コード例 #1
ファイル: exampleAI.cs プロジェクト: graph-di5/warspot
        public BeingCharacteristics Construct(ulong step, float ci)
        {                                                                       //При создании существа вызывается этот метод. В нём стоит определить, какие характеристики должны быть у существа.
            var being = new BeingCharacteristics((ci - 13.0f) / 0.8f, 3.0f, 4); //Стоимость получения характеристик смотри в правилах игры.

            stepCost = being.MaxHealth / 100.0f;                                //В нём же можно инициализировать все свойства.
コード例 #2
        public BeingCharacteristics Construct(ulong step, float ci)
            BeingCharacteristics result = _intellect.Construct(step, ci);

            return(result); //Таким образом, вызываем метод Construct у проверяемой библиотеки,
            //с уже навешенной проверкой безопасности.
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called on every being creation. Your intellect should distribute Ci to being abilities.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="step">Step of the match</param>
        /// <param name="ci">Ci available for the constructing being.</param>
        /// <returns>Desired characteristic of the future being.</returns>
        public BeingCharacteristics Construct(ulong step, float ci)
            //Being characteristics may be different. It's you to decide. But remember about the cost.
            BeingCharacteristics newCharacteristics = new BeingCharacteristics((ci - 13.0f) / 0.8f, 3.0f, 4);

            stepCost = newCharacteristics.MaxHealth * newCharacteristics.MaxStep * 0.01f;
コード例 #4
ファイル: exampleAI.cs プロジェクト: graph-di5/warspot
 public GameAction Think(ulong step, BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
 {        //Каждый ход у каждого существа вызывается данный метод. Метод должен вернуть желаемое действие.
     if (characteristics.Health < characteristics.MaxHealth && characteristics.Ci > characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.6f)
     else if (characteristics.Ci > 13.0f + characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.8f)
         return(new GameActionMakeOffspring(characteristics.Id, 13.0f + characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.8f));
         return(goEat(characteristics, area));
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Main function of the being. Here your code must make decision what the being shoud do.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="step">Current game step</param>
 /// <param name="characteristics">Currnet characteristics of this being.</param>
 /// <param name="area">Information about world in the visiable area.</param>
 /// <returns>GameAction that represents decision.</returns>
 public GameAction Think(ulong step, BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
     // Here you can place a lot of decisions
     if (characteristics.Health < characteristics.MaxHealth && characteristics.Ci > characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.6f)
     else if (characteristics.Ci > 13.0f + characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.8f)
         return(new GameActionMakeOffspring(characteristics.Id, 13.0f + characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.8f));
         return(goEat(characteristics, area));
コード例 #6
ファイル: WarSpotEvent.cs プロジェクト: graph-di5/warspot
 public GameEventBirth(Guid creator, BeingCharacteristics newborn)
     : base(creator)
     EventType = EventTypes.GameEventBirth;
     Newborn   = new BeingCharacteristics()
         Ci             = newborn.Ci,
         Health         = newborn.Health,
         Id             = newborn.Id,
         MaxHealth      = newborn.MaxHealth,
         MaxSeeDistance = newborn.MaxSeeDistance,
         MaxStep        = newborn.MaxStep,
         Team           = newborn.Team,
         X = newborn.X,
         Y = newborn.Y,
コード例 #7
        public GameAction Think(ulong step, BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
            if (taskNumber == 9)
                taskNumber = 1;

            switch (taskNumber)
            case 1:
                return(new GameActionMakeOffspring(characteristics.Id, 10.0f));

            case 2:
                return(new GameActionEat(characteristics.Id));

            case 3:
                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, 1, 0));

            case 4:
                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, 0, 1));

            case 5:
                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, -1, 0));

            case 6:
                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, 0, -1));

            case 7:
                return(new GameActionAttack(characteristics.Id, 0, 0, 1.0f));

            case 8:
                return(new GameActionTreat(characteristics.Id, 0, 0, 3.0f));

