public BidEntry(Mobile bidder, int amount, BidType type) { m_Bidder = bidder; m_Amount = amount; m_BidType = type; m_DatePlaced = DateTime.UtcNow; }
private void SetHandStrength(Card card, BidType bidType) { if (card.Type == CardType.Ten) { announceStrength[bidType] += 3; } if (card.Type == CardType.Queen || card.Type == CardType.King) { announceStrength[bidType] += 2; } if (card.Type == CardType.Ace) { announceStrength[bidType] += 5; } if (card.Type == CardType.Nine) { announceStrength[bidType] += 6; } if (card.Type == CardType.Jack) { announceStrength[bidType] += 10; } if (card.Type == CardType.Seven || card.Type == CardType.Eight) { announceStrength[bidType] += 1; } }
public void AddBid(Bid bid) { if (!bids.ContainsKey(CurrentBiddingRound)) { bids[CurrentBiddingRound] = new Dictionary <Player, Bid>(); } bids[CurrentBiddingRound][CurrentPlayer] = bid; if (CurrentPlayer == Player.South) { CurrentPlayer = Player.West; ++CurrentBiddingRound; } else { ++CurrentPlayer; } if (bid.bidType == { currentContract = bid; } if (bid.bidType != BidType.pass) { currentBidType = bid.bidType; } }
public BidType AskForBid(Contract currentContract, IList <BidType> allowedBids, IList <BidType> previousBids) { int max = 0; BidType currentBid = BidType.Pass; foreach (var item in announceStrength) { if (item.Value > max && allowedBids.Contains(item.Key) && item.Value > 14) { max = item.Value; currentBid = item.Key; } if (item.Value >= 24 && allowedBids.Contains(BidType.Double)) { currentBid = BidType.Double; break; } if (item.Value >= 24 && allowedBids.Contains(BidType.ReDouble)) { currentBid = BidType.ReDouble; break; } } return(currentBid); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { HasEditPermission = Permissions.PermissionsForUser(SessionHelper.UserId()).Contains(Permissions.PermissionKeys.sys_perm); if (Request.QueryString["id"] == "all") { if (Request.QueryString["bool"] == "bidleave") { BidLeave = true; } AllBids = true; } if (Request.QueryString["Id"] != null && Request.QueryString["Id"] != "all") { CustomerId = Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Type"] != null) { customerType = (CustomerType)int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Type"]); } if (Request.QueryString["BidType"] != null) { bidType = (BidType)int.Parse(Request.QueryString["BidType"]); } dgMyBids.PageIndexChanged += dgMyBids_PageIndexChanging; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Bid"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> protected Bid(BidType type) { if (!type.IsValid()) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type"); } this.BidType = type; }
public BidEntry(GenericReader reader) { int version = reader.ReadInt(); m_Bidder = reader.ReadMobile(); m_Amount = reader.ReadInt(); m_BidType = (BidType)reader.ReadInt(); m_DatePlaced = reader.ReadDateTime(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Bid to be commited to a /// </summary> /// <param name="room">Room that bid will be placed</param> /// <param name="buyer">Buyer owner of this bid</param> /// <param name="amount">Bid amount to be commited</param> public Bid(Room room, Buyer buyer, decimal amount, BidType type) { Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Date = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; Room = room; Buyer = buyer; Amount = amount; Type = type; }
private void AddButton(BidType bidType, int buttonLeft, string buttonText, int buttonWidth) { var button = new BiddingBoxButton(new Bid(bidType)) { Width = buttonWidth, Top = defaultButtonHeight * 7, Left = buttonLeft, Parent = this, Text = buttonText }; button.Click += BiddingBoxClick; button.Show(); buttons.Add(button); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post([FromBody] BidType model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { Validate(model); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var result = await _sql.CreateAsync(model); if (result < 1) { return(BadRequest()); } return(Ok(model)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Put(int id, [FromBody] BidType model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { Validate(model); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } // Set ID because Ember doesn't send it model.Id = id; var result = await _sql.UpdateAsync(model); if (!result) { return(BadRequest()); } return(Ok(model)); }
