コード例 #1
        void CreateMaterialImage(List <PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement> pc, Point matpos, Size matsize, string text, string mattag, string mattip, Color matcolour, Color textcolour)
            System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap colormap = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap();
            colormap.OldColor = Color.White;    // this is the marker colour to replace
            colormap.NewColor = matcolour;

            Bitmap mat = BitMapHelpers.ReplaceColourInBitmap(EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.materialmarkerorangefilled, new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMap[] { colormap });

            BitMapHelpers.DrawTextCentreIntoBitmap(ref mat, text, stdfont, textcolour);

            PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement ie = new PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement(
                new Rectangle(matpos.X, matpos.Y, matsize.Width, matsize.Height), mat, mattag, mattip);

コード例 #2
        private void DrawToScreen(JournalScan sd, int vpos)
            var information = new StringBuilder();

            if (sd.Mapped)
                information.Append("\u2713"); // let the cmdr see that this body is already mapped - this is a check
            // Name

            // Additional information
            information.Append((sd.AmmoniaWorld) ? @" is an ammonia world.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((sd.Earthlike) ? @" is an earth like world.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((sd.WaterWorld && !sd.Terraformable) ? @" is a water world.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((sd.WaterWorld && sd.Terraformable) ? @" is a terraformable water world.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((sd.Terraformable && !sd.WaterWorld) ? @" is a terraformable planet.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((sd.HasRings) ? @" Has ring.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((sd.HasMeaningfulVolcanism) ? @" Has ".Tx(this) + sd.Volcanism : null);
            information.Append(@" " + sd.DistanceFromArrivalText);
            if (sd.WasMapped == true && sd.WasDiscovered == true)
                information.Append(" (Mapped & Discovered)".Tx(this));
            else if (sd.WasMapped == true)
                information.Append(" (Mapped)".Tx(this));
            else if (sd.WasDiscovered == true)
                information.Append(" (Discovered)".Tx(this));

            var textcolour = IsTransparent ? discoveryform.theme.SPanelColor : discoveryform.theme.LabelColor;
            var backcolour = IsTransparent ? Color.Transparent : this.BackColor;

            using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1))
                var grfx = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

                var containerSize = new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width, 24), 24);        // note when minimized, we could have a tiny width, so need to protect
                var label         = information.ToString();

                var bounds = BitMapHelpers.DrawTextIntoAutoSizedBitmap(label, containerSize, Font, textcolour, backcolour, 1.0F);

                if (align == Alignment.center)
                    labelOffset = (int)((containerSize.Width - bounds.Width) / 2);
                else if (align == Alignment.right)
                    labelOffset = (int)(containerSize.Width - bounds.Width);
                    labelOffset = 0;

                    new Point(labelOffset, vpos),
                    new Size((int)bounds.Width, 24),
コード例 #3
        private void DrawToScreen(WantedBodies body, int bodiesCount)
            var information = new StringBuilder();

            // Is already surface mapped or not?
            if (body.Mapped)
                information.Append("o "); // let the cmdr see that this body is already mapped
            // Name

            // Additional information
            information.Append((body.Ammonia) ? @" is an ammonia world.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((body.Earthlike) ? @" is an earth like world.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((body.WaterWorld && !body.Terraformable) ? @" is a water world.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((body.WaterWorld && body.Terraformable) ? @" is a terraformable water world.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((body.Terraformable && !body.WaterWorld) ? @" is a terraformable planet.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((body.Ringed) ? @" Has ring.".Tx(this) : null);
            information.Append((body.Volcanism) ? @" Has ".Tx(this) + body.VolcanismString : null);
            information.Append(@" " + body.DistanceFromArrival);