            case 9:
                return(new GameActionGiveCi(characteristics.Id, 0, 0, 1.0f));
            return(new GameActionEat(characteristics.Id));
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Heal itself
        /// </summary>
        ///  <param name="characteristics">Being characteristics</param>
        /// <returns>Return computed action</returns>
        private GameAction selfHeal(BeingCharacteristics characteristics)
            float _ci = 0.0f;

            if (characteristics.Ci >= (characteristics.MaxHealth - characteristics.Health) * 3.0f) //Заметьте, он не проверяет, сколько энергии останется. А она нужна для того, чтобы жить.
            {                                                                                      //Heal itself fully if it can
                _ci = (characteristics.MaxHealth - characteristics.Health) * 3.0f;

                if (_ci > characteristics.Ci * 0.6f)
                {                //If more than one permitted then reduces
                    _ci = characteristics.Ci * 0.6f;
                _ci = Math.Abs(characteristics.Ci);

            return(new GameActionTreat(characteristics.Id, 0, 0, _ci));           //In relative coordinates
コード例 #9
ファイル: exampleAI.cs プロジェクト: graph-di5/warspot
        /// <summary>
        /// Лечит себя.
        /// </summary>
        ///  <param name="characteristics">Характеристики существа</param>
        /// <returns>Возвращает рассчитанное действие</returns>
        private GameAction selfHeal(BeingCharacteristics characteristics)
            float _ci = 0.0f;

            if (characteristics.Ci >= (characteristics.MaxHealth - characteristics.Health) * 3.0f) //Заметьте, он не проверяет, сколько энергии останется. А она нужна для того, чтобы жить.
            {                                                                                      //Если энергии хватает--лечит себя полностью.
                _ci = (characteristics.MaxHealth - characteristics.Health) * 3.0f;

                if (_ci > characteristics.Ci * 0.6f)
                {                //Если получилось больше разрешённого (В лечение можно вливать <= 60% текущей энергии), уменьшает до разрешённого.
                    _ci = characteristics.Ci * 0.6f;
                _ci = Math.Abs(characteristics.Ci);

            return(new GameActionTreat(characteristics.Id, 0, 0, _ci));           //Лечение "бьёт" по относительным координатам.
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves to the most appetizing cell within reach
        /// </summary>
        ///  <param name="characteristics">Being characteristics</param>
        ///  <param name="area">Part of the world to looking-for</param>
        /// <returns>Return preferable action </returns>
        private GameAction goEat(BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
            Vector _bestCell      = new Vector();
            float  _bestCellScore = 0.0f;
            int    _maxStep       = (int)(characteristics.Ci / stepCost);

            if (_maxStep > characteristics.MaxStep)
                _maxStep = (int)characteristics.MaxStep;

            for (int i = -area.Distance; i < area.Distance; i++)
                for (int j = -area.Distance; j < area.Distance; j++)
                    int   _distance = Math.Abs(i) + Math.Abs(j);
                    float _profit   = area[i, j].Ci - stepCost * (float)(_distance);

                    if (_profit > _bestCellScore && _distance <= _maxStep)
                        _bestCellScore = _profit;
                        _bestCell.X    = i;
                        _bestCell.Y    = j;

            if (_bestCell.X == 0 && _bestCell.Y == 0)
                return(new GameActionEat(characteristics.Id));
                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, _bestCell.X, _bestCell.Y));
コード例 #11
ファイル: Being.cs プロジェクト: graph-di5/warspot
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls think of custom being.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="turnNumber">Current time step</param>
 /// <param name="characteristics">Updated characteristics of the being.</param>
 /// <param name="area">Array of IWorldCell around the being describes visible part of the world. Array is (MaxSeeDistance*2+1)^2, with the being in central cell</param>
 /// <returns>Decided action of the being. May be NULL.</returns>
 public GameAction Think(ulong turnNumber, BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
     // todo add here catch(){}
     return(Me.Think(turnNumber, characteristics, area));
コード例 #12
 public GameAction Think(ulong step, BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
     return(new GameActionEat(characteristics.Id));
コード例 #13
 public Contracts.Intellect.Actions.GameAction Think(ulong step, BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
     return(proxyIntellect.Think(0, characteristics, area));
コード例 #14
ファイル: Loafer.cs プロジェクト: graph-di5/warspot
        public GameAction Think(ulong step, BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
            float[,] MapOfInterest = new float[characteristics.MaxSeeDistance * 4 + 1, characteristics.MaxSeeDistance * 4 + 1];//Будем думать, куда лучше пойти.

