public static void ResetLighting(BetaWorld world, ChunkManager cm, frmMace frmLogForm, int intTotalChunks) { int intChunksProcessed = 0; //this code is based on a substrate example // //see the <License Substrate.txt> file for copyright information foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { try { chunk.Blocks.RebuildHeightMap(); chunk.Blocks.ResetBlockLight(); chunk.Blocks.ResetSkyLight(); chunk.Blocks.RebuildBlockLight(); chunk.Blocks.RebuildSkyLight(); cm.Save(); intChunksProcessed++; if (intChunksProcessed % 10 == 0) { frmLogForm.UpdateProgress(62 + ((intChunksProcessed * (100 - 62)) / intTotalChunks)); world.Save(); } } catch (Exception) { Debug.WriteLine("Chunk light fail"); } } cm.Save(); world.Save(); }
public static void PositionRails(BetaWorld worldDest, BlockManager bm) { // todo low: different elevations int intReplaced = 0; for (int x = 0; x < City.MapLength; x++) { for (int z = -City.FarmLength; z < City.MapLength; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < 128; y++) { switch (bm.GetID(x, y, z)) { case BlockType.POWERED_RAIL: case BlockType.DETECTOR_RAIL: case BlockType.RAILS: BlockHelper.MakeRail(x, y, z); if (++intReplaced > 100) { worldDest.Save(); intReplaced = 0; } break; } } } } }
private static void MakePaths(BetaWorld world, BlockManager bm, int[,] intArea) { for (int x = 0; x < intArea.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intArea.GetLength(1); z++) { if (intArea[x, z] == 1) { if (Math.Abs(x - (intArea.GetLength(0) / 2)) == 2 && Math.Abs(z - (intArea.GetLength(1) / 2)) == 2) { // don't need these } else if (Math.Abs(x - (intArea.GetLength(0) / 2)) == 2 || Math.Abs(z - (intArea.GetLength(1) / 2)) == 2) { if (MultipleNeighbouringPaths(intArea, x, z)) { bm.SetID(_intBlockStart + x, 63, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathBlockID); bm.SetData(_intBlockStart + x, 63, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathBlockData); } } else { bm.SetID(_intBlockStart + x, 63, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathBlockID); bm.SetData(_intBlockStart + x, 63, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathBlockData); } } } if (x % 20 == 0) { world.Save(); } } }
private static void MakePaths(BetaWorld world, BlockManager bm, int[,] intArea, int intMapSize) { for (int x = 0; x < intArea.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intArea.GetLength(1); z++) { if (intArea[x, z] == 1) { if (Math.Abs(x - (intArea.GetLength(0) / 2)) == 2 && Math.Abs(z - (intArea.GetLength(1) / 2)) == 2) { // don't need these } else if (Math.Abs(x - (intArea.GetLength(0) / 2)) == 2 || Math.Abs(z - (intArea.GetLength(1) / 2)) == 2) { if (MultipleNeighbouringPaths(intArea, x, z)) { bm.SetID(intBlockStart + x, 63, intBlockStart + z, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB); } } else { bm.SetID(intBlockStart + x, 63, intBlockStart + z, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB); } } } if (x % 20 == 0) { world.Save(); } } }
public static void CropMaceWorld(frmMace frmLogForm) { // thank you to Surrogard <*****@*****.**> for providing a linux friendly version of this code: Directory.CreateDirectory("macecopy".ToMinecraftSaveDirectory()); BetaWorld bwCopy = BetaWorld.Create("macecopy".ToMinecraftSaveDirectory()); BetaChunkManager cmCopy = bwCopy.GetChunkManager(); BetaWorld bwCrop = BetaWorld.Open("macemaster".ToMinecraftSaveDirectory()); BetaChunkManager cmCrop = bwCrop.GetChunkManager(); foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cmCrop) { if (chunk.X >= -7 && chunk.X <= 11 && chunk.Z >= 0 && chunk.Z <= 11) { Debug.WriteLine("Copying chunk " + chunk.X + "," + chunk.Z); cmCopy.SetChunk(chunk.X, chunk.Z, chunk.GetChunkRef()); } cmCopy.Save(); } bwCopy.Level.GameType = GameType.CREATIVE; cmCopy.Save(); bwCopy.Save(); if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { