public void TestMultipleParagraphs2() { sbyte gotLevel; sbyte[] gotLevels; bool orderParagraphsLTR; String src; Bidi bidi = new Bidi(); Bidi bidiLine; int count, paraStart, paraLimit, paraIndex, length; int i, j, k; Logln("\nEntering TestMultipleParagraphs\n"); try { bidi.SetPara(text, IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Errln("1st Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR); } /* check paragraph count and boundaries */ if (paraCount != (count = bidi.CountParagraphs())) { Errln("1st Bidi.countParagraphs returned " + count + ", should be " + paraCount); } BidiRun run; for (i = 0; i < paraCount; i++) { run = bidi.GetParagraphByIndex(i); paraStart = run.GetStart(); paraLimit = run.GetLimit(); if ((paraStart != paraBounds[i]) || (paraLimit != paraBounds[i + 1])) { Errln("Found boundaries of paragraph " + i + ": " + paraStart + "-" + paraLimit + "; expected: " + paraBounds[i] + "-" + paraBounds[i + 1]); } } /* check with last paragraph not terminated by B */ char[] chars = text.ToCharArray(); chars[chars.Length - 1] = 'L'; src = ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.StringUtil.NewString(chars); try { bidi.SetPara(src, IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, null); } catch (ArgumentException e_0) { Errln("2nd Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR); } if (paraCount != (count = bidi.CountParagraphs())) { Errln("2nd Bidi.countParagraphs returned " + count + ", should be " + paraCount); } i = paraCount - 1; run = bidi.GetParagraphByIndex(i); paraStart = run.GetStart(); paraLimit = run.GetLimit(); if ((paraStart != paraBounds[i]) || (paraLimit != paraBounds[i + 1])) { Errln("2nd Found boundaries of paragraph " + i + ": " + paraStart + "-" + paraLimit + "; expected: " + paraBounds[i] + "-" + paraBounds[i + 1]); } /* check paraLevel for all paragraphs under various paraLevel specs */ for (k = 0; k < 6; k++) { try { bidi.SetPara(src, paraLevels[k], null); } catch (ArgumentException e_1) { Errln("3nd Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + paraLevels[k]); } for (i = 0; i < paraCount; i++) { paraIndex = bidi.GetParagraphIndex(paraBounds[i]); run = bidi.GetParagraph(paraBounds[i]); if (paraIndex != i) { Errln("#1 For paraLevel = " + paraLevels[k] + " paragraph = " + i + ", found paragraph" + " index = " + paraIndex + " expected = " + i); } gotLevel = run.GetEmbeddingLevel(); if (gotLevel != multiLevels[k][i]) { Errln("#2 For paraLevel = " + paraLevels[k] + " paragraph = " + i + ", found level = " + gotLevel + ", expected = " + multiLevels[k][i]); } } gotLevel = bidi.GetParaLevel(); if (gotLevel != multiLevels[k][0]) { Errln("#3 For paraLevel = " + paraLevels[k] + " getParaLevel = " + gotLevel + ", expected " + multiLevels[k][0]); } } /* * check that the result of Bidi.getParaLevel changes if the first * paragraph has a different level */ chars[0] = '\u05d2'; /* Hebrew letter Gimel */ src = ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.StringUtil.NewString(chars); try { bidi.SetPara(src, IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR, null); } catch (ArgumentException e_2) { Errln("Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR); } gotLevel = bidi.GetParaLevel(); if (gotLevel != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL) { Errln("#4 For paraLevel = Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR getParaLevel = " + gotLevel + ", expected = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL); } /* check that line cannot overlap paragraph boundaries */ bidiLine = new Bidi(); i = paraBounds[1]; k = paraBounds[2] + 1; try { bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(i, k); Errln("For line limits " + i + "-" + k + " got success, while expected failure"); } catch (Exception e_3) { } i = paraBounds[1]; k = paraBounds[2]; try { bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(i, k); } catch (Exception e_4) { Errln("For line limits " + i + "-" + k + " got failure"); } /* * check level of block separator at end of paragraph when * orderParagraphsLTR==FALSE */ try { bidi.SetPara(src, IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null); } catch (ArgumentException e_5) { Errln("Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL); } /* get levels through para Bidi block */ try { gotLevels = bidi.GetLevels(); } catch (Exception e_6) { Errln("Error on Bidi.getLevels"); gotLevels = new sbyte[bidi.GetLength()]; ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Fill(gotLevels, (sbyte)-1); } for (i = 26; i < 32; i++) { if (gotLevels[i] != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL) { Errln("For char " + i + "(0x" + IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.Hex(chars[i]) + "), level = " + gotLevels[i] + ", expected = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL); } } /* get levels through para Line block */ i = paraBounds[1]; k = paraBounds[2]; try { bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(i, k); } catch (Exception e_7) { Errln("For line limits " + i + "-" + k + " got failure"); return; } paraIndex = bidiLine.GetParagraphIndex(i); run = bidiLine.GetParagraph(i); try { gotLevels = bidiLine.GetLevels(); } catch (Exception e_8) { Errln("Error on bidiLine.getLevels"); gotLevels = new sbyte[bidiLine.GetLength()]; ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Fill(gotLevels, (sbyte)-1); } length = bidiLine.GetLength(); gotLevel = run.GetEmbeddingLevel(); if ((gotLevel != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL) || (gotLevels[length - 1] != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL)) { Errln("For paragraph " + paraIndex + " with limits " + run.GetStart() + "-" + run.GetLimit() + ", paraLevel = " + gotLevel + "expected = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL + ", level of separator = " + gotLevels[length - 1] + " expected = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL); } orderParagraphsLTR = bidi.IsOrderParagraphsLTR(); AssertFalse("orderParagraphsLTR is true", orderParagraphsLTR); bidi.OrderParagraphsLTR(true); orderParagraphsLTR = bidi.IsOrderParagraphsLTR(); AssertTrue("orderParagraphsLTR is false", orderParagraphsLTR); /* * check level of block separator at end of paragraph when * orderParagraphsLTR==TRUE */ try { bidi.SetPara(src, IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null); } catch (ArgumentException e_9) { Errln("Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL); } /* get levels through para Bidi block */ try { gotLevels = bidi.GetLevels(); } catch (Exception e_10) { Errln("Error on Bidi.getLevels"); gotLevels = new sbyte[bidi.GetLength()]; ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Fill(gotLevels, (sbyte)-1); } for (i = 26; i < 32; i++) { if (gotLevels[i] != 0) { Errln("For char " + i + "(0x" + IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.Hex(chars[i]) + "), level = " + gotLevels[i] + ", expected = 0"); } } /* get levels through para Line block */ i = paraBounds[1]; k = paraBounds[2]; paraStart = run.GetStart(); paraLimit = run.GetLimit(); try { bidiLine = bidi.SetLine(paraStart, paraLimit); } catch (Exception e_11) { Errln("For line limits " + paraStart + "-" + paraLimit + " got failure"); } paraIndex = bidiLine.GetParagraphIndex(i); run = bidiLine.GetParagraph(i); try { gotLevels = bidiLine.GetLevels(); } catch (Exception e_12) { Errln("Error on bidiLine.getLevels"); gotLevels = new sbyte[bidiLine.GetLength()]; ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Fill(gotLevels, (sbyte)-1); } length = bidiLine.GetLength(); gotLevel = run.GetEmbeddingLevel(); if ((gotLevel != IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL) || (gotLevels[length - 1] != 0)) { Err("\nFor paragraph " + paraIndex + " with limits " + run.GetStart() + "-" + run.GetLimit() + ", paraLevel = " + gotLevel + "expected = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL + ", level of separator = " + gotLevels[length - 1] + " expected = 0\nlevels = "); for (count = 0; count < length; count++) { Errcont(gotLevels[count] + " "); } Errcont("\n"); } /* * test that the concatenation of separate invocations of