private void DisplayThumbnail() { ImageThumbnail.Source = null; TxtAbstract.Text = ""; if (null == pdf_document) { return; } try { if (pdf_document.DocumentExists) { const double IMAGE_PERCENTAGE = 0.5; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(pdf_document.PDFRenderer.GetPageByHeightAsImage(page, ImageThumbnail.Height / IMAGE_PERCENTAGE))) { Bitmap image = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms); PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderAnnotations(image, pdf_document, page, specific_pdf_annotation); PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderHighlights(image, pdf_document, page); PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderInks(image, pdf_document, page); image = image.Clone(new RectangleF { Width = image.Width, Height = (int)Math.Round(image.Height * IMAGE_PERCENTAGE) }, image.PixelFormat); BitmapSource image_page = BitmapImageTools.CreateBitmapSourceFromImage(image); ImageThumbnail.Source = image_page; } } else { string abstract_text = pdf_document.Abstract; if (PDFAbstractExtraction.CANT_LOCATE != abstract_text) { TxtAbstract.Text = abstract_text; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem showing the PDF thumbnail"); } if (null != ImageThumbnail.Source) { ImageThumbnail.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { ImageThumbnail.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } }
public override DocumentPage GetPage(int page_zero_based) { // Hackity hack WPFDoEvents.DoEvents(); if (null != last_document_page) { last_document_page.Dispose(); last_document_page = null; } int page = page_from + page_zero_based; StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("PDFPrinter", String.Format("Printing page {0} of {1}", page_zero_based + 1, this.PageCount), page_zero_based + 1, this.PageCount, true); // Render a page at 300 DPI... using (Image image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(pdf_renderer.GetPageByDPIAsImage(page, 300)))) { PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderAnnotations(image, pdf_document, page, null); PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderHighlights(image, pdf_document, page); PDFOverlayRenderer.RenderInks(image, pdf_document, page); BitmapSource image_page = BitmapImageTools.CreateBitmapSourceFromImage(image); image_page.Freeze(); DrawingVisual dv = new DrawingVisual(); using (DrawingContext dc = dv.RenderOpen()) { // Rotate the image if its orientation does not match the printer if ( page_size.Width < page_size.Height && image_page.Width > image_page.Height || page_size.Width > page_size.Height && image_page.Width < image_page.Height ) { image_page = new TransformedBitmap(image_page, new RotateTransform(90)); image_page.Freeze(); } dc.DrawImage(image_page, new Rect(0, 0, page_size.Width, page_size.Height)); } ++total_pages_printed; last_document_page = new DocumentPage(dv); return(last_document_page); } }
private void UpdateLibraryStatistics_Stats_Background_CoverFlow() { // The list of recommended items DocumentDisplayWorkManager ddwm = new DocumentDisplayWorkManager(); { { int ITEMS_IN_LIST = 5; // Upcoming reading is: // interrupted // top priority // read again // recently added and no status List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents_all = web_library_detail.library.PDFDocuments; pdf_documents_all.Sort(PDFDocumentListSorters.DateAddedToDatabase); foreach (string reading_stage in new string[] { Choices.ReadingStages_INTERRUPTED, Choices.ReadingStages_TOP_PRIORITY, Choices.ReadingStages_READ_AGAIN }) { foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents_all) { if (!pdf_document.DocumentExists) { continue; } if (pdf_document.ReadingStage == reading_stage) { if (!ddwm.ContainsPDFDocument(pdf_document)) { ddwm.AddDocumentDisplayWork(DocumentDisplayWork.StarburstColor.Pink, reading_stage, pdf_document); if (ddwm.Count >= ITEMS_IN_LIST) { break; } } } } } } { int ITEMS_IN_LIST = 3; // Recently added { List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = web_library_detail.library.PDFDocuments; pdf_documents.Sort(PDFDocumentListSorters.DateAddedToDatabase); int num_added = 0; foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { if (!pdf_document.DocumentExists) { continue; } if (!ddwm.ContainsPDFDocument(pdf_document)) { ddwm.AddDocumentDisplayWork(DocumentDisplayWork.StarburstColor.Green, "Added Recently", pdf_document); if (++num_added >= ITEMS_IN_LIST) { break; } } } } // Recently read { List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents = web_library_detail.library.PDFDocuments; pdf_documents.Sort(PDFDocumentListSorters.DateLastRead); int num_added = 0; foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in pdf_documents) { if (!pdf_document.DocumentExists) { continue; } if (!ddwm.ContainsPDFDocument(pdf_document)) { ddwm.AddDocumentDisplayWork(DocumentDisplayWork.StarburstColor.Blue, "Read Recently", pdf_document); if (++num_added >= ITEMS_IN_LIST) { break; } } } } } // And fill the placeholders WPFDoEvents.InvokeInUIThread(() => UpdateLibraryStatistics_Stats_Background_GUI_AddAllPlaceHolders(ddwm.ddws)); // Now render each document using (Font font = new Font("Times New Roman", 11.0f)) { using (StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center }) { var color_matrix = new ColorMatrix(); color_matrix.Matrix33 = 0.9f; using (var image_attributes = new ImageAttributes()) { image_attributes.SetColorMatrix(color_matrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap); foreach (DocumentDisplayWork ddw in ddwm.ddws) { try { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ddw.pdf_document.PDFRenderer.GetPageByHeightAsImage(1, PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT / PREVIEW_IMAGE_PERCENTAGE))) { Bitmap page_bitmap = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms); page_bitmap = page_bitmap.Clone(new RectangleF { Width = page_bitmap.Width, Height = (int)Math.Round(page_bitmap.Height * PREVIEW_IMAGE_PERCENTAGE) }, page_bitmap.PixelFormat); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(page_bitmap)) { int CENTER = 60; int RADIUS = 60; { BitmapImage starburst_bi = null; switch (ddw.starburst_color) { case DocumentDisplayWork.StarburstColor.Blue: starburst_bi = Icons.GetAppIcon(Icons.PageCornerBlue); break; case DocumentDisplayWork.StarburstColor.Green: starburst_bi = Icons.GetAppIcon(Icons.PageCornerGreen); break; case DocumentDisplayWork.StarburstColor.Pink: starburst_bi = Icons.GetAppIcon(Icons.PageCornerPink); break; default: starburst_bi = Icons.GetAppIcon(Icons.PageCornerOrange); break; } Bitmap starburst_image = BitmapImageTools.ConvertBitmapSourceToBitmap(starburst_bi); g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; g.DrawImage( starburst_image, new Rectangle(CENTER - RADIUS, CENTER - RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS), 0, 0, starburst_image.Width, starburst_image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, image_attributes ); } using (Matrix mat = new Matrix()) { mat.RotateAt(-50, new PointF(CENTER / 2, CENTER / 2)); g.Transform = mat; string wrapped_caption = ddw.starburst_caption; wrapped_caption = wrapped_caption.ToLower(); wrapped_caption = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(wrapped_caption); wrapped_caption = wrapped_caption.Replace(" ", "\n"); g.DrawString(wrapped_caption, font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(CENTER / 2, CENTER / 2), string_format); } } BitmapSource page_bitmap_source = BitmapImageTools.CreateBitmapSourceFromImage(page_bitmap); ddw.page_bitmap_source = page_bitmap_source; } WPFDoEvents.InvokeInUIThread(() => UpdateLibraryStatistics_Stats_Background_GUI_FillPlaceHolder(ddw)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Warn(ex, "There was a problem loading a preview image for document {0}", ddw.pdf_document.Fingerprint); } } } } } if (0 == ddwm.ddws.Count) { WPFDoEvents.InvokeAsyncInUIThread(() => { ButtonCoverFlow.IsChecked = false; UpdateLibraryStatistics(); } ); } } }