コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            .webSocketMonitor(new ValidTransactionMessageHandler())

コード例 #2
        private async Task init()
                var configuration = GetIConfigurationRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
                var appConfig     = configuration.GetSection("AppConfig");

                builder = BigchainDbConfigBuilder
                var ret = await builder.setup();

            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #3
        public BigChainDbService(string url)
            Console.Write("Connecting to NodeURL: ");

            var builder = BigchainDbConfigBuilder
                          .addToken("header1", "header1_value")
                          .addToken("header2", "header2_value");

            if (!AsyncContext.Run(() => builder.setup()))
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to setup");

            // Use MongoDB for READ-ONLY access
            //connect directly to MongoDB service running on the node to enable better query options
            var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://*****:*****@cnode.lifeblocks.site:27017/?authSource=bigchain");

            bigchainDatabase = client.GetDatabase("bigchain");
コード例 #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The code provided will print ‘Hello World’ to the console.
            // Press Ctrl+F5 (or go to Debug > Start Without Debugging) to run your app.
            Console.WriteLine("Hello Omnibasis!");

            var testTransfer = false;
            //define connections
            var conn1Config = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //config connection 1
            conn1Config.Add("baseUrl", "https://test.ipdb.io");
            BlockchainConnection conn1 = new BlockchainConnection(conn1Config);

            var conn2Config = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            var headers2    = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //config connection 2
            conn2Config.Add("baseUrl", "https://test.ipdb.io");
            BlockchainConnection conn2 = new BlockchainConnection(conn2Config);

            //add connections
            IList <BlockchainConnection> connections = new List <BlockchainConnection>();

            //...You can add as many nodes as you want

            //multiple connections
            var builderWithConnections = BigchainDbConfigBuilder
                                         .setTimeout(60000); //override default timeout of 20000 milliseconds

            // single connection
            var builder = BigchainDbConfigBuilder

            if (!AsyncContext.Run(() => builder.setup()))
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to setup");

            // prepare your key
            var algorithm  = SignatureAlgorithm.Ed25519;
            var privateKey = Key.Import(algorithm, Utils.StringToByteArray(privateKeyString), KeyBlobFormat.PkixPrivateKey);
            var publicKey  = PublicKey.Import(algorithm, Utils.StringToByteArray(publicKeyString), KeyBlobFormat.PkixPublicKey);
            //Account account = new Account();

            //Dictionary<string, string> assetData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            //assetData.Add("msg", "Hello!");

            Random    random    = new Random();
            TestAsset assetData = new TestAsset();

            assetData.msg         = "Hello Omnibasis!";
            assetData.city        = "I was born in San Diego";
            assetData.temperature = random.Next(60, 80);
            assetData.datetime    = DateTime.Now;

            //MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
            //metaData.setMetaData("msg", "My first transaction");
            TestMetadata metaData = new TestMetadata();

            metaData.msg = "My first transaction";

            // Set up, sign, and send your transaction
            var transaction = BigchainDbTransactionBuilder <TestAsset, TestMetadata>
                              .buildAndSignOnly(publicKey, privateKey);

            //.buildAndSign(account.PublicKey, account.PrivateKey);

            //var info = transaction.toHashInput();
            var    createTransaction = AsyncContext.Run(() => TransactionsApi <TestAsset, TestMetadata> .sendTransactionAsync(transaction));
            string assetId2          = "";

            // the asset's ID is equal to the ID of the transaction that created it
            if (createTransaction != null && createTransaction.Data != null)
                assetId2 = createTransaction.Data.Id;
                var testTran2 = AsyncContext.Run(() => TransactionsApi <object, object> .getTransactionByIdAsync(assetId2));
                if (testTran2 != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Hello assetId: " + assetId2);
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to find assetId: " + assetId2);
            else if (createTransaction != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to send transaction: " + createTransaction.Messsage.Message);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetId2) && testTransfer)
                // Describe the output you are fulfilling on the previous transaction
                FulFill spendFrom = new FulFill();
                spendFrom.TransactionId = assetId2;
                spendFrom.OutputIndex   = 0;

                // Change the metadata if you want
                //MetaData transferMetadata = new MetaData();
                //metaData.setMetaData("msg", "My second transaction");
                TestMetadata transferMetadata = new TestMetadata();
                transferMetadata.msg = "My second transaction";

                // the asset's ID is equal to the ID of the transaction that created it
                // By default, the 'amount' of a created digital asset == "1". So we spend "1" in our TRANSFER.
                string            amount  = "1";
                BlockchainAccount account = new BlockchainAccount();
                Details           details = null;
                // Use the previous transaction's asset and TRANSFER it
                var build2 = BigchainDbTransactionBuilder <Asset <string>, TestMetadata> .
                             addInput(details, spendFrom, publicKey).
                             addOutput("1", account.Key.PublicKey).
                             buildAndSignOnly(publicKey, privateKey);

                var transferTransaction = AsyncContext.Run(() => TransactionsApi <Asset <string>, TestMetadata> .sendTransactionAsync(build2));

                if (transferTransaction != null && transferTransaction.Data != null)
                    string assetIdTransfer = transferTransaction.Data.Id;
                    var    testTran2       = AsyncContext.Run(() => TransactionsApi <object, object> .getTransactionByIdAsync(assetIdTransfer));
                    if (testTran2 != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Hello transfer assetId: " + assetIdTransfer);
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to find transfer assetId: " + assetIdTransfer);
                else if (transferTransaction != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to send transaction: " + createTransaction.Messsage.Message);


            // Go to http://aka.ms/dotnet-get-started-console to continue learning how to build a console app!