コード例 #1
ファイル: FileController.cs プロジェクト: liyihan20/Ele_Sale
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得文件的基本信息,文件名、大小和上传时间
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sysNo">流水号</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetFileInfo(string sysNo)
            var      fileName = sysNo + ".rar";
            FileInfo info     = new FileInfo(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AttachmentPath1"] + fileName);

            if (!info.Exists)
                BillUtils ut = new BillUtils();
                BillSv    sv = (BillSv)ut.GetBillSvInstance(ut.GetBillEnType(sysNo));
                info = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sv.GetAttachmentPath(sysNo), fileName));
                if (!info.Exists)
                    return(Json(new { success = false }));
                success = true,
                am = new
                    file_name = fileName,
                    file_size = info.Length / 1024 + "K",
                    upload_time = info.CreationTime.ToString()
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Report any bill that is new this week.
 /// A bill is new if it was initially reviewed during the past week.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reports">Collected bill reports</param>
 /// <param name="past_week">The dates bounding the past calendar week</param>
 /// <param name="sw">StreamWriter which will be written to the report file</param>
 private void NewThisWeek(StreamWriter sw, BillReportCollection reports, DateRange past_week)
     StartTable(sw, "New Of-Interest Bills This Week");
     foreach (var report in reports)
         string path = $"{Path.Combine(Config.Instance.HtmlFolder, BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(report.Measure))}.html";
         if (File.Exists(path))
             string contents = FileUtils.FileContents(path);
             if (BillUtils.IsNewThisWeek(contents, past_week))
                 if (report.IsDead())
                     continue;                       // Don't bother reporting dead bills
                 if (report.IsPositionNone())
                     continue;                       // Don't bother reporting bills on which we have no position
                 if (report.IsChaptered())
                     continue;                       // Don't bother reporting chaptered bills
                 ReportOneBill(sw, report);
コード例 #3
        public void TestNewOrChangePrefix(string right_answer, string week_start, string week_end, string report_file_path)
            if (File.Exists(report_file_path))
                BaseController.EnsureGlobalData(); // Report constructor requires GlobalHistoryTable
                var range  = new Scout2.WeeklyReport.WeeklyReport.DateRange(week_start, week_end);
                var report = new BillReport(report_file_path);
                var answer = BillUtils.NewOrChangePrefix(range, report);
                switch (right_answer)
                case "New":
                    Assert.True(answer.Contains("NEW"), $"TestNewOrChangePrefix: {answer} is not correct, should contain NEW.");

                case "Update":
                    Assert.True(answer.Contains("UPDATED"), $"TestNewOrChangePrefix: {answer} is not correct, should contain UPDATED.");

                case "None":
                    Assert.True(answer.Length == 0, $"TestNewOrChangePrefix: {answer} is not correct, should be of 0 length.");

                    Assert.True(false, $"TestNewOrChangePrefix: {answer} is not a valid NewOrChangePrefix response.");
                Assert.True(false, $"TestNewOrChangePrefix: {report_file_path} does not exist.");
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Report any bill that changed this week.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reports">Collected bill reports</param>
 /// <param name="past_week">The dates bounding the past calendar week</param>
 /// <param name="sw">StreamWriter which will be written to the report file</param>
 private void ChangesThisWeek(StreamWriter sw, BillReportCollection reports, DateRange past_week)
     StartTable(sw, "Changes This Week in Bills Of Interest");
     foreach (var report in reports)
         if (report.IsPositionNone())
             continue;                         // Don't bother reporting bills on which we have no position
         if (report.IsDead())
             continue;                         // Don't bother reporting dead bills (e.g. Joint Rule 56)
         string path = $"{Path.Combine(Config.Instance.HtmlFolder, BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(report.Measure))}.html";
         if (File.Exists(path))
             string contents = FileUtils.FileContents(path);
             if (BillUtils.IsNewThisWeek(contents, past_week))
                 continue;                                          // Don't report new bills.
             var dt = DateFromLastAction(report);
             if (DateUtils.DateIsInPastWeek(dt, past_week))
                 ReportOneBill(sw, report);
コード例 #5
 private void Predictions(StreamWriter sw, BillReportCollection reports, DateRange past_week)
     StartPredictionTable(sw, "Predicted Committee Routing");
     foreach (var report in reports)
         if (report.IsPositionNone())
             continue;                         // Don't report bills on which we have no position
         if (report.IsDead())
             continue;                         // Don't report dead bills (e.g. Joint Rule 56)
         if (report.IsChaptered())
             continue;                         // Don't report chaptered bills
         string path       = $"{Path.Combine(Config.Instance.HtmlFolder, BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(report.Measure))}.html";
         string committees = IndividualReport.PreviousReport.Committees(path);
         string likelihood = IndividualReport.PreviousReport.Likelihood(path);
         if (committees.Length > 0 || likelihood.Length > 0)
             ReportPrediction(sw, past_week, report, committees, likelihood);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// When the initial report on a bill is generated, it is in so-called "canonical" form, meaning that
        /// no position is taken, there is no meaningful summary, and so on.  In essence, a blank form is generated.
        /// The user is then given the opportunity to edit the blank form, turning it into an actual report on the bill.
        /// Once that editing is complete, the database BillRow table is updated with the position given in the
        /// edited bill report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measure"></param>
        public static void GenerateCanonicalReport(string measure)
            // Generate the canonical bill
            BillRow       row      = BillRow.Row(BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(measure));
            List <string> contents = BaseReportContents(row, string.Empty);
            string        path     = $"{Path.Combine(Config.Instance.HtmlFolder, BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(measure))}.html";