Process.Start("explorer.exe", @"/select," + "macecopy".ToMinecraftSaveDirectory() + "\\level.dat"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 4) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: MoveSpawn <world> <x> <y> <z>"); return; } string dest = args[0]; int x = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); int y = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]); int z = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]); // Open our world BetaWorld world = BetaWorld.Open(dest); // Set the level's spawn // Note: Players do not have separate spawns by default // If you wanted to change a player's spawn, you must set all // 3 coordinates for it to stick. It will not take the level's defaults. world.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(x, y, z); // Save the changes world.Save(); }
public static void ResetLighting(BetaWorld world, BetaChunkManager cm, frmMace frmLogForm) { int intChunksChecked = 0; int intChunksProcessed = 0; // we process each chunk twice, hence this: int intTotalChunks = 0; //this code is based on a substrate example // //see the <License Substrate.txt> file for copyright information foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { intTotalChunks += 2; } foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { if (chunk.IsTerrainPopulated) { intChunksChecked++; try { chunk.Blocks.RebuildHeightMap(); chunk.Blocks.ResetBlockLight(); chunk.Blocks.ResetSkyLight(); } catch (Exception) { Debug.WriteLine("Chunk reset light fail"); } } if (++intChunksProcessed % 10 == 0) { cm.Save(); frmLogForm.UpdateProgress(intChunksProcessed * 0.95 / intTotalChunks); } } foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { if (chunk.IsTerrainPopulated) { try { chunk.Blocks.RebuildBlockLight(); chunk.Blocks.RebuildSkyLight(); } catch (Exception) { Debug.WriteLine("Chunk rebuild light fail"); } } if (++intChunksProcessed % 10 == 0) { cm.Save(); frmLogForm.UpdateProgress(intChunksProcessed * 0.95 / intTotalChunks); } } world.Save(); }
private static structPoint MakeBuildings(BlockManager bm, int[,] intArea, int intBlockStart, BetaWorld world) { structPoint structLocationOfMineshaftEntrance = new structPoint(); structLocationOfMineshaftEntrance.x = -1; structLocationOfMineshaftEntrance.z = -1; int intBuildings = 0; for (int x = 0; x < intArea.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intArea.GetLength(1); z++) { // hack low: this 100 to 500 stuff is all a bit hackish really, need to find a proper solution if (intArea[x, z] >= 100 && intArea[x, z] <= 500) { SourceWorld.Building CurrentBuilding = SourceWorld.GetBuilding(intArea[x, z] - 100); SourceWorld.InsertBuilding(bm, intArea, intBlockStart, x, z, CurrentBuilding, 0); if (CurrentBuilding.btThis == SourceWorld.BuildingTypes.MineshaftEntrance) { structLocationOfMineshaftEntrance.x = intBlockStart + x + (int)(CurrentBuilding.intSizeX / 2); structLocationOfMineshaftEntrance.z = intBlockStart + z + (int)(CurrentBuilding.intSizeZ / 2); if (City.HasSkyFeature) { SourceWorld.Building BalloonBuilding = SourceWorld.GetBuilding("Sky Feature"); SourceWorld.InsertBuilding(bm, new int[0, 0], intBlockStart, x + ((CurrentBuilding.intSizeX - BalloonBuilding.intSizeX) / 2), z + ((CurrentBuilding.intSizeZ - BalloonBuilding.intSizeZ) / 2), BalloonBuilding, 0); } } intArea[x + CurrentBuilding.intSizeX - 2, z + CurrentBuilding.intSizeZ - 2] = 0; if (++intBuildings == NumberOfBuildingsBetweenSaves) { world.Save(); intBuildings = 0; } } } } world.Save(); return(structLocationOfMineshaftEntrance); }
public static void MoveChunks(BetaWorld world, BetaChunkManager cm, int CityX, int CityZ) { cm.Save(); world.Save(); for (int x = 0; x < City.MapLength / 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < City.MapLength / 16; z++) { cm.CopyChunk(x, z, CityX + x + 30, CityZ + z + 30); ChunkRef chunkActive = cm.GetChunkRef(CityX + x + 30, CityZ + z + 30); chunkActive.IsTerrainPopulated = true; cm.DeleteChunk(x, z); cm.Save(); world.Save(); } } world.Save(); }
