コード例 #1
ファイル: SenderService.cs プロジェクト: deltawebmap/RPC
        public override async Task OnReceiveBinary(byte[] data, int length)
            //If we're not authenticated, handle that first.
            Log("RECEIVE", "GOT MESSAGE of length " + length);
            if (!authenticated)
                await HandleAuthentication(data, length);


            //Read the opcode and index
            ushort opcode = BinaryTool.ReadUInt16(data, 0);
            ulong  index  = BinaryTool.ReadUInt64(data, 2);

            //Switch on this opcode
            Log("RECEIVE", "Got message with opcode " + opcode + " / index " + index);
            if (opcode == 1)
                await HandleRPCMessage(data, length, index);
                await WriteResponse(index, 404);
コード例 #2
        public byte[] OnDestroyCommand(CoreNetworkServer server, CoreNetworkOpcode opcode, byte[] payload)
            //Get requested ID
            ushort id = BinaryTool.ReadUInt16(payload, 0);

            //Find requested server ID
            ManagerInstance instance = null;

            foreach (var s in Program.server_types)
                foreach (var p in s.Value.instances)
                    if (p.settings.server_id == id)
                        instance = p;

            //Check if failed
            if (instance == null)
                return(CreateFailResponse("Could not find requested instance."));


            //Return OK status
            return(new byte[] { 0x00 });
コード例 #3
ファイル: SenderService.cs プロジェクト: deltawebmap/RPC
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles an RPC message: opcode 1. This will fire events to clients by a filter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="length"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleRPCMessage(byte[] data, int length, ulong index)
            //This follows the following format, starting at byte 10
            //  4 bytes: int - Payload length "x"
            //  x bytes: string - Payload
            //  2 bytes: ushort - Filter type
            //  [Dependant on filter type]

            //Read the length of the payload and read the payload
            int payloadLength = BinaryTool.ReadInt32(data, 10);

            byte[] payload = BinaryTool.CopyFromArray(data, 14, payloadLength);
            Log("RPC-MESSAGE", "Payload length " + payloadLength);

            //Read the filter code
            ushort filterCode = BinaryTool.ReadUInt16(data, 14 + payloadLength);

            Log("RPC-MESSAGE", "Filter type " + filterCode);

            //Pack contents
            PackedWebSocketMessage packed = new PackedWebSocketMessage(payload, payloadLength, WebSocketMessageType.Text);

            //Read the filter and send messages
            Task pending;

            if (filterCode == 0)
                //USER_ID - Read the user ID
                //  12 bytes: MongoDB ID - User ID
                ObjectId userId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(data, 14 + payloadLength + 2);
                pending = RPCEventDispatcher.SendDataToUserById(RPCType.RPCSession, userId, packed);
            else if (filterCode == 1)
                //SERVER - Sends to all members of a server
                //  12 bytes: MongoDB ID - Server ID
                ObjectId serverId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(data, 14 + payloadLength + 2);
                pending = RPCEventDispatcher.SendDataToServerById(RPCType.RPCSession, serverId, packed);
            else if (filterCode == 2)
                //SERVER_TRIBE - Sends to a tribe of a server
                //  12 bytes: MongoDB ID - Server ID
                //  4 bytes: Int - ARK Tribe ID
                ObjectId serverId = BinaryTool.ReadMongoID(data, 14 + payloadLength + 2);
                int      tribeId  = BinaryTool.ReadInt32(data, 14 + payloadLength + 2 + 12);
                pending = RPCEventDispatcher.SendDataToServerTribeById(RPCType.RPCSession, serverId, tribeId, packed);
                await WriteResponse(index, 400);


            //Wait for sending to complete
            Log("RPC-MESSAGE", "Sending message....pending...");
            await pending;

            Log("RPC-MESSAGE", "Message sent OK!");

            //Send OK
            await WriteResponse(index, 0);