private static void UnpackBdtFile(Options options) { FileNameDictionary dictionary = FileNameDictionary.OpenFromFile(options.InputGameVersion); string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileName(options.InputPath).Replace("Ebl.bdt", "").Replace(".bdt", ""); string archiveName = fileNameWithoutExtension.ToLower(); using (Bdt5FileStream bdtStream = Bdt5FileStream.OpenFile(options.InputPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { Bhd5File bhdFile = Bhd5File.Read( inputStream: DecryptBhdFile( filePath: Path.ChangeExtension(options.InputPath, "bhd"), version: options.InputGameVersion), version: options.InputGameVersion ); foreach (var bucket in bhdFile.GetBuckets()) { foreach (var entry in bucket.GetEntries()) { MemoryStream data; if (entry.FileSize == 0) { long fileSize; if (!TryReadFileSize(entry, bdtStream, out fileSize)) { Console.WriteLine($"Unable to determine the length of file '{entry.FileNameHash:D10}'"); continue; } entry.FileSize = fileSize; } if (entry.IsEncrypted) { data = bdtStream.Read(entry.FileOffset, entry.PaddedFileSize); CryptographyUtility.DecryptAesEcb(data, entry.AesKey.Key, entry.AesKey.Ranges); data.Position = 0; data.SetLength(entry.FileSize); } else { data = bdtStream.Read(entry.FileOffset, entry.FileSize); } string fileName; string dataExtension = GetDataExtension(data); bool fileNameFound = dictionary.TryGetFileName(entry.FileNameHash, archiveName, out fileName); if (!fileNameFound) { fileNameFound = dictionary.TryGetFileName(entry.FileNameHash, archiveName, dataExtension, out fileName); } string extension; if (fileNameFound) { extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); if (dataExtension == ".dcx" && extension != ".dcx") { extension = ".dcx"; fileName += ".dcx"; } } else { extension = dataExtension; fileName = $"{entry.FileNameHash:D10}_{fileNameWithoutExtension}{extension}"; } if (extension == ".enc") { byte[] decryptionKey; if (DecryptionKeys.TryGetAesFileKey(Path.GetFileName(fileName), out decryptionKey)) { EncFile encFile = EncFile.ReadEncFile(data, decryptionKey); data = encFile.Data; fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)); extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); } else { Debug.WriteLine($"No decryption key for file \'{fileName}\' found."); } } if (extension == ".dcx") { DcxFile dcxFile = DcxFile.Read(data); data = new MemoryStream(dcxFile.Decompress()); fileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)); if (fileNameFound) { extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); } else { extension = GetDataExtension(data); fileName += extension; } } if (extension == ".bnd") { UnpackBnd3File(data, options.OutputPath); continue; // don't actually unpack bnds } Debug.WriteLine( "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7}\t{8}", fileNameWithoutExtension, fileName, extension, entry.FileNameHash, entry.FileOffset, entry.FileSize, entry.PaddedFileSize, entry.IsEncrypted, fileNameFound); string newFileNamePath = Path.Combine(options.OutputPath, fileName); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(newFileNamePath)); File.WriteAllBytes(newFileNamePath, data.ToArray()); } } } }
private bool unpackBDT(string name, string key, Progress progress, bool required) { if (stop) { return(true); } string bhdPath = gameDir + "\\" + name + ".bhd"; string bdtPath = gameDir + "\\" + name + ".bdt"; if (!(File.Exists(bhdPath) && File.Exists(bdtPath))) { if (required) { Error = "File not found:\n" + (File.Exists(bhdPath) ? bdtPath : bhdPath); return(false); } else { return(true); } } Status = "Unpacking " + name + "..."; Bhd5File bhd; try { using (MemoryStream bhdStream = CryptographyUtility.DecryptRsa(bhdPath, key)) { bhd = Bhd5File.Read(bhdStream, GameVersion.DarkSouls3); } } catch (Exception ex) { Error = $"Failed to open BHD:\n{bhdPath}\n\n{ex}"; return(false); } int fileCount = 0; foreach (Bhd5Bucket bucket in bhd.GetBuckets()) { fileCount += bucket.GetEntries().Count(); } progress.Value = 0; progress.Max = fileCount; try { using (Bdt5FileStream bdtStream = Bdt5FileStream.OpenFile(bdtPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { foreach (Bhd5Bucket bucket in bhd.GetBuckets()) { foreach (Bhd5BucketEntry entry in bucket.GetEntries()) { if (stop) { return(true); } if (entry.FileSize == 0) { MemoryStream header = bdtStream.Read(entry.FileOffset, 48); if (entry.IsEncrypted) { MemoryStream disposer = header; header = CryptographyUtility.DecryptAesEcb(header, entry.AesKey.Key); disposer.Dispose(); } byte[] signatureBytes = new byte[4]; header.Read(signatureBytes, 0, 4); string signature = ASCII.GetString(signatureBytes); if (signature != DcxFile.DcxSignature) { Error = "Zero-length entry is not DCX in BHD:\n" + bhdPath; return(false); } header.Position = 0; entry.FileSize = DcxFile.DcxSize + DcxFile.ReadCompressedSize(header); header.Dispose(); } MemoryStream data; if (entry.IsEncrypted) { data = bdtStream.Read(entry.FileOffset, entry.PaddedFileSize); CryptographyUtility.DecryptAesEcb(data, entry.AesKey.Key, entry.AesKey.Ranges); data.Position = 0; data.SetLength(entry.FileSize); } else { data = bdtStream.Read(entry.FileOffset, entry.FileSize); } string path; if (ArchiveDictionary.GetPath(entry.FileNameHash, out path)) { path = gameDir + path.Replace('/', '\\'); } else { path = $"{gameDir}\\_unknown\\{name}_{entry.FileNameHash:D10}"; } try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); File.WriteAllBytes(path, data.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { Error = $"Failed to write file:\n{path}\n\n{ex}"; return(false); } data.Dispose(); progress.Value++; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Error = $"Failed to unpack BDT:\n{bdtPath}\n\n{ex}"; return(false); } return(true); }