public static void MoveChunks(BetaWorld world, BetaChunkManager cm, int CityX, int CityZ) { cm.Save(); world.Save(); for (int x = 0; x < City.MapLength / 16; x++) { for (int z = -City.FarmLength / 16; z < City.MapLength / 16; z++) { cm.CopyChunk(x, z, CityX + x + CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS, CityZ + z + CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS); ChunkRef chunkActive = cm.GetChunkRef(CityX + x + CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS, CityZ + z + CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS); chunkActive.IsTerrainPopulated = true; chunkActive.Blocks.AutoLight = true; cm.DeleteChunk(x, z); cm.Save(); world.Save(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string dest = "F:\\Minecraft\\test"; int xmin = -20; int xmax = 20; int zmin = -20; int zmaz = 20; // This will instantly create any necessary directory structure BetaWorld world = BetaWorld.Create(dest); BetaChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(); // We can set different world parameters world.Level.LevelName = "Flatlands"; world.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(20, 20, 70); // world.Level.SetDefaultPlayer(); // We'll let MC create the player for us, but you could use the above // line to create the SSP player entry in level.dat. // We'll create chunks at chunk coordinates xmin,zmin to xmax,zmax for (int xi = xmin; xi < xmax; xi++) { for (int zi = zmin; zi < zmaz; zi++) { // This line will create a default empty chunk, and create a // backing region file if necessary (which will immediately be // written to disk) ChunkRef chunk = cm.CreateChunk(xi, zi); // This will suppress generating caves, ores, and all those // other goodies. chunk.IsTerrainPopulated = true; // Auto light recalculation is horrifically bad for creating // chunks from scratch, because we're placing thousands // of blocks. Turn it off. chunk.Blocks.AutoLight = false; // Set the blocks FlatChunk(chunk, 64); // Reset and rebuild the lighting for the entire chunk at once chunk.Blocks.RebuildBlockLight(); chunk.Blocks.RebuildSkyLight(); Console.WriteLine("Built Chunk {0},{1}", chunk.X, chunk.Z); // Save the chunk to disk so it doesn't hang around in RAM cm.Save(); } } // Save all remaining data (including a default level.dat) // If we didn't save chunks earlier, they would be saved here world.Save(); }
public static void ReplaceValuableBlocks(BetaWorld worldDest, BlockManager bm) { int intReplaced = 0; for (int x = 0; x < City.MapLength; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < City.MapLength; z++) { for (int y = 32; y < 128; y++) { if (bm.GetID(x, y, z) != City.WallMaterialID || bm.GetData(x, y, z) != City.WallMaterialData) { #pragma warning disable switch ((int)bm.GetID(x, y, z)) { case BlockType.GOLD_BLOCK: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Wool.ID, (int)WoolColor.YELLOW); intReplaced++; break; case BlockType.IRON_BLOCK: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Wool.ID, (int)WoolColor.LIGHT_GRAY); intReplaced++; break; case BlockType.OBSIDIAN: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Wool.ID, (int)WoolColor.BLACK); intReplaced++; break; case BlockType.DIAMOND_BLOCK: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Wool.ID, (int)WoolColor.LIGHT_BLUE); intReplaced++; break; case BlockType.LAPIS_BLOCK: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Wool.ID, (int)WoolColor.BLUE); intReplaced++; break; // no need for a default, because we purposefully want to skip all the other blocks } #pragma warning restore if (intReplaced > 25) { worldDest.Save(); intReplaced = 0; } } } } } }