            //Debug.Print(information.ToString()); // for testing

            // Drawing Elements
            const int rowHeight = 24;
            var       vPos      = (bodiesCount * rowHeight) - rowHeight;

            var textcolour = IsTransparent ? discoveryform.theme.SPanelColor : discoveryform.theme.LabelColor;
            var backcolour = IsTransparent ? Color.Transparent : this.BackColor;

            using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1))
                var grfx = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

                using (var font = new Font(displayfont, FontStyle.Regular))
                    if (body != null)
                        if (!body.Mapped || (body.Mapped && !hideAlreadyMappedBodiesToolStripMenuItem.Checked))
                            var containerSize = new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width, 24), 24);        // note when minimized, we could have a tiny width, so need to protect
                            var label         = information.ToString();

                            var bounds = BitMapHelpers.DrawTextIntoAutoSizedBitmap(label, containerSize, displayfont, textcolour, backcolour, 1.0F);

                            if (align == Alignment.center)
                                labelOffset = (int)((containerSize.Width - bounds.Width) / 2);
                            else if (align == Alignment.right)
                                labelOffset = (int)(containerSize.Width - bounds.Width);
                                labelOffset = 0;

                                new Point(labelOffset, vPos + 4),
                                new Size((int)bounds.Width, 24),

コード例 #4
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            gl3dcontroller = new Controller3D();
            gl3dcontroller.PaintObjects = ControllerDraw;
            gl3dcontroller.ZoomDistance = 100F;
            gl3dcontroller.MatrixCalc.PerspectiveNearZDistance = 0.1f;
            gl3dcontroller.Start(glwfc, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(110f, 0, 0f), 1F);

            gl3dcontroller.KeyboardTravelSpeed = (ms, eyedist) =>
                return((float)ms / 20.0f);

                items.Add(new GLColorShaderWorld(), "COS");
                GLRenderState rl = GLRenderState.Lines(1);

                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("COS"), GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                                       GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateBox(400, 200, 40, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0)),
                                                                                       new Color4[] { Color.Red, Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Green }));

                items.Add(new GLTexturedShaderObjectTranslation(), "TEX");

                using (var bmp = BitMapHelpers.DrawTextIntoAutoSizedBitmap("200,100", new Size(200, 100), new Font("Arial", 10.0f), System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit, Color.Yellow, Color.Blue))
                    items.Add(new GLTexture2D(bmp, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8), "200,100");

                using (var bmp = GLOFC.Utils.BitMapHelpers.DrawTextIntoAutoSizedBitmap("-200,-100", new Size(200, 100), new Font("Arial", 10.0f), System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit, Color.Yellow, Color.Blue))
                    items.Add(new GLTexture2D(bmp, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8), "-200,-100");

                GLRenderState rq = GLRenderState.Quads();

                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("TEX"), GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Vector2(items, PrimitiveType.Quads, rq,
                                                                                        GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateQuad(20.0f, 20.0f, new Vector3(-90f.Radians(), 0, 0)), GLShapeObjectFactory.TexQuadCW,
                                                                                        new GLRenderDataTranslationRotationTexture(items.Tex("200,100"), new Vector3(200, 0, 100))));

                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("TEX"), GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Vector2(items, PrimitiveType.Quads, rq,
                                                                                        GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateQuad(20.0f, 20.0f, new Vector3(-90f.Radians(), 0, 0)), GLShapeObjectFactory.TexQuadCW,
                                                                                        new GLRenderDataTranslationRotationTexture(items.Tex("-200,-100"), new Vector3(-200, 0, -100))));

                items.Add(new GLStarPoints(), "STARS");

                Vector3[] stars = GLPointsFactory.RandomStars(10000, -200, 200, -100, 100, 20, -20);

                GLRenderState rp = GLRenderState.PointsByProgram();

                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("STARS"), "Stars", GLRenderableItem.CreateVector3Packed2(items, PrimitiveType.Points, rp,
                                                                                                   stars, new Vector3(50000, 50000, 50000), 16));

            items.Add(new GLMatrixCalcUniformBlock(), "MCUB");      // def binding of 0

            Closed += ShaderTest_Closed;