コード例 #1
        public async Task AddSongAsync([Remainder] string paramString = null)
            if (IsAdmin())
                var eventId = paramString.ParseArgs("eventId");
                var songId  = paramString.ParseArgs("song");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(songId))
                    await ReplyAsync(embed : ("Usage: `addSong -eventId \"[event id]\" -song [song link]`\n" +
                                              "To find event ids, please run `listEvents`\n" +
                                              "Optional parameters: `-difficulty [difficulty]`, `-characteristic [characteristic]` (example: `-characteristic onesaber`), `-[modifier]` (example: `-nofail`)").ErrorEmbed());


                //Parse the difficulty input, either as an int or a string
                BeatmapDifficulty difficulty = BeatmapDifficulty.ExpertPlus;

                string difficultyArg = paramString.ParseArgs("difficulty");
                if (difficultyArg != null)
                    //If the enum conversion doesn't succeed, try it as an int
                    if (!Enum.TryParse(difficultyArg, true, out difficulty))
                        await ReplyAsync(embed : "Could not parse difficulty parameter".ErrorEmbed());


                string characteristic = paramString.ParseArgs("characteristic");
                characteristic = characteristic ?? "Standard";

                GameOptions   gameOptions   = GameOptions.None;
                PlayerOptions playerOptions = PlayerOptions.None;

                //Load up the GameOptions and PlayerOptions
                foreach (GameOptions o in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GameOptions)))
                    if (paramString.ParseArgs(o.ToString()) == "true")
                        gameOptions = (gameOptions | o);

                foreach (PlayerOptions o in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PlayerOptions)))
                    if (paramString.ParseArgs(o.ToString()) == "true")
                        playerOptions = (playerOptions | o);

                //Sanitize input
                if (songId.StartsWith("https://beatsaver.com/") || songId.StartsWith("https://bsaber.com/"))
                    //Strip off the trailing slash if there is one
                    if (songId.EndsWith("/"))
                        songId = songId.Substring(0, songId.Length - 1);

                    //Strip off the beginning of the url to leave the id
                    songId = songId.Substring(songId.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                if (songId.Contains("&"))
                    songId = songId.Substring(0, songId.IndexOf("&"));

                var server = ServerService.GetServer();
                if (server == null)
                    await ReplyAsync(embed : "The Server is not running, so we can't can't add songs to it".ErrorEmbed());
                    //Get the hash for the song
                    var hash       = BeatSaverDownloader.GetHashFromID(songId);
                    var knownPairs = await HostScraper.ScrapeHosts(server.State.KnownHosts, $"{server.CoreServer.Address}:{server.CoreServer.Port}", 0);

                    var targetPair  = knownPairs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Events.Any(y => y.EventId.ToString() == eventId));
                    var targetEvent = targetPair.Value.Events.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventId.ToString() == eventId);
                    var songPool    = targetEvent.QualifierMaps.ToList();

                    if (OstHelper.IsOst(hash))
                        if (!SongExists(songPool, hash, characteristic, (int)difficulty, (int)gameOptions, (int)playerOptions))
                            GameplayParameters parameters = new GameplayParameters
                                Beatmap = new Beatmap
                                    Name           = OstHelper.GetOstSongNameFromLevelId(hash),
                                    LevelId        = hash,
                                    Characteristic = new Characteristic
                                        SerializedName = characteristic
                                    Difficulty = difficulty
                                GameplayModifiers = new GameplayModifiers
                                    Options = gameOptions
                                PlayerSettings = new PlayerSpecificSettings
                                    Options = playerOptions

                            targetEvent.QualifierMaps = songPool.ToArray();

                            var response = await server.SendUpdateQualifierEvent(targetPair.Key, targetEvent);

                            if (response.Type == Response.ResponseType.Success)
                                await ReplyAsync(embed : ($"Added: {parameters.Beatmap.Name} ({difficulty}) ({characteristic})" +
                                                          $"{(gameOptions != GameOptions.None ? $" with game options: ({gameOptions})" : "")}" +
                                                          $"{(playerOptions != PlayerOptions.None ? $" with player options: ({playerOptions})" : "!")}").SuccessEmbed());
                            else if (response.Type == Response.ResponseType.Fail)
                                await ReplyAsync(embed : response.Message.ErrorEmbed());
                            await ReplyAsync(embed : "Song is already active in the database".ErrorEmbed());
                        BeatSaverDownloader.DownloadSong(hash, async(songPath) =>
                            if (songPath != null)
                                DownloadedSong song = new DownloadedSong(hash);
                                string songName     = song.Name;