private static void MakePaths(BetaWorld world, BlockManager bm, int[,] intArea) { for (int x = 0; x < intArea.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intArea.GetLength(1); z++) { if (intArea[x, z] == 1) { if (Math.Abs(x - (intArea.GetLength(0) / 2)) == City.PathExtends + 1 && Math.Abs(z - (intArea.GetLength(1) / 2)) == City.PathExtends + 1) { // don't need these } else if (Math.Abs(x - (intArea.GetLength(0) / 2)) == (City.PathExtends + 1) || Math.Abs(z - (intArea.GetLength(1) / 2)) == (City.PathExtends + 1)) { if (MultipleNeighbouringPaths(intArea, x, z)) { bm.SetID(_intBlockStart + x, 63, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathBlockID); bm.SetData(_intBlockStart + x, 63, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathBlockData); } } else { bm.SetID(_intBlockStart + x, 63, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathBlockID); bm.SetData(_intBlockStart + x, 63, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathBlockData); } if (City.PathAlternativeBlockID > 0) { if (x > 0 && z > 0 && x < intArea.GetUpperBound(0) && z < intArea.GetUpperBound(1)) { if (Math.Abs(x - (intArea.GetLength(0) / 2)) == City.PathExtends || Math.Abs(z - (intArea.GetLength(1) / 2)) == City.PathExtends) { if (Math.Abs(x - (intArea.GetLength(0) / 2)) >= City.PathExtends && Math.Abs(z - (intArea.GetLength(1) / 2)) >= City.PathExtends) { bm.SetID(_intBlockStart + x, 64, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathAlternativeBlockID); bm.SetData(_intBlockStart + x, 64, _intBlockStart + z, City.PathAlternativeBlockData); } } } } } } if (x % 20 == 0) { world.Save(); } } }
public static void ReplaceValuableBlocks(BetaWorld worldDest, BlockManager bm, int intCitySize) { int intReplaced = 0; for (int x = 0; x < intCitySize; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intCitySize; z++) { for (int y = 32; y < 128; y++) { switch ((int)bm.GetID(x, y, z)) { case (int)BlockType.GOLD_BLOCK: bm.SetID(x, y, z, (int)BlockType.WOOL); bm.SetData(x, y, z, (int)WoolColor.YELLOW); intReplaced++; break; case (int)BlockType.IRON_BLOCK: bm.SetID(x, y, z, (int)BlockType.WOOL); bm.SetData(x, y, z, (int)WoolColor.LIGHT_GRAY); intReplaced++; break; case (int)BlockType.OBSIDIAN: bm.SetID(x, y, z, (int)BlockType.WOOL); bm.SetData(x, y, z, (int)WoolColor.BLACK); intReplaced++; break; case (int)BlockType.DIAMOND_BLOCK: bm.SetID(x, y, z, (int)BlockType.WOOL); bm.SetData(x, y, z, (int)WoolColor.LIGHT_BLUE); intReplaced++; break; case (int)BlockType.LAPIS_BLOCK: bm.SetID(x, y, z, (int)BlockType.WOOL); bm.SetData(x, y, z, (int)WoolColor.BLUE); intReplaced++; break; } if (intReplaced > 25) { worldDest.Save(); intReplaced = 0; } } } } }
public static void ReplaceValuableBlocks(BetaWorld worldDest, BlockManager bm, int intCitySize, int intWallMaterial) { int intReplaced = 0; for (int x = 0; x < intCitySize; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intCitySize; z++) { for (int y = 32; y < 128; y++) { if ((int)bm.GetID(x, y, z) != intWallMaterial) { switch ((int)bm.GetID(x, y, z)) { case BlockType.GOLD_BLOCK: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.WOOL, (int)WoolColor.YELLOW); intReplaced++; break; case BlockType.IRON_BLOCK: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.WOOL, (int)WoolColor.LIGHT_GRAY); intReplaced++; break; case BlockType.OBSIDIAN: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.WOOL, (int)WoolColor.BLACK); intReplaced++; break; case BlockType.DIAMOND_BLOCK: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.WOOL, (int)WoolColor.LIGHT_BLUE); intReplaced++; break; case BlockType.LAPIS_BLOCK: BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.WOOL, (int)WoolColor.BLUE); intReplaced++; break; // no need for a default, because we purposefully want to skip all the other blocks } if (intReplaced > 25) { worldDest.Save(); intReplaced = 0; } } } } } }
