コード例 #1
        public void Insert_RepeatedRecordField()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var row     = new InsertRow
                ["guid"]  = guid,
                ["names"] = new[] {
                    new InsertRow {
                        ["first"] = "a", ["last"] = "b"
                    new InsertRow {
                        ["first"] = "x", ["last"] = "y"

            var command = new BigqueryCommand($"SELECT guid, name.first, name.last FROM {table}, UNNEST(names) AS name WHERE guid=@guid ORDER BY name.first")
                Parameters = { { "guid", BigqueryParameterType.String, guid } }
            var queryResults = WaitForRows(client, command)
                               .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], FirstName = (string)r["first"], LastName = (string)r["last"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, FirstName = "a", LastName = "b" },
                new { Guid = guid, FirstName = "x", LastName = "y" }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, queryResults);
コード例 #2
        public void Insert_RecordField()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var row     = new InsertRow
                ["guid"]     = guid,
                ["position"] = new InsertRow {
                    ["x"] = 10L, ["y"] = 20L

            // We know the format of Guid.ToString() is harmless. More care needed for arbitrary strings, of course!
            var queryResults = client.ExecuteQuery($"SELECT guid, position.x, position.y FROM {table} WHERE guid='{guid}'").Rows
                               .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], X = (long)r["position_x"], Y = (long)r["position_y"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, X = 10L, Y = 20L }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, queryResults);
コード例 #3
        public void NullParameter()
            var client    = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var table     = client.GetTable(_fixture.DatasetId, _fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var parameter = new BigqueryParameter("player", BigqueryParameterType.String, "Angela");
            var command   = new BigqueryCommand($"SELECT score FROM {table} WHERE player=@player")
                Parameters = { parameter }
            var resultSet = client.ExecuteQuery(command).PollUntilCompleted().GetResultSet(5);

            Assert.Equal(1, resultSet.Rows.Count);
            Assert.Equal(95, (long)resultSet.Rows[0]["score"]);

            // SQL rules: nothing equals null
            parameter.Value = null;
            resultSet       = client.ExecuteQuery(command).PollUntilCompleted().GetResultSet(5);
            Assert.Equal(0, resultSet.Rows.Count);

            // But we should be able to find the null value this way.
            command.Sql = $"SELECT score FROM {table} WHERE player=@player OR (player IS NULL AND @player IS NULL)";
            resultSet   = client.ExecuteQuery(command).PollUntilCompleted().GetResultSet(5);
            Assert.Equal(1, resultSet.Rows.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, (long)resultSet.Rows[0]["score"]);
コード例 #4
        public void ExecuteQuery()
            var projectId      = _fixture.ProjectId;
            var datasetId      = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            var historyTableId = _fixture.HistoryTableId;

            // Snippet: ExecuteQuery
            BigqueryClient client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
            BigqueryTable  table  = client.GetTable(datasetId, historyTableId);
            BigqueryResult result = client.ExecuteQuery(
                $@"SELECT player, MAX(score) AS score
                   FROM {table}
                   GROUP BY player
                   ORDER BY score DESC");

            foreach (var row in result.Rows)
                Console.WriteLine($"{row["player"]}: {row["score"]}");
            // End snippet

            var players = result.Rows.Select(r => (string)r["player"]).ToList();

            Assert.Contains("Ben", players);
            Assert.Contains("Nadia", players);
            Assert.Contains("Tim", players);
コード例 #5
        public void Insert_RepeatedField()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var row     = new InsertRow
                ["guid"] = guid,
                // The null element will be ignored here (at the server side)
                ["tags"] = new[] { "a", null, "b" }

            // We know the format of Guid.ToString() is harmless. More care needed for arbitrary strings, of course!
            var queryResults = client.ExecuteQuery($"SELECT guid, tags FROM {table} WHERE guid='{guid}' ORDER BY TAGS").Rows
                               .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], Tag = (string)r["tags"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, Tag = "a" },
                new { Guid = guid, Tag = "b" }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, queryResults);
コード例 #6
        public void InsertionOverview()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;

