コード例 #1
 public override double[] this[double[] args]
         int num1;
         int num2;
         int num4;
         if (args.Length != this.Domain.Count)
             throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of arguments", "args");
         double[] numArray1 = new double[args.Length];
         for (num1 = 0; (num1 < numArray1.Length); num1 += 1)
             numArray1[num1] = Math.Min(Math.Max(args[num1], this.Domain[num1].Min), this.Domain[num1].Max);
             numArray1[num1] = Function.InterpolateLin1d(numArray1[num1], this.Domain[num1].Min, this.Domain[num1].Max, this.Encode[num1].Min, this.Encode[num1].Max);
         Stream stream1   = ((PDFStream)this.mDirect).Decode();
         byte[] numArray2 = new byte[((IntPtr)stream1.Length)];
         stream1.Read(numArray2, 0, numArray2.Length);
         BitArrayAccessor accessor1 = new BitArrayAccessor(numArray2, this.BitsPerSample, false);
         int[]            numArray3 = new int[this.Size.Count];
         for (num2 = 0; (num2 < numArray3.Length); num2 += 1)
             numArray3[num2] = ((int)this.Size[num2]);
         double[] numArray4 = Type0FunctionCalculator.Calculate(this.Order, accessor1, numArray3, this.Range.Count, numArray1);
         double   num3      = (Math.Pow(2f, ((double)this.BitsPerSample)) - 1f);
         for (num4 = 0; (num4 < numArray4.Length); num4 += 1)
             numArray4[num4] = Function.InterpolateLin1d(numArray4[num4], 0f, num3, this.Decode[num4].Min, this.Decode[num4].Max);
             numArray4[num4] = Math.Min(Math.Max(numArray4[num4], this.Range[num4].Min), this.Range[num4].Max);
コード例 #2
        private void ReadXRefStream(long offset)
            int       num3;
            int       num4;
            int       num5;
            long      num6;
            int       num7;
            XRefEntry entry1;
            int       num8;
            PDFObject obj1;
            PDFStream stream1 = (this.ReadDirectFromStream(this.mParser, offset, -1, -1) as PDFStream);

            if (stream1 == null)
                throw new PDFException("Invalid XRef-Stream");
            PDFDict dict1 = stream1.Dict;
            PDFName name1 = (dict1["Type"] as PDFName);

            if (name1 == null)
                throw new PDFException("Invalid XRef-Stream");
            int[]    numArray1 = new int[3];
            PDFArray array1    = (dict1["W"] as PDFArray);

            if (array1 == null)
                throw new PDFException("Invalid or missing W entry in XRef stream");
            if (array1.Count != 3)
                throw new PDFException("Invalid W entry in XRef stream (wrong number of elements");
            int num1 = 0;

            foreach (PDFInteger integer1 in array1)
                int num9 = num1;
                num1            = (num9 + 1);
                numArray1[num1] = integer1.Int32Value;
            PDFInteger integer2 = (dict1["Size"] as PDFInteger);

            if (integer2 == null)
                throw new PDFException("Invalid or missing size entry");
            PDFArray array2 = (dict1["Index"] as PDFArray);

            if (array2 != null)
                goto Label_0121;
            throw new PDFException("Invalid or missing index entry");
            if (((long)this.mXRef.Count) < integer2.Value)
                goto Label_0114;
            Stream stream2 = stream1.Decode();

            byte[]           numArray2 = new byte[((numArray1[0] + numArray1[1]) + numArray1[2])];
            BitArrayAccessor accessor1 = new BitArrayAccessor(numArray2, 8, false);

            if (numArray1[1] < 0)
                throw new PDFException("Invalid w2 value");
            int num2 = 0;