private static void MakeMiniPondsAndHills(BetaWorld world, BlockManager bm) { int intFail = 0; int intAdded = 0; do { int xlen = RandomHelper.Next(4, 12); int x1 = RandomHelper.Next(1, City.MapLength - (1 + xlen)); int zlen = RandomHelper.Next(4, 12); int z1 = RandomHelper.Next(1, City.MapLength - (1 + zlen)); if (!(x1 >= City.FarmLength && z1 >= City.FarmLength && x1 <= City.MapLength - City.FarmLength && z1 <= City.MapLength - City.FarmLength)) { bool booValid = true; for (int x = x1 - 1; x <= x1 + xlen + 1 && booValid; x++) { for (int z = z1 - 1; z <= z1 + zlen + 1 && booValid; z++) { // make sure it doesn't overlap with the spawn point or another farm if ((x == City.MapLength / 2 && z == SpawnZ) || bm.GetID(x, 63, z) != City.GroundBlockID || bm.GetID(x, 64, z) != BlockInfo.Air.ID) { booValid = false; } } } if (booValid) { if (RandomHelper.NextDouble() > 0.5) { MakePond(bm, x1, xlen, z1, zlen, true); } else { MakeHill(bm, x1, xlen, z1, zlen, true); } intFail = 0; if (++intAdded % 25 == 0) { world.Save(); } } else { intFail++; } } } while (intFail < 500); }
private static void MakeBuildings(int[,] intArea, int intBlockStart, BetaWorld world, int intFarmSize) { int intBuildings = 0; for (int x = 0; x < intArea.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intArea.GetLength(1); z++) { if (intArea[x, z] >= 100 && intArea[x, z] <= 500) { SourceWorld.Building CurrentBuilding = SourceWorld.GetBuilding(intArea[x, z] - 100); SourceWorld.InsertBuilding(bmDest, intArea, intBlockStart, x, z, CurrentBuilding); intArea[x + CurrentBuilding.intSize - 2, z + CurrentBuilding.intSize - 2] = 0; if (++intBuildings == 20) { world.Save(); intBuildings = 0; } } } } world.Save(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { BetaWorld world = BetaWorld.Open("F:\\Minecraft\\test"); BlockManager bm = world.GetBlockManager(); bm.AutoLight = false; Grid grid = new Grid(); grid.BuildInit(bm); Generator gen = new Generator(); List <Generator.Edge> edges = gen.Generate(); foreach (Generator.Edge e in edges) { int x1; int y1; int z1; gen.UnIndex(e.node1, out x1, out y1, out z1); int x2; int y2; int z2; gen.UnIndex(e.node2, out x2, out y2, out z2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); } // Entrance Room grid.BuildRoom(bm, 2, 5, 2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 3, 5, 2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 1); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 3); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 2); // Exit Room grid.BuildRoom(bm, 2, -1, 2); grid.LinkRooms(bm, 2, -1, 2, 2, 0, 2); grid.AddPrize(bm, 2, -1, 2); Console.WriteLine("Relight Chunks"); BetaChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(); cm.RelightDirtyChunks(); world.Save(); }
private static void MakeMiniPondsAndHills(BetaWorld world, BlockManager bm, int intFarmSize, int intMapSize) { int intFail = 0; int intAdded = 0; while (intFail <= 250) { int xlen = rand.Next(6, 10); int x1 = rand.Next(1, intMapSize - (1 + xlen)); int zlen = rand.Next(6, 10); int z1 = rand.Next(1, intMapSize - (1 + zlen)); if (!(x1 >= intFarmSize && z1 >= intFarmSize && x1 <= intMapSize - intFarmSize && z1 <= intMapSize - intFarmSize)) { bool booValid = true; for (int x = x1 - 1; x <= x1 + xlen + 1 && booValid; x++) { for (int z = z1 - 1; z <= z1 + zlen + 1 && booValid; z++) { // make sure it doesn't overlap with the spawn point or another farm if ((x == intMapSize / 2 && z == intMapSize - (intFarmSize - 10)) || bm.GetID(x, 63, z) != (int)BlockType.GRASS || bm.GetID(x, 64, z) != (int)BlockType.AIR) { booValid = false; intFail++; } } } if (booValid) { if (rand.NextDouble() > 0.5) { MakePond(bm, x1, xlen, z1, zlen, true); } else { MakeHill(bm, x1, xlen, z1, zlen, true); } intFail = 0; intAdded++; if (intAdded % 25 == 0) { world.Save(); } } } } }
