コード例 #1
        protected FastDictionaryBase(int initialBucketCount, TComparer comparer)
            Contract.Requires(comparer != null);
            Contract.Ensures(_capacity >= initialBucketCount);

            this._comparer = comparer;

            // Calculate the next power of 2.
            int newCapacity = initialBucketCount >= DictionaryHelper.KMinBuckets ? initialBucketCount : DictionaryHelper.KMinBuckets;

            newCapacity = Bits.NextPowerOf2(newCapacity);

            this._initialCapacity = newCapacity;

            // Initialization
            this._entries = new Entry[newCapacity];
            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(this._entries, new Entry(KUnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

            _usedEntries      = new int[newCapacity];
            _usedEntriesIndex = 0;

            this._capacity     = newCapacity;
            this._capacityMask = this._capacity - 1;

            this._numberOfUsed    = 0;
            this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
            this._size            = 0;

            this._nextGrowthThreshold = _capacity * 4 / KLoadFactor;
コード例 #2
        public FastDictionary(int initialBucketCount)
            Contract.Ensures(this.Capacity >= initialBucketCount);

            // Calculate the next power of 2.
            var newCapacity = initialBucketCount >= DictionaryHelper.MinBuckets
                ? initialBucketCount
                : DictionaryHelper.MinBuckets;

            newCapacity = DictionaryHelper.NextPowerOf2(newCapacity);

            this.initialCapacity = newCapacity;

            // Initialization
            this.entries = new Entry[newCapacity];
            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(this.entries, new Entry(UnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

            this.Capacity = newCapacity;

            this.numberOfUsed    = 0;
            this.numberOfDeleted = 0;
            this.Count           = 0;

            this.nextGrowthThreshold = this.Capacity * 4 / LoadFactor;
コード例 #3
        public FastDictionary(int initialBucketCount, IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer)
            Contract.Ensures(_capacity >= initialBucketCount);

            this.comparer = comparer ?? EqualityComparer <TKey> .Default;

            // Calculate the next power of 2.
            int newCapacity = initialBucketCount >= DictionaryHelper.kMinBuckets ? initialBucketCount : DictionaryHelper.kMinBuckets;

            newCapacity = DictionaryHelper.NextPowerOf2(newCapacity);

            this._initialCapacity = newCapacity;

            // Initialization
            this._entries = new Entry[newCapacity];
            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(this._entries, new Entry(kUnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

            this._capacity        = newCapacity;
            this._capacityM1      = this._capacity - 1;
            this._numberOfUsed    = 0;
            this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
            this._size            = 0;

            this._nextGrowthThreshold = _capacity * 4 / tLoadFactor;
コード例 #4
        public void Clear()
            this.entries = new Entry[this.Capacity];
            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(this.entries, new Entry(UnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

            this.numberOfUsed    = 0;
            this.numberOfDeleted = 0;
            this.Count           = 0;
コード例 #5
        public void Clear()
            this._entries = new Entry[_capacity];
            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(this._entries, new Entry(kUnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

            this._numberOfUsed    = 0;
            this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
            this._size            = 0;
コード例 #6
        private void Grow(int newCapacity)
            Contract.Requires(newCapacity >= _capacity);
            Contract.Ensures((_capacity & (_capacity - 1)) == 0);

            var entries = new Entry[newCapacity];

            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(entries, new Entry(kUnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

コード例 #7
        private void Grow(int newCapacity)
            Contract.Requires(newCapacity >= this.Capacity);
            Contract.Ensures((this.Capacity & (this.Capacity - 1)) == 0);

            var e = new Entry[newCapacity];

            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(e, new Entry(UnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

コード例 #8
        private void Shrink(int newCapacity)
            Contract.Requires(newCapacity > _size);
            Contract.Ensures(this._numberOfUsed < this._capacity);

            // Calculate the next power of 2.
            newCapacity = Math.Max(DictionaryHelper.NextPowerOf2(newCapacity), _initialCapacity);

            var entries = new Entry[newCapacity];

            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(entries, new Entry(kUnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

コード例 #9
            private void Shrink(int newCapacity)
                Contract.Requires(newCapacity > _size);
                Contract.Ensures(_numberOfUsed < _capacity);

                // Calculate the next power of 2.
                newCapacity = Math.Max(Bits.NextPowerOf2(newCapacity), _initialCapacity);

                var entries = new Entry[newCapacity];

                BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(entries, new Entry(kUnused, kUnused, default(Internal)));

コード例 #10
        private void Shrink(int newCapacity)
            Contract.Requires(newCapacity > this.Count);
            Contract.Ensures(this.numberOfUsed < this.Capacity);

            // Calculate the next power of 2.
            newCapacity = Math.Max(DictionaryHelper.NextPowerOf2(newCapacity), this.initialCapacity);

            var e = new Entry[newCapacity];

            BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(e, new Entry(UnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

