コード例 #1
        private bool _LoadMesh(BlendTypeRepository repository, BlendValueCapsule meshObj)
            var    mesh     = meshObj.GetMember("data").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
            string meshName = meshObj.GetMember("id").GetMember("name").GetAllValueAsString();
            int    mtlCount = meshObj.GetMember("totcol").GetRawValue <int>();

            // Build Armature
            DrawSystem.BoneData[] boneArray  = null;
            int[] deformGroupIndex2BoneIndex = null;
            AnimType.AnimationData animData;
            if (!_LoadArmature(repository, meshObj, out boneArray, out deformGroupIndex2BoneIndex, out animData))
                // igrnore

            // Build original vertices
            var originVertices = _CreateOriginalVertices(repository, mesh, deformGroupIndex2BoneIndex);

            // Build materials
            var pmtlType = new BlendPointerType(repository.Find("Material"));
            var mtls     = mesh.GetMember("mat").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll(pmtlType);

            Debug.Assert(mtls.Count == mtlCount, "material count is unmatched");

            for (int mtlIndex = 0; mtlIndex < mtlCount; ++mtlIndex)
                // Build a vertex buffer(s)
                var vertices = originVertices
                               .Where(v => v.MaterialIndex == mtlIndex)

                var bMaterial = mtls[mtlIndex].GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                if (bMaterial != null)
                    Dictionary <DrawSystem.TextureTypes, TextureInfo> textureInfos = null;
                    MaterialBase material;
                    if (!_LoadMaterial(repository, bMaterial, out textureInfos, out material))

                    var node = new SceneNode()
                        Name         = meshName,
                        Vertics      = vertices,
                        MaterialData = material,
                        TextureInfos = textureInfos,
                        BoneArray    = mtlIndex == 0 ? boneArray : null,                     // set boneArray for the first node
                        Animation    = animData.Actions != null ? (AnimType.AnimationData?)animData : null,

            return(m_nodeList.Count != 0);
コード例 #2
        private bool _LoadArmature(BlendTypeRepository repository, BlendValueCapsule meshObj, out DrawSystem.BoneData[] outBoneArray, out int[] outDeformGroupIndex2BoneIndex, out AnimType.AnimationData outAnimData)
            BlendValueCapsule bArmature = null;
            BlendValueCapsule bAnimData = null;

            // find blend value
                var mod = meshObj.GetMember("modifiers").GetMember("first").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                while (mod != null)
                    if (mod.Type.Equals(repository.Find("ArmatureModifierData")))
                        // animation modifier
                        var armatureObj = mod.GetMember("object").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                        if (armatureObj != null)
                            bArmature = armatureObj.GetMember("data").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                            bAnimData = armatureObj.GetMember("adt").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

                    mod = mod.GetMember("modifier").GetMember("next").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

            // build boneList from armature
            var boneList = new List <DrawSystem.BoneData>();

            if (bArmature != null)
                var firstBone   = bArmature.GetMember("bonebase").GetMember("first").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                var tmpBoneList = new List <DrawSystem.BoneData>();
                _LoadBone(repository, firstBone, -1, ref tmpBoneList);

                // compute local bone matrix
                for (int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < tmpBoneList.Count(); ++boneIndex)
                    var tmp = tmpBoneList[boneIndex];
                    if (!tmp.IsMasterBone())
                        tmp.BoneTransform = tmp.BoneTransform * Matrix.Invert(tmpBoneList[tmp.Parent].BoneTransform);

            // build anime data from animAction
            var animActionList = new List <AnimType.ActionData>();

            if (bAnimData != null)
                var bAnimAction = bAnimData.GetMember("action").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

                // seek the top of action
                while (bAnimAction != null)
                    var bTmpAnimAction = bAnimAction.GetMember("id").GetMember("prev").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                    if (bTmpAnimAction == null)
                    bAnimAction = bTmpAnimAction;

                // load action
                while (bAnimAction != null)
                    _LoadAction(repository, bAnimAction, ref animActionList);
                    bAnimAction = bAnimAction.GetMember("id").GetMember("next").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

            var deformGroupNameList = new List <string>();
            var deformGroup         = meshObj.GetMember("defbase").GetMember("first").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

            while (deformGroup != null)
                var groupName = deformGroup.GetMember("name").GetAllValueAsString();
                //Console.WriteLine("    found deform group : " + groupName);
                deformGroup = deformGroup.GetMember("next").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

            if (deformGroupNameList.Count != 0 && boneList.Count != 0)
                // sort boneArray by deform group
                outDeformGroupIndex2BoneIndex = new int[boneList.Count()];
                int nextIndex = 0;
                foreach (var defName in deformGroupNameList)
                    var bone = boneList.Select((n, index) => new { n, index }).FirstOrDefault(ni => ni.n.Name == defName);
                    if (bone != null)
                        outDeformGroupIndex2BoneIndex[nextIndex] = bone.index;
                outBoneArray = boneList.ToArray();
                if (animActionList.Count == 0)
                    outAnimData = new AnimType.AnimationData();
                    outAnimData         = new AnimType.AnimationData();
                    outAnimData.Actions = animActionList.ToArray();
                outDeformGroupIndex2BoneIndex = new int[0];
                outBoneArray = new DrawSystem.BoneData[0];
                outAnimData  = new AnimType.AnimationData();