                while ((num2 < array2.Count))
                    num3 = ((PDFInteger)array2[num2]).Int32Value;
                    num4 = (num3 + ((PDFInteger)array2[(num2 + 1)]).Int32Value);
                    num1 = num3;
                    while ((num1 < num4))
                        stream2.Read(numArray2, 0, numArray2.Length);
                        if (this.mXRef[num1] != null)
                            goto Label_02A2;
                        num5 = ((numArray1[0] == 0) ? 1 : ((int)accessor1.GetBits(((long)0), (numArray1[0] * 8), 1, false, false)[0]));
                        num6 = accessor1.GetBits(((long)(numArray1[0] * 8)), (numArray1[1] * 8), 1, false, false)[0];
                        if (numArray1[2] == 0)
                            if (num5 == 1)
                                num7 = 0;
                                goto Label_023C;
                            throw new PDFException("Not default value for w3 for this object type");
                        num7 = ((int)accessor1.GetBits(((long)((numArray1[0] + numArray1[1]) * 8)), (numArray1[2] * 8), 1, false, false)[0]);
                        entry1      = new XRefEntry();
                        entry1.type = num5;
                        num8        = num5;
                        switch (num8)
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                            entry1.generation = num7;
                            entry1.offset     = num6;
                            goto Label_0293;

                        case 2:
                            goto Label_0279;
                        goto Label_0293;
                        entry1.generation = 0;
                        entry1.offset     = num6;
                        entry1.index      = num7;
                        this.mXRef[num1] = entry1;
                        num1 += 1;
                    num2 += 2;
            catch (InvalidCastException)
                throw new PDFException("Invalid index entry");
            PDFInteger integer3 = (dict1["Prev"] as PDFInteger);

            if (integer3 != null)
            this.mXRefValid = true;
            this.mTrailer   = new CorePDFDict();
            if ((dict1["Root"] != null) && (this.mTrailer["Root"] == null))
                obj1 = dict1["Root"];
                this.mTrailer["Root"] = obj1;
                this.mRoot            = ((PDFDict)obj1);
            if ((dict1["Info"] is PDFDict) && (this.mTrailer["Info"] == null))
                obj1 = dict1["Info"];
                this.mTrailer["Info"] = obj1;
                this.mInfo            = ((PDFDict)obj1);
コード例 #3
        public static XObjectImage Create(Document doc, Bitmap img, params string[] encoding)
            int       num3;
            int       num4;
            int       num5;
            Color     color1;
            int       num6;
            PDFArray  array1;
            int       num7;
            int       num8;
            PDFStream stream1 = Library.CreateStream();
            PDFDict   dict1   = stream1.Dict;

            dict1["Width"]   = PDF.O(img.Width);
            dict1["Height"]  = PDF.O(img.Height);
            dict1["Subtype"] = PDF.N("Image");
            dict1["Type"]    = PDF.N("XObject");
            byte[]           numArray1 = null;
            BitArrayAccessor accessor1 = null;
            int num1 = 0;
            int num2 = 0;

            if (doc == null)
                doc = Library.Resources.Doc;
            XObjectImage image1 = ((XObjectImage)doc.Resources[doc.Indirects.New(stream1), typeof(XObjectImage)]);

            image1.ColorSpace = ColorSpaceDeviceRGB.Create();
            numArray1         = new byte[((3 * img.Width) * img.Height)];
            num1 = 8;
            num2 = (3 * img.Width);
            dict1["BitsPerComponent"] = PDF.O(8);
            for (num3 = 0; (num3 < img.Height); num3 += 1)
                num4      = 0;
                accessor1 = new BitArrayAccessor(numArray1, ((num3 * num2) * 8), num1, false);
                for (num5 = 0; (num5 < img.Width); num5 += 1)
                    color1 = img.GetPixel(num5, num3);
                    num6   = 0;
                    while ((num6 < 3))
                        num8 = num6;
                        switch (num8)
                        case 0:
                            int num9 = num4;
                            num4            = (num9 + 1);
                            accessor1[num4] = ((long)((ulong)color1.R));
                            goto Label_0180;

                        case 1:
                            int num10 = num4;
                            num4            = (num10 + 1);
                            accessor1[num4] = ((long)((ulong)color1.G));
                            goto Label_0180;

                        case 2:
                            goto Label_016B;
                        goto Label_0180;
                        int num11       = num4;
                        num4            = (num11 + 1);
                        accessor1[num4] = ((long)((ulong)color1.B));
                        num6 += 1;
            MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(numArray1);

            if (encoding.Length > 0)
                array1 = Library.CreateArray(encoding.Length);
                stream1.Dict["Filter"] = array1;
                for (num7 = 0; (num7 < encoding.Length); num7 += 1)
                    array1[num7] = PDF.N(encoding[num7]);