コード例 #1
        protected void btnOverrideDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const string METHOD_NAME = "btnOverrideDelete_Click";

            try {
                // First walk thru all business rules.
                if (grdContract.SelectedRow == null)
                    Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please select a Contract to Delete from the grid.");
                    throw (warn);

                int    cropYear         = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownText(ddlCropYear));
                int    directDeliveryID = Convert.ToInt32(grdContract.SelectedRow.Cells[(int)GrdContractCols.colDirectDeliveryID].Text);
                int    contractID       = Convert.ToInt32(grdContract.SelectedRow.Cells[(int)GrdContractCols.colContractID].Text);
                string rowVersion       = grdContract.SelectedRow.Cells[(int)GrdContractCols.colRowVersion].Text;

                // Delete it !
                BeetDirectDelivery.DirectDeliveryContractDelete(directDeliveryID, cropYear, contractID, rowVersion);

            catch (System.Exception ex) {
                Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex);
コード例 #2
        private void FillGridContract()
            const string METHOD_NAME = "FillGridContract";

            try {
                if (grdDirectDelivery.SelectedRow != null)
                    int cropYear = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownText(ddlCropYear));
                    int directDeliveryID = Convert.ToInt32(grdDirectDelivery.SelectedRow.Cells[(int)GrdDirectDeliveryCols.colDirectDeliveryID].Text);
                    int contractID = 0, contractNumber = 0;

                    List <ListDirectDeliveryContractItem> stateList = BeetDirectDelivery.DirectDeliveryContractGet(cropYear, directDeliveryID, contractID, contractNumber);

                    grdContract.SelectedIndex = -1;
                    grdContract.DataSource    = stateList;
                    List <ListDirectDeliveryContractItem> stateList = new List <ListDirectDeliveryContractItem>();
                    stateList.Add(new ListDirectDeliveryContractItem(0, 0, "", 0, 0));

                    grdContract.SelectedIndex = -1;
                    grdContract.DataSource    = stateList;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex);
                throw (wex);
コード例 #3
        protected void btnDirectDeliveryAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const string METHOD_NAME = "btnDirectDeliveryAdd_Click";

            try {
                string userName         = Common.AppHelper.GetIdentityName();
                int    cropYear         = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownText(ddlCropYear));
                int    directDeliveryID = 0;
                string rowVersion       = "";

                // Get the delivery station
                if (ddlEditDeliveryStation.SelectedItem == null)
                    Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please select a Delivery Station in the Direct Delivery Edit area.");
                    throw (warn);
                int deliveryStationNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEditDeliveryStation.SelectedItem.Value);

                // Get the cotnract station
                if (ddlEditContractStation.SelectedItem == null)
                    Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please select a Contract Station in the Direct Delivery Edit area.");
                    throw (warn);
                int contractStationNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEditContractStation.SelectedItem.Value);

                // Get the rate per ton.  Rate is not required, but if given it must be a decimal
                string  ratePerTonText = txtEditRatePerTon.Text;
                decimal dRatePerTon    = 0;
                if (ratePerTonText.Length > 0)
                    try {
                        dRatePerTon = Convert.ToDecimal(ratePerTonText);
                    catch {
                        Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please enter a valid dollar amount for the Rate Per Ton.");
                        throw (warn);

                // Save it !
                BeetDirectDelivery.DirectDeliverySave(directDeliveryID, cropYear, contractStationNumber, deliveryStationNumber, dRatePerTon, rowVersion, userName);

            catch (System.Exception ex) {
                Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex);
コード例 #4
        protected void btnOverrideUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const string METHOD_NAME = "btnOverrideUpdate_Click";

            try {
                // First walk thru all business rules.
                if (grdContract.SelectedRow == null)
                    Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please select a Contract to edit.");
                    throw (warn);

                string userName         = Common.AppHelper.GetIdentityName();
                int    cropYear         = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownText(ddlCropYear));
                int    directDeliveryID = Convert.ToInt32(grdContract.SelectedRow.Cells[(int)GrdContractCols.colDirectDeliveryID].Text);
                int    contractID       = Convert.ToInt32(grdContract.SelectedRow.Cells[(int)GrdContractCols.colContractID].Text);
                string rowVersion       = grdContract.SelectedRow.Cells[(int)GrdContractCols.colRowVersion].Text;

                // Get the rate per ton.  Rate is not required, but if given it must be a decimal
                string  ratePerTonText = txtEditContractRatePerTon.Text;
                decimal dRatePerTon    = 0;
                if (ratePerTonText.Length > 0)
                    try {
                        dRatePerTon = Convert.ToDecimal(ratePerTonText);
                    catch {
                        Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please enter a valid dollar amount for the Contract Rate Per Ton.");
                        throw (warn);

                // Save it !
                BeetDirectDelivery.DirectDeliveryContractSave(directDeliveryID, cropYear, contractID, dRatePerTon, rowVersion, userName);

            catch (System.Exception ex) {
                Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex);
コード例 #5
        private void FillGridDirectDelivery()
            const string METHOD_NAME = "FillGridDirectDelivery";

            try {
                int cropYear = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownText(ddlCropYear));
                int contractStationNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownValue(ddlCriteriaContractStation));
                int deliveryStationNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownValue(ddlCriteriaDeliveryStation));

