コード例 #1
    // Modified from original viziapps code with the additional checks so only valid ones are added to the ComboBox.
    private bool InitAppsList(Hashtable State, RadComboBox AppsList)
        Util util = new Util();

            if (AppsList == null)
                return false;

           // string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT application_name FROM applications WHERE customer_id='" + State["CustomerID"].ToString() + "' ORDER BY application_name";

            //Get only native Apps to load onto this ComboBox.
            string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT application_name,application_id FROM applications WHERE customer_id='" + State["CustomerID"].ToString() + "' AND application_type <> 'web'" + " ORDER BY application_name";

            DB db = new DB();
            DataRow[] rows = db.ViziAppsExecuteSql(State, sql);
            foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                string app_name = row["application_name"].ToString();
                string application_id = row["application_id"].ToString();

                BillingUtil billingutil = new BillingUtil();

                                                                                                //Inserting only Apps which meet all these criteria.
                if ((billingutil.IsAppStoreSubmissionPaid(State, app_name) == false) &&          // + never submitted for App preparation as yet.
                     (billingutil.IsAppPaid(State, app_name) == false) &&                       // + not yet paid for anything
                     (util.IsFreeProductionValid(State, application_id) == true) &&             // + completed the Production Form Submission
                     (billingutil.IsAppCancelled(State, app_name) == false))                    // + never cancelled any service.
                      AppsList.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(app_name, app_name));


            if (AppsList.IsEmpty)
                return false;

            AppsList.Items.Insert(0, new RadComboBoxItem("Select App ->", "Select App ->"));
            AppsList.Items[0].Selected = true;

            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            util.ProcessMainExceptions(State, Response, ex);
        return false;
コード例 #2
    // Modified from original viziapps code with the Additional Branded check so only valid ones are added to the ComboBox.
    private bool InitAppsList(Hashtable State, RadComboBox AppsList)
        Util util = new Util();
        BillingUtil billingutil = new BillingUtil();

            if (AppsList == null)
                return false;

            //string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT application_name FROM applications WHERE customer_id='" + State["CustomerID"].ToString() + "' ORDER BY application_name";
            string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT application_name,application_type FROM applications WHERE customer_id='" + State["CustomerID"].ToString() + "' ORDER BY application_name";
            DB db = new DB();
            DataRow[] rows = db.ViziAppsExecuteSql(State, sql);
            foreach (DataRow row in rows)
            string app_name = row["application_name"].ToString();
            string app_type = row["application_type"].ToString();

                //For native-hybrid apps do the branded check here inserting only Apps that have paid for branding.
            if (app_type.Contains("native") || app_type.Contains("hybrid"))

                //Inserting only Apps which meet all these criteria.
                if ((billingutil.IsAppStoreSubmissionPaid(State, app_name) == true) &&          // + Submitted for App preparation.
                     (billingutil.IsAppPaid(State, app_name) == false))                       // + not yet paid for any service
                    AppsList.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(app_name, app_name));
                //Inserting only Apps which meet all these criteria.
                if (billingutil.IsAppPaid(State, app_name) == false)                            // not yet paid for any service
                    AppsList.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(app_name, app_name));


            if (AppsList.IsEmpty)
                return false;

            AppsList.Items.Insert(0, new RadComboBoxItem("Select App ->", "Select App ->"));
            AppsList.Items[0].Selected = true;

            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            util.ProcessMainExceptions(State, Response, ex);

        return false;