コード例 #1
        private void DrawTabFace(BidiGraphics g, Color bgColor, Color borderColor, Color lineColor)
            Rectangle borderRect = ClientRectangle;

            if (!Selected)
                borderRect.Height -= 2;

            // Remove one pixel for the bottom edge of the tab.
            // We don't want it filled in by the face color as
            // that would cause the corner pixels of the tab
            // to be filled in.
            borderRect.Height -= 1;

            using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(bgColor))
                g.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, borderRect);

            borderRect.Width -= 1;

            if (Selected)
                borderRect.Y -= 1;
                borderRect.Height -= 1;

            if (clipLeftBorder)
                borderRect.X     -= 1;
                borderRect.Width += 1;

            if (clipRightBorder)
                borderRect.Width += 1;

            Region clip = g.Graphics.Clip;

            clip.Exclude(g.TranslateRectangle(new Rectangle(borderRect.X, borderRect.Bottom, 1, 1)));
            clip.Exclude(g.TranslateRectangle(new Rectangle(borderRect.Right, borderRect.Bottom, 1, 1)));
            g.Graphics.Clip = clip;

            using (Pen p = new Pen(borderColor))
                g.DrawRectangle(p, borderRect);

            if (!Selected)
                using (Pen p = new Pen(lineColor))
                    g.DrawLine(p, 0, 0, ClientSize.Width, 0);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a top-level menu item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawItemState">A DrawItemEventArgs that contains the event data.</param>
        private void DrawMainMenuItem(DrawItemEventArgs ea)
            // record state
            DrawItemState drawItemState = ea.State;

            //	Create graphics context on the offscreen bitmap and set the bounds for painting.
            //Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(offscreenBitmap);
            Graphics graphics = ea.Graphics;

            BidiGraphics g = new BidiGraphics(graphics, new Size(GetMainMenu().GetForm().Width, 0));

            //Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, offscreenBitmap.Width, offscreenBitmap.Height);
            Rectangle bounds = ea.Bounds;

            // get reference to colorized resources
            ColorizedResources cres = ColorizedResources.Instance;

            //	Fill the menu item with the correct color
            Form containingForm = GetMainMenu().GetForm();

            if ((containingForm is IMainMenuBackgroundPainter))
                (containingForm as IMainMenuBackgroundPainter).PaintBackground(g.Graphics, g.TranslateRectangle(ea.Bounds));
                g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, bounds);

            //	Draw the hotlight or selection rectangle.
            if ((drawItemState & DrawItemState.HotLight) != 0 || (drawItemState & DrawItemState.Selected) != 0)
                //	Cheat some for the first top-level menu item.  Provide a bit of "air" at the
                //	left of the "HotLight" rectangle so it doesn't run into the frame.
                int xOffset = (Index == 0) ? 1 : 0;

                //	Calculate the hotlight rectangle.
                Rectangle hotlightRectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X + xOffset,
                                                            bounds.Y + 1,
                                                            bounds.Width - xOffset - 1,
                                                            bounds.Height - 1);
                DrawHotlight(g, cres.MainMenuHighlightColor, hotlightRectangle, !cres.CustomMainMenuPainting);

            //	Calculate the text area rectangle.  This area excludes an area at the right
            //	edge of the menu item where the system draws the cascade indicator.  It would
            //	have been better if MenuItem let us draw the indicator (we did say "OwnerDraw"
            //	after all), but this is just how it works.
            Rectangle textAreaRectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X,
                                                        bounds.Y + 1,

            //	Determine which StringFormat to use when drawing the menu item text.
            TextFormatFlags textFormat;

            if ((drawItemState & DrawItemState.NoAccelerator) != 0)
                textFormat = mainMenuItemTextNoHotKeyStringFormat;
                textFormat = mainMenuItemTextHotKeyStringFormat;

            //DisplayHelper.FixupGdiPlusLineCentering(graphics, menuFont, MenuText(), ref stringFormat, ref textAreaRectangle);

            //	Draw the shortcut and the menu text.
            TextRenderer.DrawText(g.Graphics, MenuText(), menuFont, textAreaRectangle, cres.MainMenuTextColor, textFormat);

            //	We're finished with the double buffered painting.  Dispose of the graphics context
            //	and draw the offscreen image.  Cache the offscreen bitmap, though.