private static void MakePaths(BetaWorld world, BlockManager bm, int[,] intArea) { for (int x = 0; x < intArea.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intArea.GetLength(1); z++) { if (intArea[x, z] == 1) { bm.SetID(intBlockStart + x, 63, intBlockStart + z, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB); } } if (x % 20 == 0) { world.Save(); } } }
public void CropMaceWorld(frmMace frmLogForm) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA") + "\\.minecraft\\saves\\macecopy"); BetaWorld bwCopy = BetaWorld.Create(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA") + "\\.minecraft\\saves\\macecopy"); ChunkManager cmCopy = bwCopy.GetChunkManager(); BetaWorld bwCrop = BetaWorld.Open(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA") + "\\.minecraft\\saves\\mace"); ChunkManager cmCrop = bwCrop.GetChunkManager(); foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cmCrop) { Debug.WriteLine("Copying chunk " + chunk.X + "," + chunk.Z); cmCopy.SetChunk(chunk.X, chunk.Z, chunk.GetChunkRef()); } cmCopy.Save(); bwCopy.Save(); }
public static structPoint MakeInsideCity(BlockManager bm, BetaWorld worldDest, int[,] intArea, frmMace frmLogForm) { int intBlockStart = City.EdgeLength + 13; structPoint spMineshaftEntrance = MakeBuildings(bm, intArea, intBlockStart, worldDest); worldDest.Save(); if (City.HasPaths) { JoinPathsToRoad(bm); } else { RemovePaths(bm, intArea, intBlockStart); } frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Creating street lights: " + City.StreetLightType, true, true); MakeStreetLights(bm); return(spMineshaftEntrance); }
public static structPoint MakeInsideCity(BlockManager bm, BetaWorld worldDest, int[,] intArea, int intFarmLength, int intMapLength, bool booIncludePaths) { int intBlockStart = intFarmLength + 13; structPoint spMineshaftEntrance = MakeBuildings(bm, intArea, intBlockStart, worldDest, intFarmLength); worldDest.Save(); if (!booIncludePaths) { RemovePaths(bm, intArea, intBlockStart); } else { JoinPathsToRoad(bm, intMapLength, intFarmLength); } MakeStreetLights(bm, intMapLength, intFarmLength); MakeFlowers(bm, worldDest, intFarmLength, intMapLength); return(spMineshaftEntrance); }
public static void CropMaceWorld(frmMace frmLogForm) { // thank you to Surrogard <*****@*****.**> for providing a linux friendly version of this code: Directory.CreateDirectory(Utils.GetMinecraftSavesDirectory("macecopy")); BetaWorld bwCopy = BetaWorld.Create(Utils.GetMinecraftSavesDirectory("macecopy")); BetaChunkManager cmCopy = bwCopy.GetChunkManager(); BetaWorld bwCrop = BetaWorld.Open(Utils.GetMinecraftSavesDirectory("mace")); BetaChunkManager cmCrop = bwCrop.GetChunkManager(); foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cmCrop) { if (chunk.X >= 0 && chunk.X <= 7 && chunk.Z >= 0 && chunk.Z <= 10) { Debug.WriteLine("Copying chunk " + chunk.X + "," + chunk.Z); cmCopy.SetChunk(chunk.X, chunk.Z, chunk.GetChunkRef()); } } cmCopy.Save(); bwCopy.Save(); }
// this is a simplified version of the MakeBuildings method from Buildings.cs private static void MakeBuildings(BlockManager bm, int[,] intArea, BetaWorld world) { int intBuildings = 0; for (int x = 0; x < intArea.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intArea.GetLength(1); z++) { // hack low: this 100 to 500 stuff is all a bit hackish really, need to find a proper solution if (intArea[x, z] >= 100 && intArea[x, z] <= 500) { SourceWorld.Building CurrentBuilding = SourceWorld.GetBuilding(intArea[x, z] - 100); if (CurrentBuilding.intSizeX >= 10 && RNG.NextDouble() > 0.8) { if (RNG.NextDouble() > 0.5) { MakePond(bm, 6 + x, CurrentBuilding.intSizeX, (6 - City.FarmLength) + z, CurrentBuilding.intSizeZ); } else { MakeHill(bm, 6 + x, CurrentBuilding.intSizeX, (6 - City.FarmLength) + z, CurrentBuilding.intSizeZ); } } else { SourceWorld.InsertBuilding(bm, intArea, 0, 6 + x, (6 - City.FarmLength) + z, CurrentBuilding, 0, -1); } intArea[x + CurrentBuilding.intSizeX - 2, z + CurrentBuilding.intSizeZ - 2] = 0; if (++intBuildings == NumberOfBuildingsBetweenSaves) { world.Save(); intBuildings = 0; } } } } }