            WriteTextFile(contents, path);
            // Let the user edit the canonical bill, which has been written to disk.
            var process = Process.Start("notepad.exe", path);

            if (process != null)
                LogAndShow($"CreateNewReports.GenerateCanonicalReport: Failed to start Notepad for {path}.");
            // Update the database position
            BillRow.UpdatePosition(BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(measure), "");
            GetPositionAndSummary(path, out List <string> summary, out List <string> position_list);
            string first_line = position_list.FirstOrDefault();
            string position   = first_line != null?Regex.Replace(first_line, ".*?:(.*)", "$1") : "None Specified";

            BillRow.UpdatePosition(measure, position.Trim());
            LogAndShow($"Completed {path}");
コード例 #7
        public BillRow(string bill_tbl_row, List <BillProfile> profiles)
            var x      = GlobalData.MostRecentEachBill;
            var fields = Regex.Split(bill_tbl_row, @"\t");

            MeasureType = fields[(int)field_offsets.measure_type];
            MeasureNum  = fields[(int)field_offsets.measure_num];
            var measure_num_4 = BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(MeasureNum);
            var profile       = GlobalData.MostRecentEachBill.Where
                                    (item => (item.Type == MeasureType) && (item.Number == measure_num_4)).ToList();

            Bill = BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber($"{MeasureType}{MeasureNum}");
            Location = fields[(int)field_offsets.current_location];
            CurrentStatus = fields[(int)field_offsets.measure_state];
コード例 #8
        public void TestIsNewThisWeek(int new_week, string report_date, string week_start, string week_end)
            string report_contents = $"   <b>Summary</b>: (Reviewed {report_date})";
            var    range           = new Scout2.WeeklyReport.WeeklyReport.DateRange(week_start, week_end);
            bool   is_new_week     = new_week != 0;
            bool   test            = is_new_week == BillUtils.IsNewThisWeek(report_contents, range);

            Assert.True(is_new_week == BillUtils.IsNewThisWeek(report_contents, range));
コード例 #9
        private void ReportPrediction(StreamWriter sw, DateRange past_week, BillReport report, string committees, string likelihood)
            string prefix = BillUtils.NewOrChangePrefix(past_week, report);

            sw.WriteLine($"<td>{prefix} {report.Measure} {report.Title} ({report.Author})</td>");
            sw.WriteLine($"<td>{committees}</td> <td>{likelihood}</td>");
コード例 #10
        private DateTime DateFromHistoryTable(string path)
            string                bill     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            BillRow               row      = BillRow.Row(BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(bill));
            string                name_ext = Path.GetFileName(row.Lob); // BillVersionTable bill_xml is unique
            BillVersionRow        bv_row   = GlobalData.VersionTable.Scalar(name_ext);
            List <BillHistoryRow> history  = GlobalData.HistoryTable.RowSet(bv_row.BillID);