            // Sample: InsertOverview
            var client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);

            // Create the dataset if it doesn't exist.
            var dataset = client.GetOrCreateDataset("mydata");

            // Create the table if it doesn't exist.
            var table = dataset.GetOrCreateTable("scores", new TableSchemaBuilder
                { "player", BigqueryDbType.String },
                { "gameStarted", BigqueryDbType.Timestamp },
                { "score", BigqueryDbType.Integer }

            // Insert a single row. There are many other ways of inserting
            // data into a table.
            table.Insert(new InsertRow
                { "player", "Bob" },
                { "score", 85 },
                { "gameStarted", new DateTime(2000, 1, 14, 10, 30, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) }
            // End sample
コード例 #7
        public void Insert()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string datasetId = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            string tableId   = _fixture.HistoryTableId;

            BigqueryTable table      = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId).GetTable(datasetId, tableId);
            int           rowsBefore = table.ListRows().Rows.Count();

            // Snippet: Insert(string,string,*)
            BigqueryClient client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
            // The insert ID is optional, but can avoid duplicate data
            // when retrying inserts.
            InsertRow row1 = new InsertRow("row1")
                { "player", "Jane" },
                { "level", 3 },
                { "score", 3600 },
                { "game_started", DateTime.UtcNow }
            InsertRow row2 = new InsertRow("row2")
                { "player", "Jeff" },
                { "level", 2 },
                { "score", 2000 },
                { "game_started", DateTime.UtcNow }

            client.Insert(datasetId, tableId, row1, row2);
            // End snippet

            int rowsAfter = table.ListRows().Rows.Count();

            Assert.Equal(rowsBefore + 2, rowsAfter);
コード例 #8
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 1)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Specify the project ID as the only command line argument");
            string projectId = args[0];
            var    client    = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
            var    datasets  = client.ListDatasets().ToList();

            foreach (var dataset in datasets.Where(IsTestDataset))
                var id = dataset.Reference.DatasetId;
                    dataset.Delete(new DeleteDatasetOptions {
                        DeleteContents = true
                    Console.WriteLine($"Deleted {id}");
                catch (GoogleApiException e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to delete {id}: {e.Message}");
コード例 #9
        public void AsynchronousPermanentQuery()
            // We create the client using our user, but then access a dataset in a public data
            // project. We can't run a query "as" the public data project.
            var projectId   = _fixture.ProjectId;
            var client      = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);
            var table       = client.GetTable(PublicDatasetsProject, PublicDatasetsDataset, ShakespeareTable);
            var userDataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);

            var sql = $"SELECT TOP(corpus, 10) as title, COUNT(*) as unique_words FROM {table}";
            var destinationTable = userDataset.GetTableReference(_fixture.CreateTableId());
            var job = client.CreateQueryJob(sql, new CreateQueryJobOptions {
                DestinationTable = destinationTable
            var rows = job.GetQueryResults().Rows.ToList();

            Assert.Equal(10, rows.Count);
            Assert.Equal("hamlet", (string)rows[0][0]);
            Assert.Equal(5318, (long)rows[0][1]);

            // Read the table again later - synchronously this time
            table = client.GetTable(destinationTable);
            rows  = client.ExecuteQuery($"SELECT * FROM {table}").Rows.ToList();
            Assert.Equal(10, rows.Count);
            Assert.Equal("hamlet", (string)rows[0][0]);
            Assert.Equal(5318, (long)rows[0][1]);
コード例 #10
        public void GetTable_FromIds()
            var client = BigqueryClient.Create(PublicDatasetsProject);
            var table  = client.GetTable(PublicDatasetsDataset, "wikipedia");