コード例 #11
        protected FastDictionaryBase(int initialBucketCount, FastDictionaryBase <TKey, TValue, TComparer> src, TComparer comparer)
            Contract.Requires(src != null);
            Contract.Requires(comparer != null);
            Contract.Ensures(_capacity >= initialBucketCount);
            Contract.Ensures(_capacity >= src._capacity);

            this._comparer = comparer;

            this._initialCapacity     = Bits.NextPowerOf2(initialBucketCount);
            this._capacity            = Math.Max(src._capacity, initialBucketCount);
            this._capacityMask        = this._capacity - 1;
            this._size                = src._size;
            this._numberOfUsed        = src._numberOfUsed;
            this._numberOfDeleted     = src._numberOfDeleted;
            this._nextGrowthThreshold = src._nextGrowthThreshold;

            if (comparer.Equals(src._comparer))
                // Initialization through copy (very efficient) because the comparer is the same.
                this._entries = new Entry[_capacity];
                Array.Copy(src._entries, _entries, _capacity);

                _usedEntries = new int[src._usedEntries.Length];
                Array.Copy(src._usedEntries, _usedEntries, src._usedEntries.Length);
                _usedEntriesIndex = src._usedEntriesIndex;
                // Initialization through rehashing because the comparer is not the same.
                var entries = new Entry[_capacity];
                BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(entries, new Entry(KUnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

                // Creating a temporary alias to use for rehashing.
                this._entries = src._entries;
                _usedEntries  = new int[_capacity];

                // This call will rewrite the aliases
コード例 #12
            public ZFastNodesTable(int initialBucketCount, ZFastTrieSortedSet <TKey, TValue> owner)
                this.owner = owner;

                // Calculate the next power of 2.
                int newCapacity = initialBucketCount >= kMinCapacity ? initialBucketCount : kMinCapacity;

                newCapacity = Bits.NextPowerOf2(newCapacity);

                _initialCapacity = newCapacity;

                // Initialization
                _entries = new Entry[newCapacity];
                BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(_entries, new Entry(kUnused, kUnused, default(Internal)));

                _capacity = newCapacity;

                _numberOfUsed    = 0;
                _numberOfDeleted = 0;
                _size            = 0;

                _nextGrowthThreshold = _capacity * 4 / tLoadFactor;
コード例 #13
        public FastDictionary(
            int initialBucketCount,
            FastDictionary <TKey, TValue, TComparer> src)
            Contract.Requires(src != null);
            Contract.Ensures(this.Capacity >= initialBucketCount);
            Contract.Ensures(this.Capacity >= src.Capacity);

            this.initialCapacity     = DictionaryHelper.NextPowerOf2(initialBucketCount);
            this.Capacity            = Math.Max(src.Capacity, initialBucketCount);
            this.Count               = src.Count;
            this.numberOfUsed        = src.numberOfUsed;
            this.numberOfDeleted     = src.numberOfDeleted;
            this.nextGrowthThreshold = src.nextGrowthThreshold;

            var newCapacity = this.Capacity;

            if (ReferenceEquals(this.Comparer, src.Comparer))
                // Initialization through copy (very efficient) because the comparer is the same.
                this.entries = new Entry[newCapacity];
                Array.Copy(src.entries, this.entries, newCapacity);
                // Initialization through rehashing because the comparer is not the same.
                var e = new Entry[newCapacity];
                BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(e, new Entry(UnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

                // Creating a temporary alias to use for rehashing.
                this.entries = src.entries;

                // This call will rewrite the aliases
コード例 #14
        public FastDictionary(int initialBucketCount, FastDictionary <TKey, TValue> src, IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer)
            Contract.Requires(src != null);
            Contract.Ensures(_capacity >= initialBucketCount);
            Contract.Ensures(_capacity >= src._capacity);

            this.comparer = comparer ?? EqualityComparer <TKey> .Default;

            this._initialCapacity     = DictionaryHelper.NextPowerOf2(initialBucketCount);
            this._capacity            = Math.Max(src._capacity, initialBucketCount);
            this._capacityM1          = this._capacity - 1;
            this._size                = src._size;
            this._numberOfUsed        = src._numberOfUsed;
            this._numberOfDeleted     = src._numberOfDeleted;
            this._nextGrowthThreshold = src._nextGrowthThreshold;

            int newCapacity = _capacity;

            if (comparer == src.comparer)
                // Initialization through copy (very efficient) because the comparer is the same.
                this._entries = new Entry[newCapacity];
                Array.Copy(src._entries, _entries, newCapacity);
                // Initialization through rehashing because the comparer is not the same.
                var entries = new Entry[newCapacity];
                BlockCopyMemoryHelper.Memset(entries, new Entry(kUnusedHash, default(TKey), default(TValue)));

                // Creating a temporary alias to use for rehashing.
                this._entries = src._entries;

                // This call will rewrite the aliases