            DateTime.TryParse(history.First().ActionDate, out DateTime date_result);
コード例 #11
 private void Create(string bill, string path)
     try {
         BillRow       row      = BillRow.Row(BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(bill));
         List <string> contents = CreateIndividualReport.ReportContents(row, path);
         WriteTextFile(contents, path);
         var message = $"Regenerated {row.Bill} report.";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogAndThrow($"IndividualReport.Create: {ex.Message}.");
コード例 #12
 private void HighestPriority(StreamWriter sw, BillReportCollection reports, DateRange past_week)
     StartTable(sw, "Highest Priority Bills");
     foreach (string bill in Config.Instance.HighestPriority)
         var measure = BillUtils.EnsureDashAndNoLeadingZeros(bill);
         var report  = (from item in reports where (item.Measure == measure) select item).FirstOrDefault();
         if (report != null)
             string prefix = BillUtils.NewOrChangePrefix(past_week, report);
             ReportOneBillWithPrefix(sw, report, prefix);
コード例 #13
        public void TestExtractHouseNumber(int right_bool, string input, string right_house, string right_number)
            bool desired = right_bool != 0 ? true : false;
            var  result  = BillUtils.ExtractHouseNumber(input, out string house, out string number);

            Assert.True(result == desired);
            if (right_house != null)
                Assert.True(house == right_house);
            if (right_number != null)
                Assert.True(number == right_number);
コード例 #14
 public PositionFromReport(string a, string b)
     Position = b;
     if (a.Contains("-"))
         Measure       = a;
         MeasureNoDash = Regex.Replace(Measure, "-", string.Empty);
         MeasureNoDash = a;
         BillUtils.ExtractHouseNumber(MeasureNoDash, out string house, out string number);
         Measure = $"{house}-{number}";
コード例 #15
 public void TestDateFromLastAction(string right_answer, string report_file_path)
     if (File.Exists(report_file_path))
         BaseController.EnsureGlobalData(); // Report constructor requires GlobalHistoryTable
         var report  = new BillReport(report_file_path);
         var correct = DateTime.Parse(right_answer);
         var answer  = BillUtils.DateFromLastAction(report);
         Assert.True(correct.Year == answer.Year && correct.Month == answer.Month && correct.Day == answer.Day,
                     $"TestNewOrChangePrefix: {answer.ToShortDateString()} is not correct, should be {correct.ToShortDateString()}.");
         Assert.True(false, $"TestNewOrChangePrefix: {report_file_path} does not exist.");
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Allow the user to update the current bill report.
        /// If the position is changed, the database BillRow table is updated with the new position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measure"></param>
        private void UpdateReport(string measure)
            string path    = $"{Path.Combine(Config.Instance.HtmlFolder, BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(measure))}.html";
            var    process = Process.Start("notepad.exe", path);

            if (process != null)
                BaseController.LogAndShow($"CreateNewReports.GenerateCanonicalReport: Failed to start Notepad for {path}.");
            // Update the database position
            BillRow.UpdatePosition(BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(measure), "");
            BaseController.LogAndShow($"Update for {path} is complete.");
コード例 #17
 public void TestDateOfInitialReview(int is_valid, string right_answer, string report_contents)
     DateTime.TryParse(right_answer, out DateTime correct);
     try {
         var result = BillUtils.DateOfInitialReview(report_contents);
         if (is_valid == 0)
             Assert.True(false, $"Unexpected DateOfInitialReview success parsing {report_contents}");
         Assert.True(correct.Year == result.Year && correct.Month == result.Month && correct.Day == result.Day);
     } catch (Exception) {
         if (is_valid == 1)
             Assert.True(false, $"Unexpected DateOfInitialReview failure parsing {report_contents}");
コード例 #18
ファイル: FileController.cs プロジェクト: liyihan20/Ele_Sale
        /// <summary>
        /// 开始下载文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sysNo">流水号</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public FileStreamResult BeginDownloadFile(string sysNo)
            string   fileName       = sysNo + ".rar";
            string   absoluFilePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AttachmentPath1"] + fileName;
            FileInfo info           = new FileInfo(absoluFilePath);