public BidEventArgs(PlayerPosition position, BidType bid) { this.Position = position; this.Bid = bid; }
public Bid(BidType bidType) { this.bidType = bidType; suit = default; rank = default; }
public OpportunityWrapper CreateDeal( int contactid, IEnumerable <int> members, String title, String description, Guid responsibleid, BidType bidType, decimal bidValue, String bidCurrencyAbbr, int perPeriodValue, int stageid, int successProbability, ApiDateTime actualCloseDate, ApiDateTime expectedCloseDate, IEnumerable <ItemKeyValuePair <int, String> > customFieldList, bool isPrivate, IEnumerable <Guid> accessList) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || responsibleid == Guid.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException(); } var deal = new Deal { Title = title, Description = description, ResponsibleID = responsibleid, BidType = bidType, BidValue = bidValue, PerPeriodValue = perPeriodValue, DealMilestoneID = stageid, DealMilestoneProbability = successProbability, ContactID = contactid, ActualCloseDate = actualCloseDate, ExpectedCloseDate = expectedCloseDate, BidCurrency = bidCurrencyAbbr, }; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.BidCurrency)) { deal.BidCurrency = Global.TenantSettings.DefaultCurrency.Abbreviation; } deal.ID = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().CreateNewDeal(deal); deal.CreateBy = ASC.Core.SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID; deal.CreateOn = DateTime.UtcNow; var accessListLocal = accessList.ToList(); if (isPrivate && accessListLocal.Count > 0) { CRMSecurity.SetAccessTo(deal, accessListLocal); } else { CRMSecurity.MakePublic(deal); } if (members != null && members.Count() > 0) { DaoFactory.GetDealDao().SetMembers(deal.ID, members.ToArray()); } foreach (var field in customFieldList) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { continue; } DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().SetFieldValue(EntityType.Opportunity, deal.ID, field.Key, field.Value); } return(ToOpportunityWrapper(deal)); }
public Bid(int rank, Suit suit) { bidType =; this.suit = suit; this.rank = rank; }
public OpportunityWrapper UpdateDeal( int opportunityid, int contactid, IEnumerable<int> members, String title, String description, Guid responsibleid, BidType bidType, decimal bidValue, String bidCurrencyAbbr, int perPeriodValue, int stageid, int successProbability, ApiDateTime actualCloseDate, ApiDateTime expectedCloseDate, IEnumerable<ItemKeyValuePair<int, String>> customFieldList, bool isPrivate, IEnumerable<Guid> accessList) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || responsibleid == Guid.Empty) throw new ArgumentException(); var deal = new Deal { ID = opportunityid, Title = title, Description = description, ResponsibleID = responsibleid, BidType = bidType, BidValue = bidValue, PerPeriodValue = perPeriodValue, DealMilestoneID = stageid, DealMilestoneProbability = successProbability, ContactID = contactid, ActualCloseDate = actualCloseDate, ExpectedCloseDate = expectedCloseDate }; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deal.BidCurrency)) deal.BidCurrency = Global.TenantSettings.DefaultCurrency.Abbreviation; DaoFactory.GetDealDao().EditDeal(deal); deal = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().GetByID(opportunityid); if (members != null && members.Count() > 0) DaoFactory.GetDealDao().SetMembers(deal.ID, members.ToArray()); var accessListLocal = accessList.ToList(); if (isPrivate && accessListLocal.Count > 0) CRMSecurity.SetAccessTo(deal, accessListLocal); else CRMSecurity.MakePublic(deal); foreach (var field in customFieldList) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) continue; DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().SetFieldValue(EntityType.Opportunity, deal.ID, field.Key, field.Value); } return ToOpportunityWrapper(deal); }