                                if (!song.GetBeatmapDifficulties(characteristic).Contains(difficulty))
                                    BeatmapDifficulty nextBestDifficulty = song.GetClosestDifficultyPreferLower(difficulty);

                                    if (SongExists(songPool, hash, characteristic, (int)nextBestDifficulty, (int)gameOptions, (int)playerOptions))
                                        await ReplyAsync(embed: $"{songName} doesn't have {difficulty}, and {nextBestDifficulty} is already in the event".ErrorEmbed());
                                        GameplayParameters parameters = new GameplayParameters
                                            Beatmap = new Beatmap
                                                Name           = songName,
                                                LevelId        = $"custom_level_{hash.ToUpper()}",
                                                Characteristic = new Characteristic
                                                    SerializedName = characteristic
                                                Difficulty = nextBestDifficulty
                                            GameplayModifiers = new GameplayModifiers
                                                Options = gameOptions
                                            PlayerSettings = new PlayerSpecificSettings
                                                Options = playerOptions

                                        targetEvent.QualifierMaps = songPool.ToArray();

                                        var response = await server.SendUpdateQualifierEvent(targetPair.Key, targetEvent);
                                        if (response.Type == Response.ResponseType.Success)
                                            await ReplyAsync(embed: ($"{songName} doesn't have {difficulty}, using {nextBestDifficulty} instead.\n" +
                                                                     $"Added to the song list" +
                                                                     $"{(gameOptions != GameOptions.None ? $" with game options: ({gameOptions})" : "")}" +
                                                                     $"{(playerOptions != PlayerOptions.None ? $" with player options: ({playerOptions})" : "!")}").SuccessEmbed());
                                        else if (response.Type == Response.ResponseType.Fail)
                                            await ReplyAsync(embed: response.Message.ErrorEmbed());
                                    GameplayParameters parameters = new GameplayParameters
                                        Beatmap = new Beatmap
                                            Name           = songName,
                                            LevelId        = $"custom_level_{hash.ToUpper()}",
                                            Characteristic = new Characteristic
                                                SerializedName = characteristic
                                            Difficulty = difficulty
                                        GameplayModifiers = new GameplayModifiers
                                            Options = gameOptions
                                        PlayerSettings = new PlayerSpecificSettings
                                            Options = playerOptions

                                    targetEvent.QualifierMaps = songPool.ToArray();

                                    var response = await server.SendUpdateQualifierEvent(targetPair.Key, targetEvent);
                                    if (response.Type == Response.ResponseType.Success)
                                        await ReplyAsync(embed: ($"{songName} ({difficulty}) ({characteristic}) downloaded and added to song list" +
                                                                 $"{(gameOptions != GameOptions.None ? $" with game options: ({gameOptions})" : "")}" +
                                                                 $"{(playerOptions != PlayerOptions.None ? $" with player options: ({playerOptions})" : "!")}").SuccessEmbed());
                                    else if (response.Type == Response.ResponseType.Fail)
                                        await ReplyAsync(embed: response.Message.ErrorEmbed());
                                await ReplyAsync(embed: "Could not download song.".ErrorEmbed());
                await ReplyAsync(embed : "You do not have sufficient permissions to use this command".ErrorEmbed());
コード例 #2
        public async Task AddSongAsync(string songId, [Remainder] string paramString = null)
            if (IsAdmin())
                //Parse the difficulty input, either as an int or a string
                BeatmapDifficulty difficulty = BeatmapDifficulty.ExpertPlus;

                string difficultyArg = ParseArgs(paramString, "difficulty");
                if (difficultyArg != null)
                    //If the enum conversion doesn't succeed, try it as an int
                    if (!Enum.TryParse(difficultyArg, true, out difficulty))
                        await ReplyAsync("Could not parse difficulty parameter.\n" +
                                         "Usage: addSong [songId] [difficulty]");


                string characteristic = ParseArgs(paramString, "characteristic");
                characteristic = characteristic ?? "Standard";

                GameOptions   gameOptions   = GameOptions.None;
                PlayerOptions playerOptions = PlayerOptions.None;

