コード例 #1
ファイル: lparser.cs プロジェクト: niuniuzhu/KopiLua
 private static void forstat(LexState ls, int line)
     /* forstat . FOR (fornum | forlist) END */
       FuncState fs = ls.fs;
       TString varname;
       BlockCnt bl = new BlockCnt();
       enterblock(fs, bl, 1);  /* scope for loop and control variables */
       LuaXNext(ls);  /* skip `for' */
       varname = str_checkname(ls);  /* first variable name */
       switch (ls.t.token) {
     case '=': fornum(ls, varname, line); break;
     case ',':
     case (int)RESERVED.TK_IN:
         forlist(ls, varname);
     default: LuaXSyntaxError(ls, LUA_QL("=") + " or " + LUA_QL("in") + " expected"); break;
       check_match(ls, (int)RESERVED.TK_END, (int)RESERVED.TK_FOR, line);
       leaveblock(fs);  /* loop scope (`break' jumps to this point) */
コード例 #2
ファイル: lparser.cs プロジェクト: niuniuzhu/KopiLua
 private static void enterblock(FuncState fs, BlockCnt bl, lu_byte isbreakable)
     bl.breaklist = NO_JUMP;
       bl.isbreakable = isbreakable;
       bl.nactvar = fs.nactvar;
       bl.upval = 0;
       bl.previous = fs.bl;
       fs.bl = bl;
       LuaAssert(fs.freereg == fs.nactvar);
コード例 #3
ファイル: lparser.cs プロジェクト: niuniuzhu/KopiLua
 private static void forbody(LexState ls, int base_, int line, int nvars, int isnum)
     /* forbody . DO block */
       BlockCnt bl = new BlockCnt();
       FuncState fs = ls.fs;
       int prep, endfor;
       adjustlocalvars(ls, 3);  /* control variables */
       checknext(ls, (int)RESERVED.TK_DO);
       prep = (isnum != 0) ? LuaKCodeAsBx(fs, OpCode.OP_FORPREP, base_, NO_JUMP) : LuaKJump(fs);
       enterblock(fs, bl, 0);  /* scope for declared variables */
       adjustlocalvars(ls, nvars);
       LuaKReserveRegs(fs, nvars);
       leaveblock(fs);  /* end of scope for declared variables */
       LuaKPatchToHere(fs, prep);
       endfor = (isnum!=0) ? LuaKCodeAsBx(fs, OpCode.OP_FORLOOP, base_, NO_JUMP) :
                      LuaKCodeABC(fs, OpCode.OP_TFORLOOP, base_, 0, nvars);
       LuaKFixLine(fs, line);  /* pretend that `OP_FOR' starts the loop */
       LuaKPatchList(fs, ((isnum!=0) ? endfor : LuaKJump(fs)), prep + 1);
コード例 #4
ファイル: lparser.cs プロジェクト: niuniuzhu/KopiLua
 private static void block(LexState ls)
     /* block . chunk */
       FuncState fs = ls.fs;
       BlockCnt bl = new BlockCnt();
       enterblock(fs, bl, 0);
       LuaAssert(bl.breaklist == NO_JUMP);
コード例 #5
ファイル: lparser.cs プロジェクト: niuniuzhu/KopiLua
 private static void whilestat(LexState ls, int line)
     /* whilestat . WHILE cond DO block END */
       FuncState fs = ls.fs;
       int whileinit;
       int condexit;
       BlockCnt bl = new BlockCnt();
       LuaXNext(ls);  /* skip WHILE */
       whileinit = LuaKGetLabel(fs);
       condexit = cond(ls);
       enterblock(fs, bl, 1);
       checknext(ls, (int)RESERVED.TK_DO);
       LuaKPatchList(fs, LuaKJump(fs), whileinit);
       check_match(ls, (int)RESERVED.TK_END, (int)RESERVED.TK_WHILE, line);
       LuaKPatchToHere(fs, condexit);  /* false conditions finish the loop */
コード例 #6
ファイル: lparser.cs プロジェクト: niuniuzhu/KopiLua
 private static void repeatstat(LexState ls, int line)
     /* repeatstat . REPEAT block UNTIL cond */
       int condexit;
       FuncState fs = ls.fs;
       int repeat_init = LuaKGetLabel(fs);
       BlockCnt bl1 = new BlockCnt(), bl2 = new BlockCnt();
       enterblock(fs, bl1, 1);  /* loop block */
       enterblock(fs, bl2, 0);  /* scope block */
       LuaXNext(ls);  /* skip REPEAT */
       check_match(ls, (int)RESERVED.TK_UNTIL, (int)RESERVED.TK_REPEAT, line);
       condexit = cond(ls);  /* read condition (inside scope block) */
       if (bl2.upval==0) {  /* no upvalues? */
     leaveblock(fs);  /* finish scope */
     LuaKPatchList(ls.fs, condexit, repeat_init);  /* close the loop */
       else {  /* complete semantics when there are upvalues */
     breakstat(ls);  /* if condition then break */
     LuaKPatchToHere(ls.fs, condexit);  /* else... */
     leaveblock(fs);  /* finish scope... */
     LuaKPatchList(ls.fs, LuaKJump(fs), repeat_init);  /* and repeat */
       leaveblock(fs);  /* finish loop */
コード例 #7
ファイル: lparser.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/SharpLua
 private static void forbody(LexState ls, int base_, int line, int nvars, int isnum)
     /* forbody . DO block */
     BlockCnt bl = new BlockCnt();
     FuncState fs = ls.fs;
     int prep, endfor;
     adjustlocalvars(ls, 3);  /* control variables */
     checknext(ls, (int)RESERVED.TK_DO);
     prep = (isnum != 0) ? luaK_codeAsBx(fs, OpCode.OP_FORPREP, base_, NO_JUMP) : luaK_jump(fs);
     enterblock(fs, bl, 0);  /* scope for declared variables */
     adjustlocalvars(ls, nvars);
     luaK_reserveregs(fs, nvars);
     leaveblock(fs);  /* end of scope for declared variables */
     luaK_patchtohere(fs, prep);
     luaK_patchtohere(fs, bl.previous.continuelist);	/* continue, if any, jumps to here */
     endfor = (isnum != 0) ? luaK_codeAsBx(fs, OpCode.OP_FORLOOP, base_, NO_JUMP) :
         luaK_codeABC(fs, OpCode.OP_TFORLOOP, base_, 0, nvars);
     luaK_fixline(fs, line);  /* pretend that `OP_FOR' starts the loop */
     luaK_patchlist(fs, ((isnum != 0) ? endfor : luaK_jump(fs)), prep + 1);
コード例 #8
ファイル: lparser.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/SharpLua
 private static void whilestat(LexState ls, int line)
     /* whilestat . WHILE cond DO block END */
     FuncState fs = ls.fs;
     int whileinit;
     int condexit;
     BlockCnt bl = new BlockCnt();
     luaX_next(ls);  /* skip WHILE */
     whileinit = luaK_getlabel(fs);
     condexit = cond(ls);
     enterblock(fs, bl, 1);
     checknext(ls, (int)RESERVED.TK_DO);
     luaK_patchlist(fs, luaK_jump(fs), whileinit);
     luaK_patchlist(fs, bl.continuelist, whileinit);  /* continue goes to start, too */
     check_match(ls, (int)RESERVED.TK_END, (int)RESERVED.TK_WHILE, line);
     luaK_patchtohere(fs, condexit);  /* false conditions finish the loop */