public OpportunityWrapper CreateDeal( int contactid, IEnumerable<int> members, string title, string description, Guid responsibleid, BidType bidType, decimal bidValue, string bidCurrencyAbbr, int perPeriodValue, int stageid, int successProbability, ApiDateTime actualCloseDate, ApiDateTime expectedCloseDate, IEnumerable<ItemKeyValuePair<int, string>> customFieldList, bool isPrivate, IEnumerable<Guid> accessList) { var deal = new Deal { Title = title, Description = description, ResponsibleID = responsibleid, BidType = bidType, BidValue = bidValue, PerPeriodValue = perPeriodValue, DealMilestoneID = stageid, DealMilestoneProbability = successProbability < 0 ? 0 : (successProbability > 100 ? 100 : successProbability), ContactID = contactid, ActualCloseDate = actualCloseDate, ExpectedCloseDate = expectedCloseDate, BidCurrency = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(bidCurrencyAbbr) ? bidCurrencyAbbr.ToUpper() : null, }; CRMSecurity.DemandCreateOrUpdate(deal); deal.ID = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().CreateNewDeal(deal); deal.CreateBy = SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID; deal.CreateOn = DateTime.UtcNow; var accessListLocal = accessList.ToList(); if (isPrivate && accessListLocal.Count > 0) { CRMSecurity.SetAccessTo(deal, accessListLocal); } else { CRMSecurity.MakePublic(deal); } var membersList = members.ToList(); if (members != null && membersList.Any()) { var contacts = DaoFactory.GetContactDao().GetContacts(membersList.ToArray()).Where(CRMSecurity.CanAccessTo).ToList(); membersList = contacts.Select(m => m.ID).ToList(); DaoFactory.GetDealDao().SetMembers(deal.ID, membersList.ToArray()); } var existingCustomFieldList = DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().GetFieldsDescription(EntityType.Opportunity).Select(fd => fd.ID).ToList(); foreach (var field in customFieldList) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value) || !existingCustomFieldList.Contains(field.Key)) continue; DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().SetFieldValue(EntityType.Opportunity, deal.ID, field.Key, field.Value); } return ToOpportunityWrapper(deal); }
private void ImportOpportunityData(DaoFactory _daoFactory) { var allUsers = ASC.Core.CoreContext.UserManager.GetUsers(EmployeeStatus.All).ToList(); using (var CSVFileStream = _dataStore.GetReadStream("temp", _CSVFileURI)) using (CsvReader csv = ImportFromCSV.CreateCsvReaderInstance(CSVFileStream, _importSettings)) { int currentIndex = 0; var customFieldDao = _daoFactory.CustomFieldDao; var contactDao = _daoFactory.ContactDao; var tagDao = _daoFactory.TagDao; var dealDao = _daoFactory.DealDao; var dealMilestoneDao = _daoFactory.DealMilestoneDao; var findedTags = new Dictionary <int, List <String> >(); var findedCustomField = new List <CustomField>(); var findedDeals = new List <Deal>(); var findedDealMembers = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); var dealMilestones = dealMilestoneDao.GetAll(); while (csv.ReadNextRecord()) { _columns = csv.GetCurrentRowFields(false); var obj = new Deal(); obj.ID = currentIndex; obj.Title = GetPropertyValue("title"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Title)) { continue; } obj.Description = GetPropertyValue("description"); var csvResponsibleValue = GetPropertyValue("responsible"); var responsible = allUsers.Where(n => n.DisplayUserName().Equals(csvResponsibleValue)).FirstOrDefault(); if (responsible != null) { obj.ResponsibleID = responsible.ID; } else { obj.ResponsibleID = Constants.LostUser.ID; } DateTime actualCloseDate; DateTime