                //Load up the GameOptions and PlayerOptions
                foreach (GameOptions o in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GameOptions)))
                    if (ParseArgs(paramString, o.ToString()) == "true")
                        gameOptions = (gameOptions | o);

                foreach (PlayerOptions o in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PlayerOptions)))
                    if (ParseArgs(paramString, o.ToString()) == "true")
                        playerOptions = (playerOptions | o);

                //Sanitize input
                if (songId.StartsWith("https://beatsaver.com/") || songId.StartsWith("https://bsaber.com/"))
                    //Strip off the trailing slash if there is one
                    if (songId.EndsWith("/"))
                        songId = songId.Substring(0, songId.Length - 1);

                    //Strip off the beginning of the url to leave the id
                    songId = songId.Substring(songId.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                if (songId.Contains("&"))
                    songId = songId.Substring(0, songId.IndexOf("&"));

                //Get the hash for the song
                var hash = BeatSaverDownloader.GetHashFromID(songId);

                if (OstHelper.IsOst(hash))
                    //if (!Song.Exists(hash, parsedDifficulty, characteristicArg, true))
                    if (!SongExists(Context.Guild.Id, hash, characteristic, (int)difficulty, (int)gameOptions, (int)playerOptions))
                        Song song = new Song
                            Name              = OstHelper.GetOstSongNameFromLevelId(hash),
                            GuildId           = Context.Guild.Id,
                            LevelId           = hash,
                            Characteristic    = characteristic,
                            BeatmapDifficulty = (int)difficulty,
                            GameOptions       = (int)gameOptions,
                            PlayerOptions     = (int)playerOptions
                        await ReplyAsync($"Added: {song.Name} ({difficulty}) ({characteristic})" +
                                         $"{(gameOptions != GameOptions.None ? $" with game options: ({gameOptions.ToString()})" : "")}" +
                                         $"{(playerOptions != PlayerOptions.None ? $" with player options: ({playerOptions.ToString()})" : "!")}");
                        await ReplyAsync("Song is already active in the database");
                    BeatSaverDownloader.DownloadSong(hash, async(songPath) =>
                        if (songPath != null)
                            DownloadedSong song = new DownloadedSong(hash);
                            string songName     = song.Name;

                            if (!song.GetBeatmapDifficulties(characteristic).Contains(difficulty))
                                BeatmapDifficulty nextBestDifficulty = song.GetClosestDifficultyPreferLower(difficulty);

                                if (SongExists(Context.Guild.Id, hash, characteristic, (int)nextBestDifficulty, (int)gameOptions, (int)playerOptions))
                                    await ReplyAsync($"{songName} doesn't have {difficulty}, and {nextBestDifficulty} is already in the database.\n" +
                                                     $"Song not added.");

                                    Song databaseSong = new Song
                                        Name              = OstHelper.GetOstSongNameFromLevelId(hash),
                                        GuildId           = Context.Guild.Id,
                                        LevelId           = hash,
                                        Characteristic    = characteristic,
                                        BeatmapDifficulty = (int)nextBestDifficulty,
                                        GameOptions       = (int)gameOptions,
                                        PlayerOptions     = (int)playerOptions
                                    await ReplyAsync($"{songName} doesn't have {difficulty}, using {nextBestDifficulty} instead.\n" +
                                                     $"Added to the song list" +
                                                     $"{(gameOptions != GameOptions.None ? $" with game options: ({gameOptions})" : "")}" +
                                                     $"{(playerOptions != PlayerOptions.None ? $" with player options: ({playerOptions})" : "!")}");
                                Song databaseSong = new Song
                                    Name              = OstHelper.GetOstSongNameFromLevelId(hash),
                                    GuildId           = Context.Guild.Id,
                                    LevelId           = hash,
                                    Characteristic    = characteristic,
                                    BeatmapDifficulty = (int)difficulty,
                                    GameOptions       = (int)gameOptions,
                                    PlayerOptions     = (int)playerOptions
                                await ReplyAsync($"{songName} ({difficulty}) ({characteristic}) downloaded and added to song list" +
                                                 $"{(gameOptions != GameOptions.None ? $" with game options: ({gameOptions})" : "")}" +
                                                 $"{(playerOptions != PlayerOptions.None ? $" with player options: ({playerOptions})" : "!")}");
                            await ReplyAsync("Could not download song.");