            Assert.Equal("bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia", table.FullyQualifiedId);
コード例 #11
        public void UploadCsv()
            var client = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);

            string[] csvRows =

            var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join("\n", csvRows));

            var table          = client.GetTable(_fixture.DatasetId, _fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var beforeRowCount = table.ListRows().Count();

            var job = table.UploadCsv(new MemoryStream(bytes), new UploadCsvOptions {
                SkipLeadingRows = 1
            var result = job.PollUntilCompleted();


            var afterRows = table.ListRows().ToList();

            Assert.Equal(beforeRowCount + 3, afterRows.Count);

            var ben = afterRows.Single(row => (string)row["player"] == "Ben");

            Assert.Equal(85, (long)ben["score"]);
            Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2014, 8, 19, 12, 41, 35, 220, DateTimeKind.Utc), (DateTime)ben["gameStarted"]);
コード例 #12
        public void UploadJson()
            var client = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);

            // We use ' instead of " in the JSON to make it easier to write the string literals, then fix it up.
            var jsonRows = new[]
                "{ 'player': 'UploadJsonTest1', 'score': 90, 'GameStarted': '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' }",
                "{ 'player': 'UploadJsonTest2', 'score': 100, 'GameStarted': '2014-01-01T01:00:00.000Z' }"
            }.Select(x => x.Replace('\'', '"'));

            var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join("\n", jsonRows));

            var table          = client.GetTable(_fixture.DatasetId, _fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var beforeRowCount = table.ListRows().Count();

            var job    = table.UploadJson(new MemoryStream(bytes));
            var result = job.PollUntilCompleted();


            var afterRows = table.ListRows().ToList();

            Assert.Equal(beforeRowCount + 2, afterRows.Count);

            var sql  = $"SELECT player, score FROM {table} WHERE STARTS_WITH(player, 'UploadJsonTest') ORDER BY player";
            var rows = client.ExecuteQuery(sql).GetRows().ToList();

            Assert.Equal(2, rows.Count);
            Assert.Equal("UploadJsonTest1", (string)rows[0]["player"]);
            Assert.Equal("UploadJsonTest2", (string)rows[1]["player"]);
            Assert.Equal(90L, (long)rows[0]["score"]);
            Assert.Equal(100L, (long)rows[1]["score"]);
コード例 #13
        public void Insert_RepeatedField()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var row     = new InsertRow
                ["guid"] = guid,
                // The null element will be ignored here (at the server side)
                ["tags"] = new[] { "a", null, "b" }

            var command = new BigqueryCommand($"SELECT guid, tag FROM {table}, UNNEST(tags) AS tag WHERE guid=@guid ORDER BY tag")
                Parameters = { { "guid", BigqueryParameterType.String, guid } }
            var queryResults = WaitForRows(client, command)
                               .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], Tag = (string)r["tag"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, Tag = "a" },
                new { Guid = guid, Tag = "b" }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, queryResults);
コード例 #14
        public void Insert_RecordField()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.ComplexTypesTableId);
            var guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var row     = new InsertRow
                ["guid"]     = guid,
                ["position"] = new InsertRow {
                    ["x"] = 10L, ["y"] = 20L

            var command = new BigqueryCommand($"SELECT guid, position.x, position.y FROM {table} WHERE guid=@guid")
                Parameters = { { "guid", BigqueryParameterType.String, guid } }
            var queryResults = WaitForRows(client, command)
                               .Select(r => new { Guid = (string)r["guid"], X = (long)r["x"], Y = (long)r["y"] })
            var expectedResults = new[]
                new { Guid = guid, X = 10L, Y = 20L }

            Assert.Equal(expectedResults, queryResults);
コード例 #15
        public void ExportCsv()
            // TODO: Make this simpler in the wrapper
            var    projectId      = _fixture.ProjectId;
            var    datasetId      = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            var    historyTableId = _fixture.HistoryTableId;
            string bucket         = "bigquerysnippets-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
            string objectName     = "table.csv";

            if (!WaitForStreamingBufferToEmpty(historyTableId))
                Console.WriteLine("Streaming buffer not empty after 30 seconds; not performing export");