expectedCloseDate; if (DateTime.TryParse(GetPropertyValue("actual_close_date"), out actualCloseDate)) { obj.ActualCloseDate = actualCloseDate; } if (DateTime.TryParse(GetPropertyValue("expected_close_date"), out expectedCloseDate)) { obj.ExpectedCloseDate = expectedCloseDate; } var currency = CurrencyProvider.Get(GetPropertyValue("bid_currency")); if (currency != null) { obj.BidCurrency = currency.Abbreviation; } else { obj.BidCurrency = Global.TenantSettings.DefaultCurrency.Abbreviation; } decimal bidValue; var bidValueStr = GetPropertyValue("bid_amount"); if (Decimal.TryParse(bidValueStr, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out bidValue)) { obj.BidValue = bidValue; } else { obj.BidValue = 0; } var bidTypeStr = GetPropertyValue("bid_type"); BidType bidType = BidType.FixedBid; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bidTypeStr)) { if (String.Compare(CRMDealResource.BidType_FixedBid, bidTypeStr, true) == 0) { bidType = BidType.FixedBid; } else if (String.Compare(CRMDealResource.BidType_PerDay, bidTypeStr, true) == 0) { bidType = BidType.PerDay; } else if (String.Compare(CRMDealResource.BidType_PerHour, bidTypeStr, true) == 0) { bidType = BidType.PerHour; } else if (String.Compare(CRMDealResource.BidType_PerMonth, bidTypeStr, true) == 0) { bidType = BidType.PerMonth; } else if (String.Compare(CRMDealResource.BidType_PerWeek, bidTypeStr, true) == 0) { bidType = BidType.PerWeek; } else if (String.Compare(CRMDealResource.BidType_PerYear, bidTypeStr, true) == 0) { bidType = BidType.PerYear; } } obj.BidType = bidType; if (obj.BidType != BidType.FixedBid) { int perPeriodValue; if (int.TryParse(GetPropertyValue("per_period_value"), out perPeriodValue)) { obj.PerPeriodValue = perPeriodValue; } } int probabilityOfWinning; if (int.TryParse(GetPropertyValue("probability_of_winning"), out probabilityOfWinning)) { obj.DealMilestoneProbability = probabilityOfWinning; } var dealMilestoneTitle = GetPropertyValue("deal_milestone"); var tag = GetPropertyValue("tag"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tag)) { var tagList = tag.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); tagList.AddRange(_importSettings.Tags); tagList = tagList.Distinct().ToList(); findedTags.Add(obj.ID, tagList); } else if (_importSettings.Tags.Count != 0) { findedTags.Add(obj.ID, _importSettings.Tags); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dealMilestoneTitle)) { obj.DealMilestoneID = dealMilestones[0].ID; } else { var dealMilestone = dealMilestones.Find(item => String.Compare(item.Title, dealMilestoneTitle, true) == 0); if (dealMilestone == null) { obj.DealMilestoneID = dealMilestones[0].ID; } else { obj.DealMilestoneID = dealMilestone.ID; } } var contactName = GetPropertyValue("client"); var localMembersDeal = new List <int>(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contactName)) { var contacts = contactDao.GetContactsByName(contactName, true); if (contacts.Count > 0) { obj.ContactID = contacts[0].ID; localMembersDeal.Add(obj.ContactID); } else { contacts = contactDao.GetContactsByName(contactName, false); if (contacts.Count > 0) { obj.ContactID = contacts[0].ID; localMembersDeal.Add(obj.ContactID); } } } var members = GetPropertyValue("member"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(members)) { var membersList = members.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var item in membersList) { var findedMember = contactDao.GetContactsByName(item, true); if (findedMember.Count > 0) { localMembersDeal.Add(findedMember[0].ID); } else { findedMember = _daoFactory.ContactDao.GetContactsByName(item, false); if (findedMember.Count > 0) { localMembersDeal.Add(findedMember[0].ID); } } } } if (localMembersDeal.Count > 0) { findedDealMembers.Add(obj.ID, localMembersDeal); } foreach (JProperty jToken in _importSettings.ColumnMapping.Children()) { var propertyValue = GetPropertyValue(jToken.Name); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyValue)) { continue; } if (!jToken.Name.StartsWith("customField_")) { continue; } var fieldID = Convert.ToInt32(jToken.Name.Split(new[] { '_' })[1]); var field = customFieldDao.GetFieldDescription(fieldID); if (field != null) { findedCustomField.Add(new CustomField { EntityID = obj.ID, EntityType = EntityType.Opportunity, ID = fieldID, Value = field.FieldType == CustomFieldType.CheckBox ? (propertyValue == "on" || propertyValue == "true" ? "true" : "false") : propertyValue }); } } Percentage += 1.0 * 100 / (ImportFromCSV.MaxRoxCount * 2); if (ImportDataCache.CheckCancelFlag(EntityType.Opportunity)) { ImportDataCache.ResetAll(EntityType.Opportunity); throw new OperationCanceledException(); } ImportDataCache.Insert(EntityType.Opportunity, (ImportDataOperation)Clone()); findedDeals.Add(obj); if (currentIndex + 1 > ImportFromCSV.MaxRoxCount) { break; } currentIndex++; } Percentage = 50; if (ImportDataCache.CheckCancelFlag(EntityType.Opportunity)) { ImportDataCache.ResetAll(EntityType.Opportunity); throw new OperationCanceledException(); } ImportDataCache.Insert(EntityType.Opportunity, (ImportDataOperation)Clone()); var newDealIDs = dealDao.SaveDealList(findedDeals); findedDeals.ForEach(d => d.ID = newDealIDs[d.ID]); Percentage += 12.5; if (ImportDataCache.CheckCancelFlag(EntityType.Opportunity)) { ImportDataCache.ResetAll(EntityType.Opportunity); throw new OperationCanceledException(); } ImportDataCache.Insert(EntityType.Opportunity, (ImportDataOperation)Clone()); findedCustomField.ForEach(item => item.EntityID = newDealIDs[item.EntityID]); customFieldDao.SaveList(findedCustomField); Percentage += 12.5; if (ImportDataCache.CheckCancelFlag(EntityType.Opportunity)) { ImportDataCache.ResetAll(EntityType.Opportunity); throw new OperationCanceledException(); } ImportDataCache.Insert(EntityType.Opportunity, (ImportDataOperation)Clone()); foreach (var findedDealMemberKey in findedDealMembers.Keys) { dealDao.SetMembers(newDealIDs[findedDealMemberKey], findedDealMembers[findedDealMemberKey].ToArray()); } Percentage += 12.5; if (ImportDataCache.CheckCancelFlag(EntityType.Opportunity)) { ImportDataCache.ResetAll(EntityType.Opportunity); throw new OperationCanceledException(); } ImportDataCache.Insert(EntityType.Opportunity, (ImportDataOperation)Clone()); foreach (var findedTagKey in findedTags.Keys) { tagDao.SetTagToEntity(EntityType.Opportunity, newDealIDs[findedTagKey], findedTags[findedTagKey].ToArray()); } if (_importSettings.IsPrivate) { findedDeals.ForEach(dealItem => CRMSecurity.SetAccessTo(dealItem, _importSettings.AccessList)); } Percentage += 12.5; if (ImportDataCache.CheckCancelFlag(EntityType.Opportunity)) { ImportDataCache.ResetAll(EntityType.Opportunity); throw new OperationCanceledException(); } ImportDataCache.Insert(EntityType.Opportunity, (ImportDataOperation)Clone()); } Complete(); }
public OpportunityWrapper UpdateDeal( int opportunityid, int contactid, IEnumerable <int> members, String title, String description, Guid responsibleid, BidType bidType, decimal bidValue, int perPeriodValue, int stageid, int successProbability, ApiDateTime actualCloseDate, ApiDateTime expectedCloseDate, IEnumerable <ItemKeyValuePair <int, String> > customFieldList, bool isPrivate, IEnumerable <Guid> accessList) { if (contactid == 0 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || responsibleid == Guid.