the bidi code * on each individual paragraph in order matches the levels array that * results from invoking bidi once over the entire multiparagraph tests * (with orderParagraphsLTR false, of course) */ src = text; /* restore original content */ bidi.OrderParagraphsLTR(false); try { bidi.SetPara(src, IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null); } catch (ArgumentException e_13) { Errln("Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL); } try { gotLevels = bidi.GetLevels(); } catch (Exception e_14) { Errln("Error on bidiLine.getLevels"); gotLevels = new sbyte[bidi.GetLength()]; ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Fill(gotLevels, (sbyte)-1); } for (i = 0; i < paraCount; i++) { /* use pLine for individual paragraphs */ paraStart = paraBounds[i]; length = paraBounds[i + 1] - paraStart; try { bidiLine.SetPara(src.Substring(paraStart, (paraStart + length) - (paraStart)), IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL, null); } catch (ArgumentException e_15) { Errln("Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_RTL); } for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { if ((k = bidiLine.GetLevelAt(j)) != (gotLevel = gotLevels[paraStart + j])) { Errln("Checking paragraph concatenation: for paragraph[" + i + "], char[" + j + "] = 0x" + IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.Hex(src[paraStart + j]) + ", level = " + k + ", expected = " + gotLevel); } } } /* * ensure that leading numerics in a paragraph are not treated as arabic * numerals because of arabic text in a preceding paragraph */ src = text2; bidi.OrderParagraphsLTR(true); try { bidi.SetPara(src, IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL, null); } catch (ArgumentException e_16) { Errln("Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RTL); } try { gotLevels = bidi.GetLevels(); } catch (Exception e_17) { Errln("Error on Bidi.getLevels"); gotLevels = new sbyte[bidi.GetLength()]; ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Fill(gotLevels, (sbyte)-1); } for (i = 0, length = src.Length; i < length; i++) { if (gotLevels[i] != levels2[i]) { Errln("Checking leading numerics: for char " + i + "(0x" + IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.Hex(src[i]) + "), level = " + gotLevels[i] + ", expected = " + levels2[i]); } } /* * check handling of whitespace before end of paragraph separator when * orderParagraphsLTR==TRUE, when last paragraph has, and lacks, a * terminating B */ chars = src.ToCharArray(); ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Fill(chars, '\u0020'); bidi.OrderParagraphsLTR(true); for (i = 0x001c; i <= 0x0020; i += (0x0020 - 0x001c)) { chars[4] = (char)i; /* with and without terminating B */ for (j = 0x0041; j <= 0x05d0; j += (0x05d0 - 0x0041)) { chars[0] = (char)j; /* leading 'A' or Alef */ src = ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.StringUtil.NewString(chars); for (gotLevel = 4; gotLevel <= 5; gotLevel++) { /* test even and odd paraLevel */ try { bidi.SetPara(src, gotLevel, null); } catch (ArgumentException e_18) { Errln("Bidi.setPara failed, paraLevel = " + gotLevel); } try { gotLevels = bidi.GetLevels(); } catch (Exception e_19) { Errln("Error on Bidi.getLevels"); gotLevels = new sbyte[bidi.GetLength()]; ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Arrays.Fill(gotLevels, (sbyte)-1); } for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { if (gotLevels[k] != gotLevel) { Errln("Checking trailing spaces for leading char 0x" + IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.Hex(chars[0]) + ", last_char = " + IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.Hex(chars[4]) + ", index = " + k + "level = " + gotLevels[k] + ", expected = " + gotLevel); } } } } } /* * check default orientation when inverse bidi and paragraph starts with * LTR strong char and ends with RTL strong char, with and without a * terminating B */ bidi.SetReorderingMode(IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT); bidi.SetPara("abc \u05d2\u05d1\n", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR, null); String xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0); AssertEquals("\nInvalid output", "\u05d1\u05d2 abc\n", xout); bidi.SetPara("abc \u05d2\u05d1", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LEVEL_DEFAULT_LTR, null); xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0); AssertEquals("\nInvalid output #1", "\u05d1\u05d2 abc", xout); /* * check multiple paragraphs together with explicit levels */ bidi.SetReorderingMode(IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.REORDER_DEFAULT); gotLevels = new sbyte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; bidi.SetPara("ab\u05d1\u05d2\n\u05d3\u05d4123", IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.LTR, gotLevels); xout = bidi.WriteReordered(0); AssertEquals("\nInvalid output #2", "ab\u05d2\u05d1\n123\u05d4\u05d3", xout); AssertEquals("\nInvalid number of paras", 2, bidi.CountParagraphs()); Logln("\nExiting TestMultipleParagraphs\n"); }
private void DoTest(Bidi bidi, int testNumber, TestData test, int lineStart, bool countRunsFirst) { short[] dirProps = test.dirProps; byte[] levels = test.levels; int[] visualMap = test.visualMap; int i, len = bidi.GetLength(), logicalIndex = -1, runCount = 0; sbyte level, level2; if (countRunsFirst) { Logln("Calling Bidi.countRuns() first."); try { runCount = bidi.CountRuns(); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Errln("Bidi.countRuns(test[" + testNumber + "]) failed"); } } else { Logln("Calling Bidi.getLogicalMap() first."); } _testReordering(bidi, testNumber); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { Logln(i + " " + bidi.GetLevelAt(i) + " " + levelString + IBM.ICU.Charset.TestData.dirPropNames[dirProps[lineStart + i]] + " " + bidi.GetVisualIndex(i)); } Log("\n-----levels:"); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (i > 0) { Log(","); } Log(" " + bidi.GetLevelAt(i)); } Log("\n--reordered:"); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (i > 0) { Log(","); } Log(" " + bidi.GetVisualIndex(i)); } Log("\n"); AssertEquals( "\nFailure in Bidi.getDirection(test[" + testNumber + "])", test.direction, bidi.GetDirection()); AssertEquals( "\nFailure in Bidi.getParaLevel(test[" + testNumber + "])", test.resultLevel, bidi.GetParaLevel()); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { AssertEquals("\nFailure in Bidi.getLevelAt(" + i + ") in test[" + testNumber + "]", levels[i], bidi.GetLevelAt(i)); } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { try { logicalIndex = bidi.GetVisualIndex(i); } catch (Exception th) { Errln("Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") in test[" + testNumber + "] failed"); } if (visualMap[i] != logicalIndex) { AssertEquals("\nFailure in Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") in test[" + testNumber + "])", visualMap[i], logicalIndex); } } if (!countRunsFirst) { try { runCount = bidi.CountRuns(); } catch (InvalidOperationException e_0) { Errln("Bidi.countRuns(test[" + testNumber + "]) failed"); } } BidiRun run; for (logicalIndex = 0; logicalIndex < len;) { level = bidi.GetLevelAt(logicalIndex); run = bidi.GetLogicalRun(logicalIndex); logicalIndex = run.GetLimit(); level2 = run.GetEmbeddingLevel(); AssertEquals("Logical " + run.ToString() + " in test[" + testNumber + "]: wrong level", level, level2); if (--runCount < 0) { Errln("Bidi.getLogicalRun(test[" + testNumber + "]): wrong number of runs compared to Bidi.countRuns() = " + bidi.CountRuns()); } } if (runCount != 0) { Errln("Bidi.getLogicalRun(test[" + testNumber + "]): wrong number of runs compared to Bidi.countRuns() = " + bidi.CountRuns()); } Log("\n\n"); }
