtilities.CheckAIRange(this.entityId, target.entityId)) { EntityUtilities.ChangeHandholdItem(this.entityId, EntityUtilities.Need.Ranged); } else { EntityUtilities.ChangeHandholdItem(this.entityId, EntityUtilities.Need.Melee); } } else { EntityUtilities.ChangeHandholdItem(this.entityId, EntityUtilities.Need.Melee); } } // Non-player entities don't fire all the buffs or stats, so we'll manually fire the water tick, // Stats.Water.Tick(0.5f, 0, false); // then fire the updatestats over time, which is protected from a IsPlayer check in the base onUpdateLive(). //Stats.UpdateStatsOverTime(0.5f); updateTime = Time.time + 2f; base.OnUpdateLive(); // Allow EntityAliveSDX to get buffs from blocks if (!this.isEntityRemote) { updateBlockRadiusEffects(); } // No NPC info, don't continue if (NPCInfo == null) { return; } // If the Tile Entity Trader isn't set, set it now. Sometimes this fails, and won't allow interaction. if (TileEntityTrader == null) { TileEntityTrader = new TileEntityTrader(null); TileEntityTrader.entityId = entityId; TileEntityTrader.TraderData.TraderID = NPCInfo.TraderID; } // If there is no attack target, don't bother checking this. if (target == null) { if (this is EntityAliveFarmingAnimalSDX) { return; } List <global::Entity> entitiesInBounds = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntitiesInBounds(this, new Bounds(position, * 5f)); if (entitiesInBounds.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < entitiesInBounds.Count; i++) { if (entitiesInBounds[i] is EntityPlayerLocal || entitiesInBounds[i] is EntityPlayer) { // Check your faction relation. If you hate each other, don't stop and talk. FactionManager.Relationship myRelationship = FactionManager.Instance.GetRelationshipTier(this, entitiesInBounds[i] as EntityPlayerLocal); if (myRelationship == FactionManager.Relationship.Hate) { break; } if (GetDistance(entitiesInBounds[i]) < 1 && this.moveHelper != null) { DisplayLog("The entity is too close to me. Moving away: " + entitiesInBounds[i].ToString()); EntityUtilities.BackupHelper(entityId, entitiesInBounds[i].position, 3); break; } // Turn to face the player, and stop the movement. emodel.avatarController.SetBool("IsBusy", true); SetLookPosition(entitiesInBounds[i].getHeadPosition()); RotateTo(entitiesInBounds[i], 90f, 90f); EntityUtilities.Stop(this.entityId); break; } } } } }
private void Start() { col = gameObject.GetComponent <Collider2D>(); door = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BlockDoor").GetComponent <BlockDoor>(); }
public static void IsInsideBlocks(ClientInfo _cInfo, EntityPlayer _player) { if (!_player.IsCrouching) { CameraPosition = new Vector3(_player.position.x, _player.position.y + 1.6f, _player.position.z); } else { CameraPosition = new Vector3(_player.position.x, _player.position.y + 1f, _player.position.z); } World world = GameManager.Instance.World; Vector3i blockPosition = World.worldToBlockPos(CameraPosition); BlockValue blockValue = world.GetBlock(blockPosition); if (blockValue.type != AirType) { Block block = blockValue.Block; if (block.IsCollideMovement) { if (block.shape.IsTerrain()) { if (blockValue.damage < block.MaxDamage * 0.75) { if (!_player.IsCrouching) { blockPosition.y--; if (world.GetBlock(blockPosition).Block.IsCollideMovement) { Detected(_cInfo); return; } } else { Detected(_cInfo); return; } } } else if (block is BlockDrawBridge) { Vector3i parentPos = block.multiBlockPos.GetParentPos(blockPosition, blockValue); if (BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(world.GetBlock(parentPos).meta) && blockPosition.y == parentPos.y) { Detected(_cInfo); return; } } else { string shape = block.shape.GetName().ToLower(); //Log.Out(string.Format("[SERVERTOOLS] Shape: {0}", shape)); if (shape == "cube" || shape == "cube_frame") { if (!_player.IsCrouching) { blockPosition.y--; if (world.GetBlock(blockPosition).Block.IsCollideMovement) { Detected(_cInfo); return; } } else { Detected(_cInfo); return; } } } } } if (BlackScreen.Contains(_cInfo.entityId)) { BlackScreen.Remove(_cInfo.entityId); _cInfo.SendPackage(new NetPackageConsoleCmdClient().Setup("ScreenEffect FadeToBlack 0 1", true)); } }