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException(); } var deal = new Deal { ID = opportunityid, Title = title, Description = description, ResponsibleID = responsibleid, BidType = bidType, BidValue = bidValue, PerPeriodValue = perPeriodValue, DealMilestoneID = stageid, DealMilestoneProbability = successProbability, ContactID = contactid, ActualCloseDate = actualCloseDate, ExpectedCloseDate = expectedCloseDate }; DaoFactory.GetDealDao().EditDeal(deal); deal = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().GetByID(opportunityid); if (members != null && members.Count() > 0) { DaoFactory.GetDealDao().SetMembers(deal.ID, members.ToArray()); } var accessListLocal = accessList.ToList(); if (isPrivate && accessListLocal.Count > 0) { CRMSecurity.SetAccessTo(deal, accessListLocal); } else { CRMSecurity.MakePublic(deal); } foreach (var field in customFieldList) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { continue; } DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().SetFieldValue(EntityType.Opportunity, deal.ID, field.Key, field.Value); } return(ToOpportunityWrapper(deal)); }
private Bid(BidType bidType) : this() { mBidType = bidType; }
public BidEventArgs(PlayerPosition position, BidType bid, Contract currentContract) { this.Position = position; this.Bid = bid; this.CurrentContract = currentContract; }
public OpportunityWrapper UpdateDeal( int opportunityid, int contactid, IEnumerable<int> members, string title, string description, Guid responsibleid, BidType bidType, decimal bidValue, string bidCurrencyAbbr, int perPeriodValue, int stageid, int successProbability, ApiDateTime actualCloseDate, ApiDateTime expectedCloseDate, IEnumerable<ItemKeyValuePair<int, string>> customFieldList, bool isPrivate, IEnumerable<Guid> accessList, bool isNotify) { var deal = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().GetByID(opportunityid); if (deal == null) throw new ItemNotFoundException(); deal.Title = title; deal.Description = description; deal.ResponsibleID = responsibleid; deal.BidType = bidType; deal.BidValue = bidValue; deal.PerPeriodValue = perPeriodValue; deal.DealMilestoneID = stageid; deal.DealMilestoneProbability = successProbability < 0 ? 0 : (successProbability > 100 ? 100 : successProbability); deal.ContactID = contactid; deal.ActualCloseDate = actualCloseDate; deal.ExpectedCloseDate = expectedCloseDate; deal.BidCurrency = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(bidCurrencyAbbr) ? bidCurrencyAbbr.ToUpper() : null; CRMSecurity.DemandCreateOrUpdate(deal); DaoFactory.GetDealDao().EditDeal(deal); deal = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().GetByID(opportunityid); var membersList = members != null ? members.ToList() : new List<int>(); if (membersList.Any()) { var contacts = DaoFactory.GetContactDao().GetContacts(membersList.ToArray()).Where(CRMSecurity.CanAccessTo).ToList(); membersList = contacts.Select(m => m.ID).ToList(); DaoFactory.GetDealDao().SetMembers(deal.ID, membersList.ToArray()); } if (CRMSecurity.IsAdmin || deal.CreateBy == SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID) { SetAccessToDeal(deal, isPrivate, accessList, isNotify, false); } if (customFieldList != null) { var existingCustomFieldList = DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().GetFieldsDescription(EntityType.Opportunity).Select(fd => fd.ID).ToList(); foreach (var field in customFieldList) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value) || !existingCustomFieldList.Contains(field.Key)) continue; DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().SetFieldValue(EntityType.Opportunity, deal.ID, field.Key, field.Value); } } return ToOpportunityWrapper(deal); }
public OpportunityWrapper CreateDeal( int contactid, IEnumerable <int> members, string title, string description, Guid responsibleid, BidType bidType, decimal bidValue, string bidCurrencyAbbr, int perPeriodValue, int stageid, int successProbability, ApiDateTime actualCloseDate, ApiDateTime expectedCloseDate, IEnumerable <ItemKeyValuePair <int, string> > customFieldList, bool isPrivate, IEnumerable <Guid> accessList) { var deal = new Deal { Title = title, Description = description, ResponsibleID = responsibleid, BidType = bidType, BidValue = bidValue, PerPeriodValue = perPeriodValue, DealMilestoneID = stageid, DealMilestoneProbability = successProbability < 0 ? 0 : (successProbability > 100 ? 