private void _testReordering(Bidi bidi, int testNumber) { int[] logicalMap1; int[] logicalMap2; int[] logicalMap3; int[] visualMap1; int[] visualMap2; int[] visualMap3; int[] visualMap4 = new int[MAXLEN]; sbyte[] levels; int i, length = bidi.GetLength(), destLength = bidi.GetResultLength(); int runCount, visualIndex, logicalIndex = -1, logicalStart, runLength; bool odd; if (length <= 0) { return; } /* get the logical and visual maps from the object */ logicalMap1 = bidi.GetLogicalMap(); if (logicalMap1 == null) { Errln("getLogicalMap in test " + testNumber + " is null"); logicalMap1 = new int[0]; } visualMap1 = bidi.GetVisualMap(); if (visualMap1 == null) { Errln("getVisualMap() in test " + testNumber + " is null"); visualMap1 = new int[0]; } /* invert them both */ visualMap2 = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.InvertMap(logicalMap1); logicalMap2 = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.InvertMap(visualMap1); /* get them from the levels array, too */ levels = bidi.GetLevels(); if (levels == null || levels.Length != length) { Errln("getLevels() in test " + testNumber + " failed"); } logicalMap3 = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.ReorderLogical(levels); visualMap3 = IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.ReorderVisual(levels); /* get the visual map from the runs, too */ try { runCount = bidi.CountRuns(); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Errln("countRuns() in test " + testNumber + " failed"); runCount = 0; } Logln("\n---- " + runCount + " runs"); visualIndex = 0; BidiRun run; for (i = 0; i < runCount; ++i) { run = bidi.GetVisualRun(i); if (run == null) { Errln("null visual run encountered at index " + i + ", in test " + testNumber); continue; } odd = run.IsOddRun(); logicalStart = run.GetStart(); runLength = run.GetLength(); Log("(" + ((run.IsOddRun()) ? "R" : "L")); Log(" @" + run.GetStart() + '[' + run.GetLength() + "])\n"); if (!odd) { do /* LTR */ { visualMap4[visualIndex++] = logicalStart++; } while (--runLength > 0); } else { logicalStart += runLength; /* logicalLimit */ do /* RTL */ { visualMap4[visualIndex++] = --logicalStart; } while (--runLength > 0); } } Log("\n"); /* print all the maps */ Logln("logical maps:"); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Log(logicalMap1[i] + " "); } Log("\n"); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Log(logicalMap2[i] + " "); } Log("\n"); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Log(logicalMap3[i] + " "); } Log("\nvisual maps:\n"); for (i = 0; i < destLength; ++i) { Log(visualMap1[i] + " "); } Log("\n"); for (i = 0; i < destLength; ++i) { Log(visualMap2[i] + " "); } Log("\n"); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Log(visualMap3[i] + " "); } Log("\n"); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Log(visualMap4[i] + " "); } Log("\n"); /* * check that the indexes are the same between these and * Bidi.getLogical/VisualIndex() */ for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (logicalMap1[i] != logicalMap2[i]) { Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i + "] == " + logicalMap1[i] + ") != (logicalMap2[" + i + "] == " + logicalMap2[i] + ")"); } if (logicalMap1[i] != logicalMap3[i]) { Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i + "] == " + logicalMap1[i] + ") != (logicalMap3[" + i + "] == " + logicalMap3[i] + ")"); } if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap2[i]) { Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i + "] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap2[" + i + "] == " + visualMap2[i] + ")"); } if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap3[i]) { Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i + "] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap3[" + i + "] == " + visualMap3[i] + ")"); } if (visualMap1[i] != visualMap4[i]) { Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i + "] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (visualMap4[" + i + "] == " + visualMap4[i] + ")"); } try { visualIndex = bidi.GetVisualIndex(i); } catch (Exception e_0) { Errln("Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") failed in tests[" + testNumber + "]"); } if (logicalMap1[i] != visualIndex) { Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (logicalMap1[" + i + "] == " + logicalMap1[i] + ") != (Bidi.getVisualIndex(" + i + ") == " + visualIndex + ")"); } try { logicalIndex = bidi.GetLogicalIndex(i); } catch (Exception e_1) { Errln("Bidi.getLogicalIndex(" + i + ") failed in tests[" + testNumber + "]"); } if (visualMap1[i] != logicalIndex) { Errln("Error in tests[" + testNumber + "]: (visualMap1[" + i + "] == " + visualMap1[i] + ") != (Bidi.getLogicalIndex(" + i + ") == " + logicalIndex + ")"); } } }