public override void OnUpdateLive() { if (SingletonMonoBehaviour <ConnectionManager> .Instance.IsServer) { //If blocked, check to see if its a door. if (moveHelper.IsBlocked) { Vector3i blockPos = moveHelper.HitInfo.hit.blockPos; BlockValue block = world.GetBlock(blockPos); if (Block.list[block.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Door) && !BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(block.meta)) { bool canOpenDoor = true; TileEntitySecureDoor tileEntitySecureDoor = GameManager.Instance.World.GetTileEntity(0, blockPos) as TileEntitySecureDoor; if (tileEntitySecureDoor != null) { if (tileEntitySecureDoor.IsLocked() && tileEntitySecureDoor.GetOwner() == "") { canOpenDoor = false; } } //TileEntityPowered poweredDoor = GameManager.Instance.World.GetTileEntity(0, blockPos) as TileEntityPowered; //if (poweredDoor != null) //{ // if (poweredDoor.IsLocked() && poweredDoor.GetOwner() == "") // canOpenDoor = false; //} if (canOpenDoor) { DisplayLog("I am blocked by a door. Trying to open..."); SphereCache.AddDoor(entityId, blockPos); EntityUtilities.OpenDoor(entityId, blockPos); // We were blocked, so let's clear it. moveHelper.ClearBlocked(); } } } } // Check to see if we've opened a door, and close it behind you. Vector3i doorPos = SphereCache.GetDoor(entityId); if (doorPos != { DisplayLog("I've opened a door recently. I'll see if I can close it."); BlockValue block = world.GetBlock(doorPos); if (Block.list[block.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Door) && BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(block.meta)) { float CloseDistance = 3; // If it's a multidim, increase tha radius a bit if (Block.list[block.type].isMultiBlock) { Vector3i vector3i = StringParsers.ParseVector3i(Block.list[block.type].Properties.Values["MultiBlockDim"], 0, -1, false); if (CloseDistance > vector3i.x) { CloseDistance = vector3i.x + 1; } } if ((GetDistanceSq(doorPos.ToVector3()) > CloseDistance)) { DisplayLog("I am going to close the door now."); EntityUtilities.CloseDoor(entityId, doorPos); SphereCache.RemoveDoor(entityId, doorPos); } } } // Makes the NPC always face its attack or revent target. EntityAlive target = EntityUtilities.GetAttackOrReventTarget(entityId) as EntityAlive; if (target != null) { // makes the npc look at its attack target if (this.emodel != null && this.emodel.avatarController != null) { this.emodel.SetLookAt(target.getHeadPosition()); } SetLookPosition(target.getHeadPosition()); RotateTo(target, 45, 45); } Buffs.RemoveBuff("buffnewbiecoat", false); Stats.Health.MaxModifier = Stats.Health.Max; // Set CanFall and IsOnGround if (this.emodel != null && this.emodel.avatarController != null) { this.emodel.avatarController.SetBool("CanFall", !this.emodel.IsRagdollActive && this.bodyDamage.CurrentStun == EnumEntityStunType.None && !this.isSwimming); this.emodel.avatarController.SetBool("IsOnGround", this.onGround || this.isSwimming); } // Non-player entities don't fire all the buffs or stats, so we'll manually fire the water tick, Stats.Water.Tick(0.5f, 0, false); // then fire the updatestats over time, which is protected from a IsPlayer check in the base onUpdateLive(). Stats.UpdateStatsOverTime(0.5f); base.OnUpdateLive(); }