100 : successProbability), ContactID = contactid, ActualCloseDate = actualCloseDate, ExpectedCloseDate = expectedCloseDate, BidCurrency = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(bidCurrencyAbbr) ? bidCurrencyAbbr.ToUpper() : null, }; CRMSecurity.DemandCreateOrUpdate(deal); deal.ID = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().CreateNewDeal(deal); deal.CreateBy = SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID; deal.CreateOn = DateTime.UtcNow; var accessListLocal = accessList != null?accessList.ToList() : new List <Guid>(); if (isPrivate && accessListLocal.Any()) { CRMSecurity.SetAccessTo(deal, accessListLocal); } else { CRMSecurity.MakePublic(deal); } var membersList = members != null?members.ToList() : new List <int>(); if (membersList.Any()) { var contacts = DaoFactory.GetContactDao().GetContacts(membersList.ToArray()).Where(CRMSecurity.CanAccessTo).ToList(); membersList = contacts.Select(m => m.ID).ToList(); DaoFactory.GetDealDao().SetMembers(deal.ID, membersList.ToArray()); } if (customFieldList != null) { var existingCustomFieldList = DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().GetFieldsDescription(EntityType.Opportunity).Select(fd => fd.ID).ToList(); foreach (var field in customFieldList) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value) || !existingCustomFieldList.Contains(field.Key)) { continue; } DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().SetFieldValue(EntityType.Opportunity, deal.ID, field.Key, field.Value); } } return(ToOpportunityWrapper(deal)); }
public static Domain.Entities.Types.BidType ToModel(this BidType type) { return((Domain.Entities.Types.BidType)type); }
public void UpdateButtons(Bid bid, Player auctionCurrentPlayer) { currentBidType = bid.bidType; switch (bid.bidType) { case EnableButtons(new[] { Bid.Dbl }); DisableButtons(new[] { Bid.Rdbl }); foreach (var button in buttons) { Bid localBid =; if (localBid.bidType == && <= bid) { button.Enabled = false; } } if (currentDeclarer == Player.UnKnown) { currentDeclarer = auctionCurrentPlayer; } break; case BidType.pass: if (Common.IsSameTeam(auctionCurrentPlayer, currentDeclarer)) { switch (currentBidType) { case EnableButtons(new[] { Bid.Dbl }); DisableButtons(new[] { Bid.Rdbl }); break; case BidType.dbl: DisableButtons(new[] { Bid.Dbl, Bid.Rdbl }); break; } } else { switch (currentBidType) { case DisableButtons(new[] { Bid.Dbl, Bid.Rdbl }); break; case BidType.dbl: EnableButtons(new[] { Bid.Rdbl }); DisableButtons(new[] { Bid.Dbl }); break; } } break; case BidType.dbl: EnableButtons(new[] { Bid.Rdbl }); DisableButtons(new[] { Bid.Dbl }); break; case BidType.rdbl: DisableButtons(new[] { Bid.Dbl, Bid.Rdbl }); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public Bid CreateBid(Room room, decimal bidAmount, BidType type) { return(new Bid(room, this, bidAmount, type)); }
public OpportunityWrapper UpdateDeal( int opportunityid, int contactid, IEnumerable <int> members, string title, string description, Guid responsibleid, BidType bidType, decimal bidValue, string bidCurrencyAbbr, int perPeriodValue, int stageid, int successProbability, ApiDateTime actualCloseDate, ApiDateTime expectedCloseDate, IEnumerable <ItemKeyValuePair <int, string> > customFieldList, bool isPrivate, IEnumerable <Guid> accessList, bool isNotify) { var deal = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().GetByID(opportunityid); if (deal == null) { throw new ItemNotFoundException(); } deal.Title = title; deal.Description = description; deal.ResponsibleID = responsibleid; deal.BidType = bidType; deal.BidValue = bidValue; deal.PerPeriodValue = perPeriodValue; deal.DealMilestoneID = stageid; deal.DealMilestoneProbability = successProbability < 0 ? 0 : (successProbability > 100 ? 