            // Sample: ExportCsv
            BigqueryClient client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);

            // Create a storage bucket; in normal use it's likely that one would exist already.
            StorageClient storageClient = StorageClient.Create();

            storageClient.CreateBucket(projectId, bucket);
            string destinationUri = $"gs://{bucket}/{objectName}";

            Job job = client.Service.Jobs.Insert(new Job
                Configuration = new JobConfiguration
                    Extract = new JobConfigurationExtract
                        DestinationFormat = "CSV",
                        DestinationUris   = new[] { destinationUri },
                        SourceTable       = client.GetTableReference(datasetId, historyTableId)
            }, projectId).Execute();

            // Wait until the export has finished.
            var result = client.PollJob(job.JobReference);

            // If there are any errors, display them *then* fail.
            if (result.Status.ErrorResult != null)
                foreach (var error in result.Status.Errors)

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            storageClient.DownloadObject(bucket, objectName, stream);
            // End sample

            storageClient.DeleteObject(bucket, objectName);
コード例 #16
        private BigqueryRow GetSingleRow(BigqueryCommand command)
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var results = client.ExecuteQuery(command).PollUntilCompleted().GetResultSet(10);

            Assert.Equal(1, results.Rows.Count);
コード例 #17
        public void GetTable_ViaDataset()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(PublicDatasetsProject);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(PublicDatasetsDataset);

            var table = dataset.GetTable("wikipedia");

            Assert.Equal("bigquery-public-data:samples.wikipedia", table.FullyQualifiedId);
コード例 #18
        private void CreateData()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.CreateDataset(DatasetId);

コード例 #19
        public void EmptyTable()
            var client = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var schema = new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "name", BigqueryDbType.String }
            var table = client.CreateTable(_fixture.DatasetId, _fixture.CreateTableId(), schema);
            var rows  = table.ListRows().ToList();

コード例 #20
 public BigquerySnippetFixture()
     ProjectId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ProjectEnvironmentVariable);
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectId))
         throw new InvalidOperationException(
                   $"Please set the {ProjectEnvironmentVariable} environment variable before running tests");
     Client        = BigqueryClient.Create(ProjectId);
     GameDatasetId = CreateGameDataset();
コード例 #21
        public void EmptyQueryResults_CreateQueryJob()
            var client       = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var table        = client.GetTable(_fixture.DatasetId, _fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var queryResults = client.CreateQueryJob($"SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE score < 0")

コード例 #22
        public void Insert_BadData()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var row     = new InsertRow {
                { "noSuchField", 10 }

            Assert.Throws <GoogleApiException>(() => table.Insert(row));
コード例 #23
        public void IntegerArrayParameter()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var command = new BigqueryCommand("SELECT value FROM UNNEST([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) AS value WHERE value IN UNNEST(@p)")
                Parameters = { { "p", BigqueryParameterType.Array, new[] { 1, 3, 5 } } }
            var results = client.ExecuteQuery(command).PollUntilCompleted().GetResultSet(10);

            Assert.Equal(new[] { 1L, 3L }, results.Rows.Select(r => (long)r["value"]));
コード例 #24
        private bool WaitForStreamingBufferToEmpty(string tableId)
            var client = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var table  = client.GetTable(_fixture.GameDatasetId, tableId);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3 && table.Resource.StreamingBuffer != null; i++)
                table = client.GetTable(table.Reference);
            return(table.Resource.StreamingBuffer == null);
コード例 #25
        public void UploadCsv()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string datasetId = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            string tableId   = _fixture.HistoryTableId;

            BigqueryTable table      = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId).GetTable(datasetId, tableId);
            int           rowsBefore = table.ListRows().Rows.Count();