            if (!info.Exists)
                BillUtils ut = new BillUtils();
                BillSv    sv = (BillSv)ut.GetBillSvInstance(ut.GetBillEnType(sysNo));
                absoluFilePath = Path.Combine(sv.GetAttachmentPath(sysNo), fileName);
                info           = new FileInfo(absoluFilePath);
                if (!info.Exists)
            Wlog("开始下载文件", sysNo);
            return(File(new FileStream(absoluFilePath, FileMode.Open), "application/octet-stream", Server.UrlEncode(fileName)));
コード例 #19
 private void Modify_Monitor(StreamWriter sw, BillReportCollection reports, DateRange past_week)
     StartTable(sw, "Modify/Monitor");
     foreach (var report in reports)
         if (report.IsDead())
             continue;                   // Don't bother reporting dead bills
         if (report.IsChaptered())
             continue;                   // Chaptered bills are reported elsewhere
         if (report.IsPositionModifyOrMonitor())
             string prefix = BillUtils.NewOrChangePrefix(past_week, report);
             ReportOneBillWithPrefix(sw, report, prefix);
コード例 #20
        public void TestCheckManualUpdate(string right_answer, string measure, string testCommittees)
            // Customize the list of manual updates
            var cache = Config.Instance.ManualCommitteeChanges;

            if (testCommittees is null)
                Config.Instance.ManualCommitteeChanges = null;
                Config.Instance.ManualCommitteeChanges = new List <string>()
            // Answer whether this bill contains a manual update
            var answer = BillUtils.CheckManualUpdate(measure);

            switch (right_answer)
            case "Manual":
                Assert.True(answer.Contains("MANUAL"), $"TestCheckManualUpdate: {answer} is not correct, should contain MANUAL.");

            case "":
                Assert.True(answer.Length == 0, $"TestCheckManualUpdate: {answer} is not correct, should be of 0 length.");

                Assert.True(false, $"TestCheckManualUpdate: {answer} is not a valid CheckManualUpdate response.");
            // Restore the production list of manual updates.
            Config.Instance.ManualCommitteeChanges = cache;
コード例 #21
        public BillReport(string file_path)
            try {
                var lines = File.ReadLines(file_path).ToList();

                // Find Author, Measure, Title
                var line = lines.Find(x => x.Contains("Title</b>:"));
                if (line == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException($"BillReport ctor: {file_path} contents has no title line.");
                Measure = rx_measure.Match(line).ToString();
                if (!Measure.Contains("B-"))
                    throw new ApplicationException($"BillReport ctor: {file_path} contents has no measure.");
                Author = rx_author.Match(line).ToString();
                if (!Author.Contains("(") || !Author.Contains(")"))
                    throw new ApplicationException($"BillReport ctor: {file_path} contents has no author.");
                Author = Author.Trim(new[] { '(', ')' });
                var index = line.IndexOf(')');        // Title follows closing author parenthese
                if (index < 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException($"BillReport ctor: {file_path} contents has no closing author parenthese.");
                Title = line.Substring(index + 1).Trim(); // At least one space before title

                // Find Position
                line = lines.Find(x => x.Contains("Position</b>:"));
                if (line == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException($"BillReport ctor: {file_path} contents has no position.");
                index    = line.IndexOf(':');                // Position follows colon
                Position = line.Substring(index + 1).Trim(); // At least one space before position

                // Find summary statement
                line = lines.Find(x => x.Contains("ShortSummary</b>:"));
                if (line == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException($"BillReport ctor: {file_path} contents has no summary statement.");
                index    = line.IndexOf(':');                // Summary follows colon
                OneLiner = line.Substring(index + 1).Trim(); // At least one space before summary

                // Find Last Action.  The correct source for Last Action is the history data imported from the
                // legislature site.  That data is considered original, data emitted by this program is derivative.
                BillUtils.ExtractHouseNumber(Measure, out string house, out string number);
                var            bill_id    = $"{house}{number}";
                BillHistoryRow mostRecent = GlobalData.HistoryTable.LatestFromHouseNumber(bill_id);
                LastAction = $"{DateUtils.Date(mostRecent.ActionDate)} {mostRecent.Action}";
                LastAction = LastAction.Replace("''", "'"); // Governor''s becomes Governor's

