コード例 #1
    void Start()
        posToVel = new MetricBuffer <Vector3, Vector2>(2, (buffer) => {
            var vel3 = buffer.GetAt(1) - buffer.GetAt(0);

            return(new Vector2(vel3.x, vel3.z));
        }, (a, b) => a + b, Vector2.zero);

        velToSpeed = new MetricSEQ <Vector2, float>((data) => {
        }, (a, b) => a + b, 0);

        speedToSpeedChange = new MetricBuffer <float, float>(2, (buffer) => {
            return(buffer.GetAt(1) - buffer.GetAt(0));
        }, (a, b) => a + b, 0);

        //Refer to Equation 2 in "PLEdestrians: A Least-Effort Approach to Crowd Simulation"
        speedToMetabolicEnergy = new MetricSEQ <float, float>((data) => {
            var speed = data / Time.fixedDeltaTime;

            var kineticEnergy = mass * (2.23f + 1.26f * speed * speed);
            kineticEnergy    *= Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        }, (a, b) => a + b, 0);

        velToAccel = new MetricBuffer <Vector2, float>(2, (buffer) => {
            return((buffer.GetAt(1) - buffer.GetAt(0)).magnitude);
        }, (a, b) => a + b, 0);

        velToAngle = new MetricBuffer <Vector2, float>(2, (buffer) => {
            return(Vector2.SignedAngle(buffer.GetAt(0), buffer.GetAt(1)));
        }, (a, b) => a + b, 0);

        angleToAbs = new MetricSEQ <float, float>((data) => {
        }, (a, b) => a + b, 0);

        isAgent = gameObject.CompareTag("Player") ? 1 : -1; // agents are tagged "Player"
コード例 #2
    private void FixedUpdate()
        Transform        pTrans;
        Transform        p2Trans;
        PlayerController pCont;
        PlayerController p2Cont;

        //print("SPEED: " + Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));

        controlledTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>().SetFloat("Vertical", Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));

        //print(controlledTransform.gameObject.GetComponent<InfoCollector>().maxSpeed / Time.fixedDeltaTime);

        for (int x = 0; x < playerArr.Length; x++)
            GameObject p = playerArr[x];

            //print(p.ToString()+": "+p.GetComponent<InfoCollector>().maxSpeed / Time.fixedDeltaTime);
            //print(p.GetComponent<Transform>().position + p.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>().desiredVelocity);
            p.GetComponent <Transform>().position = p.GetComponent <Transform>().position +
                                                    Vector3.Scale(p.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().desiredVelocity, new Vector3(Time.deltaTime, Time.deltaTime, Time.deltaTime));
            p.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().nextPosition = p.GetComponent <Transform>().position;

            pTrans = p.GetComponent("Transform") as Transform;

            pCont = p.GetComponent("PlayerController") as PlayerController;

            if (p.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>() != null)
                p.GetComponent <Animator>().SetFloat("Vertical", Vector3.Magnitude(p.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().velocity));
            else if (p.GetComponent <RRTAlgo>() != null)
                p.GetComponent <Animator>().SetFloat("Vertical", p.GetComponent <RRTAlgo>().speed);
                Debug.Log("The Animator could not animate: speed needs to be designated");

            if (pTrans.position.z > 47 && pTrans.position.z < 53 && pTrans.position.x > -3 && pTrans.position.x < 3)
                BenchmarkUtility.StopInfoCollector(p.GetComponent <InfoCollector>());

                if (p.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>() != null)
                    p.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().enabled = false;

                p.transform.position = new Vector3(-500 + doneCount * 5, 0, 0);
                doneArr[x]           = true;
                //pCont.setTarget(pTrans.position + new Vector3(0, 0, 20));

            //"Bunching" Prevention Algorithm
            foreach (GameObject p2 in playerArr)
                p2Trans = p.GetComponent("Transform") as Transform;

                p2Cont = p.GetComponent("PlayerController") as PlayerController;

                /*if (!ReferenceEquals(p, p2))
                 * {
                 *  if (Vector3.Distance(p2Cont.agent.destination, pCont.agent.destination) < 2)
                 *  {
                 *      if (Vector3.Distance(p2Trans.position, p2Cont.agent.destination) < 2)
                 *      {
                 *          p2Cont.setTarget(p2Trans.position);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }*/

        //print("cont pos: " + controlledTransform.position.ToString());

        if (controlledTransform.position.z > 47 && controlledTransform.position.z < 53 && controlledTransform.position.x > -3 && controlledTransform.position.x < 3)
            controlledTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <FirstPersonAIO>().playerCanMove      = false;
            controlledTransform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <CapsuleCollider>().enabled = false;
            controlledTransform.position = new Vector3(-500 + doneCount * 5, -2, 0);
            doneArr[8] = true;
            BenchmarkUtility.StopInfoCollector(controlledTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <InfoCollector>());

        bool allDone = true;

        for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
            if (!doneArr[x])
                allDone = false;
            //print(x + " is " + doneArr[x]);

        /*foreach (bool b in doneArr)
         * {
         *  if (!b) { allDone = false; }
         * }*/

        if (allDone && noAnimations)
            print("BIG DAY");

            noAnimations = false;

            foreach (GameObject p in playerArr)
                p.GetComponent <UnityAnimationRecorder>().StopRecording();

            controlledTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <UnityAnimationRecorder>().StopRecording();


        //endGame = Vector3.Distance(controlledTransform.position, goal) < 1;