                List <ListDirectDeliveryItem> stateList = BeetDirectDelivery.DirectDeliveryGet(cropYear, contractStationNumber, deliveryStationNumber);

                grdDirectDelivery.SelectedIndex = -1;
                grdDirectDelivery.DataSource    = stateList;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex);
                throw (wex);
コード例 #6
        private void DoContractSearch()
            const string METHOD_NAME = "DoContractSearch";

            try {
                // Work from bottom up.  Arrange Contract override then arrange the direct delivery definition.
                //  *  Fill Contract Grid  *
                int cropYear = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownText(ddlCropYear));
                int directDeliveryID = 0, contractID = 0;
                int contractNumber = 0;

                try {
                    contractNumber = Convert.ToInt32(_contractSearch);
                catch {
                    Common.CWarning wex = new Common.CWarning("Please enter a contract number.");
                    throw (wex);

                List <ListDirectDeliveryContractItem> cntList = BeetDirectDelivery.DirectDeliveryContractGet(cropYear, directDeliveryID, contractID, contractNumber);
                directDeliveryID = Convert.ToInt32(cntList[0].DirectDeliveryID);
                contractID       = Convert.ToInt32(cntList[0].ContractID);

                List <ListDirectDeliveryItem> deliveryList = BeetDirectDelivery.DirectDeliveryGetByID(cropYear, directDeliveryID);
                string deliveryStation = deliveryList[0].DeliveryStation;
                string contractStation = deliveryList[0].ContractStation;
                if (deliveryStation.Length == 0 || deliveryStation == "*" || cntList.Count > 1)
                    deliveryStation = "Any";
                if (contractStation.Length == 0)
                    contractStation = "Any";

                Common.UILib.SelectDropDown(ddlCriteriaDeliveryStation, deliveryStation);
                Common.UILib.SelectDropDown(ddlCriteriaContractStation, contractStation);


                if (directDeliveryID > 0)
                    // Find the matching row in the Direct Delivery grid.
                    foreach (GridViewRow row in grdDirectDelivery.Rows)
                        if (row.Cells[(int)GrdDirectDeliveryCols.colDirectDeliveryID].Text == directDeliveryID.ToString())
                            grdDirectDelivery.SelectedIndex = row.DataItemIndex;

                if (grdDirectDelivery.SelectedRow != null)

                if (contractID > 0)
                    // Find the matching row in the Direct Delivery grid.
                    foreach (GridViewRow row in grdContract.Rows)
                        if (row.Cells[(int)GrdContractCols.colContractID].Text == contractID.ToString())
                            grdContract.SelectedIndex = row.DataItemIndex;

                if (grdContract.SelectedRow != null)
            catch (System.Exception ex) {
                Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex);
                throw (wex);
コード例 #7
        protected void btnOverrideAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const string METHOD_NAME = "btnOverrideAdd_Click";

            try {
                string userName   = Common.AppHelper.GetIdentityName();
                int    cropYear   = Convert.ToInt32(Common.UILib.GetDropDownText(ddlCropYear));
                string rowVersion = "";

                // First walk thru all business rules.
                if (grdDirectDelivery.SelectedRow == null)
                    Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please select a Direct Delivery Scenario before adding a contract to a scenario.");
                    throw (warn);

                // Get the contractID
                if (ddlEditContractNumber.SelectedItem == null)
                    Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please select a Contract from the drop down list before adding a contract to the scenario.");
                    throw (warn);
                int contractID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEditContractNumber.SelectedItem.Value);

                // No duplicates allowed in Contract grid.
                string cntNo = ddlEditContractNumber.SelectedItem.Text;
                foreach (GridViewRow row in grdContract.Rows)
                    if (row.Cells[(int)GrdContractCols.colContractNumber].Text == cntNo)
                        Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("This contract is already a listed override, please select another contract to Add.");
                        throw (warn);

                // Get the rate per ton.  Rate is not required, but if given it must be a decimal
                string  ratePerTonText = txtEditContractRatePerTon.Text;
                decimal dRatePerTon    = 0;
                if (ratePerTonText.Length > 0)
                    try {
                        dRatePerTon = Convert.ToDecimal(ratePerTonText);
                    catch {
                        Common.CWarning warn = new Common.CWarning("Please enter a valid dollar amount for the Rate Per Ton.");
                        throw (warn);

                int directDeliveryID = Convert.ToInt32(grdDirectDelivery.SelectedRow.Cells[(int)GrdDirectDeliveryCols.colDirectDeliveryID].Text);

                // Save it !
                BeetDirectDelivery.DirectDeliveryContractSave(directDeliveryID, cropYear, contractID, dRatePerTon, rowVersion, userName);

            catch (System.Exception ex) {
                Common.CException wex = new Common.CException(MOD_NAME + METHOD_NAME, ex);