            // Snippet: UploadCsv(*,*,*,*,*)
            BigqueryClient client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);

            string[] csvRows =

            // Normally we'd be uploading from a file or similar. Any readable stream can be used.
            var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join("\n", csvRows)));

            // This example uploads data to an existing table. If the upload will create a new table
            // or if the schema in the CSV isn't identical to the schema in the table (for example if the
            // columns are in a different order), create a schema to pass into the call.
            TableSchema schema = null;
            BigqueryJob job    = client.UploadCsv(datasetId, tableId, schema, stream,
                                                  // Our sample data has a header row, so we need to skip it.
                                                  new UploadCsvOptions {
                SkipLeadingRows = 1
            // Use the job to find out when the data has finished being inserted into the table,
            // report errors etc.
            // End snippet

            var result = job.Poll();

            // If there are any errors, display them *then* fail.
            if (result.Status.ErrorResult != null)
                foreach (var error in result.Status.Errors)

            int rowsAfter = table.ListRows().Rows.Count();

            Assert.Equal(rowsBefore + 3, rowsAfter);
コード例 #26
 public BigqueryTest()
     // [START create_bigquery_client]
     // By default, the Google.Bigquery.V2 library client will authenticate
     // using the service account file (created in the Google Developers
     // Console) specified by the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
     // environment variable. If you are running on
     // a Google Compute Engine VM, authentication is completely
     // automatic.
     _projectId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID");
     _client    = BigqueryClient.Create(_projectId);
     // [END create_bigquery_client]
コード例 #27
        public void EmptyQueryResults_GetResultSet()
            var client = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var table  = client.GetTable(_fixture.DatasetId, _fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            // Deliberately overfetch
            var queryJob = client.CreateQueryJob($"SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE score < 0")
                           .PollQueryUntilCompleted(new GetQueryResultsOptions {
                PageSize = 100
            var resultSet = queryJob.GetResultSet(10);

コード例 #28
        public void Insert_BadData_IgnoreBadData()
            var client  = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var row     = new InsertRow {
                { "noSuchField", 10 }

            table.Insert(row, new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true
コード例 #29
        public void MultiRequestQueryStreaming()
            var client       = BigqueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var table        = client.GetTable(_fixture.DatasetId, _fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var queryResults = client.ExecuteQuery($"SELECT * FROM {table}", new ExecuteQueryOptions {
                PageSize = 1

            Assert.True(queryResults.Count >= 2);
コード例 #30
        public void CopyTable()
            // TODO: Make this simpler in the wrapper
            var projectId          = _fixture.ProjectId;
            var datasetId          = _fixture.GameDatasetId;
            var historyTableId     = _fixture.HistoryTableId;
            var destinationTableId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '_');

            if (!WaitForStreamingBufferToEmpty(historyTableId))
                Console.WriteLine("Streaming buffer not empty after 30 seconds; not performing export");

            // Sample: CopyTable
            BigqueryClient client = BigqueryClient.Create(projectId);

            Job job = client.Service.Jobs.Insert(new Job
                Configuration = new JobConfiguration
                    Copy = new JobConfigurationTableCopy
                        DestinationTable = client.GetTableReference(datasetId, destinationTableId),
                        SourceTable      = client.GetTableReference(datasetId, historyTableId)
            }, projectId).Execute();

            // Wait until the copy has finished.

            // Now list its rows
            BigqueryResult result = client.ListRows(datasetId, destinationTableId);

            foreach (BigqueryResult.Row row in result.Rows)
                DateTime timestamp = (DateTime)row["game_started"];
                long     level     = (long)row["level"];
                long     score     = (long)row["score"];
                string   player    = (string)row["player"];
                Console.WriteLine($"{player}: {level}/{score} ({timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss})");
            // End sample

            var originalRows = client.ListRows(datasetId, historyTableId).Rows.Count();
            var copiedRows   = result.Rows.Count();

            Assert.Equal(originalRows, copiedRows);