コード例 #1
        public void ParseFailureInvalidXml(BizTalkApplicationParser parser, ILogger logger, MigrationContext context, AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, ParsedBizTalkApplicationGroup group, Exception e)
            "Given a model"
            .x(() =>
                model = new AzureIntegrationServicesModel();
                group = new ParsedBizTalkApplicationGroup();
                group.Applications.Add(new ParsedBizTalkApplication()
                    ResourceContainerKey = "MSI.key"
                model.MigrationSource.MigrationSourceModel = group;

                var container = new ResourceContainer()
                    Name = "Test", Key = "MSI.key", Type = ModelConstants.ResourceContainerMsi, ContainerLocation = @"C:\Test\Test.msi"
                var adf      = "<this is not xml>";
                var resource = new ResourceDefinition()
                    Key = "ADF.Key", Name = "ApplicationDefinition", Type = ModelConstants.ResourceDefinitionApplicationDefinition, ResourceContent = adf

                group.Applications[0].Application.ApplicationDefinition = new ApplicationDefinitionFile(container.Key, resource.Key);

            "And a logger"
            .x(() => logger = _mockLogger.Object);

            "And a context"
            .x(() => context = new MigrationContext());

            "And a parser"
            .x(() => parser = new BizTalkApplicationParser(model, context, logger));

            "When parsing with invalid XML in the bindings file"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => parser.Parse()));

            "Then the parser should not throw an exception"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And there should be an exception when parsing."
            .x(() =>
                // There should be an exception logged.

                // The application definition cannot be read and so the name should be default
                var group = (ParsedBizTalkApplicationGroup)model.MigrationSource.MigrationSourceModel;

                // An error should be logged
                var invocation = _mockLogger.Invocations.Where(i => i.Arguments[0].ToString() == "Error").FirstOrDefault();
                invocation.Arguments[2].ToString().Should().Contain("An error occurred reading application from application definition file");
コード例 #2
        public void ParseFailureApplicationNameBlank(BizTalkApplicationParser parser, ILogger logger, MigrationContext context, AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, ParsedBizTalkApplicationGroup group, Exception e)
            "Given a model"
            .x(() =>
                model = new AzureIntegrationServicesModel();
                group = new ParsedBizTalkApplicationGroup();
                model.MigrationSource.MigrationSourceModel = group;
                group.Applications.Add(new ParsedBizTalkApplication()
                    ResourceContainerKey = "TestMsi.Key",
                model.MigrationSource.MigrationSourceModel = group;

                var msiContainer = new ResourceContainer()
                    Key = "TestMsi.Key", Name = "TestMsi", Type = ModelConstants.ResourceContainerMsi, ContainerLocation = @"C:\Test\Test.msi"

                var adf      = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><ApplicationDefinition xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns=\"http://Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment/ApplicationDefinition.xsd\">  <Properties>    <Property Name=\"DisplayName\" Value=\"\" />    <Property Name=\"Guid\" Value=\"{319AC06C-0FAB-4B68-B2C9-2659DF322B63}\" />    <Property Name=\"Manufacturer\" Value=\"Generated by BizTalk Application Deployment\" />    <Property Name=\"Version\" Value=\"\" />    <Property Name=\"ApplicationDescription\" Value=\"BizTalk Application 1\" />  </Properties>  <Resources>    <Resource Type=\"System.BizTalk:BizTalkBinding\" Luid=\"Application/SimpleMessagingApplication\">      <Properties>        <Property Name=\"IsDynamic\" Value=\"True\" />        <Property Name=\"IncludeGlobalPartyBinding\" Value=\"True\" />        <Property Name=\"ShortCabinetName\" Value=\"ITEM~0.CAB\" />        <Property Name=\"FullName\" Value=\"BindingInfo.xml\" />        <Property Name=\"Attributes\" Value=\"Archive\" />        <Property Name=\"CreationTime\" Value=\"2020-04-06 16:47:47Z\" />        <Property Name=\"LastAccessTime\" Value=\"2020-04-06 16:47:47Z\" />        <Property Name=\"LastWriteTime\" Value=\"2020-04-06 16:47:47Z\" />      </Properties>      <Files>        <File RelativePath=\"BindingInfo.xml\" Key=\"Binding\" />      </Files>    </Resource>  </Resources>  <References>    <Reference Name=\"BizTalk.System\" />    <Reference Name=\"Simple Referenced Application\" />  </References></ApplicationDefinition>";
                var resource = new ResourceDefinition()
                    Key = "ApplicationDefinition.adf.Key", Name = "ApplicationDefinition.adf", Type = ModelConstants.ResourceDefinitionApplicationDefinition, ResourceContent = adf

                group.Applications[0].Application.ApplicationDefinition = new ApplicationDefinitionFile(msiContainer.Key, resource.Key);

            "And a logger"
            .x(() => logger = _mockLogger.Object);

            "And a context"
            .x(() => context = new MigrationContext());

            "And a parser"
            .x(() => parser = new BizTalkApplicationParser(model, context, logger));

            "When parsing"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => parser.Parse()));

            "Then the parser should not throw an exception"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());

            "And the context should have an error."
            .x(() => context.Errors.Count.Should().Be(1));
コード例 #3
        public void ParseIsSkippedIfModelIsMissing(BizTalkApplicationParser parser, ILogger logger, MigrationContext context, AzureIntegrationServicesModel model, Exception e)
            "Given a model"
            .x(() =>
                model = new AzureIntegrationServicesModel();

            "And a logger"
            .x(() => logger = _mockLogger.Object);

            "And a context"
            .x(() => context = new MigrationContext());

            "And a parser"
            .x(() => parser = new BizTalkApplicationParser(model, context, logger));

            "When parsing"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => parser.Parse()));

            "Then the code should not throw an exception"
            .x(() => e.Should().BeNull());
コード例 #4
        public void ConstructWithSuccess(IBizTalkParser parser, ILogger logger, IApplicationModel model, MigrationContext context, Exception e)
            "Given a parser"
            .x(() => parser.Should().BeNull());

            "And a logger"
            .x(() => logger = _mockLogger.Object);

            "And a model"
            .x(() => model = new AzureIntegrationServicesModel());

            "And a context"
            .x(() => context = new MigrationContext());

            "When constructing"
            .x(() => e = Record.Exception(() => parser = new BizTalkApplicationParser(model, context, logger)));

            "Then the parser constructor should succeed"
            .x(() =>