                // Find WIC (Welfare and Institutions Code) and LPS (Lanterman-Petris-Short Act)
                var most_recent = GlobalData.MostRecentEachBill
                                  .Where(row => row.BillID == BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(Measure)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (most_recent != null)
                    if (File.Exists(most_recent.LobPath))
                        var             contents     = FileUtils.FileContents(most_recent.LobPath); // Need text without CRLF
                        var             match_string = @"Section\s+\d+.*?Welfare\s+and\s+Institutions\s+Code";
                        MatchCollection matches      = Regex.Matches(contents, match_string);
                        WIC = matches.Count > 0 ? "Yes" : "No"; // Is WIC if WIC referenced
                        LPS = "No";                             // LPS defaults to "No"
                        if (WIC == "Yes")
                            foreach (var match in matches)
                                var str            = match.ToString();
                                var section_number = Regex.Match(str, @"\d+").ToString();
                                if (Int64.TryParse(section_number, out long numberResult))
                                    // If section is between 5000 and 6000, Lanterman-Petris_Short is referenced
                                    if (numberResult >= 5000 && numberResult < 6000)
                                        LPS = "Yes";
                    //throw new ApplicationException($"BillReport.ctor({file_path}): {Measure} not in GlobalData.MostRecentEachBill");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
コード例 #22
 public void TestEnsure4DigitNumberNoThrow(string input, string right_answer)
     Assert.True(BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(input) == right_answer);
コード例 #23
        public void TestEnsureDashAndNoLeadingZeros(string input, string right_answer)
            var result = BillUtils.EnsureDashAndNoLeadingZeros(input);

            Assert.True(result == right_answer);
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Build GlobalData.BillRows from scratch.
        /// The steps for this are
        ///   1. Import the BILL_TBL.dat data into GlobalData.BillRows.  This fills 9 of the 15 BillRow fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form1">The main (Form1) display form. Display messages and progress here.</param>
        /// <param name="path_bill_tbl">Fully-qualified path to BILL_TBL.dat</param>
        /// <param name="mostRecentEachBill">For each bill, the Bill_Identifier identifying the most recent version</param>
        private void BuildBillRowsTable(Form1 form1, string path_bill_tbl, List <BillProfile> profiles)
            // Import BILL_TBL.dat, which is the legislative site's information on bills before the legislature.
            // Trim all non-bill items during the import -- we want only type AB and SB (Assembly and Senate Bills)
            var bill_table_wrapper = new Bill_Tbl_Wrapper();

            bill_table_wrapper.ReadYourself();  // Import BILL_TBL.dat
            List <BillRow> rows_with_positions = BillRow.RowsetByQuery("Select * from Billrows Where Position <> ''");
            List <BillRow> all_rows            = BillRow.RowSet();
            List <string>  reports             = BillUtils.HtmlFolderContents();

            // Re-create GlobalData.BillRows, using data from bill_table_wrapper and elsewhere.
            List <string> SkipIf = new List <String>()
                "Chaptered", "Died", "Enrolled", "Failed", "Failed Passage in Committee", "Vetoed"

            foreach (var item in bill_table_wrapper)
                // Don't process bills that will not progress further in the legislature.
                //string result = SkipIf.FirstOrDefault(s => s == item.Current_status);
                //if (result != null) continue;

                // Use data from bill_table_wrapper.  Some fields are left blank.
                var bill_row = new BillRow();
                bill_row.MeasureType = item.Measure_type;                                                                  // e.g. AB
                bill_row.MeasureNum  = BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(item.Measure_num);                                     // e.g. 0010
                bill_row.Bill        = $"{bill_row.MeasureType}{BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(bill_row.MeasureNum)}"; // e.g. AB10
                //bill_row.Lob           = item.;
                //bill_row.NegativeScore = item;
                //bill_row.PositiveScore = item;
                //bill_row.Position      = item; // Hand Entered, e.g. Monitor
                bill_row.BillVersionID = VersionID(item); // e.g. 20190AB199INT
                //bill_row.Author        = item;
                //bill_row.Title         = item;
                bill_row.Location      = item.Current_location;      // e.g. CX08
                bill_row.Location2nd   = item.Current_secondary_loc; // e.g. Committee
                bill_row.MeasureState  = item.Measure_state;         // e.g. Amended Assembly
                bill_row.CurrentHouse  = item.Current_house;         // e.g. Assembly
                bill_row.CurrentStatus = item.Current_status;        // e.g. In Committee Process