public override void OnUpdateLive() { //If blocked, check to see if its a door. if (moveHelper.IsBlocked) { Vector3i blockPos = moveHelper.HitInfo.hit.blockPos; BlockValue block = world.GetBlock(blockPos); if (Block.list[block.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Door) && !BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(block.meta)) { bool canOpenDoor = true; TileEntitySecureDoor tileEntitySecureDoor = GameManager.Instance.World.GetTileEntity(0, blockPos) as TileEntitySecureDoor; if (tileEntitySecureDoor != null) { if (tileEntitySecureDoor.IsLocked() && tileEntitySecureDoor.GetOwner() == "") { canOpenDoor = false; } } //TileEntityPowered poweredDoor = GameManager.Instance.World.GetTileEntity(0, blockPos) as TileEntityPowered; //if (poweredDoor != null) //{ // if (poweredDoor.IsLocked() && poweredDoor.GetOwner() == "") // canOpenDoor = false; //} if (canOpenDoor) { DisplayLog("I am blocked by a door. Trying to open..."); SphereCache.AddDoor(entityId, blockPos); EntityUtilities.OpenDoor(entityId, blockPos); // We were blocked, so let's clear it. moveHelper.ClearBlocked(); } } } // Check to see if we've opened a door, and close it behind you. Vector3i doorPos = SphereCache.GetDoor(entityId); if (doorPos != { DisplayLog("I've opened a door recently. I'll see if I can close it."); BlockValue block = world.GetBlock(doorPos); if (Block.list[block.type].HasTag(BlockTags.Door) && BlockDoor.IsDoorOpen(block.meta)) { float CloseDistance = 3; // If it's a multidim, increase tha radius a bit if (Block.list[block.type].isMultiBlock) { Vector3i vector3i = StringParsers.ParseVector3i(Block.list[block.type].Properties.Values["MultiBlockDim"], 0, -1, false); if (CloseDistance > vector3i.x) { CloseDistance = vector3i.x + 1; } } if ((GetDistanceSq(doorPos.ToVector3()) > CloseDistance)) { DisplayLog("I am going to close the door now."); EntityUtilities.CloseDoor(entityId, doorPos); SphereCache.RemoveDoor(entityId, doorPos); } } } // Makes the NPC always face its attack or revent target. EntityAlive target = EntityUtilities.GetAttackOrReventTarget(entityId) as EntityAlive; if (target != null) { SetLookPosition(attackTarget.position); RotateTo(attackTarget, 45, 45); } Buffs.RemoveBuff("buffnewbiecoat", false); Stats.Health.MaxModifier = Stats.Health.Max; // Non-player entities don't fire all the buffs or stats, so we'll manually fire the water tick, Stats.Water.Tick(0.5f, 0, false); // then fire the updatestats over time, which is protected from a IsPlayer check in the base onUpdateLive(). Stats.UpdateStatsOverTime(0.5f); updateTime = Time.time - 2f; base.OnUpdateLive(); // No NPC info, don't continue if (NPCInfo == null) { return; } // If the Tile Entity Trader isn't set, set it now. Sometimes this fails, and won't allow interaction. if (TileEntityTrader == null) { TileEntityTrader = new TileEntityTrader(null); TileEntityTrader.entityId = entityId; TileEntityTrader.TraderData.TraderID = NPCInfo.TraderID; } // Check if there's a player within 10 meters of us. If not, resume wandering. emodel.avatarController.SetBool("IsBusy", false); if (!SingletonMonoBehaviour <ConnectionManager> .Instance.IsServer) { return; } if (target == null) { if (this is EntityAliveFarmingAnimalSDX) { return; } List <global::Entity> entitiesInBounds = GameManager.Instance.World.GetEntitiesInBounds(this, new Bounds(position, * 5f)); if (entitiesInBounds.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < entitiesInBounds.Count; i++) { if (entitiesInBounds[i] is EntityPlayerLocal) { // Check your faction relation. If you hate each other, don't stop and talk. FactionManager.Relationship myRelationship = FactionManager.Instance.GetRelationshipTier(this, entitiesInBounds[i] as EntityPlayerLocal); if (myRelationship == FactionManager.Relationship.Hate) { break; } if (GetDistance(entitiesInBounds[i]) < 2) { DisplayLog("The entity is too close to me. Moving away: " + entitiesInBounds[i].ToString()); EntityUtilities.BackupHelper(entityId, entitiesInBounds[i].position, 5); //moveHelper.SetMoveTo((entitiesInBounds[i] as EntityPlayerLocal).GetLookVector(), false); break; } // Turn to face the player, and stop the movement. emodel.avatarController.SetBool("IsBusy", true); SetLookPosition(entitiesInBounds[i].getHeadPosition()); RotateTo(entitiesInBounds[i], 90f, 90f); navigator.clearPath(); moveHelper.Stop(); // this stops the walking jitter this.speedForward = 0; break; } } } } }