100 : successProbability); deal.ContactID = contactid; deal.ActualCloseDate = actualCloseDate; deal.ExpectedCloseDate = expectedCloseDate; deal.BidCurrency = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(bidCurrencyAbbr) ? bidCurrencyAbbr.ToUpper() : null; CRMSecurity.DemandCreateOrUpdate(deal); DaoFactory.GetDealDao().EditDeal(deal); deal = DaoFactory.GetDealDao().GetByID(opportunityid); var membersList = members != null?members.ToList() : new List <int>(); if (membersList.Any()) { var contacts = DaoFactory.GetContactDao().GetContacts(membersList.ToArray()).Where(CRMSecurity.CanAccessTo).ToList(); membersList = contacts.Select(m => m.ID).ToList(); DaoFactory.GetDealDao().SetMembers(deal.ID, membersList.ToArray()); } if (CRMSecurity.IsAdmin || deal.CreateBy == SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID) { SetAccessToDeal(deal, isPrivate, accessList, isNotify, false); } if (customFieldList != null) { var existingCustomFieldList = DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().GetFieldsDescription(EntityType.Opportunity).Select(fd => fd.ID).ToList(); foreach (var field in customFieldList) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value) || !existingCustomFieldList.Contains(field.Key)) { continue; } DaoFactory.GetCustomFieldDao().SetFieldValue(EntityType.Opportunity, deal.ID, field.Key, field.Value); } } return(ToOpportunityWrapper(deal)); }
public int GetValue(BidType contract) { if (contract == BidType.Pass || contract == BidType.Double || contract == BidType.ReDouble) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("contract", (int)contract, typeof(BidType)); } if (contract == BidType.AllTrumps || (contract == BidType.Clubs && this.Suit == CardSuit.Clubs) || (contract == BidType.Diamonds && this.Suit == CardSuit.Diamonds) || (contract == BidType.Hearts && this.Suit == CardSuit.Hearts) || (contract == BidType.Spades && this.Suit == CardSuit.Spades)) { if (this.Type == CardType.Seven) { return 0; } if (this.Type == CardType.Eight) { return 0; } if (this.Type == CardType.Nine) { return 14; } if (this.Type == CardType.Ten) { return 10; } if (this.Type == CardType.Jack) { return 20; } if (this.Type == CardType.Queen) { return 3; } if (this.Type == CardType.King) { return 4; } if (this.Type == CardType.Ace) { return 11; } } else { // Non-trump card if (this.Type == CardType.Seven) { return 0; } if (this.Type == CardType.Eight) { return 0; } if (this.Type == CardType.Nine) { return 0; } if (this.Type == CardType.Ten) { return 10; } if (this.Type == CardType.Jack) { return 2; } if (this.Type == CardType.Queen) { return 3; } if (this.Type == CardType.King) { return 4; } if (this.Type == CardType.Ace) { return 11; } } throw new Exception("Unable to determine card value!"); }
private async void SendAlarm(BidType type) { if (IsBusy) { return; } IsBusy = true; if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android) { if (!await CheckPermission(Permission.Location, "Для отправки тревоги, необходимо разрешение на использование геоданных.")) { IsBusy = false; return; } } var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var user = App.User; bool res = false; IBidsService service = new BidsService { AccessToken = (string)user.UserToken.Token.Clone(), TokenType = (string)user.UserToken.TokenType.Clone() }; try { res = await service.CreateBid(new Bid { Guid = guid, Client = user, Location = await Location.GetCurrentGeolocationAsync(GeolocationAccuracy.Best), Status = BidStatus.PendingAcceptance, Type = type }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } if (res) { if (type == BidType.Call) { App.Call("+7 911 447-11-83"); } else if (type == BidType.Alert) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Внимание", "Тревога отправлена", "OK"); } await Task.Run(() => { DependencyService.Get <ILocationTrackingService>() .StartService(guid); }); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(service.LastError)) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Внимание", "Ошибка сервера.", "Ок"); } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Внимание", service.LastError, "Ок"); } } IsBusy = false; }