                // Obtain the author, title, lob file path, and positive/negative scores from the profile for this bill
                var four_digit_billid = BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(bill_row.Bill);
                var profile           = (from x in profiles where x.Identifier.BillID == four_digit_billid select x).First();
                if (profile != null)
                    bill_row.Author        = profile.Identifier.Author;
                    bill_row.Title         = profile.Identifier.Title;
                    bill_row.Lob           = profile.Identifier.LobPath;
                    bill_row.NegativeScore = profile.NegScore;
                    bill_row.PositiveScore = profile.PosScore;
                    throw new ApplicationException($"InitializeBillRows.BuildBillRowsTable: Bill {bill_row.Bill} is present in bill_table_wrapper, but not in GlobalData.Profiles.");

                // Fill in the Position data -- the position we are taking on this bill.  If we have a position, it is
                // in one of two places
                //    1.  The database BillRows table (not all bills have a report), or
                var pos = (from x in rows_with_positions where x.Bill == bill_row.Bill select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (pos != null)
                    bill_row.Position = pos.Position;
                //    2.  If that table hasn't been updated, in the actual report
                // If the two are in conflict, the bill report wins.
                var short_id    = BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(bill_row.Bill);
                var report_file = (from x in reports where x.Contains($"{short_id}.html") select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (report_file != null)
                    var report = new BillReport(report_file);
                    bill_row.Position = report.Position;
                // Add this row to GlobalData.BillRows

            // Sort the table before returning it.  Ordered by bill ID, e.g. AB0001, communicates well
            GlobalData.BillRows = GlobalData.BillRows.OrderBy(a => a.Bill).ToList();
コード例 #25
 public void TestEnsure4DigitNumberThrow(string input)
     Assert.Throws <ApplicationException>(() => BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(input));
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a new individual report or re-generate one that already exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">Bill description from the BillRows table</param>
        /// <param name="path">Path to the .lob file for the bill's current version</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected static List <string> BaseReportContents(BillRow row, string path)
            string                name_ext = Path.GetFileName(row.Lob); // BillVersionTable bill_xml is unique
            BillVersionRow        bv_row   = GlobalData.VersionTable.Scalar(name_ext);
            List <BillHistoryRow> history  = GlobalData.HistoryTable.RowSet(bv_row.BillID);
            var location_code     = history.First().TernaryLocation;
            var location_code_row = GlobalData.LocationTable.Scalar(location_code);

            string appropriation = bv_row.Appropriation;
            string author        = row.Author;
            string bill_id       = row.Bill;
            string fiscal        = bv_row.FiscalCommittee;
            string house         = history.First().PrimaryLocation;
            string last_action   = FindLastAction(row);
            string location      = location_code_row == null?BillUtils.WhenNullLocationCode(history) : location_code_row.Description;

            string local_pgm  = bv_row.LocalProgram;
            string number     = row.MeasureNum.TrimStart('0');
            string title      = row.Title;
            string type_house = $"{bill_id.First()}B";
            string vers_id    = row.BillVersionID;
            string vote       = bv_row.VoteRequired;

            // Position and Summary data come from the previous version of the bill report
            // If the passed path is null or empty, then this method was called when no previous report exists.
            // When regenerating a report, there is a previous report.
            var summary      = new List <string>();
            var position     = new List <string>();
            var shortsummary = string.Empty;
            var committees   = string.Empty;
            var likelihood   = string.Empty;

            if (CommonUtils.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhiteSpace(path))
                // do nothing
                summary      = PreviousReport.Summary(path);
                position     = PreviousReport.Position(path);
                shortsummary = PreviousReport.ShortSummary(path);
                committees   = PreviousReport.Committees(path);
                likelihood   = PreviousReport.Likelihood(path);

            // With all necessary data obtained, generate the report file.
            // Both initial creation (new bill) and re-generation are processed here.
            List <string> result = BeginIndividualReport(type_house, number, author, title);

            // Review
            // Position
            // Short Summary, Committees Prediction and Passage Likelihood
            result.AddRange(ReportSummaryPredictLikelihood(shortsummary, committees, likelihood));
            // Status, Location, etc
            result.AddRange(ReportStatusLocationEtc(location, last_action, vote, appropriation, fiscal, local_pgm, history));
            // Bill History
コード例 #27
 public void TestNoDash(string input, string right_answer)
     Assert.True(BillUtils.NoDash(input) == right_answer);