private static void MakeFlowers(BlockManager bmDest, BetaWorld worldDest, int intFarmLength, int intMapLength) { int intFlowers = 0; for (int x = intFarmLength + 11; x <= intMapLength - (intFarmLength + 11); x++) { for (int z = intFarmLength + 11; z <= intMapLength - (intFarmLength + 11); z++) { if (bmDest.GetID(x, 63, z) == BlockType.GRASS && bmDest.GetID(x, 64, z) == BlockType.AIR) { bool booFree = true; int intFree = 0; for (int xCheck = x - 1; xCheck <= x + 1 && booFree; xCheck++) { for (int zCheck = z - 1; zCheck <= z + 1 && booFree; zCheck++) { if (bmDest.GetID(xCheck, 63, zCheck) == BlockType.GRASS && bmDest.GetID(xCheck, 64, zCheck) == BlockType.AIR) { intFree++; } } } if (intFree >= MinimumFreeNeighboursNeededForFlowers && RandomHelper.NextDouble() <= FlowerChance) { AddFlowersToBlock(bmDest, x, z); if (++intFlowers >= NumberOfFlowersBetweenSaves) { worldDest.Save(); intFlowers = 0; } } } } } }
public static void PositionRails(BetaWorld worldDest, BlockManager bm, int intCitySize) { int intReplaced = 0; for (int x = 0; x < intCitySize; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intCitySize; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < 128; y++) { if (bm.GetID(x, y, z) == BlockType.RAILS) { BlockHelper.MakeRail(x, y, z); if (++intReplaced > 100) { worldDest.Save(); intReplaced = 0; } } } } } }
public static void PositionRails(BetaWorld worldDest, BlockManager bm) { int intReplaced = 0; for (int x = 0; x < City.MapLength; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < City.MapLength; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < 128; y++) { if (bm.GetID(x, y, z) == BlockInfo.Rails.ID) { BlockHelper.MakeRail(x, y, z); if (++intReplaced > 100) { worldDest.Save(); intReplaced = 0; } } } } } }
public static void MakeFlowers(BetaWorld worldDest, BlockManager bm) { string[] strFlowers = Utils.ArrayFromXMLElement(Path.Combine("Resources", "Themes", City.ThemeName + ".xml"), "options", "flowers"); int FlowerCount = 0; for (int x = 0; x <= City.MapLength; x++) { for (int z = -City.FarmLength; z <= City.MapLength; z++) { if (bm.GetID(x, 63, z) == City.GroundBlockID && bm.GetID(x, 64, z) == BlockInfo.Air.ID) { int FreeNeighbours = 0; for (int xCheck = x - 1; xCheck <= x + 1; xCheck++) { for (int zCheck = z - 1; zCheck <= z + 1; zCheck++) { if (bm.GetID(xCheck, 63, zCheck) == City.GroundBlockID && bm.GetID(xCheck, 64, zCheck) == BlockInfo.Air.ID) { FreeNeighbours++; } } } if (FreeNeighbours >= MinimumFreeNeighboursNeededForFlowers && RNG.NextDouble() * 100 <= City.FlowerSpawnPercent) { AddFlowersToBlock(bm, x, z, FreeNeighbours, RNG.RandomItemFromArray(strFlowers)); if (++FlowerCount >= NumberOfFlowersBetweenSaves) { worldDest.Save(); FlowerCount = 0; } } } } } }
private static void MakeFlowers(BlockManager bm, BetaWorld worldDest) { int intFlowers = 0; for (int x = City.FarmLength + 11; x <= City.MapLength - (City.FarmLength + 11); x++) { for (int z = City.FarmLength + 11; z <= City.MapLength - (City.FarmLength + 11); z++) { if (bm.GetID(x, 63, z) == City.GroundBlockID && bm.GetID(x, 64, z) == BlockInfo.Air.ID) { int intFree = 0; for (int xCheck = x - 1; xCheck <= x + 1; xCheck++) { for (int zCheck = z - 1; zCheck <= z + 1; zCheck++) { if (bm.GetID(xCheck, 63, zCheck) == City.GroundBlockID && bm.GetID(xCheck, 64, zCheck) == BlockInfo.Air.ID) { intFree++; } } } if (intFree >= MinimumFreeNeighboursNeededForFlowers && RandomHelper.NextDouble() * 100 <= City.FlowerSpawnPercent) { AddFlowersToBlock(bm, x, z, intFree); if (++intFlowers >= NumberOfFlowersBetweenSaves) { worldDest.Save(); intFlowers = 0; } } } } } }