            if ((PreX == -1) & (PreY == -1))
                PreX = characteristics.X;
                PreY = characteristics.Y;

            MemoryUpdate(area, characteristics.X, characteristics.Y);//Обновляем карту памяти.

            if ((DesiredX != characteristics.X) | (DesiredY != characteristics.Y))
                PreX = characteristics.X;
                PreY = characteristics.Y;

            /*План действий:
             * Если может, рожает.
             * Если дошёл, куда хотел, и есть, что поесть--ест.
             * Если и поесть нечего--ищет, куда бы пойти.
             * Иначе, если хотел куда-то идти--идёт туда.*/

            #region 1.Рожает, если может
            if ((Semental == true) & (characteristics.Ci >= characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.97f))
                DesiredX = characteristics.X;
                DesiredY = characteristics.Y;

                return(new GameActionMakeOffspring(characteristics.Id, characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.95f));

            else if ((Semental == false) & (characteristics.Ci >= characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.6f))
                DesiredX = characteristics.X;
                DesiredY = characteristics.Y;

                return(new GameActionMakeOffspring(characteristics.Id, characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.5f));
            #region 2.Если дошёл, и есть, что поесть--ест.
            else if ((DesiredX == characteristics.X) & (DesiredY == characteristics.Y) & (area[0, 0].Ci != 0))
                return(new GameActionEat(characteristics.Id));
            #region 3.Обновление карты интереса. Поиск самой интересной точки.
            else if ((DesiredX == characteristics.X) & (DesiredY == characteristics.Y))
                for (int a = 0; a < characteristics.MaxSeeDistance * 4 + 1; a++)
                    float _maxInterest = 0;
                    for (int b = 0; b < characteristics.MaxSeeDistance * 4 + 1; b++)
                    {                                                                                                                                            //Считаем проффит: энергия в клетке - трудозатраты на достижение клетки.
                        MapOfInterest[a, b] = MemorizedArea[a, b] - characteristics.MaxStep * characteristics.MaxHealth / 100 *
                                              (Math.Abs(a - (characteristics.MaxSeeDistance * 2 + 1)) + Math.Abs(b - (characteristics.MaxSeeDistance * 2 + 1))); //Расстояние считается до центральной клетки.
                        if (MapOfInterest[a, b] > _maxInterest)
                            _maxInterest = MapOfInterest[a, b];
                            DesiredX     = a - (characteristics.MaxSeeDistance * 2 + 1) + characteristics.X;//Куда хочется пойти.
                            DesiredY     = b - (characteristics.MaxSeeDistance * 2 + 1) + characteristics.Y;
            #region 4.Идёт к интересной точке
            PreX = characteristics.X;
            PreY = characteristics.Y;

            //Если Х совпадает, идёт по Y. Если нет, пытается по обоим. Не получается--идёт по Y. Если совсем всё плохо--ест.

            if ((DesiredX == characteristics.X) & (characteristics.MaxStep >= 1) & (characteristics.Ci > characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.01f))
                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, 0, Math.Sign(DesiredY - characteristics.Y)));

            else if ((characteristics.MaxStep >= 2) & (characteristics.Ci > 2.0f * characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.01f))
                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, Math.Sign(DesiredX - characteristics.X), Math.Sign(DesiredY - characteristics.Y)));

            else if ((characteristics.MaxStep >= 1) & (characteristics.Ci > characteristics.MaxHealth * 0.01f))
                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, Math.Sign(DesiredX - characteristics.X), 0));

                return(new GameActionMove(characteristics.Id, 1, 1));
                //return new GameActionEat(characteristics.Id);
コード例 #15
 public GameAction Think(ulong step, BeingCharacteristics characteristics, WorldInfo area)
     return(_reference.Think(step, characteristics, area));