internal void CompareBidi(Bidi bidi, Bidi jbidi) { sbyte paraLevel = bidi.GetParaLevel(); if (bidi.BaseIsLeftToRight() != jbidi.BaseIsLeftToRight()) { Errln("Discrepancy in baseIsLeftToRight for case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.BaseIsLeftToRight() + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.BaseIsLeftToRight()); } if (bidi.GetBaseLevel() != jbidi.GetBaseLevel()) { Errln("Discrepancy in getBaseLevel for case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.GetBaseLevel() + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.GetBaseLevel()); } if (bidi.GetLength() != jbidi.GetLength()) { Errln("Discrepancy in getLength for case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.GetLength() + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.GetLength()); } int len = bidi.GetLength(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (bidi.GetLevelAt(i) != jbidi.GetLevelAt(i)) { Errln("Discrepancy in getLevelAt for offset " + i + " of case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.GetLevelAt(i) + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.GetLevelAt(i)); } } if (bidi.GetRunCount() != jbidi.GetRunCount()) { if (!(len == 0 && jbidi.GetRunCount() == 1)) { Errln("Discrepancy in getRunCount for case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.GetRunCount() + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.GetRunCount()); } } int runCount = bidi.GetRunCount(); for (int i_0 = 0; i_0 < runCount; i_0++) { if (bidi.GetRunLevel(i_0) != jbidi.GetRunLevel(i_0)) { Errln("Discrepancy in getRunLevel for run " + i_0 + " of case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.GetRunLevel(i_0) + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.GetRunLevel(i_0)); } if (bidi.GetRunLimit(i_0) != jbidi.GetRunLimit(i_0)) { Errln("Discrepancy in getRunLimit for run " + i_0 + " of case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.GetRunLimit(i_0) + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.GetRunLimit(i_0)); } if (bidi.GetRunStart(i_0) != jbidi.GetRunStart(i_0)) { Errln("Discrepancy in getRunStart for run " + i_0 + " of case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.GetRunStart(i_0) + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.GetRunStart(i_0)); } } if (bidi.IsLeftToRight() != jbidi.IsLeftToRight()) { Errln("Discrepancy in isLeftToRight for case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.IsLeftToRight() + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.IsLeftToRight()); } if (bidi.IsMixed() != jbidi.IsMixed()) { Errln("Discrepancy in isMixed for case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.IsMixed() + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.IsMixed()); } if (bidi.IsRightToLeft() != jbidi.IsRightToLeft()) { Errln("Discrepancy in isRightToLeft for case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + "): " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + bidi.IsRightToLeft() + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.IsRightToLeft()); } char[] text = bidi.GetText(); if (IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RequiresBidi(text, 0, text.Length) != Bidi .RequiresBidi(text, 0, text.Length)) { Errln("Discrepancy in requiresBidi for case " + IBM.ICU.Charset.BidiTest.U16ToPseudo(bidi.GetTextAsString()) + "\n bidi: " + IBM.ICU.Text.Bidi.RequiresBidi(text, 0, text.Length) + "\n jbidi: " + Bidi.RequiresBidi(text, 0, text.Length)); } /* * skip the next test, since the toString implementation are not * compatible if (!bidi.toString().equals(jbidi.toString())) { * errln("Discrepancy in toString for case " + "(level=" + paraLevel + * "): " + u16ToPseudo(bidi.getTextAsString() + "\n bidi: " + * bidi.toString() + "\n jbidi: " + jbidi.toString())); } */ }